Entre 2-BusinessPlanReport (Aniza Fitrianingrum, Astrid Junietta Aqilah, Ibni Ratu Azizah A., Nissa Mutia Rahmadina)

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“Our Customer Is Our Priority”

Jababeka Education Park, North Cikarang, Bekasi, west Java


Anggraeni Permatasari S.Sos., M.S.M

Prepared By:
Aniza Fitrianingrum – 014201900154
Astrid Junietta Aqilah – 014201900152
Ibni Ratu Azizah A. – 014201900050
Nissa Mutia Rahmadina - 014201900153
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I – Executive Summary............................................................3
CHAPTER II – Company & Business Description...................................5
CHAPTER III – Product & Services Line.................................................9
CHAPTER IV – Market Analysis ............................................................10
CHAPTER V – Marketing Plan................................................................13
CHAPTER VI – Sales Plan .......................................................................14
CHAPTER VII – Production Plan ...........................................................15
CHAPTER VIII – Operational Plan ........................................................17
CHAPTER IX – Financial Considerations..............................................18
CHAPTER X – Appendix .........................................................................19

Business Plan
Entrepreneurship 2
President University’s Student 2

1.1 The Company History and Leadership Model

Based on our plan, this business exists because we as a team have
interest in this sector, we see the opportunity and we want create the innovative
product for the special theme and we as the Presunivers feel that the quality of
vendor for event President University is not too good, we want to give the best
service and quality for the customer based on our evaluation. The important
thing that we search at the beginning is partner who has good skill, investor or
For our group itself, we choose situational leadership model because we
as the startup company and we as the owner need the employees who have
capability in this sector. In situational leadership, the focus is on the current
level of employees and staff, their capability and capacity to effectively carry
out and complete certain tasks. Here, the leader has a much better awareness of
the capabilities of the people who work for them. This means that work
deadlines and expectations are much more realistic, and workers better feel that
their leader can relate to them. A major advantage of situational leadership is
that leaders will be pushed not only to improve their skills but also to launch
initiatives that will also improve the capabilities and knowledge of rank-and-
file employees. As a result, the company’s talent pool grows, which means a
better chance of continuing to evolve the organization to meet current needs
and keep abreast of the latest trends and challenges. Situational leaders are
good for the growth of an organization as a whole.

1.2 An Overview of Competitive Advantages

No doubt the competition in the screen printing industry is getting
stiffer by the day, we have to be highly creative and come up with appealing
designs and concepts and very neat jobs to survive in the industry. The screen
printing industry is indeed profitable and at the same time a highly competitive
industry. Clients will only hire your services if they know that they can get
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nothing but the best from you. We are quite aware that to be highly competitive
in the screen printing industry means that you are not only expected to be able
to deliver consistent and highly creative designs, but you must be able to meet
set targets. No one would want to continue to hire your services if you don't
always meet up with the target date of completion of projects.

Our competitive advantage lies in the power of our team because we

already know each other and we have similar ambitions to be successful. We
will give the best service and quality for the customer. We have good quality
because our plan is to find the good material. We want to have some good
efficient screen printing machines and equipment. Lastly, all our employees
will be well taken care of and for the clothing product we want give several
messages that maybe used for customer life or someone who see a cloth. It will
enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help
deliver our set of goals and achieve all our business aims and objectives.

1.3 Company Goals

To be the successful business who can increase the market share every time or
every period with the customer satisfaction towards the product that we
produce, expand the market and maintaining the quality from beginning until
the end.

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2.1 Company Purpose

2.1.1 Description of Business
This screen printing business allows people to custom design
something like a shirt, T-shirt, tote bag, and anything else that they would
be like. By intelligently leveraging cutting edge technology this business
will harness the power of computer sublimation to allow custom printing in
a fast period of time and has good result that satisfying the consumers.
Imagine the ability to create a custom shirt. You choose the material and
style of the shirt, and then the image or graphic you want on the front and
back. This is the ultimate form of expression. There are no limits to what
you can communicate. Some people might show their fanaticism for a
particular sports team, others a musician. Or you might have a social
message or cause on your shirt. Whatever you may decide, you can print
any image on your shirt.
Beside of that we want to make a clothing too that the design
from us, so we have another plan if the before idea has decrease demand at
that time. Of course, not all the time everyone had an event and needed a
vendor, we must think for other innovations to make this business event
still run. We decide to create our design, in other words, we can say the
special theme design that create by us with the sexual harassment theme.
We can create designs with the words or pictures, for example, we make
clothes with the word "Harassment? No ". We can get profit from our
design and we can give the value for everyone who seeing our product or
buy our product.

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2.1.2 Target
We have different target for our business, there are school
student, college student, workers, teenagers, and communities. This
business has many segments that can be the target of marketing. The first
one we can create our design that can buy by the teenagers. The second one
is we can open screen printing services for students who are holding an
event, as we can know in President University itself has many events and
each events always make committee’s clothes, it can be a big opportunity
for this business. The third one is for communities that have a plan such as
a road trip (for example motorcycle communities who want touring) of
course they will use something same with the others and usually that's a
clothes. And then if a company holds employees gathering they need
screen printing services and we can be the choice for that (example: coca-
cola company gathering) or for family gathering.

2.1.3 Reasons Why We Choose This Business

We analyze this business can run well, maybe has
several challenges when run this business but based on our target analyze
this business has big opportunity to successful. Our location around
President University and we are a college student, as we can see President
University held a lot of the event and based our knowledge the event itself
always need committees uniform, it will be a big opportunity for us if we
run this business. Not only President University, we as a college student
must have friends in another university and another university has many
events too. We can target them to be our consumers.

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2.2 Vision & Mission Statement
2.2.1. Vision
Make an international premium leading brand that can compete
in the market independently and in quality and can be a lifestyle
trendsetting in screen printing business

2.2.2. Mission
 Provide premium quality.
 Put customers as priority.
 Commit to providing the best service in earnest.
 Provide services to everyone with respect and dignity
 Develop consumer confidence in the quality of this brand.

2.3 Core Values

2.4 Team & Organization Structure

2.2.1. Leadership Roles
 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
 Finance
 Product Management
 Sales & Marketing

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2.2.2. Experiences .
For the experiences, we as the startup only choose the best
employee and have passion for each sector, especially for the
product management, they must have skilled at this sector.
2.2.3. Organization Structured
Consist of CEO or Owner and supervise for finance, product
management, sales & marketing section.

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3.1 Product Offering
Product that we offer is clothing. We make like clothing brand that have
message in there. This is a special offer because our main concentrate in this
business is provide a service for screen printing, but we also make the best for
this category. We can say this one like special theme design that created by us
with the sexual harassment theme. We can create designs with the words or
pictures, for example, we make clothes with the word "Harassment? No ". We
can get profit from our design and we can give the value for everyone who
seeing our product or buy our product.

3.2 Service Offering

We offer service for screen printing. If any organization or committee that need
clothing vendor to make the committee clothes, our business can be the choice.
We said we only make the clothes, not the design because usually if the request
for committee’s event clothes, they had the design by the committee.

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4.1 Market Segmentation and Target Market

4.1.1 Geographic Segmentation
Our target is in urban or suburban area. Based on our analysis
many of event that held or people that need our services or
product is in urban or suburban area.
4.1.2 Demographic Segmentation
Our main targets are in average age of 14 – 30 years old. But, for
the age of less or more than we estimate is still possible to use
our services. Male or female gender is our target too.
4.1.3 Psychographic Segmentation
This one focuses on the intrinsic traits target customer possesses.
Psychographic traits can range from values, personalities,
interests, attitudes, conscious and subconscious motivators,
lifestyles, and opinions. For now, it's difficult to predict the
customer. Because our business not run yet, and for this
segmentation, we must think deeply or do analyze deeply. But if
we must explain in here, our targets are people who aware with
budget. This one can for the middle until almost high class.
4.1.4 Behavioral Segmentation
Focuses on specific reactions and the way customers go through
their decision making and buying processes. Brand loyalty is
good example for this segmentation. This type of brand loyalty
produces a consistent buying pattern, which is categorized as a
behavioral trait. Target in this segmentation are organizations
that held some events and communities. Our main target for this
is student of President University.

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President University’s Student 10
4.2 Buyers Person
- School Students
- College Students
- Workers
- Teenagers
- Communities

4.3 Competitors Analysis

We decide to make 3 competitors, for two of competitors from President
University itself because our main targets are someone that we know first
which is our friends and for last competitor we choose from another region that
a little far from our location.
COMPETITORS A (the owner is student of President University Batch 2018)
Strengths Weaknesses Threat Opportunities
- He has more - The business - Just like any - Cheap price
acquaintances in easy to emulate. other business.
President - Limited - Have
University. capacity and competitors from
employees. batch 2019.
COMPETITORS B (the owner is student of President University Batch 2019)
Strengths Weaknesses Threat Opportunities
- The business - Supply for the - Have similar - Give reasonable
already start second event in offer with the prices for close
before us and the President competitor. friend especially
business already University had in President
used for 2 events experiencing University.
in President delays and
University, so limited quality.
they have more
acquaintances in
(little far from our location, we choose syachiclothing in Bekasi)

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Strengths Weaknesses Threat Opportunities
- Unique design - Can only accept - Long-term. - Look into a
patterns. large quantities. partnership with
- Excellent startup brand.
- Good quality.


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5.1 Positioning Strategy
Our buyers will interest because the marketing gimmick that we do is very
efficient and guaranteed product quality. We will give more effort and better
quality or product results also developing innovation, facilities and work
infrastructure. We already analyze our competitor and decide what we will do.
We make promotion on online programs like social media and website, event
marketing, partnership marketing, and marketing campaign (Marketing
campaigns engage the customer and initiate the selling process. They can be
long-term or short-term and should cater directly to your market niche.)
5.2 Acquisition Channels
Paid promote instagram and endorsement, mouth to mouth, by partnership with
e-commerce (shopee, tokopedia, instagram).
5.3 Tools and Technology
We will use a CMS for our marketing system, Kalista screen printing will be
made web store for our business like we explain above.

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We use conceptual and selling methodology. Conceptual Selling encourages
salespeople to research and listen to their prospects to build a mutually beneficial
relationship. This one is a great model for building trust and long-term relationships
with clients. Because of its focus on listening to the client and working to gain
consensus from multiple decision-makers, the Conceptual Selling model helps reps
make customized solutions that work better for the client. Solution selling shifts the
conversation away from product specifications to the value those solutions bring to the
customer. By focusing less on what your product does and more on how it solves their
problem, you can position yourself as a consultant rather than a pushy salesperson.

We use offline and online media for promote our product. Offline by mouth to
mouth and online by website, social media, do partnership with e-commerce like
shopee, tokopedia, and bukalapak.


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7.1 Production Process
 Step 1: The design is created
To start, the printer takes the design they want to create on the finished product,
and prints it out onto a transparent acetate film. This will be used to create the
 Step 2: The screen is prepared
Next, the printer will choose a mesh screen to suit the complexity of the design,
and the texture of the fabric being printed. The mesh screen is then coated with
a layer of light-reactive emulsion, which will harden when developed under
bright light.
 Step 3: The emulsion is exposed
The acetate sheet featuring the design is then laid onto the emulsion-coated
screen, and the whole thing is exposed to a very bright light. The light hardens
the emulsion, so the parts of the screen which are covered by the design remain
in liquid form. If the final design is going to include more than one color, then
a separate screen must be used to apply each layer of ink.
 Step 4: The emulsion is washed off, creating the stencil
After the screen has been exposed for a set time, the areas of the screen not
covered by the design will have turned hard. Any unhardened emulsion is then
carefully rinsed away. This leaves a clear imprint of the design on the screen
for the ink to pass through. The screen is then dried, and the printer will make
any necessary touch-ups or corrections to make the imprint as accurate as
possible to the original design. The stencil is now ready to be used.
 Step 5: The item is prepared for print
The screen is then placed on the printing press. The item or garment being
printed is laid down flat onto the printing board, underneath the screen. There
are a number of different presses, including manual and automatic styles, but
most modern commercial printers will use an automatic rotary carousel printer,
as this allows several different screens to work at once. For multicoloured
prints, this sort of printer can also be used to apply the separate color layers in
quick succession.
 Step 6: The ink is pressed through the screen onto the item
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The screen is lowered down onto the printing board. Ink is added to the top end
of the screen, and a squeegee is used to pull the ink along the full length of the
screen. If the printer is creating multiple items, then the screen is raised and a
new garment is placed onto the printing board. Once all the items have been
printed and the stencil has served its purpose, the emulsion is removed using a
special washing fluid so the mesh can be reused to create new stencils.
 Step 7: The product is dried, checked and finished
The printed product then passes through a dryer, which 'cures' the ink and
creates a smooth, colorfast finish. The final product will be checked and
washed thoroughly to remove any residue, before being passed on to its new

7.2 Location
Around President University, Jababeka.
That’s place is our place now to live, make easy for us to maintain and our
main targets are President University’s student, it’s goo if our location near the

7.3 Equipment
 Screen Printing Press, The inks, Squeegee, The washing station, Glasses,
Hairdryer, Plywood, Cleaner, and Print Desks.

7.4 Names of Suppliers and Vendor

 Gemini Press: East Bekasi
 Charliesps: West Jakarta


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8.1 Description of Company Operation
For operational plan we make the strategy for our business, we create more
innovative product that make customer interested to our product or service.
This product will be distributed to the target and we make sure we can get the
profit from this business. We want get at least 3 costumer for services in a
month and can sold the clothing product based on period in a month too. There
are four types of activities that we choose:
The sales team is the lifeblood of every business. The sales team reaches out to
the customers to expand the customer base and secure repeat sales.
Marketing and advertising help in developing the brand and boosting the
exposure of the business and its services.
Budgeting and finance help in deciding how the revenue is to be utilized for
growing the business and achieve optimum results.
Customer service helps in securing new clients, build lasting relationships and
promote referrals for your business.

8.2 Flow of Orders for Goods or Services

 For services screen printing the customer must contact the contact listed in the
ad at least 2 weeks before needed or can go to our store, order fix, half price
payment, and when taking or delivery must be full payment.

 For clothing special theme we only provide on social media, so the customer
can buy from online way. Choose the item, fill the format order, do the
payment and sent proof of the payment, and the package in process.


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In rupiah (Rp.)
 Screen Printing Press 1.500.000
 The inks
 Colorful inks 1 bottle 170.000
 Dark inks 1 bottle 300.000
 The squeegee 500.000
 Hair Dryer 70.000
 Glasses 150.000
 Print Desk 250.000
 The washing station 450.000
 Cleaner 50.000
 Plywood 80.000
TOTAL 3.520.000
That’s our production costs.


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 Organization Structured





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