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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Extra page to be used when needed for any experiment

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Powder Mixing PM Group Report


Formula: (Table)

Formula Number Ingredients Quantities

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Continued On Page Number:

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Insert Table/s of:

• Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after this page of the report.

Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of:
• Calibration Curve.
• Mixing Data & Profile.

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after “Results” page of the report.

Continued On Page Number:

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(here add information about the following: Mixing; which ingredient to place first and why?, Sampling
methodology, how & why?, Description of mixing profile.)

(here conclude about: Mixture type, Optimum mixing time, Particle size distribution)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

PM Group Report
Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

PM Student Report
Student Name:

Part A: Calibration Curve:

Stock Solution Preparation:
…....…… grams ……...………………………………… up to ………....……..… mLs ……………………………………………
Calculations (one example)

• Stock Solution Concentration =

• Standard Solutions: (I choose standard solution of volume = …………… mL)

Part B: Mixing Profile:

Calculations (one example) (I choose sample number …………… taken at …………… minutes)

• Concentration, (mg% w/v):

• Concentration, (mg% w/w):

NB.: Each student should show different example from other group members

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Size Reduction of Powders SR Group Report


Formula: (Table)

Formula Number Ingredients Quantities

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Continued On Page Number:

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Insert Table/s of:

• Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after this page of the report.

Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of:
• Data analysis for each sampling point (0, 10, 20, 30, & 40minutes). (a table & a chart for each
• Optimum Milling Capacity Time (Table & chart)
• Frequency Distribution Curve

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after “Results” page of the report.

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(here add information about the following: Sieving process: arrangement of sieves & powder retention,
Process results: the trend of median particle size with milling time, interpretation of frequency
distribution curves.)

(here conclude about: Optimum milling time, Frequency distribution curves: arrangement & distances
between curves)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

SR Group Report
Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

SR Student Report
Student Name:

Samples Analysis
I choose Sample at ……………………………… minute and interval ………………………………

(Hint: for the selected interval show and calculate in details the following 7 numbers- Upper Interval Limit,
Lower Interval Limit, Interval Mid-point, Retained Weight (Frequency), % Retained (% Frequency),
Cumulative % Over Size, and Cumulative % Under Size)

Calculations (Sample)

NB.: Each student should show different example from other group members

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Granulation of Powders GP Group Report


Formula: (Table)

Formula Number Ingredients Quantities

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Insert Table/s of:

• Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after this page of the report.

Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of:
• Table for binder weight, practical weight, theoretical weight, percentage yield, and percentage
yield per binder unit mass.

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after “Results” page of the report.

Continued On Page Number:

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

For each binder, calculate the % Yield per unit mass of the binder (%Yield/1gram of the binder),
for each show detailed steps
1. Distilled Water

2. Sucrose

3. Starch

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(here add information about the following: The process; type of the granulation method used with short
summary, End point testing, final granules properties.)

✓ The "Best Binder" & Justify why?

✓ The "Most Efficient Binder" & Justify why?

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

GP Group Report
Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

USP Dissolution Methods for Paracetamol/ Dissolution Group

Acetaminophen 500mg Tablets Report


Formula: (Table)

Formula Number Ingredients Quantities

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Continued On Page Number:

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Insert Table/s of:

• Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after this page of the report.

Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of:
• Calibration Curve
• Dissolution Samples Analysis (only table)

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after “Results” page of the report.

Continued On Page Number:

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Sample Calculations:
Part A: Calibration Curve:
Stock Solution Preparation:
………….… mg …………………………… up to ……………….… mL ……………………………………….………………………
Calculations (one example) (I choose standard solution of volume = …………… mL)

• Stock Solution Concentration =

• Standard Solutions:

Part B: Dissolution Samples:

Brand Tested:

Calculations (one example) (I choose Tablet number ……………)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(here add information about the following: Tablet handling, Sampling position, Filtration; Type & why?
Tablet behavior upon testing, Vessel coverage; why?.)

(here conclude about: each tablet percentage dissolve & evaluation separately)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Dissolution Group Report

Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

GC Group Report


Formula: (Table)

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Continued On Page Number:

Page Number( )
Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Insert Table/s of:

• Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after this page of the report.

Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of Data analysis for all numbers you gathered during the
practical sessions

Attach these papers to your report IMMEDIATELY

after “Results” page of the report.

Summary Table

Flow Rate Angle of Repose

Particles CI % HR LOD % MC %
gm/second degrees
Granules A
Granules B
Granules C

Median Particle
Particles Overall Flow Rank
Size mm
Granules A
Granules B
Granules C

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(here add information about the following: Flow rate and angle of repose measurement method, discuss
each calculated parameter/number indication.)


(here conclude about granules with best flow & justify your decision)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

GC Group Report
Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

GC Student Report
Student Name:

Show an example (only one) on how to calculate each of the following parameters:

Please write beside your example which granules type you want to show

1. Flow Rate: (I choose …………………………)

2. Angle of Repose: (I choose …………………………)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

3. Carr's Index: (I choose …………………………)

4. Hausner's Ratio: (I choose …………………………)

5. Loss On Drying (LOD%): (I choose …………………………)

6. Moisture Content (MC%): (I choose …………………………)

NB.: Each student should show different example from other group members

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EA Group Report


Formula: (Table)

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Continued On Page Number:

Page Number( )
Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Insert Table/s of:

• Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after this page of the report.

Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of Data analysis for all numbers you gathered during the
practical sessions
NB. The required chart/s is/are those represent the effect of Glidant on Flow properties.

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after “Results” page of the
Summary Tables

Flow Rate Angle of Repose Overall

Glidant % CI % HR Rank
gm/second degrees Flow

Flow Rate Angle of Repose Overall

Lubricant % CI % HR Rank
gm/second degrees Flow

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(here add information about the following: Talc effect pattern, Magnesium stearate effect pattern.)

(here conclude about: Talc; critical concentration & why? Magnesium stearate the best concentration
& why?.)

Continued On Page Number:

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

EA Group Report
Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

QC Group Report


Formula: (Table)

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Continued On Page Number:

Page Number( )
Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Insert Table/s of:

• Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after this page of the report.

Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of Data analysis for all numbers you gathered during the
practical sessions
NB. The required chart/s is/are those represent the effect of Glidant on Flow properties.

Attach these papers to your report

IMMEDIATELY after “Results” page of the

Sample Calculation
Part A: Percent Weight Loss (Friability Test)

Part B: Percentage Difference (Weight Uniformity Test)

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(here add information about: Description of the tablets after friability test and during Disintegration
test, each test of the five Quality Control tests mention your results relative to the reference values)

(here conclude [passed/failed] about each test and overall evaluation)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

QC Group Report
Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Cycle 3 Group Report


Formula: (Table)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

(This section should contain any calculations related to prior experiment preparation, if none
please write NA and close it)

Tablets of all formulations were tested for their release pattern using the following dissolution

Insert Table/s of: Numbers collected during practical session should be properly presented
and arranged.
(Hint: use similar tables to those you filled in the results sheets you submitted to your instructor)
Attach these papers to your report IMMEDIATELY after this page of the
Insert Excel Sheets (Tables & Charts) of Data analysis for all numbers you gathered during the
practical sessions

Attach these papers to your report IMMEDIATELY after “Results” page of the report.
Continued On Page Number:
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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Sample Calculation
Part A: Calibration Curve:
Stock Solution Preparation:

…......…. mg of ………...........………………………… up to …………… mLs of ………....…………………………………

• Stock Solution Concentration =

• Standard Solutions:

Part B: Dissolution Results

Show an example (only one) on how to calculate % Dissolved:

Formula ……………….. Diluent is ………………………………………. Tablet Weight ………………. mg

NB. Please write beside your example which time wants to show, 15-minute sample
calculations are not count


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Observations: (This section represent visual observations of the tested tablets, please insert the specified photo)
Formulation A

Insert Photo Here Insert Photo Here

Before After

Formulation B

Insert Photo Here Insert Photo Here

before After

Formulation C

Insert Photo Here Insert Photo Here

before After

Formulation D

Insert Photo Here Insert Photo Here

before After

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(here add information about: Tablet handling, Testing process [vessel coverage, paddle height,
sampling..], each diluent/system properties, Hardness value & how it matches each diluents properties.)

(here conclude about each formula release pattern.)

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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Cycle 3 Group Report

Experiment Report Workload Distribution Table

Coordinator for
Current Experiment1:
Percentage of the
Section2 Student Name3
Performed workload4

1Mention the name of the student/ group member who did arrange the work related to the current
experiment group report/work management.
2Section or part of the group report
3Mention the name of student/the group member who took responsibility of the specified group report

4Relative to the whole workload used to prepare the current group report.


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Experiment Number: Continued From Page Number:

Bonus or Extra Task

Student Name:

Continued On Page Number:

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