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A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic

Detection of Voice Disorders

Sarika Hegde , *Surendra Shetty, *Smitha Rai, and †Thejaswi Dodderi, *Udupi, and yMangaluru, India

Summary: The human voice production system is an intricate biological device capable of modulating pitch
and loudness. Inherent internal and/or external factors often damage the vocal folds and result in some change of
voice. The consequences are reflected in body functioning and emotional standing. Hence, it is paramount to
identify voice changes at an early stage and provide the patient with an opportunity to overcome any ramification
and enhance their quality of life. In this line of work, automatic detection of voice disorders using machine learn-
ing techniques plays a key role, as it is proven to help ease the process of understanding the voice disorder. In
recent years, many researchers have investigated techniques for an automated system that helps clinicians with
early diagnosis of voice disorders. In this paper, we present a survey of research work conducted on automatic
detection of voice disorders and explore how it is able to identify the different types of voice disorders. We also
analyze different databases, feature extraction techniques, and machine learning approaches used in these
research works.
Key Words: Voice disorder−Pathological voice−Machine learning−Automatic detection−Literature survey

INTRODUCTION development of voice database for automated voice recogni-

Speech is the basic human instinct and voice one among its tion systems. These issues instigated more research in voice
subsystem. Recently, the study of vocalization is coined as recording and voice analysis. The outcome of this is auto-
“Vocology.”1 Normal voice is the acoustic product of pul- matic detection. An automatic voice disorder detection
monary air pulses interacting with the larynx that sets the (AVDD) system can be helpful for both patients and laryng-
adduction of true vocal folds and produces periodic and/or ologists. The patient can use the system for early detection
aperiodic sounds. Often, multiple abusive vocal habits, of voice disorder and the voice pathologist for rehabilitation
commonly referred as vocal hyperfunction, result in voice decisions.
disorders like aphonia (complete loss of voice) and/or dys- The objective of this article is to discuss and present a
phonia (partial loss of voice). To define, voice disorder is detailed analysis of the various voice disorders and machine
anything that deviates “quality, pitch, loudness, and/or learning (ML) techniques used so far, for developing auto-
vocal flexibility” from voices of similar age, gender, and matic systems. The article is organized as follows: in “Voice
social groups.2 Effect of nonmalignant voice disorders are Disorders” section, we discuss various types of voice disor-
not life threatening, but impact of an untreated voice disor- ders. “AVDD System” section describes the architecture of
der can significantly impact social, professional, and per- typical AVDD system; “Voice Disorder Database” section
sonal aspects of communication.3 Clinically, the foundation describes some voice disorder databases that are commonly
of voice therapy is to optimize laryngeal and supralaryngeal used for this kind of research; then, we explore different fea-
muscle tension during voice production in an attempt to ture extraction techniques in “Feature Extraction Techni-
improve vocal efficiency and also enhance resolution of the ques” section; various ML approaches used for voice
vocal fold lesion. Changes in lifestyle and professional disorder detection are discussed in “ML Algorithms” sec-
demands have increased public awareness of the need for tion; we summarize the research works and present a con-
voice care. Citizens now make frequent visits to laryngolo- clusion in “Discussions” and “Conclusions” sections,
gists and voice therapists for maintaining vocal health. Dur- respectively.
ing such visits, it is common to undergo invasive tests like
video or laryngoscopy/stroboscopy, which are both difficult
to administer and expensive. VOICE DISORDERS
Hence, profiling acoustical−perceptual features would Communication science disorders are classified into five cat-
serve as the efficient tool to compare performance variations egories: speech disorders, language disorders, social com-
before and after voice therapy and also adjunct munication disorders, cognitive communication disorders,
and swallowing disorders.4 As per the Classification Man-
Accepted for publication July 10, 2018. ual for Voice Disorders, hyper- and hypofunctional vocal
From the *NMAM Institute of Technology, Udupi, Karnataka, India; and the
yNitte Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India.
fold pathologies are categorized as follows: (i) structural
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Sarika Hegde, CSE Department, lesions, like vocal nodules, vocal polyps; (ii) inflammatory
NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karkala, Udupi, Karnataka, India. E-mail:
conditions like acute laryngitis; (iii) trauma or injury based;
Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 947.e11−947.e33 (iv) systemic conditions, for example, hyperthyroidism and
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Voice Foundation.
hypothyroidism; (v) nonlaryngeal aerodigestive disorders, consisting of reflux disorder and bronchitis among others;
947.e12 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

(vi) psychiatric and psychological disorders, which are func- accuracy is computed. This classification accuracy is taken
tional voice disorder and/or mutism; (vii) neurological con- as a metric for assessing the performance of various AVDD
ditions, for example, adductor palsy, abductor palsy, and systems.
spasmodic dysphonia; (viii) other disorders like muscle ten-
sion dysphonia; and (ix) undiagnosed and otherwise not
Voice disorder database is an essential element in AVDD
Among different vocal fold lesions, mass-based patholo-
system. The dataset consists of voice recordings of both nor-
gies are highly prevalent due to the phonotraumatic impact
mal and pathological voices. The recordings can contain
it delivers on the susceptible multilayered vocal folds. Per-
either sustained vowel phonation or continuous speech. In
sistent tissue inflammation and external influences often
our survey, we have observed that most of the researchers
results in vocal nodule and vocal polyp.6 Under these cir-
have used standard databases, such as Massachusetts Eye
cumstances the vocal fold closure is incomplete, the voice
and Ear Infirmary (MEEI), Saarbruecken Voice Database
production is not economical and perceptually hoarse. On
(SVD), and Arabic Voice Pathology Database (AVPD).
the contrary, in nonphonotraumatic voice disorders, like
The more details about these three databases can be found
muscle tension dysphonia and functional voice disorder,
in Al-nasheri et al.8 Some of the researchers have used pri-
there is no vocal fold lesions, but vocal fatigue, degraded
vate dataset developed in collaboration with local hospitals.
voice quality, and increased laryngeal tension are observ-
Multiparametric assessment protocol is considered ideal FEATURE EXTRACTION TECHNIQUES
for voice evaluation.2,7 Traditionally, a structured approach Feature extraction is the first step in any voice disorder
is essential and it encompasses the following: patient inter- detection system. In this step, the given voice signals are
view, laryngeal imaging by stroboscopy and/or laryngos- converted into representative acoustic features using various
copy, basic aerodynamic assessment, perceptual analysis by digital signal processing techniques. We will now discuss the
standardized psychoacoustic methods, acoustical analysis, most popularly used techniques for acoustic analysis and
and subjective voice evaluation. Considering the recent feature extraction in the related area.
technological advancement, voice scientists have been fore-
front in developing tools for acoustical analysis to differen-
Acoustic analysis
tiate normal voice from those with aphonia and/or
Acoustic analysis is the measurement of sound information
in voice. The results of acoustic analysis could be used for
The aim of such innovations must be to offer economical
measuring the severity of a voice disorder. Some of the
solutions that is sensitive to identify voice changes and
measures associated with acoustic analysis of voice signals
remains reliable across dynamic clinical setups. With due
are as follows:
research in acoustical recording and analysis, the outcome
is automatic detection.
(i) Perturbations in the fundamental pitch period and
peak amplitude.
(ii) Vocal noise included in the signal.
(iii) Cycle-to-cycle wave form variations.
Systems for the automatic detection of voice disorders can
(iv) Average frequency characteristics.
be designed and developed using ML algorithms. Here, the
(v) Transition characteristics of the signal.
voice data need to be preprocessed and converted into a set
of features before applying an ML algorithm. The impor-
The application of acoustic analysis in voice disorder
tant steps to be followed are shown in Figure 1:
detection can be found in Kasuya et al9 and Sonu and
Sharma.10 Multidimensional Voice Program (MDVP) is
1 A given set of voice data, in audio files, need to be
standard software for acoustic analysis and it is most popu-
labeled manually by experts as representing healthy or
larly used in AVDD systems. It is reliable and very compre-
a pathological voice.
hensive. Using MDVP, one can estimate 33 voice
2 Then, the raw audio data in each file are divided into
parameters, which measure frequency related, intensity
short frames and each frame is processed to extract fea-
related, noise related, tremor related, and its perturbations
tures from it.
measures among others.11
3 The set of features extracted from all the frames are
considered as input for the ML algorithms.
Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient
The dataset is divided into training and testing sets by Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) is a standard
randomly selecting the observations belonging to both nor- method for feature extraction that makes use of the knowl-
mal and pathological voices. The training set is used to edge of human auditory system. The general steps for
develop the ML model and the testing set is used to evaluate extracting the MFCC features for a single frame12,13 are as
the model. During the evaluation process, the classification follows:
Sarika Hegde, et al A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection 947.e13

FIGURE 1. Automatic voice disorder detection (AVDD) system.

i. Computation of the discrete Fourier transform coefficients. eliminating the influence of the vocal tract and the voice
ii. Filtering with Mel spaced triangular filter. radiation caused by the mouth, and preserving the glottal
iii. Computation of sub-band energies. flow signal characteristics.15 One of the toolboxes in MAT-
iv. Computation of the discrete cosine transform coefficients. LAB, called Aparat8, was developed especially based on
the Pitch Synchronous Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering
algorithm to obtain the glottal signal parameters. The time-
Linear predictive coefficients domain parameters that can be extracted from glottal flow
In linear predictive (LP) analysis, the first step is to estimate signal are: (i) closing phase, (ii) opening phase, (iii) open
the source signal using inverse filtering. After that, the quotient, (iv) closed quotient, (v) amplitude quotient, (vi)
source signal is used to compute the spectrum. The com- normalized amplitude quotient, (viii) quasi-open quotient,
puted spectrum is used to study the energy distribution in and (ix) speed quotient. The frequency domain parameters
both normal and pathological voices. The number of LP are: (i) difference between harmonics and (ii) harmonics
coefficients is one of the key factors of the LP analysis in richness factor.
order to determine the formant peaks. Because, removing
the effect of the formants from the speech signal will provide
an accurate estimation of the source signal.14
Feature selection/reduction/transformation
Discrete wavelet transform Feature reduction is a preprocessing step in ML. The main
The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) can be used in vari- reason for this is to eliminate repeated and inappropriate
ety of signal processing applications. It is discrete in time features in order to improve the effectiveness of the system.
and scale. The voice is a time variant signal and sometimes The selection of highly useful features from a dataset will
need to be converted into frequency domain for the analysis. reduce the complexity of the learning phase and thereby
DWT is capable of performing a joint time−frequency anal- improves the ability of the classifiers to generalize.16 Some
ysis and also the analysis of high frequency characteristics of of the most commonly used dimensionality reduction tech-
the pathological voices. Hence, it is useful tool for voice dis- niques are as follows:
order detection. The DWT coefficients may have real val-
ues, but the time and scale values used to index these (i) Principal component analysis (PCA)
coefficients are integers.82,93 (ii) Linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
(iii) Genetic algorithm
(iv) Higher order singular value decomposition
Glottal flow signal parameters (v) Relief
The glottal flow signal can be obtained by performing an (vi) Minimum redundancy maximum relevance
inverse filtering of the voice signal, which consists of (vii) Fisher discrimination ratio (FDR)
947.e14 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

ML ALGORITHMS Oliveira Rosa et al23 used the residue (extracted using

Research works in the area of pathological voice detection inverse filtering) and some acoustic features with a statistical
and classification started in early 1980s when pattern recog- method to discriminate healthy from pathological voices.
nition and ML techniques were not much advanced and The best discrimination ability obtained was 54.79% using
popular. There are few works carried out using basic techni- jitter and prototype distribution neural map—PDM(X).
ques like distance measure, vector quantization (VQ), and Watts et al24 evaluated the fundamental frequency, jitter,
statistical analysis, etc. However, in recent days, ML algo- shimmer, long-term frequency, and amplitude variability of
rithms are popularly used for detection of pathological a voice of a professional singer with vocal fold edema before
voice based on the computed acoustic features of the input and after medication. They observed an increase in funda-
signal. In this section, we will first discuss the significant mental frequency (f0) and large decreases in jitter, shimmer,
research works that has not used specific ML algorithms. long-term frequency, and amplitude variability after medi-
Later, we discuss the research works based on ML techni- cation. Guido et al25 compared the performances of differ-
ques categorized into hidden Markov model (HMM), ent DWTs like Haar, Daubechies, Coiflets, Symmlets, and
Gaussian mixture model (GMM), support vector machine Spikelet in discriminating normal and pathological voices
(SVM), artificial neural networks (ANN), decision trees, lin- using a threshold method. The highest classification accu-
ear classifier, K-means clustering, and combined classifiers. racy obtained was 90% with Spikelet. Umapathy et al26 pro-
Deller and Anderson17 have used inverse filtering for clas- posed a joint time−frequency analysis approach for
sification and assessment of laryngeal dysfunction using the classifying pathological voices, in which speech signals were
roots of digital inverse filter. The z-plane roots and a vector decomposed using an adaptive time−frequency transform
of pattern features are further processed by an automatic algorithm, and several features such as the octave max,
clustering procedure. They were able to demonstrate the octave mean, energy ratio, length ratio, and frequency ratio
ability of inverse filter technique to identify the simulated were extracted from the decomposition parameters and ana-
anomalous laryngeal behavior reflected in the speech signal. lyzed using statistical pattern classification techniques. The
Childers and Bae18 have developed two methods for the classification accuracy achieved was 93.4%. Zhang et al27
detection of laryngeal pathology: (1) a spectral distortion have concluded in their paper that combining traditional
measure, using pitch synchronous and asynchronous meth- perturbation analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis might
ods with linear predictive coding (LPC) vectors and VQ; provide efficient descriptions of pathological voices and rep-
and (2) analysis of the Electroglottograph (EGG) signal resent a valuable tool for clinical diagnosis of laryngeal
using time interval and amplitude difference measures. paralysis.
These two methods achieved 75.9% and 69.0% probability Neto et al28 developed a noninvasive method for detect-
of pathological detection respectively. Cairns et al19 have ing vocal fold edema using LPC, LPC-based cepstral coef-
proposed a noninvasive method to detect the hypernasality ficients, and MFCC with a vector-quantizing-trained
in speech based on a nonlinear operator called Teager distance classifier. They achieved classification accuracies
Energy Operator. They classified the normal and hypernasal of up to 85%, 80%, and 52% respectively with these fea-
voices based on probability distribution function. The maxi- tures. Gomez-Vilda et al29,30 described a method for voice
mum classification accuracy was 94.7%. Accardo and pathology detection using biomechanical parameters with
Mumolo20 described an algorithm using fractal dimension statistical methods like hierarchical clustering, PCA, and
parameters, energy ratio and zero-crossing features. Dis- LDA. They claim that biomechanical parameters com-
tance matrix of those features is used for comparing the nor- bined with acoustic parameters can be efficiently used to
mal and pathological voices. The fractal dimension, energy detect voice pathology. Zhang and Jiang31 investigated the
ratio, and zero crossing features obtained classification acoustic characteristics of sustained and running vowels
accuracy of 96.1%, 92.1%, and 94.1%, respectively. from normal subjects and patients with laryngeal patholo-
Parsa and Jamieson21 investigated glottal noise measures gies. Perturbation methods (including jitter and shimmer),
(signal-to-noise ratio, harmonic-to-noise ratio [HNR], nor- signal-to-noise ratio, and nonlinear dynamic methods
malized noise energy, frequency domain HNR, pitch ampli- (such as correlation dimension and second-order entropy)
tude, and spectral flatness ratio) as features for classifying were used to analyze sustained and running vowels. Mann-
healthy and pathological voices. They classified the meas- Whitney rank sum tests showed a statistically significant
ures of two different classes by comparing (i) probability difference between pathological and normal voices. Fontes
distribution of measures, (ii) ranking of measures, (iii) et al32 have illustrated that the existing feature extraction
Receiver Operating Characteristic of each measure. The and classification for voice pathology detection are com-
highest classification rate obtained was 96.5%. Hadjito- plex and hence, not feasible to be applied for real-time sys-
dorov et al22 proposed an approach based on modeling of tem. They proposed a novel simple low-complexity
the probability density functions of the input vectors of the approach for the detection and classification of laryngeal
normal and pathological speakers by means of prototype pathologies using a feature, correntropy spectral density.
distribution maps (PDM) and achieved 95.1% classification The voice samples from MEEI database are classified
accuracy. The features like, pitch period, shape of the pitch using a simple measure of Euclidian distance with a success
pulse, HNR, low-to-high energy ratio, etc. are used. de rate of 97%.
Sarika Hegde, et al A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection 947.e15

In the next section, we discuss the research works carried They illustrated that the important features like voice onset
based on the specific ML algorithms. All the papers are and voice offset attributes, which contributes significantly
summarized in Table 1 with the details as author names, in detection of voice disorders, are ignored in case of sus-
database used, list of features extracted, type of voice disor- tained vowels input. Hence, they worked on continuous
der detected, ML algorithm used, and the accuracy. We dis- speech domain rather than sustained vowels and have pro-
cuss only the significant research works based on accuracy posed a novel feature extraction method, multidirectional
(above 90%) and highlight the same in the table. regression, which takes into account consonant and vowel
locations, formant transitions, and voice onset and offset
distributions for continuous speech. The features are classi-
fied using GMM with 99% accuracy. Similarly, Ali et al40
HMM is used to model the spectral variability of each
have proposed a method for pathological voice detection
speech sound using a mixture Gaussian distribution.33−35
and pathology classification using GMM classifier for run-
HMM acts as a stochastic finite state machine, which is
ning speech voice dataset from MEEI database. They have
assumed to be built from a finite set of possible states (hid-
computed auditory spectrum and all-pole model-based
den during evaluation) and each of those states are associ-
cepstral coefficients features based on the set of three psy-
ated with a mixture of Gaussian probability density
chophysics conditions of hearing (critical band spectral esti-
mation, equal loudness haring curve, and the intensity
The study in Gavidia-Ceballos and Hansen37 has proposed
loudness power of law of hearing). The features are visual-
a method for vocal fold cancer detection using HMM. They
ized and analyzed using GMM classifier to differentiate
have discussed the computation of new features characteriz-
between normal and pathological voices and also further
ing pathology, termed enhanced spectral-pathology compo-
classified into types like adductor, keratosis, vocal nodules,
nent, which does not require the estimation of glottal flow
vocal fold polyp, and paralysis. The highest accuracy for
waveform as in other works in the literature. An iterative
pathology detection and pathology classification with audi-
procedure-based estimation−maximization is used to fit the
tory spectrum is 93.33% (adductor), respectively. Accuracy
features into a stochastic model, HMM is evaluated on the
for the same with all-pole model-based cepstral coefficients
speech recordings from healthy and vocal fold cancer
is 99.56% and 89.47%, respectively. The important observa-
patients of sustained vowel sounds. The highest accuracy for
tions made in their work are as follows. Even though the lit-
healthy and pathological voices is 92.8% and 88.7%, respec-
erature works have demonstrated a very good accuracy for
tively, with finer spectral representation of enhanced spec-
database with sustained vowels, the amount of work carried
tral-pathology component. Similarly, HMM is used by
on running speech is less and also it is a challenging task.
Arias-Londo~ no et al38 for feature space transformation of
They have stressed on the importance of research work with
MFCC and short-term noise parameter features. The main
continuous speech database as it is more realistic due to the
drawbacks of conventional feature space transformation
usage in conversations in daily life. The processing of con-
(such as PCA and MDA) are inconsistencies in feature
tinuous speech requires voice activity detection (VAD)
extraction and classification stages, and these methods do
activity, which is most challenging task and hence, results in
not take into account the temporal dependencies among the
low performance. The authors have proposed features that
observations, considering the observations independent. To
can be computed without VAD. Based on the literature sur-
overcome this, new technique is proposed in which transfor-
vey, they have also stated that MFCC is a good feature for
mation and classification stage can be obtained simulta-
pathology detection but not in the case of pathology classifi-
neously and the parameters of the model can be adjusted
cation. Overall, they have claimed to propose a method that
with a criterion that minimizes the classification error. The
outperforms the performance of existing running speech
technique is applied on MEEI database with an accuracy of
database experiments without the need of VAD. They also
claim that the features are visually appealing and could be
used by clinicians directly for assessment, making the use of
GMM GMM classifier as optional.
GMM is used to model the probability distribution of fea- Ali et al41 have proposed a system for voice disorder
ture values, which are continuous in nature. The voice detection using GMM, where they detect the voice disorder
acoustic measures are continuous. Hence, it is suitable to by determining the source signal from the speech through
model the voice characteristics. GMM parameters are the linear prediction analysis. The spectrum computed using
estimated during training using expectation−maximiza- the features obtained from LP analysis provides the distri-
tion iterative algorithm or maximum a posteriori algo- bution of energy in both normal and pathological voices,
rithm. which will be used to differentiate them. They have
Muhammad et al39 have used GMM in their paper for observed that lower frequencies from 1 to 1562 Hz contrib-
classification of voice recordings (Arabic Digits) of patients ute significantly in the detection of voice disorders. The sys-
with six types of voice disorders, namely vocal fold cysts, tem is tested with both sustained vowels and running speech
laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, spasmodic dysphonia, and achieved accuracy of 99.94% and 99.75 § 0.8, respec-
sulcus vocalis, vocal fold nodules, and vocal fold polyps. tively.
Summary of Research Works Related to Voice Disorder Detection and Classification
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
1 Gavidia-Ceballos and Sustained vowel phonation Enhanced spectral- Vocal fold cancer HMM 92.8 for healthy and 88.7
Hansen37 pathology component for pathological
2 Martinez and Rufiner83 Not mentioned Cepstrum, mel-cepstrum, Not mentioned ANN 91.30
delta cepstrum and
delta mel-cepstrum, and
Fast Fourier Transform
3 Dibazar et al84 MEEI MFCC and measures of Adductor spasmodic dys- HMM 99.44%
pitch dynamics phonia, A−P squeezing,
paresis, gastric reflux,
hyper-function paraly-
sis, keratosis/
4 Hadjitodorov and MEEI Shimmer, jitter, and sev- Not mentioned K Nearest Neigh- 96.1
Mitev69 eral harmonics-to-noise bor (KNN)
5 Ritchings et al60 Christie and Withington Short-term + long-term Laryngeal cancer MLP 92
hospitals in Manchester parameters
6 Nayak and Bhat85 Kay Elemetrics Corporation Normalized energy Paralysis Multilayer ANN 90
7 Ananthakrishna et al86 MEEI Energy spectrum Adductor, cyst, leukopla- KNN 89.19
kia, vocal fold polyp,
polyp degenerative,
vocal fold edema, vocal
8 Godino-Llorente and MEEI MFCC Glottis cancer LVQ MLP 96 with LVQ
9 Behroozmand and Local database Wavelet packet sub-band Edema, nodules, and ANN SVM 94.12 with Entropy
Almasganj87 and MFCC polyp
10 Fonseca et al88 A sustained Brazilian Portu- Daubechies discrete Vocal cord nodules SVM 95%

Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

guese phoneme /a/ wavelet transform
11 Godino-Llorente et al89 MEEI Short-term cepstral and Not mentioned SVM 95.0 § 1.8
noise parameters
12 Moran et al90 MEEI Wavelet transformation Hyperfunctioning of vocal ANN 85
patterns fold
13 Moran et al91 Voice recordings from the Pitch perturbation, ampli- Neuromuscular disorders Linear classifier 87, 78, 61 for three types
Disordered tude perturbation, and Physical abnormalities of disorders mentioned
Voice Database Model harmonic-to-noise ratio Mixed pathology voice
4337 system
Sarika Hegde, et al
TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
14 o Schlotthauer et al92 Not mentioned Acoustical measurements Spasmodic dysphonia ANN 98.94
and muscle tension
15 Behroozmand and MEEI Energy and entropy Unilateral vocal fold SVM with linear 100
Almasganj43 features paralysis kernel
16 Crovato and Schuck62 PUCRS Hospital Wavelet packet transform Reinke’s edema, degener- ANN 87.5−100

A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection

ative edema
17 Fonseca et al93 Voice signals with sustained Daubechies’ discrete Not mentioned Least squares 90
Brazilian Portuguese pho- wavelet transforms SVM
nemes /a/ (DWT-db), linear predic-
tion coefficients (LPC)
18 Kukharchik et al94 Local database Modified wavelet - SVM 99%
19 Shama and Cholayya70 MEEI Harmonics-to-noise ratio Adductor, paralysis , cyst KNN 94.38 with energy
(HNR) measure and the leukoplakia, vocal fold spectrum
critical-band energy polyp, polyp degenera-
spectrum tive, vocal fold edema,
vocal nodule
20 Aguiar Neto et al95 MEEI LPC, Cepastal (CEP), Mel Vocal fold edema, cysts, Vector-quantizing- 98
cepstral (MEL) features nodules, and paralysis trained distance
21 Gelzinis et al75 University Hospital of Kau- Pitch and amplitude per- Diffuse and nodular KNN SVM 95.5 with SVM
nas University of Medi- turbation measures,
cine, Lithuania cepstral energy fea-
tures, autocorrelation
features, and linear pre-
diction cosine transform
22 Linder et al96 ChariteBerlin, Campus Ben- Jitter, shimmer, standard Not mentioned ANN 80
jamin Franklin deviation of fundamen-
tal frequency, and the
glottal-to-noise excita-
tion ratio
23 Murugesapandian et MEEI Mel-scaled wavelet Vocal fold edema, gastric ANN 95.75%
al97 packet transform reflux, and vocal fold
24 Salhi et al98 National Hospital “Rabta- Wavelet transform Neural and vocal patholo- Neural networks Between 70% and 100%.
Tunis” gies (Parkinson, Alz-
heimer, laryngeal,

25 Ghoraani and MEEI Time−frequency Variety of diseases K means 98.6
Krishnan73 distribution
TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
26 Hariharan et al99 MEEI Mel Frequency Band Variety of diseases LDA and KNN 98.48 with LDA
Energy Coefficients 99.59 with KNN
(MFBECs) combined
with singular value
27 Kotropoulos and MEEI LPC Vocal fold paralysis in Linear classifier 68.8
Arce100 men and edema in with reject
women option
28 Markaki and MEEI and Normalized modulation - SVM 94.1 with MEEI
Stylianou101 Pr{ncipe de Asturias (PdA) spectral features
29 Markaki and MEEI Modulation spectral Polyp, adductor, Kerato- SVM 94.1 for pathology detec-
Stylianou102 features sis, nodules tion and 88.6 for pathol-
ogy classification
30 ~ o et al38
Arias-London MEEI MFCC and short-term Organic, neurological, HMM 96.6
cnica de noise parameters
Universidad Polite and traumatic disorders.
Madrid (UPM) UPM contained nod-
ules, polyps, edemas,
31 Das76 National Centre for Voice Variable selection using Parkinson’s disease Neural networks, 92.9% with neural
and Speech, Denver, regression DMneural, network
Colorado regression, and
decision tree
32 Markaki et al103 MEEI and Pr{ncipe de Astu- Combination of modula- Dysphonia, nodules, pol- SVM 96.37% with MEEI
rias (PdA) tion spectral features yps, and edema
and MFCC
33 Arias-Londono et al77 MEEI Nonlinear features Variety of diseases GMM 98.23
34 Arjmandi et al78 MEEI Long-time features Not mentioned SVM 94.26
35 Carvalho et al104 ~o Carlos of the University Wavelet transform
Sa Vocal fold nodules, ANN 90.53
of Sa~o Paulo, Brazil Reinke’s edema, and

Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

neurological dysphonia
36 de Bruijn et al105 Local dataset Features of nasalance Oral cancer ANN -
37 Hariharan et al63 MEEI Time-domain variation Vocal fold paralysis and Probabilistic neu- 90
edema ral network
38 Lee et al106 Japanese Society of Logo- Higher order statistics Various types of voice Classification and 88.7
pedics and Phoniatrics analysis disorders that lead to regression tree
roughness and (CART)
39 Markaki and MEEI Modulation spectrum Vocal nodules, vocal SVM 94.1
Stylianou44 polyp, keratosis, adduc-
tor, paralysis
Sarika Hegde, et al
TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
40 Saeedi et al45 MEEI Wavelet filter banks Spasmodic dysphonia, SVM 100
gastric reflux, keratosis,
paralysis, nodules,
polyp, and edema
41 Uloza et al47 Kaunas University of Medi- Pitch and amplitude per- Nodular and diffuse SVM 90
cine, Kaunas, Lithuania turbation measures, fre- lesion

A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection

quency features, mel-
frequency features,
cepstral energy fea-
tures, MFCC, HNR spec-
tral, HNR cepstral, linear
prediction coefficients,
and linear prediction
cosine transform
42 Arjmandi and Pooyan46 MEEI Short-time Fourier Trans- Vocal fold cyst , vocal fold SVM 100% with WPT features
form, continuous wave- nodules, vocal fold
let transform, and edema, and vocal fold
wavelet packet paralysis
43 Muhammad et al39 Arabic digits Multidirectional Regres- Vocal fold cysts, laryngo- GMM 99
sion (MDR)-based pharyngeal reflux dis-
features ease, spasmodic
dysphonia, sulcus
vocalis, vocal fold nod-
ules, and vocal fold
44 Tsanas et al107 National Center for Voice Dysphonia features Parkinson’s disease SVM 99
and Speech (NCVS)
45 Ali et al108 King Abdul Aziz University MFCC Cyst, polyp, sulcus GMM 91.66
Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi vocalis, nodules, and
Arabia paralysis
46 Alsulaiman et al109 King Saud University, Relative Spectral trans- Cyst, GERD, Polyp, and Multiclass SVM 100
Riyadh form perceptual linear sulcus

TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
47 Belalcazar-Bolanos et Universidad de Antioquia in Harmonics-to-noise ratio Parkinson’s disease KNN 66.57
al110 Medellın, Colombia (HNR), normalized noise
energy (NNE), cepstral
HNR (CHNR), and glot-
tal-to-noise excitation
ratio (GNE)
48 Holi111 J.S.S. Hospital, Mysore MFCC Parkinson’s disease, cere- Multilayer neural 92
bellar demyelination, network
stroke and senile
49 Kaleem et al72 MEEI (continuous speech) Empirical mode Not mentioned Linear classifier 95.7
50 Majidnezhad and Belarusian Republican Cen- Wavelet packet decompo- Various diseases ANN 91.54
Kheidorov112 tre of Speech, Voice and sition and MFCC
Hearing Pathologies
51 Saldanha et al113 Kay Elemetrics Corporation MFCC Not mentioned LDA 93.14
52 Vikram and Umarani114 Local database (AIISH Wavelet-based MFCC Parkinson’s disease, Hybrid classifier 96.61
Mysore) vocal fold paralysis, (GMM-universal
nodules, edema background
model and SVM)
53 Akbari and Arjmandi64 MEEI Wavelet-packet-based A−P squeezing, gastric Multilayer neural 96.67 with energy fea-
energy and entropy reflux , and network tures 97.33% with
hyperfunction entropy features
54 Al-nasheri et al11 MEEI SVD Peak and lag features Not mentioned GMM 97 with MEEI
55 Cordeiro et al115 MEEI LPC of 30th order Nodules, edema, paraly- Decision tree 94.2
sis, polyps, keratosis
56 Fezari et al116 German database MFCC with energy Spasmodic dysphonia GMM 79.92 for pathological and
developed by Putzer features 81.90 for normal
57 El Emary et al117 St. Theresa’s clinic of Cari- MFCC with energy Neuroloogical disorders GMM 82.14% for pathological
tas in Saarbru€ cken, Saar- features. and 82.6 for normal

Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

land University, Institute
of acoustics in Germany.
58 Hariharan et al79 UCI machine learning - Parkinson’s disease Probablistic neural 100
database network, general
regression neu-
ral network, and
Sarika Hegde, et al
TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
59 Jothilakshmi80 Rajah Muthiah Medical Col- MFCC and LPC Cerebral palsy, dysar- GMM 95.74
lege Hospital, Annamalai thria, hearing impair-
University ments, laryngectom,
mental retardation, left-
side paralysis, quadripa-
resis, stammering,

A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection

stroke, tumour in vocal
60 Muhammad and MEEI MPEG-7 Variety of voice disorders SVM 100
61  et al118
Novotny Local database Features describing six Parkinson’s disease SVM. 80
different articulatory
aspects of speech
62 Ali et al40 MEEI APS and APCC Variety of voice disorders GMM 99.56
63 Al-nasheri et al11 AVPD MDVP parameters Cyst, nodules, paralysis, SVM 81.33
polyp, and sulcus
64 Cordeiro et al119 MEEI Mel-line spectrum Edema, Nodules, GMM 77.9
frequencies Paralysis
65  pez-de-Ipina et al120
Lo Linear parameters Alzheimer’s disease KNN MLP 87.30
66 Orozco- Arroyave et Local Stability measures spec- Parkinson’s disease, Gaussian Kernel 81−99
al50 tral−cepstral features laryngeal pathologies, SVM 95−99
cleft lip and plate
67 Rani and Holi121 J.S.S. Hospital, Mysore MFCC Parkinson’s disease, cere- GMM 89.5
bellar demyelination,
and stroke
68 Saidi and Almasganj49 MEEI M-band wavelet Vocal fold paralysis, vocal SVM with a linear 100
fold paresis, nodules, kernel
polyps, and edema
69 Salehi122 MEEI Parameters of lifting Paralysis, Paresis, edema, SVM 98.30
scheme nodules, polyp, and
70 squez-Correa et al123 Universidad de Antioquia,
Va Voiced and unvoiced Parkinson’s disease SVM 64−86 (voiced)
in Medellın, Colombia features 78−99 (unvoiced)
71 Agarwal et al124 UCI machine learning Six types of dysphonia Parkinson’s disease ELM 90.76
repository parameters including
frequency (jitter), pulse,
amplitude (shimmer),
voicing, harmonicity,
and pitch parameters

72 Aicha and Ezzine125 SVD Glottal flow parameters Larynx cancer ANN 96.9
TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
73 Ali et al53 King Abdul Aziz University Voice contour Cysts, laryngopharyngeal SVM 100
reflux disease, unilateral
vocal fold paralysis, pol-
yps, and sulcus vocalis
74 Ali et al54 MEEI MDVP parameters with Not mentioned SVM 94.71
fractal dimension
75 Benba et al51 Local Database MFCC Parkinson’s disease SVM 100
76 Benba et al52 Local Database MFCC, perceptual linear Parkinson’s disease and Linear SVM 90
prediction, and ReAli- other neurological
tive SpecTrAl PLP diseases
77 Chen et al65 UCI machine learning Feature reduction using Parkinson’s disease ELM 95.97
repository mRMR, Information
gain, relief
78 Francis et al126 MEEI and local dataset Modified Mellin trans- Polyps, cyst, vocal fold ANN 96.48
form of log spectrum cancer, presbylarynx,, 95.92
nodules and laryngo
pharyngeal reflux
79 Hammami et al127 Svd Pitch and three first Acute laryngitis, adductor SVM 86%
formants spasmodic, vocal
fatigue, vocal tremor,
vocal fold edema, laryn-
geal paralysis
80 Hemmerling et al71 SVD Fundamental frequency, Hyperfunctional dyspho- Random Forest 100
jitter and shimmer coef- nia, vocal cord paresis
ficients, energy, 0-, 1-, 2- and other pathologies
, 3-order moment, kurto- mentioned in the
sis, power factor, 1-, 2-, database
and 3-formants ampli-
tude, 1-, 2-, and 3-for-

Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

mants frequency,
maximum and mini-
mum value of the signal
and 10 MFCC
81 Kohler et al15 Rio de Janeiro Glottal flow signal param- Nodule, paralysis ANN 96.6
eters and HMM 92
82 Muhammad et al55 MEEI Features extracted from Cyst, paralysis, polyp SVM 99.22 § 0.01
SVD the vocal tract area 94.7 § 0.21
Sarika Hegde, et al
TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
83 Shahsavari et al128 Parkinson’s disease dataset Practicle swarm optimiza- Parkinson’s disease ELM 88.72
tion based feature
84 Sharma and Gupta129 Local database ECP (energy between Parkinson’s disease SVM 86
consecutive peaks) and
Automatic Speech Rec-

A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection

ognition (ASR) (average
slew rate)
85 Wang et al130 People’s Liberation Army Multidimensional acous- Vocal fold lesions, vocal ELM 89.79
General Hospital tic features based on cord paralysis, aryte-
Grade, Roughness, noid granuloma, pre-
Breathiness, Asthenia, cancerous vocal cord
Strain (GRBAS) lesions, vocal cord carci-
noma and laryngecto-
mized speech
86 Ali et al41 MEEI LPC Variety of voice disorders GMM 99.94
(sustained vowel) 99.75
§ 0.8
87 Al-nasheri et al8 SVD MDVP Cysts, paralysis, polyps ṢVM 99.68%, 88.21%, and
MEEI 72.53% for the three
AVPD mentioned databases,
88 Al-nasheri et al56 MEEI Peak and lag values are Cysts, paralysis, polyps ṢVM 99.255, 98.941 , and
SVD extracted using correla- 95.188 for the three
AVPD tion functions mentioned databases,
89 Amami and Smiti58 MEEI Density-based spatial Paralysis, keratosis, vocal SVM with RBF 98
clustering of applica- polyp, adductor kernel
tions with noise
(DBSCAN) clustering
technique to detect
90 Benba et al131 Local database Features extracted from Parkinson’s disease SVM 88% with KNN
the time, frequency, and KNN
cepstral domains
91 Cordeiro et al57 MEEI MFCC, line spectral Vocal fold nodule, edema, Heirarchical 98.7
frequencies paralysis classifier

TABLE 1. (Continued )
Sl. No. Author Database Feature Extraction Voice Disorder Type ML Technique Best Accuracy (%)
92 Dahmani and Guerti132 SVD MFCC, jitter, shimmer, Spasmodic dysphonia NBN 90
and fundamental and paralysis diseases
93 Muhammad et al133 MEEI, SVD, and AVPD Interlaced derivative Vocal folds cysts, unilat- ṢVM 88.5% for detection and
pattern eral vocal fold paralysis, 90.3% for classification
and vocal fold polyp
94 Shia and Jayasree134 SVD Discrete wavelet Not mentioned Feed forward neu- 93.3
transform ral network
95 Teixeira et al67 SVD Jitter, shimmer, and har- Not mentioned ANN 100 for female voices and
monic-to-noise ratio 90 for male voices
96 Harar et al135 SVD - Not mentioned Deep neural 71.36
97 Holi81 - MFCC fused with time Neurological voice Hybrid classifier 94.3
domain parameters disorder (GM
M and SVM)
98 Al-nasheri et al59 MEEI Frequency bands Vocal fold cysts, unilat- SVM 99.54
SVD eral vocal fold paralysis, 99.53
AVPD vocal fold polyps 96.02

Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

Abbreviations: LVQ, learning vector quantization; mRMR, minimum redundancy maximum relevance; RBF, radial basis function; UCI, University of California, Irvine.
Sarika Hegde, et al A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection 947.e25

SVM classification of voice recordings using SVM. They have

SVM has its roots in statistical learning theory and has considered pitch and amplitude perturbation measures, fre-
shown promising results in many practical applications, quency features, mel-frequency features, cepstral energy fea-
which work very well for high-dimensional data.42 The tures, MFCCs, autocorrelation features, HNR in spectral
basic idea here is to construct a hyperplane with a maximum domain (HNR spectral), HNR in cepstral domain (HNR
margin that separates the features of different classes by rep- cepstral), LP coefficients, and LP cosine transform (LPCT)
resenting the decision boundary is represented as a set of coefficients. They have classified normal, nodular, and dif-
support vectors. fuse lesion voices and achieved over 90% accuracy using
Behroozmand and Almasganj43 have investigated the role sequential committee of SVM. The researchers have com-
of energy and entropy features, extracted using wavelet pared the results of proposed method with three human
packet decomposition for the speech signal with unilateral experts and observed that, using only sustained vowels as
vocal fold paralysis. The extracted features are optimized information source, the proposed method is significantly
using genetic algorithm and classified using SVM with lin- better than human experts.
ear kernel. Accuracy of 100% is achieved with entropy fea- Muhammad and Melhem48 have done a contribution in
tures and 93.62% with energy features. Number of active their paper, by evaluating MPEG-7 audio low-level features
sub-bands obtained for the entropy features is 32, whereas it for pathology detection and classification. They have also
is 11 for energy features. The highest recognition rate is used an FDR for feature selection. The features are classi-
achieved by using set of 13 active sub-band entropy fea- fied using SVM with 99.99% accuracy for pathology detec-
tures. Therefore, the researchers have concluded that the tion and up to 100% accuracy for pathology classification
entropy features provided the valuable tool for diagnosis of among the four diseases, nodules, polyp, keratosis, and
laryngeal paralysis. adductor together with paralysis and nonparalysis classifica-
Markaki and Stylianou44 have applied SVM classifier on tion. Saidi and Almasganj49 proposed a method for classifi-
set of sustained vowel voice recordings from MEEI data- cation of normal and pathological voices with M-band
base for pathology detection and reported an accuracy of wavelet as feature extraction technique and linear kernel
94.1%. They have briefly analyzed the various signal proc- SVM classifier. They have investigated the optimum four
essing methods for feature extraction from voice and also and five band wavelets and achieved 100% accuracy.
mentioned the challenges involved in some of the techniques Orozco- Arroyave et al50 have considered three types of
like accurate estimation of fundamental frequency, glottal voice disorders that includes Parkinson's disease (PD),
waveform, etc. They have used a joint acoustic and modula- laryngeal pathologies, cleft lip and palate (CLP). Since the
tion frequency representation, referred as modulation spec- characteristics and symptoms of the considered pathology
trum, along with dimensionality reduction for detection and are very different, they have proposed different strategies
classification of voice disorders. These patterns of amplitude for modeling these pathologies. The voice signals are ana-
modulations are expected to be distorted when voice pathol- lyzed with four different methods including noise content
ogy is present and hence, provide clues for its detection and measures, spectral−cepstral modeling, nonlinear features,
classification. It is concluded that, even though the results and the measurements to quantify the stability of the funda-
are encouraging, more experiments need to be done on mental frequency. The main objective of their work is to
dataset from different hospitals for everyday clinical use of advance the interpretation and analysis of different voice
such systems. Saeedi et al45 proposed a wavelet-based pathologies. The classification experiments are performed
method to discriminate between normal and pathological on six databases using SVM with classification accuracies
voices by extracting eight energy features from the wavelet ranging from 81% to 99%. Based on the experimental
filter banks in which filter banks are constructed using lat- results, they have stressed on the importance of understand-
tice factorization. They have used SVM classifier to classify ing the origin and organ/tissues involved in pathology dis-
the voice samples from MEEI database and one private ease for deciding the characterization of voice recordings.
database obtaining 100% classification accuracy for both For example, the periodicity features could be appropriate
the databases. Arjmandi and Pooyan46 have done the com- for related to the stability of vocal fold vibration and noise
parative analysis of feature extraction techniques like short- content features or spectral and cepstral modeling will be
time Fourier transform, continuous wavelet transforms, suitable for problems related to hoarseness. It is also men-
and wavelet packet transform (WPT) with feature reduction tioned that the proposed methods in the paper have limita-
techniques, PCA and LDA and SVM classifier. The tions and more experiments can be done using techniques
researchers found that entropy features in the sixth level of like deep neural networks.
WPT decomposition along with LDA and SVM is the most Benba et al51 have discriminated PD and healthy voices
optimum algorithm leading to the recognition rate of 100%. with MFCC features from three types of sustained vowels
Due to the nonlinearity and randomness behavior of patho- (/a/, /o/, and /u/). To extract voiceprint, they have com-
logical voices, entropy measures lead to a good discrimina- pressed the frames of the MFCC by calculating their aver-
tion of normal and pathological voices as entropy is a age value. It is reported that voiceprint is a good parameter
statistical measure of randomness. Uloza et al47 have inves- for the detection of voice disorder in the context of PD and
tigated the effectiveness of different feature sets in the sustained vowel /u/ contains more discriminative analysis
947.e26 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

than other types of voice recordings. The proposed method using FDR technique. A t test is performed to find out any sig-
has achieved the 100% accuracy with MLP kernel of SVM. nificant differences in means of normal and pathological sam-
Similarly, in Benba et al,52 they have discriminated between ples. They have observed a clear difference in the performance
PD and other neurological disorders by extracting MFCC, of MDVP parameters using three databases. The highly ranked
perceptual linear prediction, and ReAlitive SpecTrAl PLP parameters also changed from one database to another and the
from voice samples. They obtained 90% classification accu- best accuracies obtained are 99.68%, 88.21%, and 72.53% for
racy using the first 11 coefficients of the PLP and linear the SVD, MEEI, and AVPD, respectively. Al-nasheri et al56
SVM kernels. Ali et al53 have proposed a novel method have performed a voice pathology detection and classification
based on the voice intensity of a speech signal of continuous on different frequency regions using correlation functions and
speech using SVM classifier. A voice contour is formed by SVM classifier. The peak and their corresponding lag values are
determining the peaks from the speech signals. The area estimated using correlation functions. These features are experi-
under the voice contour is used to discriminate between nor- mented on different frequency bands to investigate the contribu-
mal and disordered subjects. Generally, the area under the tion of each band on the automatic detection and classification
voice contour of disordered voices is lower than that of nor- process. It is reported that the frequency bands between 100
mal voices. The advantage of the proposed feature is that it and 8000 Hz contributes more in detection and classification of
does not require the estimation of fundamental frequency. voice disorders. The accuracies of detection and classification
They have used the database obtained from the King Abdul varied from one database to another. The best detection rate
Aziz University, which consists of voice recordings of vocal obtained for MEEI, SVD, and AVPD databases are 99.809%,
folds cysts, laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, vocal folds 90.979%, and 91.168% and that of classification rates are
polyps, unilateral vocal folds paralysis, and sulcus vocalist 99.255%, 98.941%, and 95.188%, respectively. Cordeiro et al57
patients as well as normal person with a classification accu- have designed three-level hierarchical SVM classifier using
racy of 100%. Ali et al54 proposed a multiband approach Gaussian kernel that is trained in a way that first level SVM
for the detection of voice disorders suing SVM. This multi- classify physiological larynx pathologies and healthy voices, sec-
band approach is based on a three-level DWT and in each ond classifier was used to compare neuromuscular larynx
band, fractal dimension (FD) of the power spectrum is esti- pathologies and healthy voices, whereas third model was used
mated. Experiments are done by appending MDVP param- to compare physiological larynx pathologies and neuromuscu-
eters with FD. They have used MEEI database, which lar larynx pathologies. Both sustained vowel and continuous
contains 173 pathological and 53 normal voices. Since 5 out speech database are used as input to extract MFCC and line
of 173 pathological voices did not contain MDVP parame- spectral frequencies features. The hierarchical classifier has
ters, they used only 168 pathological voices. The results are achieved an accuracy of 98.7% for voice pathology identifica-
expressed in term of sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE), tion, whereas 81.3% for classification of two classes of
accuracy (ACC), and the area under the curve. They unhealthy voices.
observed an improvement of 2.26% in accuracy and 1.45% Amami and Smiti58 have proposed incremental Density-
in area under the curve from their previous work by com- based spatial clustering of applications with noise
bining FD of all levels with 22 MDVP parameters. (DBSCAN)-SVM in order to detect noises, analyze, and
Muhammad et al55 developed an automatic voice pathology classify pathological voice from normal voice. The advan-
detection system based on voice production theory, extracting tages of using DBSCAN algorithm are: it can discover clus-
five measurements of the irregularity, namely average, variance, ters of arbitrary shape, can distinguish noise, uses spatial
and the ratio of the successive tubes, skewness, and kurtosis access methods, and is efficient even for large spatial data-
from the vocal tract area. The features extracted from the vocal bases. They used SVM with radial basis function kernel for
tract area are connected to the glottis. Hence, the features classification and evaluated the method on MEEI database
extracted from the pathological voice samples exhibit irregular with an accuracy of 98%. It is concluded that the proposed
patterns over frames in case of sustained vowel, which contrib- method has the ability to handle incremental and dynamic
utes in discrimination of normal and pathological voices. The voices database, which changes over time. Al-nasheri et
authors have concluded that supraglottic tract has more contri- al,59 in their paper, concentrated on developing an accurate
butions than the remaining part of the vocal tract and the vari- and robust feature extraction for detecting and classifying
ance of vocal tract tubes across the utterance is more important voice pathologies by investigating different frequency bands
than the mean of those tubes. The extracted features are classi- using autocorrelation and entropy. Maximum peak values
fied using SVM and evaluated on MEEI and SVD databases. and their corresponding lag values have been extracted
The proposed method has achieved an accuracy of 99.22 § from each frame of a voiced signal by using autocorrelation,
0.01 for MEEI database and 94.7 § 0.21 for SVD. Al-nasheri and are used as features. The experiments are carried on
et al8 investigated the MDVP parameters in automatic detection MEEI, SVD, and AVPD databases with SVM classifier.
of voice pathologies from multiple databases using SVM. They They have also performed U tests to investigate the differ-
have used three databases such as AVPD, MEEI, and SVD ence between the means of the normal and pathological
and considered three common voice disorders (cyst, paralysis, samples. The variations in the accuracies of both detection
and polyp) from these databases. The MDVP parameters and classification based on frequency band and database is
extracted using a computerized speech lab program are ranked reported. It is mentioned that the most contributive bands
Sarika Hegde, et al A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection 947.e27

in both detection and classification were between 1000 and time domain features are used to classify vocal fold paralysis
8000 Hz. The highest accuracies obtained in case of detec- and edema using probabilistic neural network (PNN). The
tion were 99.69%, 92.79%, and 99.79% for MEEI, SVD, proposed method achieved classification accuracy of 90%.
and AVPD, respectively, and in case of classification were Akbari and Arjmandi64 have proposed a method using dis-
99.54%, 99.53%, and 96.02% for MEEI, SVD, and AVPD, crete WPT as feature extraction technique, multiclass LDA
respectively. as dimensionality reduction technique and multilayer neural
network as classifier. The proposed system showed average
classification accuracy of 96.67% and 97.33% for the struc-
ANN ture composed of wavelet packet-based energy and entropy
ANN algorithm works based on the concepts of biological features, respectively.
neural networks in human. It consists of set of neurons con- Chen et al65 explored the ability of extreme learning
nected to each other and the output of one neuron can be machine (ELM) and kernel ELM in early diagnosis of PD
fed as input to another neuron. The neurons are arranged in from University of California, Irvine ML repository. ELM
layers, ie, input layer, hidden layer, and output layer also is a type of ANN, used for single-hidden layer feed-forward
referred as multilayer perceptron (MLP) where the number neural networks, which was initially proposed by Huang et
of neurons in each layer and the total numbers of layers al.66 It chooses the hidden nodes randomly and tends to pro-
depend on the type of applications. vide good generalization performance at extremely fast
Ritchings et al60 have proposed a system for assessing the learning speed. The dataset used in Chen et al65 contained
voice quality of patient after laryngeal cancer therapy using some MDVP parameters like two measures of ratio of noise
MLP. The quality assessment is ranked into seven levels to tonal components in the voice, two nonlinear dynamical
from 0 (least abnormal) to 6 (most abnormal). The database complexity measures, signal fractal scaling exponent, and
is created with the help of the clinicians by capturing both three nonlinear measures of fundamental frequency varia-
EGG and acoustic data channels synchronously at 20 kHz tion. They have observed an improvement in the perfor-
for up to 3 seconds while the subject phonated the vowel /i/ mance by reducing the feature space using techniques like
as steadily as possible. These recordings are processed to minimum redundancy maximum relevance, Information
compute long term features like mean of fundamental fre- Gain (IG), relief and t test feature selection techniques for
quency, the standard deviation of fundamental frequency, ranking the features. The experiments are conducted on var-
the percentage of voiced data and short-term features ious subsets of features. The performance of ELM mainly
related to the spectral envelope of the first few glottal har- depends on the hidden neurons and activation function,
monics, and the glottal noise. MLP with two layers (20−40 whereas the performance of KELM depends on the con-
neurons) and seven outputs is designed to train and test the stant parameter C and kernel parameter g. The authors
dataset and the highest accuracy reported is 92% with com- have experimented these factors to get the optimal results
bined long-term and short-term features. Godino-Llorente up to 95.97% average accuracy. Teixeira et al67 evaluated
and Gomez-Vilda61 have done experiments to detect the the performance of different features like jitter, shimmer,
laryngeal pathological voices (polyps, nodules, cysts, sulcus, and HNR in assessment of voice disorders using ANN.
edemas, carcinoma, etc.) on MEEI database using two neu- Both male and female voice samples are considered from
ral network classification approaches, namely MLP and SVD database, an accuracy of 100% for female voices and
learning vector quantization with MFCC features. They 90% for male voices is achieved.
have reported an outperformance of learning vector quanti-
zation method over MLP with 96% classification accuracy.
Based on the literature survey and experimental results, K-nearest neighbor classifier
they have stressed that MFCC is a good parameterization K-nearest neighbor (KNN) is one of the simplest ML algo-
technique for detecting the voice diseases compared to other rithms, also called as lazy learner. For a given test data, it uses
feature extraction techniques used in the literature. distance measure to decide the KNNs in the train data. The class
An MLP with 64 input nodes and 1 output node is labels of the KNNs are analyzed to make the final decision.68
designed and evaluated in Crovato and Schuck62 for classifi- KNN algorithm is used in Hadjitodorov and Mitev69 for
cation of voices into five pathological groups (chronic laryn- pathology detection. Acoustic parameters like shimmer, jit-
gitis, degenerative, incorrect mobility, organic alterations, ter, several HNRs along with new parameters for estimation
and organic growth) and one normal group from the data- of the turbulent noise in voice signals (Turbulent Noise
base created at PUCRS Hospital. Wavelet packet coefficients Index) and for the “breathy” voice characterization (Nor-
are used for feature computation and the global success rate malized First Harmonic Energy) are used as features. The
in the range 87.5% to 100% is reported. Hariharan et al63 classification accuracy up to 96.1% is achieved for MEEI
proposed a new feature extraction technique to extract the database. Similarly, KNN algorithm is used by Shama and
time domain features. The main objective of developing this Cholayya70 for detection of laryngeal pathologies like
feature extraction technique is that it does not require the adductor, paralysis, cyst, leukoplakia, vocal fold polyp,
computation of fundamental frequency, which is very diffi- polyp degenerative, vocal fold edema, and vocal nodules.
cult to estimate from the pathological voice samples. These Here, they used HNR measure and the critical-band energy
947.e28 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

spectrum as features. HNRs are estimated at four different classification of pathological voices by computing fea-
frequency bands and used as one set of features. The nor- tures using adaptive time−frequency distribution and
malized energies are obtained by filtering the voiced speech non-negative matrix factorization applied on MEEI data-
signals using 21 critical bandpass filters, which will mimic base. In this paper, they have mentioned the shortcom-
the human auditory neurons and used as another set of fea- ings of the feature extraction approaches, which require
tures. The set HNR features achieved 94.28% accuracy, the signal to be segmented into short frames as the patho-
whereas critical energy spectrum features achieved 92.38% logical voices are nonstationary and segmenting it at non-
accuracy with KNN classifier. The results obtained have stationary part may lead to loss of important
shown that these features can be used as a tool to supple- information. To overcome those limitations, they pro-
ment the perceptual evaluation of speech for the detection posed a new approach to extract the TF features from the
of suspected laryngeal pathologies. This method requires speech so that it can capture the dynamic changes in the
only shorter length of speech data for the analysis and com- pathological speech. The extracted features are classified
putationally less expensive as compared to the extraction of using K-mean clustering technique with 98.6% classifica-
fundamental frequency and noise measures. tion accuracy.

Decision trees Combined classifiers

A decision tree is a tree whose internal nodes are tests (on input To achieve improvement in classification accuracy, differ-
patterns) and whose leaf nodes are categories (of patterns).68 It ent classifier can be combined together referred as multi-
is constructed based on the information given in the training set ple classifier system.74,68 It can be designed by combining
data. Hemmerling et al71 have evaluated different methods of the techniques involved in different classifiers into a sys-
speech signal analysis for the detection of voice pathologies tem called ensemble design or by developing a module
using the Random Forest (RF) classification algorithm. The called fuser, which combines the output labels of different
idea behind RF is to combine many binary decision trees, which classifiers. In this section, along with ensemble classifier,
are built using different bootstrap samples of the original data we also discuss the research works that has used more
and random subsets to obtain an accurate predictor. The than one classifier for comparison.
advantage of the RF method is that it is robust against overfit- Gelzinis et al75 have investigated the performance of 11
ting as more trees are added, and, it produces a limiting value features namely pitch and amplitude perturbation measures,
of the generalization error. In this work, they have extracted the frequency features, mel-frequency features, cepstral energy
28 acoustic features such as fundamental frequency; jitter and features, MFCCs, autocorrelation features, HNR spectral,
shimmer coefficients; energy; 0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-order moment; HNR cepstral, linear prediction coefficients, LPCT coeffi-
kurtosis; power factor; 1-, 2-, and 3-formants amplitude; 1-, 2-, cients, and feature set used in the commercial “Dr. Speech”
and 3-formants frequency; maximum and minimum value of software. They have studied two types of classification tasks
the signal; and 10 MFCC from the SVD database voice sam- like two-class classification (healthy and pathological) and
ples. The proposed method has achieved 100% classification three-class classification (one healthy and two pathological
accuracy. —diffuse and nodular). The studies were made using the
mixed gender database containing voice recordings of the
Linear classifier sustained phonation of the vowel sound /a/. A KNN classi-
The main contribution of Kaleem et al72 is presenting feature fier, SVM, and a committee of classifiers were used to per-
extraction technique based on empirical mode decomposition form the classification tasks. It is concluded that the pitch
using which one can extract meaningful information from and amplitude perturbation measures provided the best
both time and frequency domains from the continuous overall performance in both classification tasks. They also
speech. The advantage of using continuous speech is that it observed that the cepstral energy, autocorrelation features,
does not require the separation of sustained vowel from the and the LPCT coefficients were less effective in two-class
speech, which is very erroneous task in case of pathological classification task, whereas mel-frequency features were less
voices. The extracted features are classified using linear classi- effective in the three-class classification. On an average, sin-
fier and achieved 95.7% classification accuracy. gle KNN classifier outperformed the SVM classifier. How-
ever, the highest classification accuracy of 95.5% is achieved
by using the SVM committee.
K-means clustering Das76 compared the performances of different classifi-
K-means clustering is an unsupervised ML technique68 in cation systems like neural networks, DMneural, regres-
which the objects are grouped together based on the sion, and decision tree in detecting PD. They have used
Euclidean distance measure. Each cluster is represented the PD dataset that comprises biomedical voice measures
by a cluster mean and new object is assigned to a particu- which will characterize healthy persons and patients. The
lar cluster based on its distance from cluster mean. Ghor- authors have used variable selection component to select
aani and Krishnan73 have used K-means clustering and the best features in order to reduce the dimensionality of
proposed a novel methodology for automatic the feature vector. The highest classification rate of
Sarika Hegde, et al A Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Automatic Detection 947.e29

92.9% is achieved using neural network. Arias-Londono pathological considered in the database. The 12 LPC and 13
et al77 have highlighted that even though MFCC is a pop- MFCC along with its first and second derivatives are used as
ular feature, it is not able to characterize the nonlinear features. The obtained results have shown that GMM is well
process involved in voice production. Hence, they pro- suited for voice pathology classification (95.74%) and HMM
posed a new approach for speech feature extraction using for pathological voice detection (94.44%).
nonlinear analysis of time series for automatic classifica- Kohler et al15 have used glottal flow parameters of the
tion of normal and pathological voices. The set of 11 vocal folds to classify vocal fold nodules and vocal fold
complexity measures are combined with MFCC (com- paralysis. The parameters of the glottal signals can be
bined with noise parameters) features for better represen- obtained through inverse filtering method. Time domain
tation of voice data. A fusion of generative approach and frequency domain parameters are extracted from the
based on GMM, and discriminative approach based on glottal signals and used in various experiments. They have
SVM is used for classification. The features are fed into used a database composed of voice recordings of patients
two different GMM for training. The testing is done with with nodules, and paralysis as well as normal voices of both
GMM at one level and later fed into SVM for second men and women. This database was obtained from a speech
level of classification. This approach is applied on MEEI therapist in Rio de Janeiro. The authors have used ANN,
database with a classification accuracy of 98.23%. Arj- HMM, and SVM for classification. From the obtained
mandi et al78 performed classification experiment on ran- results, it is concluded that glottal signal parameters are
domly selected 50 normal and 50 pathological voice more relevant to discriminate pathologies of the vocal folds
samples from MEEI database. They extracted 33 acoustic than MFCC. The highest accuracy achieved is 97.2% using
parameters and used only 22 parameters as some of them SVM. Holi81 have developed a hybrid classifier for detec-
did not reflect voice quality. They investigated two fea- tion of neurological disorders. The acoustic characteristics
ture reduction techniques like PCA and LDA and feature of a voice signals with neurological disorders may change
selection techniques like individual, forward, backward, due to incomplete closure of glottis. These changes may
and branch-and-bound. To evaluate the feature vectors, help in detecting the certain neurological diseases. The
authors have used six classifiers such as quadratic dis- wavelet transform and MFCCs are fused with the time-
criminant classifier, nearest mean classifier, Parzen classi- domain features and fed into a hybrid model designed using
fier, KNN, support vector classifier, and neural network. GMM and SVM. LP-coded MFCCs computed for selected
After evaluating the different combinations of feature six-level DWT are given to GMM. The output of which is
reduction/feature selection methods and classifiers, they combined with SVM scores obtained with time-domain fea-
have proposed a combined scheme of LDA and SVM tures as input and given to another SVM, which makes the
with recognition rate of 94.26%. Among feature selection decision to classify the data as normal or neurological-disor-
methods, the individual technique has achieved best accu- dered voice. The proposed system achieved classification
racy of 91.55% with SVM. accuracy of 94.3%.
Hariharan et al79 proposed a new hybrid intelligent system,
which includes feature preprocessing techniques, feature reduc-
tion techniques, and classifiers to classify PD patients form DISCUSSIONS
healthy people. They have used PD dataset from University of Various voice disorders, databases, feature extraction, and
California, Irvine ML database. Model-based clustering ML techniques used in AVDD research so far have been dis-
(GMM) is used as feature preprocessing technique, whereas cussed in this paper. It is observed that SVM classifier is used
PCA, LDA, sequential forward selection, and sequential back- most widely compared to any other ML techniques. It may be
ward selection are used as feature reduction/selection techni- due to the fact that SVM classifier performs better for high-
ques. Three classifiers, namely, least-square SVM, PNN, and dimensional data as well as small sized dataset and it is quite
general regression neural network are used to evaluate the per- difficult to get large database of pathological voices for the
formance of features. This hybrid system achieved 100% accu- research. In contrast, ANN requires a large dataset for train-
racy with combination of GMM based feature weighting, ing the model to give better classification accuracy.
LDA/sequential backward selection, and least-square SVM/ Most of the innovations or novel approaches proposed
PNN/general regression neural network. Jothilakshmi80 has in the literature are mainly focusing on the voice charac-
used database created with the help of Rajah Muthiah Medical terization methods, which is referred to it as feature
College Hospital, Annamalai University, which consists of extraction technique. Many authors have claimed to pro-
voice samples of patients with cerebral palsy, dysarthria, hear- pose new method for feature extraction and have reported
ing impairments, laryngectom, mental retardation, left-side an improvement in performance. The feature extraction
paralysis, quadriparesis, stammering, stroke, and tumour in step can be skipped by using deep learning techniques,
vocal tract. In this work, the author has developed a two-level which extracts features inherently but needs large training
model using HMM and GMM to detect the type of voice examples. Even though Deep Neural Network (DNNs)
pathology. Initially, the voice sample will be classified as either have emerged as a powerful ML technique, there are very
normal or pathological and in second level, it will be classified few works done using deep learning, which may be due to
into one of the voice disorder listed above if the voice is the nonavailability of large databases.
947.e30 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

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