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ARTICLE 106-109 which are directly related to the principal business of

such employer.
What is job contracting?
In such cases, the person or intermediary shall
Is an arrangement whereby a principal agrees to farm
be considered merely as an agent of the employer who
out to a contractor or sub-contractor the performance or
shall be responsible to the workers in the same manner
completion of specific job, work or service with a definite
and extent as if the latter were directly employed by him.
or predetermined period regardless of whether such job,
work or service is to be performed or completed within Requisites of a valid labor-only contracting
or outside the premises of the principal.
a. Person supplying workers to an ER does not have
Is it allowed by law? substantial capital or investment in the form of
tools, equipment, machineries, work premises,
Yes. The court has already taken judicial notice of the
among others; and
general practices adopted in several gov’t and private
institutions and industries of hiring independent b. The workers recruited and placed by such person
contractors to perform special services or specific are performing activities which are directly
services. These services range from janitorial, security related to the principal business of the ER.
and even technical or other specific services. What are permissible job contracting or subcontracting
Requisites of a valid job contracting. arrangements?

The contractor or subcontractor must carry a distinct Refer to section 8 of D.O. 172-17 There exist a trilateral
and independent business and undertakes to perform relationship under which there is a contract for specific
the job, work or service on its own account and under its job, work or service between the P and CON/SUBCON
own responsibilities. and a contract of employment between the
CON/SUBCON and its workers.
What is labor-only contracting?
There are three parties involved:
1) Refers to an arrangement where the
CON/SUBCON merely recruits, supplies or place workers 1) Principal – (refer definition under the IRR) One
to a job, work or service for a principal or any of the who decides to farm out a job or service to a
following elements are present: CON/SUBCON. (other definition) It refers to a natural or
a juridical entity whether an employer or not who puts
a) The CON/SUBCON does not have substantial out or farms out a
capital OR investment in the form of tools and
trade which relates to the job, work or service job or work to a contractor
to be performed and the employees recruited 2) Contractor/Subcontractor – has the capacity to
is supplied or placed to a CON/SUBCON that are independently undertake the performance of the job,
performing activities directly related to the work or service In IRR – defined as the person or entity
main business of the principal; engaged in legitimate contracting or subcontracting
b) Substantial capital need not be coupled with arrangement providing services for a specific job. (under
equipment ; c) The CON does not control over a service agreement – a contract entered into or signed
the performance of the work of contractual between the principal and the contractor)
employees 3) The contractual workers engaged by the
When is there “labor-only contracting”? CON/SUBCON to accomplish the job, work or service
pursuant to the service agreement
Where the person supplying workers to an
employer does not have substantial capital or
investment in the form of tools, equipment, machineries,
work premises, among others, and the workers recruited
and placed by such person are performing activities
Is it necessary that the contractor/contractor must be When is job contracting considered illegal?
a) When it is a labor-only contracting;
Under IRR, the CON/SUBCON must be
b) Contracting out of a job, work or service when the
registered. If not, presumption is labor-only contractor.
same results in the termination or reduction of regular
It has the burden of evidence to establish that it is a
EEs and reduction of work hours or reduction or
legitimate contractor.
splitting of the bargaining unit;
Principal must have Service Agreement.
c) Principal farms out work to a “cabo”;
The principal must have a written contract for a
d) Contracting out through an in-house agency;
specific job, work or service (service agreement). I
e) Contracting out job, work or service that is necessary
t must stipulate that the contractor must comply
or desirable or directly related to the business or
with the labor standard benefits to its employees
operation of the principal by reason of a strike or
otherwise it will be a ground for the pre-termination of
lockout whether actual or imminent;
the contract.
f) Contracting those being performed by union
The CON in return must have a written contract with its
members when such will interfere with, restrain or
contractual employees which shall include the
coerce EEs in the exercise of their right to self-
following terms and conditions:
The terms that must be embodied by the contract is in
g) Repeated hiring of EEs under an employment contract
Section 11 of IRR.
of short duration or under a Service Agreement of
a) Specific description of the job, work or service to be short duration with the same or different contractors,
performed by the contractual employees which circumvents the LC provisions on security of
b) The place of work and terms of conditions of
employment, including a statement of the wage rates h) Requiring EEs under a subcontracting arrangement to
applicable to the individual employee sign a contract fixing the period of employment to a
tern shorter than the term of the Service Agreement,
c) Term or duration of the employment shall be extensive
unless the contract is divisible into phases for which
with the contract of the principal and the contractor
substantial different skills are required and this is
d) The contractor shall inform the contractual employees made known to the
of the terms and conditions on or before the 1st day of EE at the time of engagement;
i) Refusal to provide a copy of the Service
Agreement and the employment contracts between the
contractor and EEs deployed to work in the bargaining
Is there an ER-EE relationship between the principal unit of the principal’s bargaining agent to the sole and
and the employees of the job contractor? exclusive agent (SEBA);
GR: No ER-EE relationship between the principal and j) Engaging or maintaining by the principal of
the employees of the job contractor. subcontracted EEs in excess of those provided for in the
The ER-EE rel only exist between the CON and their applicable CBA or as set by the Industry Tripartite
employees. It is the contractor which controls the means Council.
and methods of achieving the desired result.

Ang concern sa principal is only the result. The means

and method of how these results are accomplished, it’s
the CON/SUBCON who controls the same.

EXPN: When there is a labor-only contracting

Is there an ER-EE relationship between principal and fault without prejudice to the solidary liable of the
employees sa CON? parties to the service agreement.

GR: No ER-EE relationship between principal and

(Between the principal and the CON)
EXPN: If there is labor-only contracting or other forms
of illicit employment arrangement, automatic the The obligation to pay the wages corresponding to the
principal becomes the employer contract as well as the benefits shall be borne by the
party at fault.

What is the consequence if the contractor does not pay

the wages of its employees? Payment of Backwages

The principal is solidarily liable with the For example, there is an illegal dismissal, and the
contractor. employee is entitled to backwages. Who is liable?

Liability is only with the contractor in the

absence of proof that the principal conspired with the
What if the principal is the government? (which cannot
contractor in the commission of the illegal dismissal.
be sued without its consent) Pwede ba siya mahimo
nga solidarily liable? The Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over claim of
non-payment or underpayment of wages even if the
Yes. Because in job contracting, the gov’t as the
same is against the government.
principal shall be classified as employer coming under
the private sector. The government cannot interpose the defense
that it cannot be sued without its consent
The reference to it as belonging to the public sector
related only to its direct employees for purposes of the
employee’s compensation program and not to its
indirect employees coming from the private sector. Enumerate other illicit forms of employment
Liability is not dependent upon insolvency or
unwillingness to pay on the part of the contractor. If the Under DO-174, the following are prohibited for being
indirect employer, this pertains to the payment of wages contrary to law or public policy:
or even sa violation sa section 10, be constrained to pay
the workers it can recover whatever amount it paid in 1. When the principal farms out work to a “Cabo”;
accordance with the terms of the service contract with
itself and the contractor. 2. Contracting out of job or work through an in-
house agency;

Termination of the employment of the CON/SUBCON 3. Contracting out of job or work though an in-
employees prior to the expiration of service agreement house cooperative which merely supplies
workers to the principal;
It must be in accordance with Art. 297-299 which means
there must be just or authorized causes. 4. Contracting out of a job or work by reason of a
Termination of employment is caused by the pre- strike or lockout whether actual or imminent;
termination of the service agreement not due to
authorized causes 5. Contracting out of a job or work being
performed by union members and such will
The right of the CON/SUBCON’s employee to unpaid interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in
wages and unpaid benefits shall be borne by the party at the exercise of their rights to self-organization as
provided in Article 259 of the Labor Code, as 3) Another difference, job contracting is allowed by law
amended; while labor-only contracting is not allowed.

4) In job contracting, the principal has substantial capital

6. Requiring the contractor’s/subcontractor’s
or investment in the form of tools and equipment. There
employees to perform functions which are
is none in labor-only contracting as a general rule.
currently being performed by the regular
employees of the principal. 5) In job contracting, the job CON provides specific
services while in labor-only contracting as a general rule
7. Requiring the contractor’s/subcontractor’s the CON only provides manpower services
employees to sign, as a precondition to
employment or continued employment, an
antedated resignation letter; a blank payroll; a
waiver of labor standards including minimum
wages and social or welfare benefits; or a
quitclaim releasing the principal or contractor
from liability as to the payment of future claims;
or require the employee to become member of
a cooperative;

8. Repeated hiring by the

contractor/subcontractor of employees under
an employment contract of short duration;

9. Requiring employees under a

contracting/subcontracting arrangement to sign
a contract fixing the period of employment to a
term shorter than the term of the Service
Agreement, unless the contract is divisible into
phases for which substantially different skills are
required and this is made known to the
employee at the time of the engagement.

10. Such other practices, schemes or employment

arrangements designed to circumvent the right
of workers to security of tenure.

Difference between job contracting and labor-only


1) In legitimate job contracting, the principal is the

indirect employer. There is no ER-EE rel. between the
principal and the employees of the CON/SUBCON.
Whereas in labor-only contracting, there is an ER-EE rel.
between the principal and the employees of the

2) In job contracting, the principal shall be solidarily liable

in case there is non-payment of wages but in labor-only
contracting, the principal shall be liable not only with the
payment of wages but also to other benefits under the

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