Performance Task 2 (English For Academic and Professional Purposes) A. Grasps

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GOAL Your goal is to write an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art,

an event or a program,

ROLE You are a Human Rights advocate who conducts a survey on the perceptions, attitudes,
and stand of the common people about the revitalization of Death Penalty in the
Philippines for heinous crimes.
AUDIENCE You shall be presenting your critique paper to the legislators/policy makers who propose
the revitalization of Death Penalty in the Philippines for heinous crimes.
SITUATION As a human rights advocate, you are invited by the Congress, a group of policy makers to
discuss opposing arguments about the proposal of revitalizing Death Penalty for heinous
crimes in the Philippines. Before the crafting of the proposal, you shall present your
critique paper to the legislators/policy makers for them to consider as a representative
stand from the Filipino citizen. You shall conduct a survey on the perceptions, attitudes,
and stand of the common people about the issue.
PERFORMANCE You shall write an objective/balanced review or critique of an essay written by an
anonymous writer, a contributor of Philippine Daily Inquirer Opinion Column, titled,
“Waging War against Heinous Crimes.” Your critique paper shall be composed of not less
than 750 words but not more than 1,500 words. It shall adhere to the following
conventions: typed in a long bond paper, one inch on all sides, Tahoma font style, 10.5
font size, and 1.5 paragraph spacing. Deadline of submission will be on February 13, 2019
during our class schedule.
STANDARDS Your output will be assessed based on the following standards:
1. Content: Consider the topic (its appropriateness and interest for the assignment
as well as a clear focus suitable to essay length) and the way the topic is
developed (clarity sufficiency of its argument, its scope, subcategories, amount
and type of examples, anecdotes, evidence, etc.).
2. Organization: Consider how the essay is introduced and concluded (especially
looking for a “frame” to the essay, where the intro and conclusion refer to the
same idea), whether the thesis is located in the most helpful place (direct or
implied), how the essay is structured, whether the order or extent of development
is successful, as well as how individual paragraphs are organized (clear topic
sentences, appropriate and concrete evidence, logical organization of evidence).
3. Style: Style can refer to the overall style of an essay: whether the tone is
appropriate (humorous, serious, reflective, satirical, etc.), whether you use
sufficient and appropriate variety (factual, analytical, evaluative, reflective),
whether you use sufficient creativity. Style can also refer to the style of individual
sentences: whether you use a variety of sentences styles and lengths, whether
sentences are worded clearly, and whether word choice is interesting and
4. Mechanics/Correctness: Correctness refers to grammar, punctuation, and
form of the essay. You do not need to know the exact grammatical term or rule
to know when a sentence is not correct. Even though you may not know the term
dangling modifier, you could identify that the following sentence is not correct:

Waging War against Heinous Crimes

A bill restoring the capital punishment for heinous crimes has caused mixed reactions among Filipinos and
has been expected to have a long and contentious debate at the House of Representatives. While pro-life advocates
have been declining to agree with this bill proposing that this fuels human rights violations, supporters of the death
penalty bill asserts that death among grave perpetrators should come to pass in order to save lives.

With the aim of achieving a crime-free country within three to six months, Duterte administration has
warned of reintroducing death penalty since he started office. With these pronouncements, however, The National
Council of Churches in the Philippines has long declared its philosophy that the death penalty “violates our deepest
belief in God as the creator and the redeemer of human life. That in the long run, the use of death penalty will
increase the acceptance of revenge in our society and will give official sanction to a climate of violence. The NCCP
further argues that “execution prevents the repentance and rehabilitation of offenders, is contrary to Christian love
and violates the sanctity of human life.”

In addition, the Amnesty International, a staunch defender of human rights, declares that sentencing
someone to death “denies them the right to life which is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
Execution, it says, “is the ultimate, irrevocable punishment and the risk of executing an innocent person can never
be eliminated.” Since 1973 in US, 150 US prisoners sent to death row and have been executed despite serious
doubts about their guilt. Considering the dawdling justice system of the Philippines, we don’t want another innocent
lives who are incapable of defending themselves and seeking justice all because they couldn’t afford to defend

Philippines in its current State has been devoured with criminalities. Statistics states that the crime rate in
the year has decreased into since its intensified anti-crime campaign called Tokhang. Needless to say, people who
are in agreement with Duterte’s pronouncement say they’re sick and tired and afraid of drug lords and rapists and
kidnappers and murderers that’s why the need for capital punishment.

From 1946 to 1976, electrocution and firing squad were the means of execution of the convicts. After
Marcos was deposed in 1986, the newly drafted 1987 Constitution prohibited the death penalty but allowed
Congress to reinstate a “hereafter” for heinous crimes,” making the Philippines the first Asian country to abolish
capital punishment.

Indeed, fear penetrates to those criminals if death penalty be imposed; thus, blocking them to commit
such crimes. Death penalty should be imposed in the Philippines in order to eradicate those people of evil desires
who violate the freedom of others.
Death Penalty is a capital punishment. It is used today and was used during ancient times to punish people
with a variety of offenses. The bible also advocates death for murder and other crimes such as kidnapping and
stealing. Here in the Philippines, we used to have Death Penalty, but I believe this capital punishment should be
issued in all states for those people who commit great crimes. Death Penalty should be issued because death is
being feared, it gives Justice, it is a fact that there's no proof of an innocent being executed and there are some
quotations from the bible that seem to respond this.
Most people have a natural fear of death and I, myself, am afraid of it. Just think about it; if you die, you'll
leave this world and never come back. If we have Death Penalty and a murderer dies instantly, the homicide rate
would decrease because no one likes to die. Death Penalty is important because it could save the lives of thousands
of potential victims who are at stake.
Another one is that Death Penalty shows justice. There will be justice when we punish the guilty. It show
equality. On T.V., I have seen people being interviewed because one or some of their relatives died. They are
crying for help and wanting justice for the death of their loved ones. I know for sure that justice can only be the
solution for them to be relieved. A serious crime must have serious penalty and that is death. Justice can dignify a
People who oppose death penalty claim that in the implementation of this capital punishment, innocent
men are wrongly executed. According to "ProDeathPenalty", there has never been any proof of it. Moreover, our
criminal justice system takes extra precautions to be sure the innocent are protected. What's the use of the judges
who were trained in this field? They also want to make sure who is guilty and not.
Death Penalty is like "an eye for an eye". Death Penalty helps curtail future murderers and because of this
we can save more lives. If Death Penalty exists, repeat murderers are eliminated and future murders are deterred.
Just imagine it; we will live in a just society. If death Penalty wouldn't be issued now, then when? When there are
more criminals lurking? It is said that every minute, there is a chance that an innocent man could get murdered.
We must put a stop to it.

B. Reflective Checklist
Directions: Prior to submission, examine your whole critique paper and fill out the checklist.
Yes No Possible Areas
Features of a Critique Paper for

 Mentioned the name of the work, the date of its

creation and the name of the creator?

 Accurately summarized the work being critiqued

 Mainly focused on the critical evaluation of the


 Systematically outlined an evaluation of each

element of the work to achieve the overall purpose

 Used evidence, from the work itself as well as

other sources, to back and illustrate my assessment of
elements of the work

 Formed an overall evaluation of the work, based

on critical reading

 Used a well-structured introduction, body and


 Used correct grammar, spelling and punctuation;

clear presentation; and appropriate referencing style


Criteria Developing Approaching Proficient Advanced Student

5 pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts Score

Content Paper lacks Paper has limited Paper has Paper states a
Consider the focus suitable focus suitable to enough focus clear and
topic (its to essay length essay length and suitable to essay accurate focus
appropriateness and vagueness limited clarity and length as well as suitable to essay
and interest for and sufficiency of its enough clarity length as well as
the assignment insufficiency of argument, its and sufficiency of clarity and
as well as a its argument, scope, its argument, its sufficiency of its
clear focus its scope, subcategories, scope, argument, its
suitable to essay subcategories, amount and type subcategories, scope,
length) and the amount and of examples, amount and type subcategories,
way the topic is type of anecdotes, and of examples, amount and type
developed examples, evidence. anecdotes, and of examples,
(clarity anecdotes, and evidence. anecdotes, and
sufficiency of its evidence. evidence.
argument, its
amount and
type of
evidence, etc.).

Organization: Lacks Organizational Appropriate Organizational

Consider how organizational structure present organizational pattern is
the essay is structure. but unclear with pattern used and compelling and
Introduction underdeveloped easy to follow moves audience
introduced and
and/or introduction and with developed through speech
concluded conclusion conclusion. introduction and with ease.
(especially missing. Transitions are satisfying Introduction
looking for a No transitions awkward. conclusion. Main draws in the
“frame” to the are used. points are audience and
essay, where smoothly conclusion is
the intro and connected with satisfying. Main
transitions. points are
conclusion refer
to the same connected with
idea), whether transitions.
the thesis is
located in the
most helpful
place (direct or
implied), how
the essay is
whether the
order or extent
of development
is successful, as
well as how
paragraphs are
organized (clear
topic sentences,
appropriate and
evidence, logical
organization of

Style: Style can

refer to the The paper
overall style of employs The paper The paper The paper
an essay: inappropriate employs limited employs employs
whether the tone and appropriateness adequate exceptional
manifests of tone and appropriateness appropriateness
tone is
insufficiency manifests limited of tone and of tone and
appropriate and sufficiency and manifests manifests
(humorous, inappropriate appropriateness sufficient and sufficient and
serious, variety, of variety, uses appropriate appropriate
reflective, insufficient limited creativity, variety, uses variety, uses
satirical, etc.), creativity, lacks and limited sufficient sufficient
whether you variety of variety of creativity, uses a creativity, uses a
sentences sentences styles variety of variety of
use sufficient
styles and and lengths, and sentences styles sentences styles
and appropriate lengths, and word choice. and lengths, and and lengths, and
variety (factual, inappropriate uses interesting uses interesting
analytical, word choice. and appropriate and appropriate
evaluative, word choice. word choice.
whether you
use sufficient
creativity. Style
can also refer to
the style of
whether you
use a variety of
sentences styles
and lengths,
sentences are
worded clearly,
and whether
word choice is
interesting and

Correctness: Inability to Limited Few errors, No errors, leaving
Correctness apply rules, but knowledge of though some few, if any. There
refers to inconsistently rules, but some may be is sufficient
grammar, corrected; may inconsistency in overlooked. knowledge, and
punctuation, create some application; There is application of
and form of the errors where patterns of errors knowledge and rules
essay. You do application of remain application of
not need to rules neglected rules
know the exact
term or rule to
know when a
sentence is not
correct. Even
though you may
not know the
term dangling
modifier, you
could identify
that the
sentence is not

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher III

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