Trget Club

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Marketing plan

-Fitness Formula was founded in 2013 by eng AMR ELSAWY who

wanted to develop and own a health club in EGYPT

-To own clubs that build great results

-Individual results for customers, career paths for employees,
and strong financial returns for our investors
-To create health and well being in the lives in giza
-This Campaign:
-Overarching theme is to create awareness for the new location
in the West Loop
Research Summary

Primary Research:
Qualitative Survey:
- Questions involving frequency of
attendance at the gym, along with
more specific aspects of an athletic
center-importance of a spa or having
social interactions before or after
- Social media used to collect data

Secondary Research:
– Used to identify competition,
information for the analysis of the
target consumer, more information
about athletic centers, and how to
– Secondary research was conducted
through online search engines and
other online databases.
Problems and Opportunities
• Enrollment fee/Monthly price is more expensive in comparison
to similar workout clubs
– Bundle Packages= more for your money
• Not enough brand awareness
– Utilize the growing opportunities in social media, hold or sponsor
a local Chicago event, celebrity endorsement
• Less weekend traffic/busy after work on week days
– weekend promos or programming
• Unclear message to clients
– Develop a simple slogan or identity that clientele can identify
• Targeting towards middle/upper class clients that likely travel
on business
– Partner with other clubs around the country
Target Market Profile
• Middle-aged men &women, career-driven
• 20’s-30’s, commute to work or live in the west loop
• Some are students who go to school in the west loop area or
commute to the city
• Some are recently married or have serious relationships
• Young children
• Need convenient, fast place to workout
• Indulge on the little things and live middle to upper class
Marketing Objectives
Communication Strategies

• Increase brand awareness by 35% within 6 weeks

– Clarifying brand identity, removing the idea of a
weight lifting, intense gym, to a welcoming
environment working as a team, being part of a

• Differentiate West Loop TARGET amenities from

other locations by 40% in 12 weeks
– By promotion and increase in awareness of the
new site

• Distinguish from competition by 30% in 4 weeks

– Showing why TARGET is the best place to work out
Marketing Communication Strategy
• Print Ad- A hram news paper, youm7 , 7days . Magazine

• Billboard- Outside of dokki Station

• Public Relations- free two-day open house, opportunity for increasing Target
sales volume, when at the event attendees will receive a coupon for 10% of their
membership fee that can be activated after they make a comment about the new
location on Target Twitter or Facebook page

• Sales Promotion- limited time offer, Target will offer the first month free of charge,
600 LE off of the enrollment fee for the West Loop location, and an extra guest pass

• Interactive- Contest participants will see who can get the most people to follow the
Target Twitter and Facebook account, 2 weeks long, winners announced on social
media outlets

Media Objective
-draw attention to consumers about the benefits of
Fitness Formula Club
-create awareness about the newest Fitness
Formula Club in the west loop
-establish a brand identity for the public to


Target Audience
clients in age from 25-35
work 9am-5pm jobs
keep the target audience aware and engaged with the advertising, and campaigning

Media Classes
Social media campaigns will be used for 1/4 of the media mix since it’s free advertising, and
an easy way to connect with consumers.
Print Media 1/4 such as local Chicago news papers (Alhram news paper, youm7 , 7days .
Internet advertising can be used on social networking sites, as well as health related, and
“city of Chicago” related websites.
Billboard 1/4...allow for visual brand identity to be established

Media Timing
Top sales for TARGET occur in-between the months of May and September
Advertisements must be displayed periodically throughout this given time segment.
Due to the budget constraints of TARGET, pulsing advertising will be used. Pulsing
advertising allows for the audience to learn the message more thoroughly an money can
still be saved.

-Through the use of social media, TARGET will use their twitter,
facebook, and foursquare accounts daily, to establish a relationship
with it’s current customers and potential customers.

-Print media advertisements.......spring and summer

-Internet ads will be displayed in a banner format on local GIZA

websites and on Facebook

-GIZA exclusive fitness club

-Establish a clear brand identity for consumers

Creative Strategy
• Focal point:
– mix marketing strategies, reach to target consumers in a cost-efficient
manner, providing them with a deep understanding, benefits of the
service in TARGET, promoting brand awareness and market as club

• Positioning:
– Portray TARGET as a brand connects with people’s social network
development and a brand that wants to go creating a community in a
club. TARGETis a brand that represents the professional working class
and they offer a variety of classes specific to both men and women. Also,
TARGET wants to break down the stereotypes of going to a gym.
• Big Idea:
– Our big idea is geared to inspire TARGET is a Club not a Gym. We want to use
creative ads to encourage people to join the membership and also to
partner with other corporations to increase the awareness of TARGET.
• Strategy:
– The advertising is to bring in more people to join the membership
of TARGET . Stress the importance of Fitness Formula being a club
instead of being a gym.
• Increase the awareness of Target , Target can get number of people to
join their memberships.
– The advertising is going to inspire people who may interest in the
professional working class.
• People will realize in Target the staff is more involved with training people
how to use the equipment and they offer a variety of classes specific to
both men and women.
– The campaign need to show the target audience, professional
people, that Target is the best choice.
• The promise is that with people who work in down town involved, have a
topic about Target Loop in their work places , inspires someone else, to
promote Targets a Club of all fitness levels can work out, feeling
comfortable and having support from the staff.

• Tactics:
– The tactics goal is to create awareness and clear the
message, both at TARGET and in the egypt business
– Place print ads in magazine and outdoor billboards.
– The campaign will run for three month until
summer time, but it will change many people’s view
of Target forever.

I Got This
Bod At The
Get Fit & Fabulous
at the Club!

Learn More About Our New West Loop Location!

Follow Us On Facebook & Twitter

Get Fit &

at the

Get Fit & Fabulous at


Get Fit & Fabulous

at the Club!
Public Relations

Strategy: TARGET needs to attract young professionals by holding a free after-

work event.

Tactic: TARGET will hold a free two-day open house complete with nutritional
experts, fitness trainers, healthy snacks, and tables for their existing hospital/
medical advisor partners
June 8th & 9th – weekdays from 6PM-8PM
Opportunity for increasing TARGET sales volume- attendees will receive a
coupon for 10% of their membership fee, can be activated once they make a
comment on FFC’s Twitter or Facebook page about the West Loop location
Sales Promotion
Strategy: The main idea for this strategy is to increase sales by
giving potential and current club members promotional
incentives for assisting in creating TARGET brand awareness.

Tactics: For a limited time offer, TARGET will offer the first
month free of charge, 600 LE off of the enrollment fee for the
West Loop location, and an extra guest pass

Facebook/Twitter Contest- participants compete to get the most

people to follow the FFC Twitter and Facebook account
Strategy: develop better two-way communication channels with
their current and potential club members, social networks create
awareness about the brand and retain current club members

Tactics: TARGET would hire a summer social media intern for a

three month internship providing opportunities for college
credit. The social media intern will post all aforementioned
material from June-August. Face
Campaign Calendar

• Price of daily ads for facebook

– .19/click: 1000 clicks per day
– $190 per day X 60= $1140
• Redeye ½ page ad
– One weekday ad and 10,000 impressions: $425
• Billboard price
– $8500 per month
• Magazine whole page ad: regional
– $9,004
• News print ad
– $1,399
Proposed Evaluation

-question would have to be added to the sign up forms both
online and in house to ask people how they heard about the
TARGET Location

-have a different incentive every month put in one form of print ad

and see how many potential consumers respond to the sale

-attempt to track all of the store visits and website visits as possible
to know how effective our message and campaign was
Proposed Evaluation

-evaluate the message techniques or the respondent behavior

-conduct a survey after our campaign is underway
-measure how well people in our target market remember our
campaign the next day
-track hits on the TARGETwebsite-> to see how effective ads were
-responses to posts on Facebook and Twitter
-how many people decide to “like” TARGET after visiting the
Facebook page
-count Twitter, retweets and hashtags
-conduct some concept testing in a focus group to see if people
remember our
-use copy testing, possibly using a portfolio test, as well to make
sure we had a clear and consistent message.
Let’s go get fit & fabulous at
the new TARGET Fitness !

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