Assignment - 1, Consumer Behaviour, Submission Date-20 Sep, 2021

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Assignment – 1, Consumer Behaviour, Submission Date-

20th Sep, 2021.

Q1. In recent years, there has been a large debate about the influence that internet shopping will
have on our consumer lives. Try listing the changes that you personally have made in your buying and
consumption patterns due to e-commerce. Compare these changes with changes experienced by
other people from various social groups, e.g. somebody from your parents’ generation, an IT freak, or
somebody with a lower educational background.

In the recent years, the usage of online shopping has increased drastically, especially due Covid-19.
Some changes faced by me due to e-commerce are as follows:
i) Availability of Information on the product.
Since we can’t touch and feel the products, the information provided by the retailer helps a
lot during the purchase. Proper information on the sizes, type of fabric used along with
other important information has become a necessity.
Online shopping gives the opportunity to compare products and prices, with a larger
selection of favourable products.

ii) A more personalized experience.

Now in online shopping, users can create wishlists so that when a sale arrives and the prices
drop and reach their target price range, they can purchase them. This is not an option that is
available in traditional shopping.

iii) Shipping.
We can order products from the comfort of our homes and receive them in a certain time
slot mentioned by the retailers, and if we are dissatisfied with the services, we can easily
change the retailer at any moment. This has made the process of shopping significantly less
tiresome as compared to traditional shopping.

iv) Pricing and discounts.

There are many sales available in online shopping and we can discover them with just a few
clicks. Whereas, while shopping, we need to go to specific stores to find discounts which
might or might not be available on all products.

Changes in experience for my parents would be that,

They like to buy products online due to the availability of shipping of the products.
They don’t need to take too much time out of their day to go out shopping and the product reviews help
them understand the legitimacy of the product. There is also a large pool of products to choose from,
which helps them make a better decision.

i) Assume that you are a consultant for a marketer who wants to design a package for a new
premium chocolate bar targeted to an affluent market. What recommendations would
you provide in terms of such package elements as colour, symbolism and graphic design?
Give the reasons for your suggestions.

In order to understand what type of design the package needs, we have to consider what message it
gives to the consumer. Since the product is a premium chocolate bar in an affluent market, it means that
it is a luxury brand of chocolate, and therefore marketed for adults.
For colour, we should choose a darker palette like velvet red, dark green or royal blue. This is because if
we choose a lighter colour, it might look like a chocolate bar for kids and it won’t be taken seriously.
For the logo, it should be an elegant logo with a meaning behind it to make symbolic. That way it would
be communicated to only adults and would create a place in the luxury chocolate market.
ii) Do you believe that marketers have the right to use any or all public spaces to deliver
product messages?

According to me, marketers have the right to use any or all public spaces to deliver a product message.
Examples of this would be billboards, moving trucks, etc. where they can target a large audience. If the
marketer only has limited funds, focusing on their target audience would help. This would clearly deliver
the brand values for its consumers and enhance a great performance in the market.

iii) Where would you draw the line in terms of places and products that should be restricted?

A line should be drawn for sacred places like temples, churches, masjid, etc.
Also, adult products should not be advertised in schools.

 Neelanshi Bhatia

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