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S Subjective cues

• “I already know what to do regarding my asthma condition during pregnancy and that to
continue current regimen and monitor spirometry”

O Objective cues

• Normal vital signs

• Asthma is currently well controlled

M Medications

• Albuterol to manage her asthma

 Continue taking her asthma regimen to avoid having asthma attack

E Environmental Modifications

• Surround yourself with family/friends.

• Seek help. Don’t hesitate to accept help from family and friends. Your body needs practical
help around the home can help you get much-needed rest. Friends or family can prepare meals,
run errands, or help care for other children in the home.

T Treatment (non-pharmacologic treatment)

• Discussing the purpose of treatments to be done and continued at home and continue
monitoring blood pressure.

• Tell patient to continue her current asthma regimen

H Health teachings

• Educate the client the importance of maintaining her current asthma regimen that can help
her during her pregnancy and labor.

• Instruct client to monitor her spinometry.

O Observable signs/ symptoms (cues for seeking prompt management)

• Having hard time to breathe

D Diet modifications

• At every meal, fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. The other half should
include whole grains like brown rice, whole-grain bread, or oatmeal.

• Foods like beans, seafood, lean meats, eggs, and soy products are rich in protein, which help
your body recover from childbirth. Aim for five servings each day, or seven if
you’re breastfeeding.

 Never forget taking her asthma regimen

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