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Cajigal, Jay-Ar A.

CED 02 – 601 A
FS 1
Learning Episode 3: Focus on Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests, Experiences,
Language, Race Culture, Religion, Socio-economic Status, Difficult
Circumstances, and Indigenous Peoples

Observe (Page 33): An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups,
religious and ethnic backgrounds.

During class:

1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Dictate how the students
interact with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact with
more the teacher than others.

- there is so much interaction in the classroom, the students are interacting with
another by talking about out of the discussion topic and while they are laughing it
depends on the topic that they are talking about. In terms of student to teacher, there is
always the value of respect because the students are respecting their teacher. As I far I
observed, no groups are interacting with more the teacher than teacher.

2. Observe the learner seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they
behave and interact differently?

- No, the learners seated at the back are having chitchat with his/her seatmate
because I think they’re far away from the teacher’s sight and attention. Mostly, those
who seated at the front are quiet. They do behave and interact different because those
who are seated in front act and behave silently while some those at the back are having
tripping and having conversation with his/her seatmate.
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with
or compete against each other?

- The relationship of the learners is normal. Some of the students are intended to
compete with their classmates because they’re grade conscious, while others are
cooperating with all their might just to have a good grade, the classroom it just complex.

4. Who among the students participate actively? who among them ask for most

- Those students who participating actively are the students who are intelligent
and average level they intend to participate of course to get a good remark. There are a
lot of students who are not well good in terms of education so therefore, they are the
learners who ask most help from their classmates and their teachers.

5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teachers question do the
classmates try to help him? or do they raise their hand so that the teacher will
call them instead?

- Yes, the classmates are helping their classmates who was not able to answer
the teacher’s question. Sometimes, if the students are not able to answer the teacher
will ask some help the classmates. However, there are this time that if someone was not
able to answer the question, others will raise their hand as a sign of opportunity to take
the question and the points.

Outside class:

1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogeneously, by

age? by gender? by racial or ethnic groups? by interest? or are the students in
mixed social groupings? if so, describe the groupings.

- Outside the classroom, the students group themselves of course by their

interest. Some of the students are fan of the kpop group idols and some are grouped
according to their habits such as playing online games, sports etc.
2. Notice students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe
their behavior.

- Those students are alone and not interacting chooses to be like that because I
observed to them, they use to be quiet student instead they are focusing on a certain
thing that makes them comfortable with and these are the students that you will feel
awkward when you interact with them and some of them are shy to cooperate with other
so they do not talk every time but surely when you ask them question they will always
have an answer because they are good at observing other people.

Analyze (Page 36)

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationship and interaction in
the classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be
the leader, and mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a

- As I observed, inside the classroom there is a variety kind of students. Those

who are intelligent seems to be the leaders because they intended to organize
accordingly to what it to be good, those who are overactive are the mascot/joker they
always keep the atmosphere active by making fun and jokes and there is some
attention seeker, and some are artistic students who likes different kinds of art.

What makes the learner assume these roles? what factors affect their behavior?

- Based on their classmates perceived them inside the classroom. The

environment of course affects their kind of behavior, they are presenting
themselves by in what kind of environment they are leaving.

2. Is there anyone you observe who appear left out? Are students who appeared
“different?” Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the
others? How is this shown?
- Yes, as I recall students who appeared different as always are the students
came who have a language of “Bisaya” because they are always teased by their
classmates. Even though they are accepted but the humiliation is always there. They
always received teasing like making fun of their dialect.

What does the teacher do to address issues like this?

- As a teacher, they do not tolerate such action and they always giving restriction
to their student and they always giving lecture for not doing the bullying and as well as
respecting other people even though they have different ethnic group, dialect and skin

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?
- the teacher must be a good model with a good sense of humor and showed a
good value so that they did not become scared to interact with the students. Hence, the
teacher influences the interaction by having a good communication in this way even
there is a difference among student they will still be an outstanding student.

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in
the classroom? how does this feature leverage diversity?
- The teacher should “Know their students” of course, as a teacher you should
get to know each other among your students for you to understand and what kind of
learner they are.
- Be willing to address inequality among students, this will help you to avoid
being biased and focus on the fair and right decisions for everyone.
- The teacher should know how to connect with Parents and student’s
By having this feature, it will strengthen the diversity inside the classroom
because equality relates to diversity. This will help you to assess the differences of your
students inside the classroom to be as one with respect.
Reflect (Page 37)
1. How did you feel being in that classroom? did you feel a sense of oneness or
unity among the learners and between the teachers and the learners?
- When as I recall, the classroom I observed is having a oneness because all the
learners in that classroom has the sense of unity of everyone and it is intact to them the
value brotherhood or the connections that keep them stronger and learned together
without having one of their classmates left behind. I felt happy observing them because
seeing growing together as a learner makes me so happy and glad.
Sharing my experience during my junior high school in our class section. We do
not let one of our classmates left behind instead of giving them answer to the exam we
used to teach them how to get the right answer. The sense of cooperation of all when it
comes to contest are always there that is why we always WIN in our school contest as a
whole section. So you see, learning together without one being left behind is the most
happiest feeling that you will felt.

Analyze (Page 40)

1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?
- Yes, my observation matched the information given by the teacher instructed
2. Describe the difference in ability levels of the students in the class? What
practices or strategy are done or should be done to differentiate instruction to
meet the needs of the learner?
- In terms of ability level of the students in the class, there are division of it, there
are students who are intelligent, average and normal.
The teacher should come up with a strategy of the design lessons should be
based on the learning styles of the students for you to cater their differences in terms of
the ability and intelligent level.
Group students by shared interest, topic, or ability for assignments for them to
have cooperation among others and Manage the classroom with safe and supportive
environment even though there is different level of ability they should be taught on how
to learn and grow without any student left behind.
3. Describe the methods used by the teachers in handling the student’s
differences in abilities. how did the students respond to the teacher? did the
teacher use different instruction? if yes, describe how.
- The teacher did not use different instruction, but she gave an instruction where
all of the students can understand and comprehend. In terms of the method being used,
the teacher forms them into groupings and each group should cooperate with their
respective groupmates to avoid being selfish and alone in handling the different

Reflect (Page 40)

1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high
and low achievers in your class. how is this your teacher deal with differences in
abilities? Was your teacher effective?
- Recalling my High School days, our teacher focuses more on our low achiever
classmates because those who are with high intelligent level could comprehend the
instruction and activities easily. So, they are always keeps reminding us that we should
help our classmates who can’t understand the activity or instruction because learning is
for everyone and we should always consider others as our companion inside and out of
the classroom.

2. What dispositions and traits you will need as a future teacher to meet the
needs of the learners?
- As a future teacher the traits that I, myself should possess are:
 Prepared, for me to meet the needs of my students in the future I should prepare
myself in different kinds of modalities and wide range of knowledge.
 Organized is one of the perks of being a teacher, a quality education comes with
organized lessons and assessments.
 Active but patient of course I can influence the learning process of the students if
my class will be always active and patient because not all students are good so
therefore you should know how to swim the no end ocean.
 Technology Literate since students from the future are well in navigating
technology so therefore, I should not let myself left behind in using the
technology 21st century learners deal more with technology learning modality.
Observe (Page 42)

1. Before you observe, read about the specific IP group in the school you will visit. Know
their norms, customary greetings. This will help you to blend in the school community
and interact with respect.
2. Observe and note different parts of areas of the school environment. How are
learning spaces arranged?
The learning spaces were arranged based on the knowledge, needs and
practices of Indigenous People. The classroom was designed to cater different areas of
knowledge and to teach IP in a holistic manner.
3. What activities do they do in these different areas of the school?
Every Friday, they have a program called Cultural Exchanged Night where there
are expressing who they are and bonding with the other IP in the school.
4. Who are the people who manage the school? Who are involved in teaching the
It was a school funded by the Government and supported by University of the
Southern Philippines. The professors from the said university are the one who are
teaching the learners in the school.
5. Observe how the teaching-learning process happen. Describe the learning
activities they have and the teaching strategies that the teacher uses.
It is almost the same with the normal way of teaching in a university, but they are
more focus on the cultural heritage of their respective group. They have education
programs and agricultural programs where professors are teaching them the different
courses, yet they do not forget teach also the indigenous people culture.
6. Describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and learners,
among the teachers, and in the school in general.
The relationship in Pamulaan school is like a family, the connection in each of
everyone are strong enough to become their foundation to stand still and they do not let
themselves left behind from the educational trend.
7. What instructional materials and learning resources are they using?
They are using instructional material and resources given by the government, but
it is written according to their language for them to understand easily the lesson but on
the other hand professors are teaching them ESL.
8. Interview the teacher or principal about the curriculum. Find out the curriculum
The curriculum in Pamulaan School for Indigenous people is designed to cater
the knowledge, needs and cultural practices of the Indigenous People. The
development of their curriculum is supported by the University of Southern Philippines.

Analyze (Page 45)

Curriculum Design, Competencies, and Answer each question based on your
Content observation and interview data.
1. Does the school foster a sense of Yes, because the teaching from
belonging to one’s ancestral domain, a Pamulaan is associated with the culture
deep understanding of the community’s and knowledge of their IP Group.
beliefs and practices. Cite examples
Example: In terms of agriculture,
professors are teaching them everything
about agriculture with the application of IP
knowledge and culture.
2. Does the school show respect of the Yes, because Pamulaan school have
community’s expression of spirituality? different IT Group and each of them
How? shows respect from different norms and
beliefs of one another.
3. Does the school foster in the Yes, in fact every Friday they have the so
indigenous learners a deep appreciation called Cultural exchanged night where in
of their identity? How? they are performing dances according to
their tribe and group and by that they are
appreciating the different identity of their
4. Does the curriculum teach skills and Yes, because their curriculum was being
competencies in the indigenous learners develop by the Academe of the university
that will help them to develop their and it intends to balance the teaching
ancestral domain and culture? skills and develop their ancestral domain
and culture.
5. Does the curriculum link new concepts Yes, it is link to the new concepts and
and competencies to the life experiences competencies to the life experiences of
of the community the community especially in agricultural
6. Do the teaching strategies help Yes, it helps it help them because
strengthen, enrich, and complement the besides of the theory they also explore
community’s indigenous teaching- the application of it in a real-life scenario.
7. Does the curriculum maximize the use Yes, since it a school for Indigenous
of the ancestral domain and activities of people it is maintained and balance to the
the community as relevant settings for needs of the learners.
learning in combination with classroom-
based sessions? Cite examples. For example: Education Program offered
by the school, they are using instructional
material based on the IP knowledge and
8. Is cultural sensitivity to uphold culture Yes, the designed of their curriculum was
beliefs practices, observed and applied In highly based on the knowledge and
the development and use of instructional cultural practices of their respective IP
materials and learning resources? How? Group in which enhanced by the
(For example, culture bearers? Of the academe to support and development the
indigenous peoples are consulted.) use of instructional materials and learning
9. Do assessment practices consider Yes, it part of their curriculum that
community values and cultures? How? community values and cultures should
not always be forgotten in applying the
10. Do assessment process include Yes, it is always associated with the
application of higher order thinking skills? hierarchy of thinking skills.

What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the
indigenous people’s knowledge systems and practices and right in schools?
We should support the educational system of the Indigenous people
since education is for all why not we give them and uphold the IP’s knowledge systems
and practices right in the schools. The government should promote the enhancement of
the IP education because here in out country there are a lot of IP being alienated by
their different respective environment in school. It should have also, the learning
academic plan for clear process of developing here in our country.

Reflect (Page 47)

1. What new things did you learn about indigenous people?
I learned that norms and culture are very important, because it is
imparted in yourselves, the knowledge and skills are being nourish. Also, when it comes
to giving importance on what tribe they came from and the identity. On the other hand, it
may be hard for them for being alienated but then IP are still striving hard to get their
dreams and raise their identity.

2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school
indigenous learners? Why?
The most experiences I appreciated most is that, even though they’re
being taught in a holistic way and academically striving you cannot take away from them
the sincerity and dedication to express themselves into their own identity by performing
their respective beliefs and dances inside the school.

3. For indigenous learners, as a future teacher, I promise these three things.

3.1 Be open to and respect indigenous peoples by not humiliating their identity in
front of everyone because now I understand the sacred beliefs that they have and as a
future teacher I, myself should take acceptance to what kind of group they are in. I
respect the value of uniqueness because all of us are unique so therefore I must be
sensitive when it comes to identity.
3.2 Uphold and celebrate their culture, beliefs, and practices by respecting their
culture, beliefs, and practices and as a sign of respect I will also watch them and
observe them without doing anything that could hurt their feelings, joining them is not a
bad idea but I should limit myself into what is restricted in order to avoid conflicts.
3.3 Advocate for indigenous people education by promoting to support every IP in
our country, they are one of the identities that we have in our country. Teach my student
to respect the identity of IP inside our classroom and be sensitive when it comes to
teaching my IP learner I should know what are the restrictions in their beliefs.

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