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1. Cost price of a pen is 50 Rs. and that of notebook is 140 Rs. If pen is sold at 200%
profit, then to purchase 10 such note books how many pens are required to sell if only
profit money is used to buy notebooks?
1) 18 2) 14 3) 12 4) 22 5) 24

2. There are two shopkeepers, first shopkeeper calculates his profit percent on the
selling price whereas the second shopkeeper calculates his profit percent on the
cost price. If the selling price for both the shopkeeper is same and the difference
between their profits is Rs.175. Then, calculate the sum of the cost price for both
the shopkeeper if the profit percent for the both shopkeeper is 25%?
1) Rs 5425 2) Rs 4875 3) Rs 4675 4) Rs 5275 5) Rs 5325
A shopkeeper sells shirts at the rate of Rs 400 per shirt and allows a discount of 10%
to all customers buying by full cash payment. Also, for all those customers who buy
10 shirts at a time, he counts 12 shirts. If a customer is willing to take both the

2) 12.5%

discounts, what net effective discount can he avail?
1) 37.5% 3) 33.33% 4) 25% 5) 16%
4. A shopkeeper who sells same marked price shirts, announced an offer – if one buys
two shirts then the buyer can buy the third shirt at the discounted price of Rs. 150.
Ram took the offer and bought 12 shirts by paying Rs. 5,000 only. Find the overall

discount percentage allowed by the shopkeeper.

16 10 8 10 8
1) 17 % 2) 29 % 3) 24 % 4) 36 % 5) 28 %
33 33 33 33 33
5. A shopkeeper buys a chair and a table for Rs. 1500. He sells the chair at 20% profit

and table at 30% profit. If total profit is 33 % of S.P. of table, find C.P. of chair ?
1) Rs. 600 2) Rs. 900 3) Rs. 750 4) Rs. 650 5) Rs. 550
6. X’ is a bread seller who marked up price of each bread packet by 150% above and
allow discounts of 40% and made a profit of Rs. 30 on each bread packet. If ‘X’ allows
37.5% discount on each packet, then find how much profit he gets on selling 80 bread
1) Rs 2750 2) Rs 3200 3) Rs 2500 4) Rs 2700 5) Rs 2400
7. Five litres of water is added to a certain quantity of pure milk costing Rs. 3 per litre. If
by selling the mixture at the same price as before, a profit of 20% is made, then what
is the amount of pure milk in the mixture?
1) 20 litres 2) 25 litres 3) 30 litres 4) 35 litres 5) 15 litres
8. A shopkeeper bought three watches w1, w2 and w3 from a dealer and sold them to
three different customers. The ratio of the selling prices of the watches w1 , w2 and w3
was 2:3:4. The shopkeeper gains 30% and 20% on the watches w1 and w2
respectively but loses 40% on the watch w3. What was the shopkeeper’s
approximate percent gain or loss in the whole transaction?
1) 16% profit 2) 16% loss 3) 15% loss
4) Data inadequate 5) 15% profit
9. On selling a chair at 7% loss and a table at 17% gain, a man gains Rs. 296. If he
sells the chair at 7% gain and the table at 12% gain, then he gains Rs. 400. The
actual price of the table is
1) Rs. 1600 2) Rs.1800 3) Rs.2200 4) Rs.2400 5) Rs.1400
10. A sells a scooter priced at Rs.36000. He gives a discount of 8% on the first Rs.20000
and 5% on the next Rs.10000. How much discount can he afford on the remaining Rs.
6000 if he is to get as much as when 7% discount is allowed on the total?
1) 5% 2) 6% 3) 7% 4) 8% 5) 4%
11. A dealer marked the price of an item 40% above the cost price. He allowed two succes-
sive discounts of 20% and 25% to a particular customer. As a result he incurred a loss
of Rs.448. At what price did he sell the item to the said customer?
1) Rs.2,416 2) Rs.2,352 3) Rs.2,268 4) Rs. 2,152 5) Rs.2, 365
12. A watch dealer sells watches at Rs.800 per watch.However, he is forced to give two
successive discounts of 10% and 15%,respectively.However,he recovers the sales tax
on the net price. Find the profit percentage if the CP of watch is Rs.600.

1) 23.5% 2) 21.5% 3) 25.5% 4) 27.5% 5) 26.5
13. A man sells two horses for Rs. 1475. The cost price of the first is equal to the selling
price of the second. If the first is sold at 20% loss and the second at 25% gain, what is
his total gain or loss (in rupees)?
1) Rs.60 loss 2) Rs.80 gain 3) Rs.60 gain
ha 4) Neither gain nor loss
5) Rs.80 loss
14. A merchant buys two items for Rs.7500. One item he sells at a profit of 16 % and the
other item at 14% loss. In the deal the merchant makes neither any profit nor any

loss. waht is the difference between Selling price(in Rs.) of both the items?
1) 625 2) 610 3) 620 4) 630 5) 615
15. Two mobile phones were purchased at the same price . One was sold at a profit of 30%
and the second was sold at a price which was Rs. 2500 less than the price at which
the first was sold. If all over the profit earned by selling both the moble phones was
5%,what was the cost price of one mobile phones?

1) Rs.8000 2) Rs.5000 3) Rs.6000 4) Rs.4500 5) Rs.5500

16. The cost price of an item B is Rs.150 more than the cost of item A. The item A was sold
at a profit of 10% and the item B was sold at a loss of 20%. If the respective ratio of
selling prices of items A and B is 11:12,what is the cost price of the item B?
1) Rs.450 2) Rs.420 3) Rs.400 4) Rs.350 5) Rs.480
17. Cost price of each of the articles A and B Is Rs. ‘X’. Article A was sold at a profit of 20%

and article B was sold at a profit of 60%. If the overall profit earned after selling both
the articles is Rs. 216/-, what is the value of ‘X’ ?
1) Rs. 280 2) Rs. 290 3) Rs. 270 4) Rs. 310 5) Rs. 250
18. A shopkeeper bought 150 calculators at the rate of Rs.250 per calculator. He spents
Rs.2500 on transporatation and packing .If the marked price of calculator is Rs.320
per calculator and the shopkeeper gives a discount of 5% on the marked price,then
what will be the percentage profit gained by the shopkeeper?
1) 20% 2) 14% 3) 15% 4) 16% 5) 25%
19. A sales boy’s terms were changed from a flat commission of 7% on all his sales to a
fixed salary of Rs 500 plus 5% commission on all sales exceeding Rs 5000. If his
remuneration as per the new scheme was Rs 50 more than that in the previous scheme,
then find his total sales in Rs term.
1) Rs.12000 2) Rs.10000 3) Rs.15000 4) Rs.12500 5) Rs.16000
20. Quantity I: The selling price of an article is Rs.96 and the cost price is equal to profit
percentage. Then the cost price of the article is
Quantity II: The selling price of an article is Rs.24 and the cost price is equal to loss
percentage. Then the cost price of the article is
1) Quantity I > Quantity II 2) Quantity I < Quantity II
3) Quantity I  Quantity II 4) Quantity I  Quantity II
5) Quantity I = Quantity II or the relation can’t be determined
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3 5) 1 6) 4 7) 2 8) 2 9) 4 10) 3
11) 2 12) 4 13) 4 14) 3 15) 2 16) 1 17) 3 18) 2 19) 2 20) 1

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