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Amorphous- without form
a-, an- without, not Asocial- avoiding social interaction
Atheist- no belief in God
Aeronaut- a traveller in a hot-air balloon, airship, or other
flying craft
aero- air, atmosphere
Aeronautics- the science or practice of building or flying
Ambivalent- in two minds, doubtful
Ambidextrous - able to use the right and left hands equally
ambi- both well.
Ambivert- a person who has a balance of extrovert and
introvert features in their personality.
Antecedent- a thing that existed before or logically
precedes another.
ante before Anterior- coming before in time; earlier.
Antedate- precede in time; come before (something) in
Antibiotics- against the microorganisms, a medicine (such
as penicillin or its derivatives) that inhibits the growth of or
destroys microorganisms.
anti- against
Antioxidant- a substance that inhibits oxidation
Antifreeze- a liquid that can be added to water to lower the
freezing point
Autoimmune- relating to disease caused by antibodies or
lymphocytes produced against substances naturally
present in the body.
auto- self
Autonomous- having the freedom to govern itself or control
its own affairs.
Autocorrect- automatically correct
Bifocals- a pair of glasses with bifocal lenses.
bi- two, both Bipolar- having or relating to two poles or extremities.
Biannual- occurring twice a year.
Chronology- the arrangement of events or dates in the
chrono-, order of their occurrence.
chron- Chronicle- a factual written account of important or
historical events in the order of their occurrence.
Circumference- the enclosing boundary of a curved
geometric figure, especially a circle.
circum- around
Circumscribe- keep within limits
Circumvent- find a way around (an obstacle).
Contradict- go against
against Counteract- act against (something) in order to reduce its
force or neutralize it
Degenerate- decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or
down, undo, not,
Defrost- free of accumulated ice, usually by turning it off for
de- opposite, derived from
a period.
Demotivate- make (someone) less eager to work or study
(lessen motivation)
Disadvantage- lack of advantage
Displacement- the action of moving something from its
di-, dis- lack of, not, apart
place or position.
Disagree- not agree


Dysfunction- abnormality or impairment in the operation of

dys- abnormal, bad, difficult a specified bodily organ or system or disruption of normal
social relations
Eulogy- a speech or piece of writing that praises someone
eu- good, normal or something highly, especially a tribute to someone who
has just died.
Expose- reveal the truth
ex- (or e-) out (of), former
Extract- remove or take out
Exoskeleton- a rigid external covering for the body in some
exo-, ecto-, invertebrate animals, especially arthropods.
outside, beyond
extra-, extro- Extraordinary- very unusual or remarkable.
Extracurricular- beyond the normal course of study
Foresee- be aware of beforehand; predict.
fore- before, in front Foreshadow- be a warning or indication of (a future event).
Forecast- predict or estimate (a future event or trend).

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