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Probability and Counting Rules

4.4 Counting Rules

◼The fundamental counting rule is also called
the multiplication of choices.
◼In asequence of n events in which the first one
has k1 possibilities and the second event has k2
and the third has k3, and so forth, the total
number of possibilities of the sequence will be
k1 · k2 · k 3 · · · kn

Bluman, Chapter 4 2
Paint Colors
A paint manufacturer wishes to manufacture several different
paints. The categories include
Color: red, blue, white, black, green, brown, yellow
Type: latex, oil
Texture: flat, semigloss, high gloss
Use: outdoor, indoor
How many different kinds of paint can be made if you can
select one color, one type, one texture, and one use?

( # of
)( )(
# of # of # of
colors types textures uses )( )
7  2  3  2
84 different kinds of paint
Bluman, Chapter 4 3
Counting Rules
◼ Factorial is
the product of all the positive
numbers from 1 to a number.
n ! = n ( n − 1)( n − 2 )  3  2 1
0! = 1
◼ Permutation is an arrangement of objects in a
specific order. Order matters.
n Pr = = n ( n − 1)( n − 2 ) ( n − r + 1)
( n − r )!
r items
Bluman, Chapter 4 4
Counting Rules
◼Combination is a grouping of objects. Order
does not matter.

n Cr =
( n − r ) !r !
= n


Bluman, Chapter 4 5
Business Location
Suppose a business owner has a choice of 5 locations in which
to establish her business. She decides to rank each location
according to certain criteria, such as price of the store and
parking facilities. How many different ways can she rank the 5

( )( )(
first second third fourth fifth
choice choice choice choice choice )( )
5  4  3  2  1
120 different ways to rank the locations

Using factorials, 5! = 120.

Using permutations, 5P5 = 120.
Bluman, Chapter 4 6
Business Location
Suppose the business owner in Example 4–42 wishes to rank
only the top 3 of the 5 locations. How many different ways can
she rank them?

( )(
first second third
choice choice choice )( )
5  4  3
60 different ways to rank the locations

Using permutations, 5P3 = 60.

Bluman, Chapter 4 7
Television Ads
The advertising director for a television show has 7 ads to use
on the program.

If she selects 1 of them for the opening of the show, 1 for the
middle of the show, and 1 for the ending of the show, how
many possible ways can this be accomplished?

Since order is important, the solution is

Hence, there would be 210 ways to show 3 ads.

Bluman, Chapter 4 8
School Musical Plays
A school musical director can select 2 musical plays to present
next year. One will be presented in the fall, and one will be
presented in the spring. If she has 9 to pick from, how many
different possibilities are there?

Order matters, so we will use permutations.

9 P2 = = 72 or P = 9  8 = 72
9 2
7! 2

Bluman, Chapter 4 9
Book Reviews
A newspaper editor has received 8 books to review. He decides
that he can use 3 reviews in his newspaper. How many different
ways can these 3 reviews be selected?

The placement in the newspaper is not mentioned, so order

does not matter. We will use combinations.

8 C3 = = 8!/ ( 5!3!) = 56

8 7 6 P
or 8C3 = = 56 or 8C3 = = 56
8 3

3 2 3!

Bluman, Chapter 4 10
Committee Selection
In a club there are 7 women and 5 men. A committee of 3
women and 2 men is to be chosen. How many different
possibilities are there?

There are not separate roles listed for each committee member,
so order does not matter. We will use combinations.

7! 5!
Women: 7C3 = = 35, Men: 5C2 = = 10
4!3! 3!2!
There are 35·10 = 350 different possibilities.

Bluman, Chapter 4 11
Probability and Counting Rules
The counting rules can be combined with the probability
rules to solve many types of probability problems.

By using the fundamental counting rule, the

permutation rules, and the combination rule, you can
compute the probability of outcomes of many
experiments, such as getting a full house when 5 cards
are dealt or selecting a committee of 3 women and 2
men from a club consisting of 10 women and 10 men.

Bluman, Chapter 4 12
A store has 6 TV Graphic magazines and 8 Newstime
magazines on the counter. If two customers purchased a
magazine, find the probability that one of each magazine was

TV Graphic: One magazine of the 6 magazines

Newstime: One magazine of the 8 magazines
Total: Two magazines of the 14 magazines

C1 8 C1 6  8 48
= =
14 C2 91 91

Bluman, Chapter 4 13
Combination Lock
A combination lock consists of the 26 letters of the alphabet. If
a 3-letter combination is needed, find the probability that the
combination will consist of the letters ABC in that order. The
same letter can be used more than once. (Note: A combination
lock is really a
permutation lock.)

There are 26·26·26 = 17,576 possible combinations.

The letters ABC in order create one combination.


Bluman, Chapter 4 14
How many different 3 - digit identification tags can be
made if the digits can be used more than once? If the
first digit must be a 5 and repetitions are not permitted?

If digits can be used more than

once: Since there are three
spaces to fill and 10 choices for
each space, the solution is:

10 10 10 = 1000
How many different 3 - digit identification tags can be
made if the digits can be used more than once? If the
first digit must be a 5 and repetitions are not permitted?
If the first digit must be a 5 and
repetitions are not permitted:
There is only one way to assign
the first digit, 9 ways to assign
the second, and 8 ways to assign
the third:

1 9 8 = 72
How many different ID cards can be made if there are
6 digits on a card and no digit can be used more than
Since order is important, the solution is:
10 P6 = (10 – 6)!

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1

= 151,200
How many ways can a committee of 4 people be
selected from a group of 10 people?
Since order is not important, the solution is:

C 10!
10 4 = 6!4! = 210
How many ways can a foursome of 2 men and 2 women
be selected from 10 men and 12 women in a golf club?

C g C = 10! g 12!
10 12 12 2 8!2! 10!2!

= 45 g66

= 2970
In a company there are 7 executives: 4 women and 3
men. Three are selected to attend a management
seminar. Find these probabilities.
a. All 3 selected will be women.
b. All 3 selected will be men.
c. 2 men and 1 woman will be selected.
d. 1 man and 2 women will be selected.
In a company there are 7 executives: 4 women and 3
men. Three are selected to attend a management
seminar. Find these probabilities.
a. All 3 selected will be women.
There are 4 C3 ways of selecting
3 women and 7 C3 total ways to
select 3 people; hence,

4 C3 4
P ( all women) = =
7 C3 35
In a company there are 7 executives: 4 women and 3
men. Three are selected to attend a management
seminar. Find these probabilities.
b. All 3 selected will be men.
There are 3 C3 ways of selecting
3 men; hence,

3 C3 1
P ( all men ) = =
7 C3 35
In a company there are 7 executives: 4 women and 3
men. Three are selected to attend a management
seminar. Find these probabilities.
c. 2 men and 1 woman will be selected.
There are 3 C2 ways of selecting
2 men and 4 C1 ways of selecting
1 woman; hence,
3 C2 4 C1
P ( 2 men and 1 woman) =
7 C3
In a company there are 7 executives: 4 women and 3
men. Three are selected to attend a management
seminar. Find these probabilities.
d. 1 man and 2 women will be selected.
There are 3 C1 ways of selecting
1 man and 4 C2 ways of selecting
2 women; hence,
3 C1 4 C2
P ( 1 man and two women ) =
7 C3
A committee of 4 people is to be formed from 6 doctors
and 8 dentists. Find the probability that the committee
will consist of:
a. All dentists.
b. 2 dentists and 2 doctors.
c. All doctors.
d. 3 doctors and 1 dentist.
e. 1 doctor and 3 dentists.
A committee of 4 people is to be formed from 6 doctors
and 8 dentists. Find the probability that the committee
will consist of:
a. All dentists.

8 C4 70 10
= =
14 C4 1001 143
A committee of 4 people is to be formed from 6 doctors
and 8 dentists. Find the probability that the committee
will consist of:
b. 2 dentists and 2 doctors.

6 C2 g 8 C2 420 60
= =
14 C4 1001 143
A committee of 4 people is to be formed from 6 doctors
and 8 dentists. Find the probability that the committee
will consist of:
c. All doctors.

6 C4 15
14 C4 1001
A committee of 4 people is to be formed from 6 doctors
and 8 dentists. Find the probability that the committee
will consist of:
d. 3 doctors and 1 dentist.

6 C3 g 8 C1 160
14 C4 1001
A committee of 4 people is to be formed from 6 doctors
and 8 dentists. Find the probability that the committee
will consist of:
e. 1 doctor and 3 dentists.

6 C1 g 8 C3 336 48
= =
14 C4 1001 143
A drawer contains 11 identical red socks and 8
identical black socks. Suppose that you choose 2
socks at random in the dark.
a. What is the probability that you
get a pair of red socks?
b. What is the probability that you
get a pair of black socks?
c. What is the probability that you
get 2 unmatched socks?
d. Where did the other red sock
A drawer contains 11 identical red socks and 8
identical black socks. Suppose that you choose 2
socks at random in the dark.
a. What is the probability that you
get a pair of red socks?

11C2 55
= = 0.3216
19 C2 171
A drawer contains 11 identical red socks and 8
identical black socks. Suppose that you choose 2
socks at random in the dark.
b. What is the probability that
you get a pair of black socks?

8 C2 28
= = 0.1637
19 C2 171
A drawer contains 11 identical red socks and 8
identical black socks. Suppose that you choose 2
socks at random in the dark.
c. What is the probability that you
get 2 unmatched socks?

11C1 g 8 C1 88
= = 0.5146
19 C2 171
A drawer contains 11 identical red socks and 8
identical black socks. Suppose that you choose 2
socks at random in the dark.
d. Where did the other red sock go?

It probably got lost in the wash!

Find the probability that if 5 different- sized washers are
arranged in a row, they will be arranged in order of size.
There are 5! = 120 ways to arrange 5
washers in a row and 2 ways to have
them in correct order, small to large or
large to small; hence, the probability is:

2 1
120 60

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