Day 1

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LECTURE 1: Fingerprint of Forensic Comparison Software

The historical tools of Fingerprint that most countries use

right now is the magnifying glass some people call it the loop and
this has been the current technology for about 100 years especially
in the Philippines it is a good and easy to use with little training it is
relatively effective and inexpensive but the downside is it is actually
quite bad for the health because of the posture if you are using this
were you will hunched over the desk using one of these magnifying
glasses and in prolong use this will give you headaches and that
what it drove him to modernize fingerprint examination he noticed
that the technology of his own household where his children was
using is a computer and mobile phones and that technology is so
advanced compared to what he is using at work. In that time
technology were modernized he is still suffering from his career
from his desk doing fingerprint examination straining his eyes and
back as digital technology taking off. In 2006 he introduced a digital
comparison software that his son came up with after listening to his
complaints. He did all the programming and just told him what it
works and wanted. After it was distributed to there local police
stations and agencies, they saw a great benefit they were healthier
they are more efficient they could organize their images in folders
on their computers it was easy and quick to use. With that invention
they continue to develop the software they add enhancement
techniques and they added IFA system also known as automated
fingerprint identification system it is basically a fingerprint matching
system mostly seen on offices like biometrics. What is good about
this software is that even low average in technology can be able to
use this software with a little bit of training it is very initiative, it has
features like scroll to zoom in or out and position it by using a
mouse you can also rotate it by just using the mouse that is one of
the advantages of digital use over magnifying glasses without
straining your eyes to get much detail then you wont be able to
work as long as these and you can see the images in high quality
but it really depends on the quality of the pictures from the crime
scene and you can change the saturation to make it easier for your
eyes to see. In storing the fingerprint folders, you can save a lot of
time rather than the alternative which is a envelope for lists of
fingerprints from the crime scene that you’ve got a look at
individually and get him sorted out. So, what we have is a quick
way of getting fingerprints on the screen. Searching the fingerprint
is easy and fast you will just go to the database panel and picked
the best one from the crime scene.
LECTURE 2: Forensic DNA Technology and the Philippine Criminal Justice System:
Possibilities and Actualities
The Philippine National Police Crime Lab do three things
they do research on some of the work, provide training and lastly to
conduct DNA test for paternity or criminal investigation as requested by
the court, sometimes Philippine Genome Laboratory get court orders to
conduct any test to assist the PNP . The Philippine Genome Center does
not conduct DNA testing for criminal investigation but are more focused in
conducting research in preparation for criminal investigation is this
involves validating procedures preparing some procedures work in terms
of extraction analysis.

DNA analysis is one of the primary methods of identification of

criminals, friction ridges and fingerprint analysis are the primary identifiers
and forensic odontology and DNA analysis. Unlike fingerprint and forensic
odontology DNA analysis can use sample of toothbrush, missing hair,
missing persons parents and family data. The process can be used to
identify potential suspects and link the suspects to a crime to prove that
they were in a specific location. DNA profiling also increases the accuracy
of the criminal justice system. Eyewitness reports are unreliable,
especially in high pressure situations while committing a crime.

Advances in DNA collection and analysis, combined with the

power of DNA technology, have transformed the criminal justice system in
many ways. However, it is important to note that while DNA profiling is
very accurate and can play a very important role in catching criminals, it is
only one part of the entire criminal justice process. It takes more than DNA
to convict a person of a crime.
In Rules on DNA Evidence, she discussed more on section 9 which
that section quoted: In evaluating the results of DNA testing, the court
shall consider the following:
The evaluation of the weight of matching DNA evidence or the
relevance of mismatching DNA evidence;

In this section it tells us the two possible results of any DNA testing
either there is a match or mismatch .

The results of the DNA testing in the light of the totality of the other
evidence presented in the case; and that

In this section there are a lot of evidence that can be presented in

the court because it is not the best way to view a case focusing only on
the DNA results.
DNA results that exclude the putative parent from paternity shall be
conclusive proof of non-paternity. IF the value of the Probability of
Paternity is 99.9% or higher there shall be a disputable presumption of

In this section if there is a mismatch from DNA from her biological

parents then there is no value if there is a match then they will start to do
calculations given the value probability of paternity is 99.9% if its lesser
then the court will not accept and if the probability of paternity is 99.9% or
higher the court will accept the evidence because it is not sufficient.

In the topic DNA testing in criminal investigation, they recorded six

index crimes and in the Philippine lab the most frequent are sexual
assault, murder, and carnapping. The speaker focuses more on sexual
assault cases such as rape which can be transferred by biological material
on the body of the assailant to the victim and vice versa and with the help
of forensic laboratory they can determine the assailant by collecting the
samples and this samples should be stored properly at the right
temperature for not to destroy the DNA inside.

On the application of DNA analysis technology, Forensic scientists

are able to analyze smaller and smaller biological samples to develop
DNA profiles as technology advances. Skin cells, for example, could have
been left behind if a person touched an object or weapon. Touch DNA is a
term used to describe low-level DNA. It's even possible to get it from a
victim's skin or bruises if they were roughed up. The laboratory will need to
have their known biological samples accessible for a side-by-side
comparison of the victim's or suspect's DNA profile to the retrieved crime-
scene DNA. These samples are referred to as reference samples since
they are well-known. A DNA sample is frequently taken from an arrestee
during the booking and fingerprinting procedure in several jurisdictions.
However, this is a developing field of law, and the laws regarding the
collecting of DNA. Obtaining a reference from a person of interest can
sometimes necessitate a court order. Unless the victim refuses to
participate with the inquiry, reference samples are always taken from

They are also investigating the rape cases involving minors. Why?
Because this minor especially children are having a hard time reporting
since they are children who are emotionally burden associated with shame
and fear particularly 10-year-old below where will they get money to go to
child protection agency especially if the criminal were their parent, they
would just lock them inside the house.

The Legislation of DNA databasing in the Philippines have a great

impact in resolving crime. Why? Because if we have a population
database then we can have a comparison between different crime scene
evidence and offenders or suspects . The Philippine National Police has
already started establishing a DNA database for profiles of arrestees and
offenders and prisoners that they’ve done any analysis. Philippines has
been working with United states federal bureau of investigation in
establishing a DNA database of offenders arrested and prisoners by using
the police database and this is particularly important because when we
have a database linked with the Interpol there are possible investigation of
cross border crimes such as trafficking or drug trafficking.

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