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Rodrigo D.

Javier I 10/17/2021


Activity No. 3

Let’s Explore This

Showing Support for Others

Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually

1. A new I will give him/her a I will show and comfort I will treat her just like a I will try to invite
classmate with helping hand in things her/him that he/she is normal person and him/her to go to church.
a physical he/she find difficult to not different from us. introduce him/her to my
disability do. friends.
2. A friend who I will be there for I will try to comfort I will ask her if he/she I will pray that he/she
lost his parents him/her and let him feel him/her the way she/he wants me to be there will not lose hope and
due to accident my presence in order wants. I will not try to since I don’t want to for his/her fast
she/he will not feel that persuade him to be step on his/her recovery.
he/she is alone. feeling better and I will boundaries and I will
let him do what he/she respect his/her
wants. decisions.
3. A neighbor I will show and tell him I will be there for his/her I will introduce him to I will pray that will
who chose to about employment decisions and support my friends that have his/her employment will
stop schooling agency that will help him/her the capacity to employ become successful. And
for him. or help him/her find ask God to guide on
employment job. his/her journey.
4. A sibling who I will ask my sibling to I will respect my I will introduce my I will invite my sibling to
spend most of avoid playing too often siblings’ boundaries and sibling to my friends church every weekend
his/her time and have a healthy treat him/her with that can help him/her and pray with me.
playing online exercise to become respect in his/her grow.
games physically fit. I will also decisions. However, I
remind my sibling to eat will tell my sibling that
regularly. playing too much is bad
to his/her health.
5. A friend who I will accompany I will make him/her feel I will invite him/her to I will ask God to always
plans to leave him/her to the places that s/he is not alone our house and talk to guide him/her. And I
their house that s/he wants in order and I encourage my parents in order to will also say to him/her
because of a to unwind and to him/her to stay strong. understand their to trust God’s plan and
family problem reduce stress. situation. timing.
6. A new group I will comfort and make I will lend my ears to I will be there for them I will pray for them and
who loses them feel better them and listen to their and make them feel also I will say to them
hope because through being there for challenges and struggles comfortable in speaking that don’t lose hope.
of many them. in life. up without the fear of
problems being judged.
7. A cousin from I will help my cousin to I will motivate, guide, I will encourage my I will pray to my
an ethnic cope up with the new support my cousins’ cousin to make friends cousins’ fast adjustment
group who is environment that we’re choices. and I’ll introduce him and that no
still adjusting facing today. also to my friends. complications may be
to her new in his/her way.
8. A relative who I will be there for my I will continue to I will introduce my I will pray that my
is confused relatives and tell them encourage and support relatives to my friends relatives will be given
with his gender that there is nothing my relatives to their whose facing the same answers and be
preference wrong about their decisions. problems with them. genuinely happy when
gender. they find out their true
9. A classmate I will lend him/her my I will not judge his/her I will introduce my I will pray that my
who notes and try to tutor capacity and encourage classmate to the people classmates’ academic
experiences my classmate in the him/her to craft his/her who can help him performance will be
social subjects s/he finds out forte. without the fear of better and ask God for
discrimination difficult to understand. being judged. his/her guidance.
due to his poor
10. An older sibling I will show to him/her I will encourage him/her I will accompany my I will invite her to
who needs about educational to make adjustments older sibling into the church every Sundays,
help on time videos that will help and praise his/her places that make and also encourage
management him come up with efforts for doing his/her him/her comfortable him/her to read bible
his/her problems. best. and to feel better. verses.

Processing Questions:

1. What do you notice on your answers?

Answer: I noticed that some of my answers are the same since I’m not really good comforting people and I
always try to put my shoes into them and also respect their decisions.

2. Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage? Explain.

Answer: The most difficult one is “NO.2” since I can’t imagine the pain s/he’s dealing and that pain is

3. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain.

Answer: In my opinion, being there and listening to their problems is one of the easiest types of help I can
give to them. Since just being there for them and letting them know your presence and support will help
them feel that they’re not alone in their challenges.

4. What have you realized after doing this activity?

Answer: I realized that I can help someone with some simple advices and also listening to their problems
and make them feel that they’re not alone will have a great impact to them. As long as you respect their
decisions and boundaries.

What I have learned

How should we celebrate our individual differences?

Everyone in this world is the product of a different education and experience. So, it's no longer a surprise
when everyone has unique differences. There are many ways to celebrate our individual differences.

First, we can invite our friends or fellow students to share each other's backgrounds. Be it culture, family, or
simply the likes and dislikes of the other. Second, we can also celebrate our individual differences by accepting
our own differences. Once we accept our own differences, we can free ourselves from all our insecurities, and
being free from insecurities is a festival.
Another great way to celebrate our differences is to invite families in to share. Encourage them to share the
ways they celebrate an occasion or their special hobbies, interests, music. Learning about families within the
group creates a sense of unity and understanding. Lastly, we can celebrate our individual differences by
accepting other people's differences. It is not enough that we just accept our own individual differences. It is
also very important that we accept other people's differences.

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