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Minimalist Art Project 1

What You Need:

• White paper
• Rectangular piece of cardboard to use as a template
• Colours — red, yellow, blue, black

What You Do:

Stage 1

Place your square piece of cardboard (template) anywhere on your

paper, so that its edges are parallel to the edges of your paper.

Trace around your template with a pencil

Then, move your template to overlap your traced shape and

continue tracing to create more squares and rectangles across your

Keep all your lines vertical and horizontal… no diagonals!

When you are happy with your design go over with a thick black pen

Stage 2

Now look for squares and rectangles and color them with primary colors.

Leave all the ‘L’ shaped (and other-shaped) areas white.

Minimalist Art Project 2
What You Need:

• White paper
• Pencil
• Ruler
• Colours — red, yellow, blue, black

What You Do:

Stage 1

Using pencil, divide your paper up by drawing draw four horizontal lines from one end of the
paper to the other _______. Avoid making the lines evenly spaced

Next, draw three vertical lines | again, make sure your lines go from one end of your paper to the

When your lines have been drawn, use a black pen to darken them up. Make some lines thick and
some lines thin.

Now you should have a grid with lots of empty spaces.

Stage 2

Choose just a few spaces to fill in with the primary colors – red, yellow and blue

Don’t overdo the color … leave a lot of white space (just as the examples here show. The key is to
keep it simple.)

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