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Listening 3

1/GloTelcom is going to shut down local operations and move overseas with quarterly profits down
again .

2/ It allows 1000 skilled workers to let go .

3/ Most of the larger companies have already closed their domestic operations in order to move into
a cheaper labor market

Writing :

ME(GloTelCom President ) : Hello everybody in our press conference .

Today , we want to present the main situation of our company and to announce about our futur’s
project .

As you know , GloTelcom was the first company who works with great association like Samsung and
Microsoft . GloTelcom have worked as a creater of network and assure the communication with the
designer and the industrial and practical services unities .

GloTelCom would like to continue to operate in the local community but it is obliging to lay off 2000
workers because of financial results .

GloTelcom Spokesperson will explain more in details .

GloTelCom Spokesperson : Hi !

I’m the spokesperson for this company and the officer representer at abroad .

Dont worry because the layoffs are only temporary and GloTelCom supports its workers.

In the other hand , Each worker will receive: three months’ additional salary ( severance pay)

six months health insurance coverage.

Mayor : welcome ladies and gentlemen in this press conference .

Although the bad financial situation of GolTelCom , the inflation rate and the unployment rate of
our country were the lowest in the world .We success to be one of the communities who live in self-
sufficiency .Everyday , we work to morning till the night to achieve this success development and we
will work as usual to solve our problem.

You are the best skilled workers , so , our government try with GloTelCom to create new
opportunities and surely we won’t let you down .

Employee Union Representative : Hello ! As I am the representer of all worker , you should I tell that
t the administration of GloTelCom layoff package is not enough , so ,they laid-off workers should

six months’ salary as severance pay and one year of health insurance coverage , this the least thing
you should receive these workers for their sacrifices

Also , GloTelCom should pay for re-training and educational programs to easy their integration in
other factory .
The Journalist : GloTelCom President , what is the causes of your financial crisis ?

Me : Do you know the apparition of IoT( internet of thing ) when once machine can communicate
with other computer système immediately by the new high technology called 5G. So the most of
company that we worked with change his program of working by changing our network by this new
technology . Now , all the company want to care this technology , and we will try to be updated in
the several few months .

The journalist : Are you Are going to close both local plants permanently?

Me : We are working now to solve our problem but we don’t know if we will oblige to close both
local plants permanently .

The journalist : It is true that GloTelCom is considering moving its operations to USA ?

Me : I can’t answer this question because the our administration take the decision .

The journalist : thank you for your presense , I wish you a good luck for your business .

Me : you are welcome .

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