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National Service Training Program 1

Mountain View College

Worksheet 4
Chapter 4: Leadership Training

Full Name: Sophia Mae D. Alarcon

Section Code: SDA
Course and Year Level: BSMT1

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1. Name five characteristics of a great leader and explain each.

Characteristics Explanations Name 2 leaders for Explain How these leaders
each item that demonstrated the characteristics
highly demonstrated of a great leader.
the respective
a) Communication Great communicators and • Oprah • Even if you believe
skills persuaders are common Winfrey Oprah Winfrey is
characteristics of good • Hannah bothersome, you have
leaders. They are able to Tadle to agree she is a master
communicate their views in of communication.
a clear and persuasive When it comes to
manner. To allow others communicating,
and oneself to absorb Winfrey recognizes that
information more properly listening is just as
and rapidly, good important—if not more
communication skills are so—than speaking. She
required. At all levels of an speaks up about topics
organization, effective that are on people's
communication is critical minds in her audience,
to attaining productivity and she does it openly.
and sustaining great • Hannah is one of my
working relationships. classmate and a speaker
in our church he is good
at communicating
through this she
provides clarity and
direction to the
audience listening.
b) Compassion Compassion gives us the • Sherybel • Sherybel is a Registered
ability to understand Sumampong nurse. Shes is better at
someone else’s situation • Linea comprehending what
and the desire to take Braina her patients are going
action to improve their Clavel through, she must be
lives. Compassion is empathetic. To better
demonstrated by good comprehend her
leaders for their supporters patients' requirements,
and followers. They have she spends time getting
exceptional coaching and to know them.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

development abilities. Providing patients with

While these leaders have someone to talk to,
objectives to meet, they are which is especially
nonetheless able to provide crucial for those who do
constant care for their not have family or
constituents. They aren’t friends to lean on.
self-centered persons who • Linea is a friend of
just consider their own mine and the president
goals and requirements. of the VNHS student
They have a kind heart council. She is
towards others. sympathetic enough to
feel sincerely for
another person while
they go through life's
ups and downs. She is
not only telling them
that she cares, but she is
also showing them that
she cares by being there
before they even ask.
c) Vision A visionary leader who • Henry Ford • Ford had a good
clearly and passionately • Elon Musk understanding of
communicates his or her people. “Coming
vision can motivate together is a start;
employees to act with staying together is
passion and purpose, progress; working
thereby ensuring that together is success,” he
everyone is working once stated. He began
toward a common goal. his career as a chief
Good leaders have a clear engineer for the Edison
vision of where they want Illumination Company,
to take their country, where he acquired a
society, and family, and small sum of money
they can persuade others to from family and friends
share that vision. Good to purchase the parts he
leaders see things for what needed to create his first
they can be rather than for vehicle. His employees
what they are. believed in his vision,
recognized he cared
about their needs and
interests, and helped
him develop Ford
Motors, one of the most
successful vehicle
companies in history.
• Musk is well-known for
his industry-disrupting
ideas. He doesn't follow
the rules and is always
willing to go against the
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

grain in order to
succeed. His ideas may
appear absurd to some,
yet he has led teams of
highly motivated and
creative individuals to
accomplish the
seemingly impossible.
d) Persistence In the face of difficulties • J.K. • J.K. Rowling was
and problems, good leaders Rowling unemployed, divorced,
are passionate about • Michael and living on the dole.
achieving their objectives. Jordan Rowling's marriage
They feel that the ended in divorce in
advantages of achieving 1993, and she was
their objectives exceed the jobless, divorced,
risks and difficulties. impoverished, and with
a dependent child with
only three chapters of
Harry Potter completed.
Rowling's situation had
deteriorated to the point
where she needed
government assistance.
Her Harry Potter draft
was rejected by all 12
major publishers two
years later. Rowling
persisted, and a small
publisher offered her a
£1500 advance and
published only 1000
copies of her book a
year later.
• Michael Jordan's high
school basketball squad
was cut. He was told he
wasn’t good enough and
was cut from his high
school basketball team.
Michael Jordan
persevered, eventually
becoming the greatest
basketball player of all
“I’ve learnt that how
many times you fail
doesn’t matter,” Cuban
says. “You only have to
be correct once in your
life. I was attempting to
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

sell powdered milk. I’ve

been an idiot a few
times, and I’ve learnt
from each one.”

e) Discipline Good leaders maintain self- • Mi Amor • Mi amor is a teacher

control and maintain order. Dision formidable
Whereas most people are • Jeffrey disciplinarian. shes a
easily distracted or Occena person who enforces or
depressed, strong leaders advocates discipline
are able to remain focused • Jeffrey Ocena is a group
and steady in any situation. leader in our research
from last year. He is a
focused leader who,
despite the technical
difficulties we faced,
remained focused and
managed his teammates

2. Name five behaviors of transformational leader and explain each.

Behaviors Explanations Name 2 leaders for Explain How these leaders
each item that highly demonstrated such behavior
demonstrated the of a transformational
respective behaviors. leader.
a) Talks optimistically Successful people are • Bill Gates • The only attribute
and enthusiastically enthusiastic about their • Simon Sinek that distinguishes
and expresses employment and the business super stars
confidence that activities they participate like Bill Gates is
goals will be in. For the ancient Greeks, optimism. It's a
achieved excitement indicated wonderful
heavenly influence or worldview to have.
inspiration. Consider the Having an
advantages of being optimistic language
enthusiastic: you'll be more by saying more I
productive, more can, having an
confident, others will abundant mentality
perceive you favorably, (there is plenty of
and you'll have more peace credit to go
of mind at the end of each around),
day. Having said that, appreciating the
we've all struggled with world around you,
keeping motivated and and continuously
excited at work. explaining your life
optimistically are
some of the
strategies to
cultivate optimism.
• Simon Sinek is one
of the most
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

enthusiastic leaders
I've ever known (I
know him only
through his books
and listening to his
Ted Talks). He
educates people
and businesses to
start with their why
and work their way
to the how and
what. Simon's
passion for creating
great companies
and accomplishing
great goals is
b) Seeks different It's critical to evaluate • Jamica Caps • Jamica She is a
perspectives when issues from many • Stefanie great believer in
solving problems viewpoints so that we can Diane pushing yourself
see the whole picture, and others to go
which will help us locate above and beyond
the root of the problem and the norm. One way
devise a solution that she accomplishes
considers the needs and this is by constantly
sentiments of all parties seeking out new
involved. methods to affect,
revolutionize, and
come up with
solutions to
challenges in order
to provide clients
with an engaging
• She is showing her
team how to be
open to different
viewpoints and
diverse thoughts
and voices because
she believes it is a
critical component
of becoming a
successful leader in
any business.
c) Considers each “A great leader is someone • Clint Ave • Clint believes that
individual who has a common aim • Jesica Daig it should be able to
employee’s with the people under his both allocate duties
different needs, or her command. The to ensure consistent
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

abilities, and possibilities are unlimited productivity and

aspirations if you can win the hearts of empower
the people you’re leading. employees to make
You should inspire decisions so that
individuals rather than they have a stake in
teach them how to the outcome and
succeed.” may even help
determine potential
• Jesica is a grade 2
teacher she make
sure what her
students needs and
what her students
capable in learning
during this
pandemic whether
she will give
modular or online
learning .
d) Spends time A good leader should be • Mark Allen • Mark is one of the
teaching and able to educate his • Gregi team leader in the
coaching subordinates so that they Ramos call center. He
can work independently spends time
and respond to unexpected teaching his team
situations. A good leader so that they will be
should be able to inspire able to get the high
his or her team to keep stocks that are
moving forward in both assign to them and
good and bad times so that establish the
the goals and vision are not essence of
lost. teamwork.
• Greg is a football
coach at a
university, and he
works hard to
ensure that his
players are
prepared to win the
e) Is articulate in “A strong leader sets an • Sarah Lee • Sarah assists her
creating compelling example for others to • President organization in
vision of the future follow. Their work pace Rodrigo growing and
and dependability set the Duterte achieving its
tone. They have a clear objectives. To
vision and the ability to cultivate positive
implement change in order relationships with
to achieve their objectives. her coworkers and
Finally, they must endure encourage them to
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

and remain cool in the face reach their full

of adversity.” potential. She
ensures a
productive and
pleasurable work
atmosphere by
positivism, and
• Pres. Duterte have
a clear vision to the
country and the
ability to
implement change.

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