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“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences
Maasin City, Southern Leyte


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in NCM- 104 RLE

A.Y 2021-2022

Presented to:

Ms. Myrrha Taganas, RN

Faculty of the College of Nursing

The College of Maasin

Presented by:


April, 2021
“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences
Maasin City, Southern Leyte


A case of a 25-year-old woman with history of persistent asthma, who is now 10 weeks
pregnant. Asthma is currently well controlled; she is without new complaints, but is
concerned about her asthma treatment during pregnancy. Prior to her current asthma
regimen, she had frequent exacerbations.


Asthma is a common, potentially serious, even life-threatening, chronic medical

condition seen amongst nearly all groups of patients, regardless of ethnicity and
socioeconomic circumstances. This article addresses the group of pregnant women with
symptomatic asthma as well as those whose asthma is asymptomatic as a result of
good control.

The incidence, the pathophysiologic changes of pregnancy, and the interplay between
these changes and asthma are reviewed in this article. The classification of these
patients and appropriate management strategies are discussed. Overall, the prevalence
and morbidity of asthma are increasing, although mortality rates have decreased.1
Asthma complicates 3.7% to 8.4% of all pregnancies, between 200,000 and 376,000
pregnancies annually in the United States.2–4 Acute exacerbations that necessitate
emergency care or hospitalization have been reported in 9% to 11% of pregnant women
cared for by asthma specialists.

Most women with asthma have an uneventful pregnancy course; however, some may
experience life threatening exacerbations requiring hospitalization, intubation, intensive
care management, and, rarely, preterm delivery.5 Treatment varies, based on the
severity classification of each individual patient’s asthma and includes avoidance of
triggers, medications, and close monitoring. The ultimate goal of therapy is to reduce
the number of hypoxemic episodes (ie, acute exacerbations and chronic symptoms) in
the mother.

General Objectives:

This study aimed to broaden the student’s knowledge for pregnant women experiencing
asthma by obtaining sufficient information which could serve as a guide for student
nurses who will be focusing on the same case and it is also designed to enhance skills
and attitudes in the application of nursing process and management of the procedure.
“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Specific Objectives:

After thoroughly discussed the case presented, the nursing students shall be able to:

• To gain enough knowledge and understand the entire course of the procedure.

• To know the client’s personal data, her family profile, past health history, current
medical history, and physical assessment.

• To review the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

• To discuss the purpose of the procedure and its possible complication.

• To correlate the results of the diagnostic procedures to its normal values.

• To develop an effective nursing care plan in which the client may benefit.
“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences
Maasin City, Southern Leyte

A. Biographic Data

Name: N/A

Address: N/A

Age: 25 year-old

Gender: Female

Marital Status: N/A

Occupation: N/A

Religious Orientation: N/A

Health Care Financing: N/A


B. Chief Complaint:

Asthma in pregnancy

C. History of Present Illness:


D. Past History


E. Family History

There was no known familial disease in their family.

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences
Maasin City, Southern Leyte


A. Health Perception and Health Maintenance Management Pattern

Patient is 25 yrs. Old, female with a history of persistent asthma, who is now 10
weeks pregnant. Asthma is currently well controlled; she is without new complaints, but
is concerned about her asthma treatment during pregnancy. Prior to her current asthma
regimen, she had frequent exacerbations.

B. Nutritional & Metabolic Pattern

Patient has complete meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and has fluid intake of
8-10 glasses /day. She eats meats, vegetables and fruits.

C. Elimination Pattern

Bladder Habits:

She can void 3 to 4x a day without any pain felt.

Bowel Habits:

She can defecate once a day with a formed stool.

D. Activity-Exercise Pattern

During pregnancy the patient can do light exercise but not heavy ones for she is
prone in having asthma attack

E. Sleep-Rest Pattern

She has a good sleep-wake cycle. She usually sleeps 6-8 hours

F. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

She has no deficit in her sensory perception (hearing and sight) and she’s able to
read and write. She can hear and answer questions being asked. She is aware of the
conversation. She can see people that surrounds her.

G. Self-Perception and Self-Concept Pattern N/A

She is not a smoker and doesn’t drink.

“Nisi Dominus Frustra”
College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
H. Role relationship pattern

Patient is very responsible. She always said that she wants to attain her goals or
dreams for her family

I. Sexually-reproductive pattern

Patient experienced sexual intercourse.

J. Coping stress pattern

She said that, whenever she has a problem she shares it to the family and solve the
problems by herself and of course, listens to the advices of her family

K. Value-belief pattern

She is a roman catholic. She attended masses together with the family every Sunday.

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