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Evidence Plan

Qualification: Trainers Methodology I



Competencies: Plan Training Session

Ways in which evidence will be collected: Written Portfolio Interview

[tick the column]

The evidence must show that the candidate….

LO1: Identify learner’s training requirements

Reviews and analyzes curriculum document* / / /

Determines current competencies of target group / / /

Compares competencies required to be attained with current / / /

competencies of target group

Uses results of comparison are used to determine training / / /

Validates training requirements with appropriate people / / /

LO2: Prepare session plans

Prepares instructional blueprint and learning engagement plan* / / /

Identifies training delivery modes* / / /

Addresses training methods that pertains to the required / / /


Determines sequence of training activities* / / /

Determines resources to support learning * / / /

Finalized session plan according to required format* / / /

LO3. Prepare Instructional Materials

Prepares instructional materials that are focused on a key concept / / /

or idea related to the work activity under consideration *

Prepares the text and illustrations that are clear, legible and / / /
appropriate to the trainees
Language, style and format of the materials are appropriate to the / / /
trainee’s characteristics and needs

LO4: Prepare assessment instruments ( institutional)

Identifies, reads and interprets relevant modules of instruction to / / /

identify the required evidence*

Determines evidence requirements which show full coverage of / / /

the training module to be assessed and a consistent performance of
the relevant learning activities*

Identifies and selects suitable assessment instruments in / / /

accordance with the content and learning outcome specified under
the assessment criteria of a module of instruction

Prepares assessment instruments in accordance with the content / / /

and learning outcome specified under the assessment criteria of the
module of instruction

Checks assessment instruments for validity, fairness, safety and / / /

cost effectiveness*

LO5: Organize learning and teaching resources

Checks resources required for training for availability* / / /

Identifies and arranges appropriate training locations according to / / /

the training needs*
Documents and resource requirements and arranges in accordance / / /
with the organization, procedures and appropriate staff

Prepared by: Connie V. Arcenas Date

NOTE: *Critical aspects of competency


Unit of Competency: Plan Training Session

Portfolio Checklist to be submitted:

1. Pre-assessment tools

i. Data gathering for learners characteristics

ii. Self-Assessment Check

iii. Evidence Requirements

2. Session Plan
3. Competency Based Learning Material
4. Institutional Assessment Tools
i. Evidence Plan

ii. TOS

iii. Written Test

iv. Performance Assessment Tools

5. List of Resources to be used

6. Shop Lay out


1. Submit packaged portfolio requirements to your trainer

2. Take written report
1. Read the instructions carefully
2. Answer the questions in a separate answer sheet given by your trainer and in 30 minutes
3. Submit the report to your trainer
3. You will be given feedback on the result of the portfolio, written report and oral interview. Your
rating will either be Competent and Not Yet Competent.
1. If you are found competent, you will be receiving a Certificate of Achievement and you
may enrol to the next competency
2. If you are found Not Yet Competent, review feedback given and apply for institutional
assessment anytime you are ready.

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