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 Based on what you have read about the past of Spanish Flu, what do

you think that can be done in the present generation to prevent

disease such as COVID 19
Based on my perspective, there are so many things that can be done for the present
generation to prevent what happened on the Spanish Flu and fights against the
current pandemic COVID – 19. In Spanish flu time, there were shortage of
personnel in such point that it threatens the organizational operation of the Health
Service, having only small number of personnel doing the task is very exhausting
and making their body to give up. We can’t deny the fact that we are falling short
of health personnel fighting the current pandemic. The government was right in
making the students related and has knowledge in administering health to
participate in assisting and vaccinating the people to make a progress. The
government should also raise the overtime pay of the health workers so they would
be motivated and rewarded by their hard work and for sacrificing their health for
the sake of others. Like in Spanish flu, there is no certain age that the COVID is
targeting, even the age regarded as the strongest and the healthiest (18-49 yrs. old)
can be affected by the virus. We were being put to ECQ twice I think it doesn’t
help the people, quarantine procedures were but mere indications of administrative
politics and showing off, it’s just making the poor starve more. The government
should take other precautionary measures and implement strict health protocol to
prevent the spread of the virus. In these trying times, the administration should act
as a unitary unit and not act as to their own political agendas. In Spanish flu, the
Philippine regarded the disease as a mere trancazo and not pay much attention to it
that leads to death of the Filipinos and same as the other part of the world. We
shouldn’t repeat history itself, report only the facts, disseminate informative
information and don’t just neglect the fact that we have an ongoing pandemic
outbreak it comes in waves and the virus mutated, we better be prepared.

In addition, the people should be well educated about the COVID-19. Many
people think that COVID-19 is not real that’s why many people are still going
outside their houses instead of staying. Some people are going to travel, go
shopping, vacation and enjoy their time, but forget the existence of COVID-19.
Some people don’t take this issue seriously maybe because many are still not
aware of this pandemic.  The government should educate people by providing
information about the formation of the virus, how it is being transferred, what are
the causes as well as the effect. Just like in the Spanish Flu time, the teachers there
were helping people by educating them about the Spanish Flu and give them
advice on what to do. Proper sanitation should also be given attention. People
should also take care of their properties by cleaning their houses as well as the
environment. People should also practice proper hygiene. They must consider
cleanliness in order to prevent getting bacteria on their body. That is why the
government should tighten the health protocols as well as the quarantine protocol
in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

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