1, Philippine Constitution

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Name: Jasmin Rindi D. Kumar

Course & Year: BSTM – 3rd Year
Let us validate your understanding on Philippine Constitution….

Direction: Answer the following questions provided below:

1. what is a constitution?


A constitution is a system for government, codified as a written document, which contains

fundamental laws and principles. It usually contains fundamental political principles and
establishes the structure, procedures, powers, and duties, of a government. The Constitution of
the Philippines is the supreme law of the Philippines. The Constitution currently in effect was
enacted in 1987, during the administration of President Corazon C. Aquino, and is popularly
known as the "1987 Constitution. Philippine constitutional law experts recognize three other
previous constitutions as having effectively governed the country the 935 Commonwealth
Constitutions, the 1973 Constitution, and the 1986 Freedom Constitution. Constitutions for the
Philippines were also drafted and adopted during the short-lived governments of Presidents
Emilio Aguinaldo (1898) and José P. Laurel (1943).

2. What is the fundamental objective of the constitution?


As states in its preamble, the constitution seeks to build a just. As states in its preamble, the
constitution seeks to build a just and humane society under a government that will promote
and humane society under a government that will promote the general welfare and preserve
our independence and the general welfare and preserve our independence and democracy

3. What are the objectives of the constitution?


The Objectives of the Constitution are to form a better union, to establish justice, to insure domestic
tranquility, to provide for the defense, to promote the general welfare, and to secure blessings of liberty
to ourselves and our posterity.

By Dr. Sheila L. Gabriel, LPT


 4. Enumerate the basic rights of the individual embodied in the constitution.

 The right to life, liberty, or property, and equal protection of the laws. (Section 1).
 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures. (Sec. 22).
 The right of privacy of communication and correspondence. (sec. 3)
 The right of freedom of speech, of expression, or the press, or the right of people to
assemble peaceably to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (Sec. 4)
 The right of free exercise and enjoyment of religion. (Sec. 5).
 The right of liberty of abode and of changing the same. (Sec. 6).
 The right of the people to information on matters of public concern. (Sec. 7).

Let us know your opinion on this….

What is the relevance of going over our Philippine Constitution with our subject
matter Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality?
It is relevant to this subject because it protects the rights of travelers and tourism and
hospitality workers. With the Philippine Constitution, we can understand more the law
the rights of people; that we can apply in our life. It’s also help us to know our
limitations and the right things we should do in order for us to become a good citizen
too. Especially, when I work in a company, I will negotiate with employees there and
going out with new people. The Philippine constitution is important because it helps
how we should protect ourselves from enemies.

By Dr. Sheila L. Gabriel, LPT

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