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Graduate School Department

Discussant: Annalie T. Aguilar Professor: Dr. Anavi Echavarri

Post-Graduate Program: MaEd- Science Education Course: EDUC 324

Topic: Research and Science Teaching

What is Research?

 The term research consists of the prefix “re” means to do again or repeat and the word
“search” from the old French word “cercher” meaning to find or seek.
 Research is defined as a careful, systematic study in the field of knowledge that is
undertaken to discover or establish facts or principles (Webster, 1984). It is also defined as
a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to find an answer to a question or
solution to a problem, to validate or test an existing theory.
 Research is a careful, systematic and objective investigation conducted to obtain valid facts,
draw conclusions and established principles regarding the identifiable problem in some
field of knowledge (Clarke and Clarke)
 Research is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and
experiment; the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding
solutions to a problem. (Kothari, 2006)

Objectives of Research

Singh (2006) provides a different classification of objectives. According to him, the three
fundamental objectives of research are:
 Theoretical Objectives
Those researches whose objectives are theoretical aim to formulate new theories,
principles, or laws. Such type of research is exploratory because it explains the relationships of
certain variables. The researches contribute some basic knowledge to the human knowledge.

 Factual Objectives
These researches whose objectives are factual aim to find out new facts. This objective by
nature is descriptive. These researches describe facts or events which happened previously. Such
type of research is done in history.

 Application objectives
The research having application objectives suggests new applications. By application, we
mean improvement and modification.
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Nature and Characteristics of Research (Henson and Soriano, 1999)
 It is systematic. The procedure to be followed must be orderly, disciplined and organized.
 It is controlled. Observations must be controlled and not haphazardly done by making sure
that the research instruments are carefully prepared and its validity and reliability were
properly established.
 It is empirical. There is a need to gather factual date which can be scrutinized and tested.
 It is about solving problems. The essence of research is to find answers to problems raised
or encountered.
 Research is an inquiry. It is a process that investigates or searches for problems, possible
solutions, theories, and relevant studies to come up with reliable knowledge.
 It is about adherence to a method. Research is not just about gathering data for the sake
of accumulating data. More than that, it is concerned with the “how”, the right manner by
which findings are arrived at through proper methodology and procedure.
 It concentrates on a specific subject/topic. A broad subject/topic should be properly
narrowed down to a specific research subject/topic which means it must have a scope and
limits in its inquiry or investigation.

 Research is logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles

 Research is cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and
ends with a problem.
 Research is replicable. This characteristic allows research results to be verified by
replicating the study and thereby building a sound basis for decisions (Kothari, 1990).

Research as a Scientific Method

Research as a scientific method, involves a systematic way of gaining knowledge or the

process of testing ideas (guesses or hypotheses) to see if an idea holds true in a given situation or
under controlled conditions. As a scientific method, research involves the following steps:
1. Identification of a problem
2. Formulation of a hypothesis
3. Data collection
4. Data analysis
5. Drawing conclusions

The Value/Importance of Research

Educators, health service providers, entrepreneurs, managers, policy makers,

administrators, and students need information to make decisions or to perform their functions
more effectively. Research can help them meet this need thus, research has the following
1. It helps us answer questions, solve problems and make decisions.
2. It enables us to see and understand how and why a situation or a problem exists.
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3. It helps us discover new things and ideas.
4. It allows us to validate existing theories or generate new ones.
5. It helps us identify and understand the causes and effects of situation or a phenomenon.

The Role of Research in Improving our Quality of Life

Good research guarantees in improving our quality of life and widening of human
possibilities Through research, new knowledge or technology is discovered. New knowledge can
result in the development or improvement of skills, behavior or practices, while newly discovered
or developed technology can lead to the development of new tools or devices. Improved skills,
behavior and practices can lead to better conditions and better quality of life. Moreover, new or
improved tools or strategies can result in improved performance and/or better service delivery,
which contribute to the improvement of man’s living conditions and quality of life.
The things that we use now and make living more efficient and comfortable, like modern
tools and appliances, as well as innovative policies and programs being implemented by the
different institutions in society are examples of the fruitful products of painstaking efforts in the
field of research. The search for the unknown, the discovery or rediscovery of not-so familiar facts
to expand human horizons, solve societal problems and improve our living conditions make
research an essential undertaking of man.

The Role of Research on Science Teaching and Learning

 Research in science education has been called to be conducted with an aim to critically
“inform educational judgements and decisions in order to improve educational action”
(Bassey, 1995 p. 39) at different levels. It is critical not only to conduct relevant science
education research to help science teachers improve their classroom practice and play better
roles in enhancing scientific literacy, but also to understand what have been studied in the
past in order to know what could be explored further in the future.

 The National Science Teachers Association (Arlington, VA 22201) emphasized the following
points role of Research in Science Teaching and Learning:
 Research on science teaching and learning plays an important role in helping all students
become proficient in science and making science education more equitable and inclusive.

 Research on science teaching and learning involves identifying and asking appropriate
questions, designing and conducting investigations, collecting evidence, drawing
conclusions, and communicating and defending findings.

 To produce research that has meaningful outcomes and the ability to improve the
teaching and learning of science, research and practice must be linked and support
compatible goals.
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 The process of research is the essence of the scientific enterprise and of scientific inquiry.
Science education builds on the best of research in both worlds—science and education.
Educational Research in the Philippine Context
In the Philippines, doing research has become one of the important professional
development programs for teachers that is emphasized by the Department of Education (DepEd)
and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Teachers both from private and public
educational institutions are encouraged to conduct action research in order to identify and
address the teaching and learning issues and concerns in their classrooms and in the school. Thus,
doing research has now become a part of every teacher’s teaching evaluation and performance
appraisal at the end of the school year (Ulla, 2016).

 DepEd has ordered its schools heads and administrators across the country to adopt the
“enclosed Basic Education Research Agenda” which promotes the conduct of research in
schools by teachers (DepEd, 2016). The purpose is to discover schools’ issues and solutions
and form a part of teachers’ professional development and skills enhancement. By doing
research, teachers are believed to improve their teaching practices for the betterment of
students’ learning and for the school.

Research for Teachers’ Professional Development

The importance that doing research has upon the professional development of teachers
and their practices has been widely acknowledged in the literature.

 It equips teachers and other education practitioners with the skills necessary for
identifying what the problem is in a school, and knowing how to address that problem
systematically (Hine, 2013).
 It serves as an opportunity for educators to self-evaluate their teaching practices (Hong &
Lawrence, 2011).
 It allows teachers to make a change in their pedagogical practices that will have a positive
impact upon teaching and learning (Mahani, 2012).
 It is a great form of improving teachers’ lifelong learning and of continuing professional
development (Cain & Milovic, 2010; Ulla, Barrera & Acompanado, 2017).

Issues in Educational Research

 Among the motivations that teacher-researchers had in doing research were completion of
their graduate degrees and job promotion.

 Studies conducted in the country showed common problems that a teacher has to deal with
when conducting a research study. Some challenges that were reported include:
 heavy teaching load
 lack of research skills and knowledge
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 lack of research resources
 lack of financial support

Meaning Of Research According To Different Authors. (2016, Sep 24). Retrieved from
research-according-to-different-authors-essay: September 18, 2021

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). 2016. NSTA Position Statement: The Role of Research on Science Teaching
and Learning.

Ulla, M. B. (2018). Benefits and challenges of doing research: Experiences from Philippine public school teachers. Issues in
Educational Research, 28(3), 797-810.

M. KHEIDER, University of Biskra: Master 1 Research Methodology Syllabus. Retrieved from https://univ- September 18, 2021> Retrieved:
September 18, 2021 Retrieved: September 18, 2021

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