Lipids Schematic

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Prepare Six (8) small clear glasses or small empty bottle or

vials. Label each as:
Test tube #1: distilled water + animal oil
Test tube #2: distilled water + plant oil
Test tube #3: acetone + animal oil
Test tube #4: acetone + plant oil
Test tube #5: ethanol + animal oil
Test tube #6: ethanol + plant oil
Test tube #7: diluted HCl + animal oil
Test tube #8: diluted HCl + plant oil
2. Get 2mL of each of the solvent and place it into the labeled
3. Add two (2) drops of animal oil and plant oil into each
solvent. Mix
4. Observe the solubility in each solvent.

* Describe the solubility property of animal oil and plant oil in different
solvents and solutions.
 Distilled water
 Animal oil/fat (ex. From pork fat, or lard)
 Plant oil (cooking oil, but please take note if the label states more of
saturated or unsaturated fatty acids) ▪
 Acetone
 Ethanol or alcohol (70%)
 Diluted HCl or muriatic acid (0.1mL HCl + 4mL water)
 Medicine dropper (clean with water every after using)
 Six (8) small clear glasses or small empty bottle or vials (sort of like your
test tubes)

2ml distilled water 2 drops of animal oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)

2ml distilled water 2 drops of plant oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)

2ml acetone 2 drops of animal oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)

2ml acetone 2 drops of plant oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)

2ml ethanol 2 drops of animal oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)

2ml ethanol 2 drops of plant oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)

2ml dilluted HCL 2 drops of animal oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)

2ml dilluted HCL 2 drops of plant oil OBSERVATION (SOLUBILITY)


1. What is animal oil/fat used for?

Animal oil or fat is mostly used in margarine, shortening and compound fat manufacturing.
Many processed food products are also included. The manufacture of soap, fatty acids,
lubricants and feed are industrial and non-food utilizations of animal fats. Animal fats can be
differentiated from inedible fats. Not all edible fats can be used in human consumption,
because in feed, livestock and oleo chemical industries, specific quality is required. In human
ingestion, however, inedible fats are no longer permitted. They can be used simply for food,
animal feed, oleo chemistry, biodiesel or for the production of electricity. In addition to the
fatty phase from the grate trap termed the 'Brown Grape' edible fat, which already has
previously been utilized in food frying operations named 'Used Cooking Oils' as well as
'Yellow Grease.'

2. Why are animal fat not used in cooking?

As we already know, saturated carbon chains are animal fat. Saturated carbon chains are
therefore carbon atoms are arranged connected to single chemical connections. Thus, through
different procedures they needed great quantity of heat. They can be independently broken.
Furthermore, avoiding saturated fats are excellent for our health. So we recommend avoid
using animal fats for cooking for most of these reasons.

3. What is the difference between fats and oils?

The important macronutrients of the body may be fats and oils. The carbon (C) hydrogen
(H) and oxygen constitute both fats and oils (O). The combination of these components
produces molecular chains known as fatty acids. Saturated or unsaturated molecules may be
individual fatty acids. The fatty acid mixture dictates if the final chain is saturated or
unsaturated. The fundamental distinction between fats and oils is that fat contains large
quantities of saturated fatty acids which are stable at room temperature, whereas oils consist
largely of unsaturated fatty acids which acquire liquid solution at ambient temperature.

4. What are essential fatty acids? Give examples.

Essential fatty acids are nutrients are an incredibly vast number of bioactive brokers that
operate on a broad family of specific receptors which play their role in converting dietary
EFAs from food into extremely unsaturated fatty acids body cell and tissue esters accessible
for use.
Examples are:
 Omega-3 Fatty Acid.
 Alpha-Linolenic Acid.
 Linoleic Acid.
 Eicosapentaenoic Acid.

Docosahexaenoic Acid.
 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid.
 Lipids.
 Fatty Acids
5. What is the implication of inadequate essential fatty acids in a person’s diet?
Some implications are the decreased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, development
of children, prevention of cancer, optimum brain and eyesight, arthritis, hypertension,
mellitus diabetes and neuropsychiatric diseases.

6. Explain the health risks and benefits of saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty
acids and trans fat.
Saturated fat makes up at least 50% of the cell membranes are composed of. They produce
the rigidity and integrity essential for our cells. It plays an important function in our bones'
health. At least 50% of the dietary fats should be saturated if calcium is to be properly
integrated into the skeletal structure. They protect the liver against alcohol and other poisons,
such Tylenol. The immune system improves and have antibacterial capabilities that protect
us from dangerous digestive tract germs. Monounsaturated fat can reduce the cholesterol
level of your LDL (bad). Cholesterol is a soft, waxy material capable of blocking or blocking
arteries (blood vessels). Maintaining your LDL low decreases your risk of heart and stroke.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids Important for nervous function, blood clotting, brain health, and
strength of muscle. The body requires them to work but it doesn't, therefore a person has to
obtain PUFA from his food. It means he needs to work. The membrane fluidity and several
physiological roles, including inflammation, blood clotting, blood pressure control and
cellular signaling, play a vital role. Trans fats are easy to utilize, low-cost and long-lasting.
Trans fats make meals taste and feel pleasant.

The risk of saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and trans fat is that first, too much
saturated fat in your diet may increase your blood's 'bad' LDL cholesterol that can increase
the risk of heart disease and stroke. Second, at room temperature, monounsaturated fats are
liquid but solidify when refrigerated. At room temperature, saturated fats and trans fats are
solid. Such fats can raise your risk for cardiovascular disease and other health issues. Third,
polyunsaturated fat are quite unstable. All fats are oxidized at a temperature. Unsteady fats
are oxidizing. Free radicals lead to oxidation. Free radicals cause cell injury in your body that
could occur both internally and outwardly in the forms of compromised organs and quickly
aging skin. Many of these lipids can also become unstable prior to entering your body. Lastly,
trans fats raise the cholesterol of your LDL (bad). They also reduce the cholesterol of your
HDL (good). High LDL and low HDL may cause your arteries to accumulate cholesterol
(blood vessels). This raises your chance of heart and stroke.
Experiment No. 2


1. Understand saponification as the process of making

Task for students:

1. Make a schematic diagram about the process of making
2. Answer the research questions that follow.
Take about 25 ml vegetable oil in a 250 ml

Prepare 50 ml 20% solution of NaOH by weighing

10 g of NaOH and dissolving it in 50 ml of distilled

Add 30 ml of 20% solution of NaOH to the

vegetable oil.

Successively dip the red and blue litmus paper

strips into the reaction mixture and note down
any change observed in the color of litmus paper.

Touch the beaker containing the reaction mixture

from outside and note whether it is hot or cold.

Now, add approximately 10 g of

Leave the mixture undisturbed Remove the soap cake, use a
common salt to the reaction
for one day. This will allow the knife to cut it into various
mixture and stir using a glass
soap to set and solidify. shapes and sizes.
rod till the soap begins
to set.
1. What is soap?
Soap is a salt of a fatty acid used in a variety of cleansing and lubricating products.
In a domestic setting, soaps are surfactants usually used for washing, bathing, and other
types of housekeeping. In industrial settings, soaps are used as thickeners, components of
some lubricants, and precursors to catalysts.

2. Explain saponification in your own understanding.

Saponification is the name of the chemical reaction that produces soap. This
reaction is used commercially to make soap, lubricants, and fire extinguishers.
Saponification involves animal or vegetable fat is converted into soap and alcohol. The
reaction requires a solution of an alkali like sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide in
water and also heat.

3. By real observation, red litmus paper will turn blue and blue litmus paper, what do you
think it implies?
Red litmus paper will turn blue if it is exposed or is under basic or alkaline
conditions and solutions. Blue litmus paper will turn red if it is exposed or is under acidic
conditions and solutions.

4. Why is it advised to add common salt while preparing the soap? What is salting out?
Common salt is added to precipitate out all the soap from the aqueous solution.
Adding of common salt to soap solution decreases the solubility of soap due to which all
the soap precipitates out from the solution in the solid form. This process is called salting
out of soap.

5. Aside from soap, what else is the by-product of saponification?

Glycerol is the other by-product of saponification asides soap.

6. What is acrolein test?

A qualitative test for the presence of glycerol, either free or esterified, based upon
its oxidative dehydration to acrolein when heated with solid potassium hydrogen sulfate.
Acrolein test is used to detect the presence of glycerol and fat. This test is based on the
dehydration reaction, in which the water molecules are removed from the glycerol by
adding reagent potassium hydrogen sulphate.

7. If the product of saponification is subjected to test for unsaturation, what does high iodine
value indicate in relation to the degree of unsaturation of the lipid?
Iodine value is the number of grams of iodine consumed by every 100g of fat
indicating that a higher iodine value indicates higher degree of lipid unsaturation. For the
process of saponification, it can be observed for the method to have better solubility in
water contrasting its ionic properties if a more saturated concentration is utilized. Thus,
high iodine value in the test equates to higher solubility rate for saponification product.

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