Practicali No 3 - 2006010 DTMP

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Practical no : 3

Aim :-To derive AND ,OR, NOT gates using universal

gates by forming circuits on bread board.

▪ Universal Gates :-A universal gate is a logic gate which

can implement any Boolean function without the need to
use any other type of logic gate. The NOR gate and NAND
gate are universal gates.

• NAND Gate:- The NAND gate is a universal gate

because it can be used to produse the NOT ,AND
and OR functions.

o AND Gate using universal NAND Gate :-

o OR Gate using Universal NAND Gate :-

o NOT Gate using Universal NAND Gate :-

• NOR Gate:- Like the NAND gate , the NOR

gate can be used to produse the AND, OR and
NOT functions .
o AND Gate using Universal NOR Gate:-

o OR gate using Universal NOR Gate :-

o NOT Gate gate using Universal NOR Gate :-

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