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1. What is culture?

2. What groups of cultural phenomena do you know?

3. What are artifacts?
4. What are cultural beliefs?
5. What are cultural traditions?
6. What are cultural symbols?
7. What are cultural values?
8. What are cultural norms?
9. Why culture can be compared to an iceberg?
10. Why is understanding people with different cultural backgrounds so
urgent today?
11. What can interpersonal misunderstanding lead to?
12. What do you know about Intercultural Communication as a
phenomenon/ as an academic discipline?
13. Why is Intercultural Communication an interdisciplinary subject?
14. Why is cross-cultural awareness important to students of KNEU?
15. What qualities should a multiculturalist possess?
16. What prominent cultural theories do you know? Who are their founders?
17. What is Cross-Cultural Analysis Methodology based on?
18. What is Corporate Culture?
19. Is it easy to adapt to living in a culture different from your own? What
adaptation strategies do you know?
20. How can Individualism be defined?
21. How can Collectivism be defined?
22. What are key characteristics of Individualistic cultures?
23. What are key characteristics of Collectivistic cultures?
24. What are key factors in determining whether a culture becomes
Individualistic or Collectivistic?
25. What four types of Individualism and Collectivism do the scholars
26. How does the variable Individualism/Collectivism affect business
conduct, communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution?
27. Is Ukraine an individualistic or a collectivistic culture?
28. What countries with the highest indices of Individualism/Collectivism do
you know?
29. How is power perceived in different cultures?
30. Why are the national attitudes to power so different?
31. Why is the paradigm «equality−inequality» viewed so differently in
different societies?
32. How do the scholars define power distance?
33. Does the power distance index show the distribution of power among
the members of the society?
34. What factors determine the high or the low PDI?
35. What features are the societies with the high PDI characterized by?
36. What features are the societies with the low PDI characterized by?
37. What are the disadvantages of high power distance?
38. What overdramatic consequences can high power distance have?
39. What are the flaws of low power distance?
40. How can power distance influence the process of intercultural
41. How can power distance differences be mitigated?
42. What is the PDI of Ukraine? How does it influence its culture?
43. What is uncertainty avoidance? How can it be defined?
44. What is uncertainty avoidance index?
45. How does Hofstede classify cultures in terms of their UAI?
46. What are Strong Uncertainty Avoidance characteristics?
47. What are Weak Uncertainty Avoidance characteristics?
48. What countries with Strong/Weak Uncertainty Avoidance characteristics
do you know?
49. What is Ukraine’s UAI?
50. How does Uncertainty Avoidance affect behaviors in the spheres of
international business; international communications?
51. Are «male» and «female» the same as «masculine» and «feminine»?
52. What kind of difference is there between «male» and «female»?
53. What kind of difference is there between «masculine» and «feminine»?
54. In what cultures can a man be called feminine or a woman – masculine?
55. What is a gender role?
56. In which society are the gender roles performed by male and female
more distinct: masculine or feminine?
57. In which society can work be an excuse to neglect the family: masculine
or feminine?
58. What is MAS index? What are the countries with the highest MAS?
59. Is there any connection between the country’s wealth and its
Masculinity/Femininity index?
60. Is Ukraine a masculine or a feminine culture?
61. Who is the target audience for the marketers in masculine/feminine
62. What are negotiations aimed at in masculine/feminine society?
63. What is the function of mass media in masculine/feminine society?
64. Can femininity be a taboo in some cultures?
65. How can a High-Context Culture be defined?
66. How can a Low-Context Culture be defined?
67. What are the key characteristics of High-Context Cultures?
68. What are the key characteristics of Low-Context Cultures?
69. How do the theories about High and Low Context Cultures reveal themselves
in website design/advertisements?
70. What countries with high/low contextuality do you?
71. What is chronemics?
72. How does E.T. Hall classify cultures according to their attitudes to time?
73. What are cultural differences in time orientation?
74. What is a monochronic culture?
75. What are the main characteristics of monochronic cultures? (Give at least five
76. What is a polychronic culture?
77. What are the main characteristics of polychronic cultures? (Give at least five
78. How do monochronic cultures/polychronic cultures view time?
79. What time attitude does R. Lewis specify?
80. What are the cultures with the linear attitude to time characterized by? (Give
at least three positions)
81. What are the cultures with the flexible attitude to time characterized by?
(Give at least three positions)
82. What are the cultures with the cyclical attitude to time characterized by?
(Give at least three positions)
83. What recommendations would you give for businesspersons who are planning
to conduct business in linear cultures? (Give at least three positions)
84. What is Non-Verbal communication?
85. What groups do Non-verbal messages and codes fall into?
86. What is Haptics/Kinesics/Kinesics/Proxemics?
87. How can corruption be culturally defined?
88. What are the causes or factors that promote corruption?
89. What forms of systemic corruption do you know?
90. What types of negotiations do the theorists specify?
91. What is the difference between distributive and integrative negotiations?
92. What kinds of negotiators do the scholars describe?
93. What skills should a negotiator have?
94. What are the styles and scenarios of negotiations in multicultural
95. What negotiating tactics do businesspersons commonly use?
96. What cultural factors can affect business negotiations?
97. What are the key criteria of a successful presentation?
98. What are the main types of presentation?
99. What is academic integrity? What is plagiarism?
100. Why is academic integrity so important for the students?

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