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Quality education-a target for Romanian school

Prof. Buia Daniela

Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Auto

Without the intention of being exhaustive, this work shows some aspects regarding
quality in the teaching-learning process. This is a topic of large interest, a required necessity
of every time period.
The school, as an institution, has the responsibility of modernizing the process of
education, and teachers are the persons who can change the directions, for the benefit of the
organization. There is a continuous fight in which each school has to show it is the best.
Education is a very complex process, so the quality is a target difficult to achieve, due
to many actors involved (teachers, students, parents, community). The quality in education
refers to a high level of expected results, a value of the output.
We can identify some principle of the quality education, which will be later the
fundament of systems and procedures for quality assurance and maintaing high standards. All
these actions (planning, achieving, monitoring, evaluation, improving) will strength the self-
confidence and the trust of community.
All the persons involved in educational process has a particular role and only working
together as a team a high level of results can be achieved.
Teachers have to find the best solutions for increasing the motivation, to shape the
whole activity to the students’ needs, pupils and parents must be actively involved in own
formation, school manager has to assure good condition for a quality education.
The evaluation must be made individually, taking into consideration the input value,
the results in a previous stage. With equal efforts, the output values will be very different, due
to some obstacles which may occur. Together we have to find ways of passing over these
Teachers’ role is the most important because improving quality in education means
changing attitude towards students, developing good relations with pupils.

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