Past Continuous and Past Simple (Exercise)

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Review 2

Grammar . Past

Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the Past continuous. 1 At nine
o'clock yesterday morning I was talking
(talk) to my science teacher. 2 At three
o'clock Sam and Lisa .... (play) soccer. 3
At two thirty we.... (walk) home from
school. 4 At five o'clock you .... (study) in
the library. 5 At nine o'clock on Saturday
Marco.... (sleep).
Complete the sentences with when or
while. 1 We were waiting for the bus when we
saw Jody. 2 The thief was stealing some DVDs
.... the police
officer saw him. 3..... they were listening to the teacher, Amanda's
cell phone rang. 4 My mom heard a noise in the yard .... she was
watching TV. 5 The cat was climbing the tree .... it fell down. 6 They arrived .... We
were having dinner.

Make sentences with the Past

Matthew / listen / to music / last
- he / watch / TV X Matthew was
listening to music last night. He wasn't
watching TV. we / have / dinner / at
eight X-we/have/
breakfast 3 my parents / drive
/home/from work/ last night x
- they / cook/ a meal 4 1/
study / for my exam /
yesterday ✓
- 1 /write / my blog X 5 Della and
Nancy / go / store / on Saturday X
- they / visit / their
Complete the sentences with the
comparatives. 1 The math exam was easier
(easy) than the
history exam. 2 The movie was interesting, but the book was
.... (interesting). 3 My grades are bad, but your grades are .... (bad). 4 Ben is .... (thin) than his
brother. My hair is .... (curly) than Lisa's.
Skiing is .... (dangerous) than


3 Make questions and

Sonya / do / homework? Was
Sonya doing her homework? Yes, she
Anya and Adam / fight? 3 Barbara /
copy / her friend's homework? X 4
Danny and Freddie / play / loud music?
X 5 lan/do/ an exercise? ✓
Complete the sentences with the
superlatives. 1 The Antarctic is the
coldest (cold) place in
the world. 2 What is .... (dangerous) animal in Australia? 3 The .... (long) river in the world is
the Nile River. 4 I have .... (good)
friends in the world! 5 Laura is .... (funny)
person in my class. 6 Uncle Jim is ....
(generous) person in the world!
• Past simple and Past
continuous 4 Complete the
text with the Past simple or
Past continuous. Last night l' was studying
(study) for my exam when my little brother
2.... (come) into my room. He 3.... (want) to
use my laptop, but | 4.... (use) it. While we
5.... (fight), my mom 6.... (come) into my
room. She ?.... (tell) us to stop fighting,
but we 8 .... (shout) and we 9.... (not
hear) her. She wasn't happy!
• Present continuous for future 8 Complete the phone
conversation with the
Present continuous. Max Hi, Eva. What are you doing (you/ do)
tomorrow afternoon? Eva Hi, Max. Well, 12 .... (not study) for my exams.
13 .... (go) to the movies with Joel. Max 4 .... (Susanna / come) with you? Eva No, she
isn't. She 5 ....(play) in a basketball game.
Max Oh, never mind. Can I come with you?
Eva Sure. We 6.... (meet) outside the
movie theater
at 2 p.m. See you


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