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1.What do I enjoy doing?

ANSWER: There are many things that I would enjoy doing the most, but the top
three among them are;
1.Reading gives my power to imagine in a new dimension in case of fictions it
takes us to the new places without us moving an inch and in case of non- fiction it
gives us knowledge about various different areas and keep us updated.
2.Learning is a life-long process I enjoy it to the fullest though it maybe simple act
of knitting or difficult as calculus. In my learning new skills will never go to waste
someday or other I’m reap of my fruits accordingly.
3.Fam-time (family time) : As a person become old he/she realizes that most of the
people in our life come in our life for a purpose and it’s a divine rule of some sort I
guess, but as soon as there purpose is fulfilled they become a distinct memory or
just a contact in my list. The ones those who’ll always be there no matter what are
our Family so I love the time I spend with them.

4.What kind of lifestyle do I want in the future?

ANSWER: I want a lifestyle where I’m valued for who I am. Where I’m cherished
for being me and not the person others want me to be. Where I am treated with
kindness and love. Where my opinion matters and is valued, because I have a voice
and I’m worth listening to.


Career planning is also known as career development model. These steps
help me in planning my career and deciding about my future.
First to conduct to a self-assessment, is the process that helps me in
assessing my skills, my potential, my strengths and my ability to fulfill my
aims. Next, do a market research, this are many jobs or work that will suit
my skills and interest. Research of most kinds needs a mind that can read
and understand information and analyze it. The identify and fill the gap, it
means to identify of what I have and what I need to get these jobs. And after
that to knowing the gap, it’s time for me to make a choice to know and
understand my passion, choose my choice wisely and throw all other choices
in crap. Then decide my goal and stick to it no matter what happens in
future. And to make sure it’s completely my decision and believe in what I
do just stay confident that whatever I do is good for me. Once I finalize my
career goal, I mean finding the job that I want to end up with figuring out
what career I should pursue, or researching steps the desired job. My point
is, I’m trying. By trying I will discover more things that I enjoy, that I’m
good at, and more people who appreciate me for my skills, my passion, and
who I am.

2.What motivates me?

ANSWER: This is my choice that I will become a business woman someday.
3. What am I good at? What are the things I am bad at?
ANSWER: I used to try to be a good student in school. I avoided problems and
limited using social media, and I have a three thing that I’m good as a student are;
to loving compassionate, and integrity’s honest intent. The bad thing that I’m not
good at studying is the first thing I should do is to stop telling myself that I’m not
good at studying. Instead, tell myself that I’m not good studying yet. I have might
be stuff like this; I have trouble managing my attention/staying away from social
media for more than a few mins. at a time, I haven’t accepted that studying is a
skill I can get better at with practice, and I haven’t found a good way to manage
my time yet.
5. What qualifications and experience do I have?
ANSWER: My experience do I have as a student is my talent I love to dancing and
singing during my elementary@ secondary days.

6.What do I want to be known for?

ANSWER: Known to be a public servant someday

7.Make a list of job roles that you find interesting and would like to pursue.
ANSWER: Market Associate, Account Manager, Financial Administrator, Human
Resources Coordinator, Sales Representative.
A. Does this match my interest? YES
B. Will this help me achieve my goals? YES
C. What type of industry appeals to me the most? BANKING
D. What type of job would suit me? SALES REPRESENTATIVE
E. Are my qualifications and abilities aligned with these jobs? YES

1.Discuss how career planning can be successful? Elaborate it by explaining the
strategies necessary for the success of one’s career.
ANSWER: In my career planning the most important to come up with my career
planning as it gives me the much needed, direction and makes me aware of my
strength and weaknesses and the skills and knowledge that are required to achieve
my goals in future. In benefits of career planning can help me in the following
ways; to figure out my goals, to save time and energy, to make confident choices
and to focus to right aspect.

2.Create a LIFE STORY of your own that project your future right after your
graduation in college. And plan your career that may improve your financial status.
ANSWER: In my life story, one of my goals should be in our life to make it
meaningful, because goals give us a platform knowingly or unknowingly to gain
knowledge. Might be, my goals will be different to other, but these can be
beneficial for me. After I graduated in college I want to do for a living, I will
naturally get inspired to reach my career goals quicker. Find something me that
fascinated in or enjoy, research the possibilities and make my plan of action. It
may even involve enrolling on a short course to get me exactly where I want to be.


1.Honestly briefly describe yourself.

I am a Godfearing person. I always thank god for having given a better life in this
earth. I am a kind of person who never think of doing any harm to anyone even in
my dreams. I always appreciate persons who excel in this work. I like intelligent
people. I like people who all have grown high in their careers. I don’t hesitate
talking with poor and low-class people and I always treat everyone equal. Always I
pray for my family, relatives and my dear friends.
I will consider myself as a sincere girl. I never become too close or more friendly
with anyone if they smile. I am very lazy at home. I hate cooking and doing
household works. I like eating pizza@ ice cream. I wish to reduce my body weight
to keep myself away from any diseases.
One of my wishes in my life is to visit beautiful countries like New York, Japan
and Spain with my family before I get into any health problem. My 2nd wish is after
60 years of age that I should do social service to the society. My 3rd wish is that I
should do organ donation if they are in good condition after my death.

2.Personal Ambition in Life

My personal ambition of my life is so simple.
I just want to see my parents happy. Nothing else, because my parents have done
so many things for me, now as a daughter, I want to complete every wishes of my
parents. It is time to do something for my parents.
In my life, nothing is important than my parents. Now, I want to earn money for
my mama, papa. I want to give that all effort back to my parents. As much as I
want to give my all efforts to them. So it’s so simple for me. My life, my ambition,
my happiness, my everything, my mama@ papa.

3.Choose a career that has a high probability to math your personality. Explain
why you consider such career
ANSWER: Working Bank offices it’s because this my first priority.

4.Say something about your career choices when where still in your elementary
years, secondary and compared them now.
ANSWER: I realized that If I pursue my career choice in elementary and secondary,
maybe I cannot finish my degree.
5.Is money/income your top priority why you want to have a career?
ANSWER: Money because this is my purpose to help my parents, and maybe it is
because we tend to relate money to our safety, security, happiness even our worth
as human being.

1.How much money do you need to live?
ANSWER: The enough money to live is enough money to live happily. Instead of
definition of happiness, we should let happiness fill us up. The way I see it, there is
happiness all around us, in all sorts of different forms. As we learn more and get
more and take more and use more, we start to filter out this happiness. Obviously, I
need some money. Unless my part of a self-sufficient farming commune in some
remote place in the world. I need money. But I only need enough to live. I need
enough for food, for a place to live, and a marginal amount for everything else.
2.Determine your living expenses?
ANSWER: As a student, I do not have a lot of living expenses, because my only
expenses that I have is buying a load per week which is very useful during this
time in online classes and to buy some school supplies like notebook, papers @
etc. and other my personal expenses.
3.How do you meet your daily expenses?
ANSWER: For me, my daily expenses through my allowances that my parents
provided at me. So that I will be saving the money through my daily expenses.
4.Say something about “Quality of Life” and how can one probably achieve it?
ANSWER: For me, quality of life is about the health of my body and mind and the
health of my relationships. In my list of things that I would want to have in order to
feel like I have quality of life.
1.Good health
2.Spending time with my family
3.Getting together with friends on a regular basis
4.Having the freedom to sit back and relax if I want to.
5.Being there for my family and friends in their time of need.

To me, nothing is more important then good health, friends and family.
Through in some freedom for good measure and I’ve got a great life! I am so
fortunate that I do have this in my life.


1.Why is it necessary to determine work-style personality?

ANSWER: It’s necessary to determine my work-style personality because I am a
student, I feel the most appealing attribute in our unique way of seeing people and
the world we live in. From interacting with others I’d say people generally
appreciate my appearance of calm and my acceptance of them as an individual.
People feel safe in letting their guards down and being intimate with me. They feel
able to express who they are without being judged.

2.Discuss the how personal finance relates one’s career?

ANSWER: If we talk about personal finance is the way on how I manage my
money to save. My personal finance is about debt management where meeting
private monetary goals, whether it’s having sufficient for short-term monetary
needs, saving in my college schooling. All of it depends in my income, costs,
requirements, and man or woman dreams. But to make the most of my income and
financial savings it’s important to emerge as financial literate, so I can distinguish
between properly and bad recommendation and make my choices.

3.Make a plan to enrich capacity to earn after you graduate in college.

ANSWER: After I graduated in college, I’ll see myself in 5 years from now, to be a
successful woman, having a good job, support my family for they mold me to
better person that is my way of repaying their hard times supporting me in my
study’s. No one in this world could listen to our hardships and struggle only our
family, even the biggest building will collapse but the love of the family never


1.Is illegal employment worthy for legal protection?

ANSWER: Yes, it is worthy for legal protection. The state shall afford full
protection to labor, local and overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote
full employment and equality of employment opportunities for all. It shall
guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, collective bargaining and
negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in
accordance the law. The state shall regulate the relations between workers and
employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share in the fruits of production
and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns to investments, and to expansion
and growth.

2.Discuss the essence of the legal aspect of employment, and how it relates to
personal finance?
ANSWER: It is important to know about how to manage money. Personal finance
is very important especially to the aspect of employment. It is very to have
personal financial skills because without them, people usually spend their entire
lives slaving for money, always in debt, never able to catch up and get ahead. It is
financial management of an individual or a family’s resources. It comprises of how
I manage my money through expenditure, and savings considering various life
events and risks.

3.If a person has less money for food, is he living below poverty line?
ANSWER: No, he is not living below poverty line. Eating less and preparing food
at home will not only result in better health, but it will also impact how much we
contributed to climate change. Through this we can reduce food waste by planning
and also by teaching our children to value food.

Are you more productive in crowded, collaborative open office where you can
easily share ideas, or in a quiet corner cubicle where you can be alone with your
ANSWER: When we observe people around us, one of the first thing that strikes us
is how different people are from one another. We all know that people have
different personalities depending on the situation they are in.
In the given situation my thoughts for it is that I am more of that person who can
easily share ideas, or in a corner cubicle where I can be alone with my thoughts.
Applying the four facets of personality I am like the “Thinking or feeling”. This is
the kind of personality that I have because I make decisions based on facts. I
always think that people judge situations and others based on logic. I also consider
making decisions based on principles and values. I let my heart ruled than my
head. And I value harmony and empathy. I guess I belong in this personality and it
really best describes who I really am as a person.
Thus, I always tends to show tenderness and caring in achieving goals because I
understand that different people have different viewpoints, that are often in
opposition, and that must be respected, especially when making a purely rational
decision is not possible

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