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l = 8 in.
r = 3 in. B
G In the engine system shown, the crank AB has a constant clockwise angular
40° b velocity of 2000 rpm. For the crank position indicated, determine (a) the
angular velocity of the connecting rod BD, (b) the velocity of the piston P.

Motion of Crank AB. The crank AB rotates about point A. Expressing vAB
3 in. B in rad/s and writing vB 5 rvAB, we obtain
wAB 50°
40° rev 1 min 2p rad
A vB v AB 5 a2000 ba ba b 5 209.4 rad/s
min 60 s 1 rev
vB 5 (AB)vAB 5 (3 in.)(209.4 rad/s) 5 628.3 in./s
vB 5 628.3 in./s c 50°

Motion of Connecting Rod BD. We consider this motion as a general plane

motion. Using the law of sines, we compute the angle b between the con-
necting rod and the horizontal:
sin b
sin 40°
8 in.
3 in.
    b 5 13.95°
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The velocity the point D where the rod is attached to the piston must
be horizontal, while the velocity of point B is equal to the velocity v B
obtained above. Resolving the motion of BD into a translation with B and
a rotation about B, we obtain

wBD vD/B
B B B b = 13.95°

= vB
+ l D

Plane motion = Translation + Rotation

Expressing the relation between the velocities vD, vB, and vD/B, we write
vD 5 vB 1 vD/B
We draw the vector diagram corresponding to this equation. Recalling that
b 5 13.95°, we determine the angles of the triangle and write
vD vD vD/B 628.3 in./s
5 5
50° 76.05° sin 53.95° sin 50° sin 76.05°
b = 13.95°
vD/B 5 495.9 in./s vD/B 5 495.9 in./s a 76.05°
vD 5 523.4 in./s 5 43.6 ft/s vD 5 43.6 ft/s y
vB = 628.3 in./s vD/B vP 5 vD 5 43.6 ft/s y ◀
Since vD/B 5 lvBD, we have
495.9 in./s 5 (8 in.)vBD VBD 5 62.0 rad/s l ◀

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l = 8 in.
r = 3 in. B
G Crank AB of the engine system of Sample Prob. 15.3 has a constant clock-
40° b wise angular velocity of 2000 rpm. For the crank position shown, determine
the angular acceleration of the connecting rod BD and the acceleration of
point D.

Motion of Crank AB. Since the crank rotates about A with constant
r = 3 in. B vAB 5 2000 rpm 5 209.4 rad/s, we have aAB 5 0. The acceleration of B
40° is therefore directed toward A and has a magnitude
aB 5 rv2AB 5 ( 123 ft) (209.4 rad/s) 2 5 10,962 ft/s2
aB 5 10,962 ft/s2 d 40°
Motion of the Connecting Rod BD. The angular velocity VBD and the value
of b were obtained in Sample Prob. 15.3:
VBD 5 62.0 rad/s l b 5 13.95°
The motion of BD is resolved into a translation with B and a rotation about
B. The relative acceleration aD/B is resolved into normal and tangential
(aD/B ) n 5 (BD)v 2BD 5 ( 128 ft) (62.0 rad/s) 2 5 2563 ft/s2
(aD/B)n 5 2563 ft/s2 b 13.95°
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(aD/B ) t 5 (BD)a BD 5 ( 12 )a BD 5 0.6667a BD
(aD/B)t 5 0.6667aBD za 76.05°
While (aD/B)t must be perpendicular to BD, its sense is not known.
aBD (a D/B)n

= +
aB G
13.95° D D
aB G D
(a D/B)t

Plane motion = Translation + Rotation

Noting that the acceleration aD must be horizontal, we write

aD aD 5 aB 1 aD/B 5 aB 1 (aD/B)n 1 (aD/B)t
40° [aD a 76.05°]
] 5 [10,962 d 40°] 1 [2563 b 13.95°] 1 [0.6667aBD z
13.95° (a D/B)t Equating x and y components, we obtain the following scalar equations:
a D/B y x components:
2aD 5 210,962 cos 40° 2 2563 cos 13.95° 1 0.6667aBD sin 13.95°
1xy components:
0 5 210,962 sin 40° 1 2563 sin 13.95° 1 0.6667aBD cos 13.95°
Solving the equations simultaneously, we obtain aBD 5 19940 rad/s2
13.95° and aD 5 19290 ft/s2. The positive signs indicate that the senses shown on
(a D/B)n the vector polygon are correct; we write
aBD 5 9940 rad/s2 l ◀
aD 5 9290 ft/s2 z ◀

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The linkage ABDE moves in the vertical plane. Knowing that in the position
17 in.
14 in. shown crank AB has a constant angular velocity V1 of 20 rad/s counterclock-
wise, determine the angular velocities and angular accelerations of the con-
A w1 E necting rod BD and of the crank DE.

8 in. 12 in. 17 in.

y This problem could be solved by the method used in Sample Prob. 15.7. In
B this case, however, the vector approach will be used. The position vectors
rD rB, rD, and rD/B are chosen as shown in the sketch.
rB Velocities. Since the motion of each element of the linkage is contained
A E in the plane of the figure, we have
rB = 8i + 14j VAB 5 vABk 5 (20 rad/s)k VBD 5 vBDk VDE 5 vDEk
rD = –17i + 17j
rD/B = 12i + 3j
where k is a unit vector pointing out of the paper. We now write
vD 5 vB 1 vD/B
vDEk 3 rD 5 vABk 3 rB 1 vBDk 3 rD/B
vDEk 3 (217i 1 17j) 5 20k 3 (8i 1 14j) 1 vBDk 3 (12i 1 3j)
217vDE j 2 17vDEi 5 160j 2 280i 1 12vBD j 2 3vBDi
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Equating the coefficients of the unit vectors i and j, we obtain the following
two scalar equations:
217vDE 5 2280 2 3vBD
217vDE 5 1160 1 12vBD
VBD 5 2(29.33 rad/s)k VDE 5 (11.29 rad/s)k ◀
Accelerations. Noting that at the instant considered crank AB has a con-
stant angular velocity, we write
AAB 5 0 ABD 5 aBDk ADE 5 aDEk
aD 5 aB 1 aD/B (1)
Each term of Eq. (1) is evaluated separately:
aD 5 aDEk 3 rD 2 vDE rD
5 aDEk 3 (217i 1 17j) 2 (11.29)2(217i 1 17j)
5 217aDE j 2 17aDEi 1 2170i 2 2170j
aB 5 aABk 3 rB 2 v2ABrB 5 0 2 (20)2(8i 1 14j)
5 23200i 2 5600j
aD/B 5 aBDk 3 rD/B 2 v2BDrD/B
5 aBDk 3 (12i 1 3j) 2 (29.33)2(12i 1 3j)
5 12aBDj 2 3aBDi 2 10,320i 2 2580j
Substituting into Eq. (1) and equating the coefficients of i and j, we obtain
217aDE 1 3aBD 5 215,690
217aDE 2 12aBD 5 26010
ABD 5 2(645 rad/s2)k ADE 5 (809 rad/s2)k ◀


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