Corrosive Injury of The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review

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Corrosive Injury of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review

Article  in  Archives of Surgery · July 2016

DOI: 10.17352/2455-2283.000022


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2 authors, including:

Ashwin Rammohan
Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre


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Archives of Clinical Gastroenterology

Rathnaswami Arunachalam1 and Review Article

Ashwin Rammohan2*
Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, SRM Corrosive Injury of the Upper
Medical College Hospital & Research Centre,
Chennai, India
The Institute of Liver Disease & Transplantation,
Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review
Global Hospital Health City, Chennai, India
Dates: Received: 01 July, 2016; Accepted: 25 July, Abstract
2016; Published: 27 July, 2016
Ingestion of a corrosive substance can produce severe injury to the gastrointestinal tract and
*Corresponding author: Dr. Ashwin Rammohan, can even result in death. The degree and extent of damage depends on several factors like the
The Institute of Liver Disease and Transplantation, type of substance, the morphologic form of the agent, the quantity, and the intent. In the acute
Global Hospital Health City, Chennai, India, Tel: +91 stage, perforation and necrosis may occur. Long-term complications include stricture formation in
9884173583; E-mail: the esophagus, antral stenosis and the development of esophageal carcinoma. Endoscopy should
be attempted and can be safely performed in most cases to assess the extent of damage. Procedure related perforation is rare. Stricture formation is more common in patients with second and third
degree burns. This review summarizes our current knowledge and evidence based management of
ISSN: 2455-2283
this unique but not uncommon pathology of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Keywords: Corrosive injury; Lye; Acid; Mmanagement

making is a common profession, aquaregia is a common offending

Introduction agent. Lye is a general term used for alkali found in cleaning agents
[2,3]. Solutions with a pH of less than 2 or greater than 12 are highly
Worldwide, children represent 80% of the ingestion injury
corrosive. Acids and alkalis differ in their mechanisms of tissue
population globally, primarily due to accidental ingestion [1,2]. In
damage. Acids produce coagulative necrosis, with eschar formation
contrast, ingestion in adults is more often suicidal in intent, and is
that limits further penetration and depth of injury. Alkalis on the
frequently life-threatening [3]. Corrosive agents produce extensive
other hand, combine with tissue proteins and cause liquefactive
damage to the gastrointestinal tract, which may result in perforation
necrosis, leading to a deeper penetration into tissues. Additionally,
and death in the acute phase. Long term complications include
alkali absorption can lead to thrombosis in blood vessels, impeding
stricture formation and development of esophageal carcinoma.
blood flow to already damaged tissue. Accordingly, alkali ingestion
Ingestion of corrosives is common in developing countries like India;
may lead to more severe injury and complications, but this distinction
more so in South India, where there is an easy over the counter access
is not clinically relevant in the setting of strong acid or base ingestion,
to strong corrosives like aquaregia and bathroom cleaning acid [2,3].
both being able to penetrate tissues rapidly, potentially leading to
This review attempts to provide an overview of the pathophysiology,
full-thickness damage of the esophageal/gastric wall. Injury occurs
clinical features, investigations and evidence based management of
quickly, depending on the agent’s concentration and time of exposure
corrosive injuries of the upper gastrointestinal tract; which in turn
would provide a sound evidence based clinical foundation for the
Primary treating doctor, the Gastroenterologist and the Surgeon. The conventional acceptance is that acids preferentially damage
the stomach, due to the protective esophageal eschar. Depending
Materials and Methods on the concentration of the acid, extensive esophageal damage and
A systematic search of the scientific literature was carried out perforations can occur even after acid ingestion. Strong acid are also
using Medline and Embase for the years 1970–2015 to obtain access be associated with a higher incidence of systemic complications,
to all publications relating to the various aspects of corrosive/caustic such as renal failure, liver dysfunction, disseminated intravascular
substance ingestion. Bibliography of the retrieved studies were also coagulation and hemolysis. Esophageal injury begins within minutes
reviewed. The search strategy was with the appropriate specific search and may persist for hours. Initially, tissue injury is marked by
terms, like “corrosive ingestion”, “corrosive poisoning”, “caustic necrosis with swelling and hemorrhagic congestion. Four to 7 days
ingestion”, “epidemiology & pathophysiology of corrosive ingestion”, after ingestion, mucosal sloughing and bacterial invasion are the
“management”, endoscopy”, “therapeutic endoscopy”, “surgery for main findings. At this time granulation tissue appears, and ulcers
esophageal & gastric strictures”, “acute management of corrosive become covered by fibrin. During this period the wall is at its weakest
ingestions”, “outcomes”, “mortality”, “morbidity” among others. and perforations may occur if the ulceration extends beyond the
muscularis [4-7].
Epidemiology and pathophysiology
Esophageal repair usually begins on the 10th day after ingestion,
Ingested corrosives can be broadly classified into alkalis or whereas esophageal ulcerations begin to epithelialize approximately
acids. Alkaline material accounts for most caustic ingestions in 1 month after exposure. The tensile strength of the healing tissue is
Western countries, whereas injuries from acid are more common in low during the first 3 weeks since collagen deposition may not begin
developing countries, like India, where hydrochloric acid and sulfuric until the second week. Hence, endoscopy is preferably avoided 5-15
acid are easily accessible [4]. In southern parts of India, where jeweler days after ingestion. Scar retraction begins by the third week and may

Citation: Arunachalam R, Rammohan A (2016) Corrosive Injury of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review. Arch Clin Gastroenterol 2(1): 056-062. DOI:
Arunachalam and Rammohan (2016)

continue for several months, resulting in stricture formation and Initial management
shortening of the involved segment of the gastrointestinal tract [4-7].
Hemodynamic stabilization and adequacy of the patient’s airway
Additionally, lower esophageal sphincter pressure becomes impaired,
are priorities. Airway control is of paramount importance. Apart
leading to increased gastroesophageal reflux (GER), which in turn
from it being the cornerstone of resuscitation, airway may most
may accelerate stricture formation [4,9]. Reactive oxygen species
generation with subsequent lipid peroxidation may contribute commonly be compromised by laryngeal edema or direct corrosive
either to the initial esophageal injury, or to the subsequent stricture injury to the laryngeal apparatus. Airway control may be achieved
formation [4,10]. by simple postural maneuvers; in cases of severe compromise,
intubation or a tracheostomy maybe indicated [12,14-16]. Fiberoptic
Clinical Presentation laryngoscopy allows intubation under direct visualization, avoiding
The clinical presentation depends upon the type, amount, and ‘‘blind’’ intubation with the risk of bleeding and additional injuries
physical form of the substances. Solid alkali adheres to the mouth and [12,17].
pharynx producing maximum damage to these areas while relatively Investigations
sparing the esophagus. Liquid rapidly passes through the mouth and
In the acute phase, a plain chest radiograph may reveal air in
pharynx and produces its greatest caustic effect on the esophagus.
the mediastinum or below the diaphragm suggesting esophageal or
Hoarseness and stridor suggest a laryngeal or epiglottic involvement,
gastric perforation. To confirm and localize a perforation, water-
and may be a harbinger for aerodigestive and high pharyngeal
soluble contrast agents like gastrograffin are used as they are less of
sequelae. Respiratory complications from caustic ingestion may
an irritant to the mediastinum compared to barium sulfate [4,14-
result in laryngeal injury and upper airway edema, which may
16]. Barium studies may be helpful as a follow-up measure and
ultimately require a tracheotomy. Only 10- 30 percent of patients
for the evaluation of complications. It is radio opaque, provides
with esophageal burns have no oropharyngeal damage [4,6,11,12].
greater radiographic details than water-soluble contrast agents, and
Symptoms of esophageal involvement include dysphagia and has lower risk of aspiration pneumonitis. A CT scan offers a more
odynophagia, whereas epigastric pain and hematemesis may be detailed information regarding the transmural damage and the extent
manifestations of stomach involvement. Bleeding following corrosive of necrosis [4,18].
ingestion is usually self-limiting: though massive hemorrhage from
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is considered crucial and usually
the stomach or duodenum has been reported a short time after
recommended in the first 12-48 hours after caustic ingestion,
corrosive ingestion, severe bleeding typically occurs at 2 wk, after
though it is safe and reliable up to 96 hours after the injury; gentle
ingestion [4,11,12]. However, the absence of pain does not preclude
insufflation and great caution are mandatory during the procedure
significant gastrointestinal damage. Perforation of the stomach or the
[4,12,19-21]. Endoscopy and even dilatation have been performed
esophagus can occur at any time during the first 2 weeks. Hence, any
without consequences from 5 to 15 days after corrosive ingestion;
worsening of abdominal pain or the appearance of chest pain should
though potentially hazardous due to tissue softening and friability
promptly be investigated with a high index of suspicion. No one sign
during the healing period. Every attempt must be made to assess the
or group of signs is 100% accurate in predicting positive or negative
esophagus, stomach, and duodenum provided it can be done safely.
endoscopies [13]. Late sequlae of corrosive ingestion, include stricture
Passage of the scope should be limited to the level of the first signs of a
formation, gastric outlet obstruction and malignancy involving the
circumferential second or third degree esophageal burn [4,12,19-21].
injured segment of gastrointestinal tract. Strictures may become
symptomatic within 3 months or may even manifest a year later. All adult patients must undergo endoscopy after suicidal
Ingestion of a liquid agent is most likely to induce stricture formation, ingestion, because of the larger amount of more corrosive agents
which tend to be long. Esophageal carcinoma is a well-known sequel swallowed compared with unintentional injuries. There are no strict
of corrosive ingestion. The latent period between the time of ingestion guidelines as to who needs endoscopy and who does not [4,20]. Ten
and the development of carcinoma may be as long as 58 years. There to 30 percent of caustic ingestions globally do not show any upper
is a 1000-3000 fold increase in the incidence of esophageal carcinoma, gastrointestinal injury, hence the indication for early endoscopy
and up to 3% of patients with carcinoma of the esophagus may have a should be made on a case-by-case basis, with consideration of
history of caustic ingestion [11,12]. symptoms, otorhinolaryngeal injuries, and the amount and nature of
the ingested substance. [4,12,19-22]. Apart from accurately assessing
Management the degree and extent of the corrosive injury, endoscopy predicts the
Pre hospital measures risk of systemic complications and death; with each increased injury
grade correlated with a 9-fold increase in morbidity and mortality
Gastric lavage or induced emesis is contraindicated because
re-exposure of the esophagus to the corrosive agent may produce
additional injury. Milk and water have been used as antidotes but Contraindications to endoscopy are a radiologic suspicion of
their effectiveness remains unproven, moreover the heat generated by perforation or supraglottic or epiglottic burns with edema, which
the chemical reaction may increase damage. Milk may also obscure may be a harbinger of airway obstruction. A third degree burn of the
subsequent endoscopy. Activated charcoal is also contraindicated for hypopharynx is a further contraindication for endoscopy [4,12,19-
the same reason [4,14-16]. 21]. Evaluation of the esophageal wall by endoscopic ultrasound

Citation: Arunachalam R, Rammohan A (2016) Corrosive Injury of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review. Arch Clin Gastroenterol 2(1): 056-062. DOI:
Arunachalam and Rammohan (2016)

(EUS) using a miniprobe has been shown to be safe, though it does not warranted [4,12]. Any esophageal catheterization may be a nidus
prolong examination time without showing any difference with for infection and nasogastric placement may worsen gastroesophageal
endoscopy in predicting early complications [23,24]. The destruction reflux, with a consequent delay in mucosal healing. However, enteral
of the muscular layers of the esophagus observed at EUS seems a nutrition through a nasogastric tube has been demonstrated to
reliable sign of future stricture formation; furthermore, ultrasound be as effective as jejunostomy feeding in maintaining nutrition in
examination with a radial probe may predict the response to such patients, with a similar rate of stricture development [30,31].
dilatation, which usually requires more sessions when the muscularis Therefore, after caustic injuries the placement of a nasogastric tube
propria is involved at EUS. In spite of these encouraging reports, the may be considered, but the decision should be made with caution and
role of US examination in caustic injuries is still under evaluation done on a case-by-case basis [4,12,14,31].
Diverse other agents such as Sucralfate, Heparin, Mitomycin C,
Correlation between laboratory values and the severity/outcome epidermal growth factor (EGF), Anti-oxidant treatment (vitamin
of injury is poor. A high white blood cell count (> 20000 cells/ E, H1 blocker, mast cell stabilizer, methylprednisolone) and caffeic
mm3), elevated serum C-reactive protein, age and the presence of acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) have been shown in animal studies to
an esophageal ulcer have been considered predictors of mortality in decrease the incidence of stricture formation but studies in humans
adults; an arterial pH less than 7.22 or a base excess lower than -12 are awaited [32-38].
have been considered indication of severe esophageal injury [25,26].
Endoscopic management
Conservative Management
Specially designed silicone rubber or polyflex stents have been
Oral intake is encouraged in patients whose injuries are graded 1 found helpful in preventing stricture formation but the efficacy is less
or 2a. In more severe cases of damage (grades 2 or 3), observation in than 50%, with a high migration rate (25%). Patient selection remains
an intensive care unit and nutritional support is required [4,12,26]. a challenge and the development of hyperplastic tissue is a concern
Stricture formation is the most important complication of corrosive [39-41]. Biodegradable stents (poly-L-lactide or polydioxanone) are
damage to the esophagus. Attempts to prevent stricture formation under evaluation for benign strictures, with a 45% success rate at 53
include steroid use, stenting, use of indwelling nasogastric tube, and months in a patient population with only two caustic strictures, a
early dilatation [4,11,12,26]. migration rate of around 10%, and a significant hyperplastic tissue
To date, the efficacy of proton-pump inhibitors and H2 blockers response. Moreover, cost and minimal experience in caustic strictures
in minimizing esophageal injury by suppressing acid reflux has make the use of biodegradable devices questionable, especially in
not been proven, though an impressive endoscopic healing after developing countries [42-44]. Timely evaluation and dilatation of
omeprazole infusion has been observed in a small prospective study the stricture play a central role in achieving a good outcome. Late
[4,27]. Although animal studies had shown that the use of steroids management is usually associated with marked esophageal wall
may decrease the incidence of stricture formation, studies in humans fibrosis and collagen deposition, which makes dilatation more
have been inconclusive so far. A metaanalysis of studies between complex [7,11,12,16]. Dilatation can be carried out with balloon or
1991 and 2004, and an additional analysis of the literature over a bougies (usually Savary) without a clear advantage for each method.
longer period from 1956 to 2006 did not find any benefit of steroid However, the failure rate after pneumatic dilatation is higher in
administration in terms of stricture prevention [4,28,29]. Steroids are caustic ingestion-related strictures than in other benign strictures;
usually reserved for patients with symptoms involving the airway. Savary bougies are considered more reliable than balloon dilators in
The results of a meta-analysis in 361 subjects from a total of 13 studies consolidated and fibrotic strictures such as old caustic stenosis or in
produced more encouraging results. Steroids are usually given for at long, tortuous strictures, and may offer the operator the advantage of
least 3 weeks. Systemic administration of steroids is ineffective in feeling the dilatation occurring under his hands [45-50].
preventing strictures. Intralesional triamcinolone injections have Dilatation should be avoided from 7 to 21 d after ingestion for
been proposed to prevent strictures, but optimal dose, frequency, the risk of perforation, though early, prophylactic dilatation with
and best application techniques are yet to be defined. The use of bougienage has been reported to be safe and effective even in this
corticosteroids continues to be a debatable issue [4,26,28,29]. period [51]. The perforation rate after dilatation of benign esophageal
strictures varies between 0.1% and 0.4%, but for caustic strictures it
With regard to the use of antibiotics, the data is not very clear.
fluctuates from 0.4% to 32.0%, dropping from 17.6% to 4.5% with
Although in animals, antibiotics have shown to decrease infection in
increased experience [4,16,45-50]. The interval between dilatations
steroid treated esophageal burns, no controlled trials in humans are
varies from less than 1 to 2-3 weeks and usually 3-4 sessions are
available. The consensus however appears to be that patients treated
considered sufficient for durable results, although the number of
with steroids should be treated with antibiotics as well. Prophylactic
dilatations required may be unpredictable and quite high. A cut-off
antibiotics, in the absence of steroid therapy are not advocated
value for unsuccessful dilatation treatment may be difficult to define,
especially in developing countries, where alternative surgical options
The insertion of nasogastric tube early in the course of the are not widely available. A good nutritional state is crucial for a
treatment has been suggested to ensure patency of the esophageal successful outcome, especially in children, and both an improvement
lumen but one needs to be cautious because a nasogastric tube itself in nutritional status and sustained esophageal patency should be
can contribute to the development of long strictures and routine use is considered reference points for a successful dilatation [4,16,45-50].

Citation: Arunachalam R, Rammohan A (2016) Corrosive Injury of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review. Arch Clin Gastroenterol 2(1): 056-062. DOI:
Arunachalam and Rammohan (2016)

In the past, patients with antral stenosis have required surgery, either resected if possible, during the first operation. A massive intestinal
pyloroplasty or gastroenterostomy. However, some cases may be necrotic injury represents a reasonable limit for resection. Emergency
successfully managed with endoscopic dilatation and this may be surgery may be required in the case of severe, uncontrolled late gastric
attempted prior to surgery [4,16,52]. bleeding, usually 1-2 wk after ingestion [4,16,55-59].
Surgery Late surgery
Surgery plays a key role as both an emergency measure and later When esophageal dilatation is not possible or fails to provide an
also in delayed reconstruction. In the acute phase, it is clear that adequate esophageal caliber in the long-term, esophageal replacement
patients with evidence of perforation require immediate surgery by retrosternal stomach or, preferably, a colonic interposition should
[16,53-55]. Patients with shock, acidosis, and coagulation disorders be considered [61]. Mortality and morbidity are low in expert hands.
and those who have ingested large amounts of corrosives, usually tend Unless the esophagus was resected at the time of the initial episode of
to have severe injury on laparotomy and early surgical intervention ingestion, the surgeon has the option of simply bypassing the strictured
may prove beneficial [56]. esophagus and leaving it in situ. In most instances it is possible to
Early surgery bring up the esophageal substitute via a substernal route and perform
the proximal anastomosis in the neck or pharynx. Esophageal bypass
Patients with clinical or radiological evidence of perforation avoids the need to dissect out a densely scarred esophagus with the
require immediate laparotomy, usually followed by esophagectomy, attendant risk of injury to the great vessels, thoracic duct, and the
cervical esophagostomy, frequently concomitant gastrectomy trachea or left main bronchus and the inevitable consequence of vagal
and even more extensive resections, and jejunostomy feeding injury [61-65].
may be required [4,16,54]. These injuries also result in metabolic
abnormalities such as severe acidosis and dehydration. Loss of The disadvantage of bypass is that the remaining esophagus
the gut mucosal barrier coupled with peritoneal and mediastinal is prone to undergo cystic dilation, with occasional rupture. It is
contamination results in severe sepsis. Management of these patients inaccessible to endoscopic examination. If it is not disconnected
involves urgent resuscitation with correction of fluid and electrolyte from the stomach, it may be subject to severe acid reflux without the
and acid-base abnormalities, administration of broad spectrum buffering effect of saliva. Finally, the esophagus has an increased risk
antibiotics and immediate surgical exploration [4,16,55-59]. for cancer after caustic injury. The magnitude of the risk is debated, but
it is alleged that the risk is 1000 times that of the general population.
Indications for emergency surgery rely more often on clinical
It tends to occur many years after the injury, often more than 30 years
grounds than on radiological findings; in the presence of doubtful
later [4,16,61-65]. Resection of the esophagus after transmural caustic
clinical features a decision to perform laparotomy is likely more
injury can be a formidable undertaking and an increased mortality
advantageous for patients than a conservative attitude especially
as a consequence of attempted resection outweighs the theoretical
in patients who ingested large amounts of corrosive substances
advantage of reducing the cancer risk. Thoracotomy is usually
[4,16,55-59]. Laboratory and endoscopic criteria for emergency
required because the dense periesophageal scarring, as a result of both
surgery have been suggested, including disseminated intravascular
coagulation, renal failure, acidosis and third degree esophageal burns. the injury itself and possibly superimposed microperforations from
Unfortunately, these are often late findings and surgery may improve numerous dilatations may be difficult and dangerous to resect via
mortality and morbidity in grade 3A injuries only. Severe injuries the transhiatal route. Hence if esophagectomy is to be performed, it
of the stomach at endoscopy require careful monitoring with a low should be done in a high-volume center where experienced surgeons
threshold for laparotomy [56]. Conservative management of severe and intensive care is available [4,8,16,61-65].
gastric injuries at laparotomy, with partial or total conservation of Choice of substitute
the stomach, has been recently advocated by some in the absence of
clinical and biological signs of severity [56,59]. The need to perform Options for substituting the damaged esophagus include the
surgery for caustic injuries has a persistent long-term negative impact stomach, colon or the jejunum. Gastric pull-up requires only one
both on survival and functional outcome. anastomosis, is generally quicker, and is increasingly being performed
laparoscopically. However, the functional results tend to deteriorate
Diagnostic Laparoscopy acts as an ideal bridge between a formal over time with the development of symptomatic reflux, stricture,
laparotomy and conservative management. It helps assess the and columnar metaplasia above the anastomosis in the proximal
abdominal viscera in patients who have equivocal abdominal findings
esophageal remnant [4,8,16,62-67]. In contrast, colon interposition
in a background of features of sepsis. Laparoscopy has been proposed
is a more extensive procedure that requires three anastomoses, but
when gastric perforation is highly suspected. The minimally invasive
the functional results remain stable or improve with time. Colon
approach has two caveats: unless in very expert hands, it is not a
interposition is also associated with a lower incidence of stricture
substitute for a comprehensive abdominal exploration, particularly in
than gastric pull-up. The stomach may often become unavailable
the posterior aspects of the stomach and duodenum, and it can extend
due to intrinsic damage by the caustic agent, leading to scarring and
the operative time excessively in a situation where time is a major
foreshortening [4,8,16,62-67].
determinant of outcome. However, it might be considered a useful
tool when the stomach cannot be evaluated by endoscopy. Experience The short mesentery of the jejunum generally precludes a jejunal
is still limited and laparoscopy may be neither feasible nor helpful in limb from reaching to the cervical esophagus or pharynx. It is best
such dramatic circumstances [4,53,60]. All injured organs must be to bring the limb of jejunum into the middle or upper mediastinum

Citation: Arunachalam R, Rammohan A (2016) Corrosive Injury of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review. Arch Clin Gastroenterol 2(1): 056-062. DOI:
Arunachalam and Rammohan (2016)

and then bridge the gap by harvesting a free flap of jejunum and laryngeal injury and the presence of downstream esophageal
anastomosing the artery and vein to the external carotid and jugular strictures [68]. Reconstruction of a segment of the esophagus distal
vein, respectively. The distal end may be anastomosed to the upper to the pharyngoesophageal junction and performance of anastomosis
limit of the Roux limb of the jejunum, this is done in a staged manner at this site is met with better results. Dilatation still remains the first
to let the graft mature and the blood supply develop for several choice therapeutic modality, although the failure rate of dilatation is
weeks before performing the proximal anastomosis in the pharynx higher as there is no lumen to enable passage of a guide wire for use
[4,8,12,16,62,67]. Early attempts with pedicled cervical skin flaps were of over-the-wire dilators [4,16,68]. When a balloon dilator is used,
associated with a very high failure rate because of leakage and stricture. the extreme proximal nature of the stricture results in the proximal
A myocutaneous flap harvested from the pectoralis major muscle and part of the inflated balloon occluding the larynx. This causes acute
based on the pectoral branch of the acromiothoracic artery may be respiratory embarrassment and necessitates abandoning of the
tunneled under the clavicle and sutured into a pharyngeal defect, but procedure. If a patent segment of the esophagus can be demonstrated
this flap is too bulky to be used for a circumferential defect [4,68]. below the pharyngoesophageal stricture, an esophagostomy can
Reconstruction is advisable at the end of the evolving scarring process, be established through a right neck approach along the anterior
usually after 6 mo, although the optimal timing of reconstruction has
border of the sternocleidomastoid distal to the PES. After a week,
been reported from 2 months to years [4,8,12,16,62,67].
a guide wire passed transorally across the stricture exiting through
Gastric strictures the esophagostomy can be used for Savary–Gilliard dilatation. The
stricture is kept open between dilatations by leaving a nasogastric
Chronic corrosive gastric injury was classified into the following
tube to exit out through the esophagostomy. Once the lumen of the
five types. Type I: short ring stricture of the stomach within one or
pharyngoesophageal stricture is stabilized, an esophagocoloplasty can
two centimeters of the pylorus; type II: stricture extending proximally
be done through a left-sided neck approach. If the pharyngoesophageal
up to the antrum; type III: mid gastric stricture involving the body of
the stomach and sparing the proximal and distal parts of the stomach; stricture is the only segment of the esophagus to be narrowed,
type IV: diffuse gastric involvement producing a linitis plastica like stabilization of the stricture by dilatation through an esophagostomy
appearance; and type V: gastric stricture associated with a stricture can be followed by asking the patient to progressively swallow
of the first part of the duodenum [69]. The ideal time for surgical liquids, semisolids and solids [68,72,73]. Patients with only synechiae
intervention for a chronic corrosive gastric injury is debatable. It is between the arytenoids and the posterior pharyngeal wall benefit
better to postpone surgery resort to jejunostomy feeds to improve the from repeated excision of the granulation tissue, cauterization, and
general fitness status and allow the gastric stricture to stabilize. This adhesiolysis under anesthesia [1,12,68,72].
may take up to several months. This period also enables the mucosal If the pharyngoesophageal stricture is longer and extends
lesions to heal, so that surgical anastomosis can be carried out with up to several centimeters into the cervical esophagus, an island
greater safety. The preferred operation depends on several factors: (1) myocutaneous flap may be beneficial. In those with additional distal
the general condition of the patient, (2) the need for a concomitant
non-dilatable strictures, the myocutaneous flap inlay which is done
esophageal reconstruction, and (3) the type of chronic gastric
by an approach through the right side of the neck can be followed
injury [69-71]. In type I gastric injury, a limited resection with a
by a second stage esophagocoloplasty through the left side of the
gastroduodenal reconstruction is performed. The strictures are short,
neck [73]. Patients who have extensive laryngeal scarring requiring
and hence the extent of gastric resection required is minimal. The
a permanent tracheostomy are easier to manage. Since the risk
stomach and the duodenum can be brought together in most instances
of aspiration is eliminated they can be treated by a colonic bypass
without tension. Type II or III gastric injury is best treated by a distal
gastrectomy and an antecolic Polya reconstruction. A retrocolic GJ with the proximal anastomosis being made to the lateral wall of the
may interfere with the middle colic arcade and make mobilization pharynx [74]. Those in whom none of the above is feasible due to
of the colon at a later date for esophageal bypass more difficult or an unfavourable anatomy of the stricture and the aerodigestive tract;
sometimes impossible. Type IV gastric injuries can be managed by a permanent feeding jejunostomy or gastrostomy is the only option
a total gastric resection. A type V gastric injury that extends into [71-74].
the duodenum or has a separate stricture of the duodenum is more Conclusion
difficult to manage. Resection in such instances involves a major
procedure in a patient with poor general condition. Such injuries Ingestion of corrosive substances is increasingly reported in
are best managed by an antecolic dependant gastrojejunostomy. developing countries, due to lack of education and prevention. The
However, besides seriously compromising the general condition of relationship between symptoms and severity of injury may be vague,
the patient, they are almost always associated with severe esophageal and patients should be carefully monitored, since esophageal or
injuries. These strictures are hence treated with a colonic bypass for gastric perforations can occur at any time during the first 2 weeks after
the esophagus and anastomosing the distal end of the colon end-to- ingestion. Endoscopy is considered a cornerstone in the diagnosis of
side to the proximal jejunum, leaving the stomach in situ [4,16,69- corrosive ingestions, yet the indication for early endoscopy should be
71]. made on a case-by-case basis. Timely and early surgery may be the
only hope for patients with severe injuries, and an aggressive attitude
Pharyngoesophageal strictures
should be considered in such patients Main late sequelae include
Pharyngoesophageal strictures (PES) raise difficult therapeutic esophageal strictures, often accompanied by undernourishment. The
problems due to the site of stricture, the possible association with likelihood of a gastric outlet obstruction should always be kept in

Citation: Arunachalam R, Rammohan A (2016) Corrosive Injury of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review. Arch Clin Gastroenterol 2(1): 056-062. DOI:
Arunachalam and Rammohan (2016)

mind. Endoscopic dilatation is usually successful in achieving a patent 19. Poley JW, Steyerberg EW, Kuipers EJ, Dees J, Hartmans R, et al. (2004)
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Citation: Arunachalam R, Rammohan A (2016) Corrosive Injury of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review. Arch Clin Gastroenterol 2(1): 056-062. DOI:

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