Personality Development - Written Assignment: Part 1-Self Development Part 2 - Effective Communication Skills Pass

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Personality Development – Written Assignment

Learner Name Sidhant kumar Reference ID/ Batch Code FIAT/JAL/20-21/145


Course Title Personality Development

Assessor Name Simmerpreet

Assessment Area Part 1-Self Development

Part 2 –Effective Communication Skills

Assignment Title Pass

1:Investigate factors which contribute to personality Development

2: Understand Time & explore methods for its management & removing blocks

3: Investigate the development of leadership skills appropriate to specific situations..

4: Recognise Inter Personal Behaviour, its affects on relationships with others.

5: Examine Communication, its types & its importance on our effectiveness.

6: Understand the importance of projecting a positive Image.

Purpose/Aims  Analyse own personality type.

 Critically examine a range of factors, which contribute to personality
 What is time, its value, how can it be measured.
 Identify ways to overcome blocks to effective time-management. (Realise the
importance of TIME MANAGEMENT in everyday life and relate it to self
 Define leadership skills needed for a specific situation.
 Propose methods to develop own leadership skills.
 Identify a range of methods required for analysing effective interrelationships with
 Evaluate the main steps required to develop an open self personality.
 Analyse barriers and weaknesses to successful communication
 Produce evidence of effective verbal, non verbal and written communication.
 Explore how character building and morals will support career development.
 Demonstrate public speaking skills.
I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Learner name Sidhant kumar Date Batch code

Reference id FIAT/JAL/20-21/145 13-3-2021 I4

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions

2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment
3. Also, each question indicates if it is PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

TIMELINE: You can take upto One Week to submit the Assignments

Ques1. Define Personality (PASS)

Ans. Personality is the sum total of our outer personality and inner quality. While outer
personality helps us to be accepted, liked and loved, inner qualities or traits make long lasting
impressions and relationships helping us succeed and grow throughout our lives. We can say
that it is depends on our traits and knowledge also .the different qualities of persons character
that make us different from others is also a effect what we are living on others.

Ques2. Define SWOT. How will you convert Weakness into Strength? (PASS)
Ans. SWOT stand for strength ,weakness, opportunity and Threats, SWOT analysis is a
strategic learning technique used to help us for or assessing these four aspects of our life .To
convert weakness into strength we have to do following things :
 First we have to recognise and accept our weaknesses
 Get guidance from someone we trust
 Be very prepared
 Hire the skills you lack .from people who have that skills.
 Seek to improve your skills.
 Look for ways to serve others with the same problem.
Then you will be a able to convert weakness into strength.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques 3. Which factor is important for development of one’s personality? Justify by giving
Examples. (PASS)
Ans.To shape a one's personality, the environment plays an important role. Apart from
that, genetics, and life experiences also play an important role say for instance parents,
teachers, and friends influence the development.
For example people of Punjab are very social as compared to other countries. Because
they are live in joint family.

Ques 4. Define Perception, Emotional Intelligence and its impact in one’s Personal and
Professional Life. (PASS)
Ans. Perception : It is an intellectual process where an individual organizes and interprets
his sensory impressions to give meaning to the environment.
Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence is a combination of inter-personal intelligence and
intra-personal intelligence.
Impacts in one's Personal and Professional life:
Personality Development – Written Assignment

1) Personal life:-(a) perceptions:) 1.Past experience and expectation play an influencing role on
perception like once bitten twice shy.

2.If a student get continuous lower marks in exam then due to his positive perception he/she
can get higher marks.

3.When Indian cricket fans watches cricket then his negative perception is that sachin will make
century in every match then due to his positive perception he/she can control his emotions.
b) Emotional intelligence :
1) Getting bad result in exam he/she get does not frustrating or


2) Due to family disputes the person getting angry whole day so due to this his other work get
not spoil.

3) Due to fail in interview person getting feel nervous so that he/she does not get angry.
Professional life:

Perception :-Some person doesn't take risk in business they think that he will get loss so that
they do not get increase his business. Due to negative perception but he/she can change by
positive perception.

Emotional intelligence:

i) If a person get angry in his office to the behavior of clients then he get frustrating or getting
angry due to emotional intelligence he/she can overcome on it.

ii) Due to late delivery of goods getting frustration any person can overcome on it due to
emotional intelligence.
iii) Due to any reason, scolding to the boss or senior ,any person getting

angry he/ she can calm by adopting emotional intelligence.

Ques5. Why do you think Time has to be managed? (PASS)

Ans.Time management is important for busy companies so they can prioritize all their work
tasks and achieve their goals faster. When we better manage your time, we'll be able to take on
new opportunities and grow our business in a sustainable manner.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques6. Talk about your daily Routine & make a DAILY HALF HOUR TIME LOG SHEET. (PASS)
Ans. Firstly I woke up at 5:30 then I go for a walk and do some exercise when I came back home
I freshen up and eat my breakfast after that I ready to to go for frankfinn institute for studies
there I take classes for 2 hours after that I go for English class from 12-00PM.-1:00PM. after that
I came back at my home at 2:30 p.m. then I eat my lunch at 3:00 p.m. then I help my mother in
house work then I do my homework which is given by my teachers at 5:00 p.m. then I go for a
walk with my best friend and I came back at my home at 6:00 p.m. then I watch TV for some
time then I read a newspaper. Then I eat my dinner at 8 p.m. then I use my smartphone for
sometime after that I go to bed at 10:00 PM.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques 7. What are the Time wasters and how to overcome them? (PASS)
Ans. (1) mobile phone.
(2) unnecessary phone call
(3) Playing video games.
I can overcome these time wasters by Singh reducing use of mobile phone and
playing video games and not attending unnecessary phone calls.

Ques8.During your class Activity how you manage your time, What Sort of Typical barriers you
face and how you overcome them. (PASS)
Ans.During my class activities. I do my daily activities and listen to teacher what they teach us.
Write all the topics in my notebooks and read my books and do my studies.the short of typical
barriers I face is talking with my friends apart from studies ,using mobile phone sometimes ,not
listening to the teacher , not note down the chapter in my notebook. I talk less to my friends
during the class.

Ques9. Define Leadership.(PASS)

Ans.leadership is a person's quality to influence others to willingly contribute for mutual object.
It is also an ability of person who affect people to do work willingly towards the achievement of
organisational goal.the state or position of being a manager or the person in charge. Leadership
is defined as the qualities that a leader should have.

Ques10.What are the 7 functions of Leadership? (PASS)

Ans.The seven major functions of leadership are:

1. Lead

Leaders propel people towards attaining goals either personally or purely in spirit.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

2. Influence

Leaders affect the team in a positive manner to achieve goals,

3. Motivate

Leaders arouse and direct the team's behaviour as per objectives set.

4. Control

Leaders will invariably govern, regulate, command and manage teams towards

goal attainment

5. Stimulate

Leaders excite, urge, provoke and charge the team

6. Assert

Leaders uphold, affirm and emphasize the objectives set and stand up for righteousness
specially in situations where goals are difficult to attain.

7. Cooperate

The word 'cooperate', from a leadership point of view must be understood as cooperate or
'work together'. Leaders ensure that each person who is assigned a task, must perform it and
create an atmosphere of cooperation or working together.

Ques11.What are the qualities of Leadership? (PASS)

Ans.There are fifteen qualities of leadership are:

1. Setting Objectives: Setting objectives or goals gives a meaning and purpose to work.

2. Organizing And Planning: Organizing and planning is like making a road to a destination.

3. Decision Making: Quick, effective, result oriented and correct decisions lead to success.

4. Integrity and Honesty: Fair, just and honest is the leader who wins.

5. Enthusiasm: Zeal, excitement, eagerness and earnestness always produce.positive results.

Personality Development – Written Assignment

6. Ambition: Set high standards and.Go for it! Get it done! We can do it!

7. Intelligence: Knowledgeable, smart, well informed and wise are the leaders who win

8. Emotional Stability: To be calm in the middle of a storm... to look at problems objectively.

9. Empathy: Leaders empathize by putting themselves into other peoples shoes and then
communicating from their point of view thus ensuring success.
10. Human Relations and People Skills': Human relations or getting people to do their share of
the total task (also called delegation) is both an art and science
mastered by able leaders.

11. Objectivity: Leaders never lose sight of their goals even when the odds are against them

12. Motivating Skills: Leaders assure and propel their teams and themselves to achieve goals

13. Technical Skills: No-excuse management. Leaders know their jobs and enhance their
technical skills regularly.

14. Communication Skills: Listen more, talk less; smile; use positive body language; praise
loudly, blame softly are typical leadership communication styles.

15. Social Skills: Great leaders are friendly, civil, hospitable, polite and humble.

Ques 12.Why is leadership important? State the 5 reasons which make leadership
important. (PASS)
Ans.1. Leadership is Instrumental in Making the Organization Successful.
"The buck stops here is a common management buzz phrase which actually means no excuses,
this is my responsibilityb Team performances are often as good or poor as the leadership
present in the team It is often said "heavy is the head that wears the crown. With leadership
there is always the responsibility of achieving SUCCESS.
2. Leadership Directs the Behaviour of People in a Desired Manner
Teams consist of human beings with different personalities. Leadership attempts to understand
the different personalities in a team, set individual and collective objectives and control and
channelize behavioural energy towards achieving both individual and collective goals.
3. Leaders Act as Role Models
Leaders are 'can-do' people. They make their teams want to be like them Uncounted cases are
recorded where team members copy and imbibe some of the qualities which their leaders
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Teams look up to their leaders very much like a child looks up to parents. the basic message
it's good to know you're here leader'.
4. Leaders Act as Catalysts
The presence of the Leader (in person or through communication) increases the speed of
reaction and responses without the leader getting personally involved in the activities
Sometimes, even a name is enough to create a catalyticeffect. For example, we hear many
stories of armies fighting for their countries and sports persons performing for their coaches
The students silent prayer before an exam. makes God, the leader playing
5. Leaders Create Confidence
Firmness, assurance, faith and courage are essential for team performance. Leaders provide all
these through sheer determination, confidence in themselves and by encouraging their teams

Ques13.What do you understand by open Self Personality? (PASS)

Ans. When a person knows one's own personality and is willing to share ideas, thoughts,
feelings and values with others, that person is called an 'OPEN SELF personality'.An Open self
personality is who knows others and himself/herself very closely.
Having an Open self personality one can maintain good and long term relations and Business
contacts with others.

Ques 14.Explain the Four Self Johari’s window. (PASS)

Ans.The four self of Johari's window are:
Open Self

When a person knows one's own personality and is willing to share ideas, thoughts, feelings
and values with others, that person is called an 'OPEN SELF

Blind Self

When others know more about a person than the person, such a state is called the *BLIND SELF
personality, All personalities are BLIND' during childhood when elders encourage them by
saying "If you study hard, vou can come first in your class"

Hidden Self
Personality Development – Written Assignment

When a person knows' but, is unwilling to share due to shyness, uncertainty or a lack of
confidence, such a personality is called the HIDDEN SELF

Unknown Self

When a person comes and goes from this world without making conscious and constructive
interpersonal relations, such a personality is called 'UNKNOWN SELF . Neither the person nor
others know the personality

Ques15.Define the Term Transactional Analysis (PASS)

Ans.Transactional analysis is a model of personality and dynamics of 'self'and its relationship
with others. Tt is a social psychology developed by 'Eric berne MD'. The unit of social
interaction is called transaction. Transactional analysis is a psychological theory in which social
transactional are analysed to determine the 'ego state' of the communicator as a basis of
behaviour. The give and take in the transactions as is of behaviour related and helps wants to
understand human being better.

Ques16.Define Four Life Stroke Position and its impact while

Working in Team.(PASS)

Ans. There are four life stroke positions:

1. I am OK, you are OK - Healthy, confident and optimistic attitude towards self and others.
2. I am OK, you are not OK - I am I am better and you are not good.
3. I am not OK, you are OK - Feeling powerless, depressed and inferior.
4. I am not OK, you are not OK - Fnhealthy pessimistic attitude towards self and others.

These four life stocks are very impactful for working in a team, if we have life stroke I'm not ok
you are not Ok then we feel unhealthy and pessimistic. If we have of life stroke of I am not ok,
you are ok then we feel powerless and depressed. If we have life stroke of I am ok, you are not
ok then we feel others are less than us and we are better than others. If we have life stroke I
Personality Development – Written Assignment

am ok, you are ok then we will able to communicate confidently and we'll have a optimistic
attitude towards others.

Ques:1. Why is the open self personality important? How do you become an open self
personality? (MERIT)
 An Open self personality is who knows others and himself/herself very closely.
 Having an Open self personality one can maintain good and long term relations and
Business contacts with others.
 I feel more oriented regards to my objective or goals.

I will become an open Self personality by Following activities like :

 I will share my Dreams, Desires, Hobbies and ambitions with others.
 I will also respects others Dreams and Ambitions.
 I will place Helping nature with all like Senior citizens and children.
 I will Respect of time and opportunity.
 I will Smile is identity of Open self personality.
I will become an open Self personality by *
 Aware about my self in other hand what qualities and potentials I have.
 Define my Goal and it's Height and term.
 Be Punctual and Attentive.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

 Make Good relation with my self and others also.

 Smile and establish conversation first. Say Hi and Hello to others.

Ques2: Name one external and internal motivational factor which motivates you towards
achieving your goal. Justify your answer. (MERIT)
1. External motivator - It is type of motivator which motivates us externally.For every
person Money Is very important motivational factor. Money is very important fOr me too.
Money covers almost every area of human life and hence heads the list of motivators.
2.Internal motivator – It is type of motivator which motivates us internally .Interest is the
best motivator for everyone. A person finds any way to complete his work if he has interest in it
but finds all excuses and ignores the work if not interested.for me It is also very important
motivational factor, according to me anyone can work as long as he is interested In that work.

Ques 3: List any 3 positive emotions and 3 negative emotions. How can you creatively use each
to become more emotionally intelligent? (MERIT)
Ans: Positive emotions
1. Empathy – becoming sensitive to others feelings. Taking other people‘s personality into
account and testing them with respect
I can become more positive personality in hospitality and aviation industry.
2. Joyful – I will become more joyful And keep a smile on my face. A smile is very important in
communication. If I will joyful from my heart then smile will come automatically.
3. Gratitude – it is one of many positive emotions. It’s about focusing on what’s good in our
lives and being thankful for the things we have. I will Express my gratitude to costomers and
every one who will be working with me
Nagetive emotions
1. Fear – I will use my fear of failure as a motion to do more hard work in my life.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

2. Loneliness – whenever I’m alone I meditate for some time to improve my concentration, it
helps me to improve my emotional intelligence.

Ques:-4 What are the applications and results of motivation? (MERIT)

Application and Result of motivation are:
1.Personal Life: A motivated person enjoys a healthy personal life with positive friends and a
successful lifestyle. Popularity moves towards a motivated Individual.
2.Professional Life: Opportunities slow towards motivated people. Often, the people for whom
they work, respect and trust them and encourage them by giving them more and more
3. Sound Health : Motivation leads to healthy habits which again leads to sound health. This
produces the energy for better work and amazing results.
4. High Self Esteem : Motivated people hold themselves in high self-esteem andare caring
about others too. They are liked, respected and promoted to responsiblepositions even though
they may be very humble in nature.
5. Can-do People : Motivated people are can-do’ people. Very often they do things which may
never have been done before or things other people may be afraid to do.

Ques: 5 List any three persons in your life who are most empathy oriented towards you. State
what is it that they do for you that makes you like them. (MERIT)
1.My parents – They are always oriented towards me. In every circumstance they help me and
motivate me.
2.My friend – He always help me.
3.My sister – She always help me. She gives me whenever I needed.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:6 How will you improve your time-management? State 5 areas in which you commit to
improve. (MERIT)
1. Prioritize
Write down all you need to do and decide what is most important and do that task first. Also,
always do the most difficult job first. This will free your time and allow you to spend time on
activities of your interest.
2. Do It Now
Stop keeping things pending by forcing yourself to DO IT NOW. Every ‘done’ job is a small goal
achieved and this gives you a good feeling about yourself, which again motivates you to achieve
more in life.
3. Set Goals, Achieve Goals
People with strong goals automatically decide on what to do and when. Remember that goals
must have deadlines. This will help you decide on the tasks to be done in order of their
importance and reject those, which are unimportant, or ‘time- wasters’
4. Put Things in Writing
Write things down, don’t try to remember. Carry a pocket diary and a jotting pad with you at all
times. Keep a jotting pad by your bedside also. Now, start making notes of
events,appointments, ideas and goals as they occur to you. You will soon become more
organized and produce more results from your time by using it productively.
5. Use Wasted Time
Some everyday examples of wasted time are: Commuting: Waiting: Delegation without
commitment, and Friends and unnecessary use of the phone.Check on what else you can do
while commuting and waiting. Carrying books may help you. When you delegate, get time
commitment. Make association with friends who are productive rather than those who indulge
in time pass activities.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:7 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will you overcome them?
There are several blocks to effective Time Management. The top five are:
1. Likes and Dislikes
People tend to do those things which they like instead of those things which are IMPORTANT.
Such an attitude always leaves important work unfinished to produce negative results in
life.When one learns to separate personal likes and dislikes and concentrates on the
importance of the activity, this block disappears.
2. A Lack of Discipline
Success in life cannot be achieved without discipline. Time, in nature, is extremely disciplined
for example, Day and Night; Seasons: The Sun and The Moon; Flowers and Fruits, all follow a
schedule.A disciplined person is also a good time-manager.
3. Procrastination
Procrastination is the negative habit of putting things off for a later time. Words like. Later;
‘tomorrow’; ‘we’ll see’ and ‘not now’ are so common that procrastination can be termed a
social illness. The more one avoids procrastination, the better the person manages activities
and time.
4. Weak Interests in Life
Dynamic goals compel us to perform dynamic activities whereas very easy or non-demanding
goals do not stretch our potential to produce dynamic goals and results.Weak interests in life
therefore, produce weak personalities and poor time managers
5. Improper Reference Groups
A negative reference group will never allow productive activities to be performed People with
low self-esteem pull others down, while, people with high self-esteembuild themselves and
others around them also.Reference groups, from a personality-development perspective,
include good books; T.V. channels; magazines and clubs.

Ques 8.Which leadership function do you think is most important and justify your choice.
Ans: The seven major functions of leadership are:
1. Lead
Leaders propel people towards attaining goals either personally or purely in spirit
Personality Development – Written Assignment

2. Influence
Leaders affect the team in a positive manner to achieve goals.
3. Motivate
Leaders arouse and direct the team's behaviour as per objectives set.
4. Control
Leaders will invariably govern, regulate, command and manage teams towards goal attainment.
5. Stimulate
Leaders excite, urge, provoke and charge the team.
6. Assert
Leaders uphold, affirm and emphasize the objectives set and stand up for righteousness
specially in situations where goals are difficult to attain.
7. Cooperate
The word cooperate', from a leadership point of view must be understood as cooperate or
'work together'. Leaders ensure that each person who is assigned a task, must perform it
andcreate an atmosphere of cooperation or working together.

Ques:9.What are the 10 steps of goal setting and achievement?(MERIT)

The 10-step guide to Goal Setting and Achievement:

1. Put the goal in WRITING!

Write your goals down. Be as descriptive as you can and then condense your goal to the most
critical issues. The act of writing goals down brings in the commitment to achieve the goal and
gives a positive direction to the person setting the goals.
2. Make the goal SPECIFIC!
Just like a goal post on a football field is not generalized but very specific, make your goal
specific. For example, ‘I want to earn money’ is not a goal but, I want to earn Rs. 20,000/- per
month’ is a goal.
3. Allow the power of your goals to guide your CHOICES!
Goals have power and energy.Allow your goals to pull you away from non-achieving activities
and create goal fulfilling behaviour and habits.For example, a ‘l am going to lose 20 kgs’ goal
must pull one away from ice-cream and guide one towards health foods and exercise.
4. Reach out into the FUTURE with your goals to decide what needs to be done TODAY.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Goals must help you plan ahead and reach out into the future. Decide what you want to
achieve 5 years from now and work backwards to decide what you need to do today to achieve
your 5-year goal.
Some industry leaders plan goals, which reach out 150 years into the future, thereby creating
amazing progress and growth each day.
5. Make goals, which are REALISTIC and BELIEVABLE.
You must believe in your goals even if no one else does. Have vigorous faith in your goals and
work at achieving them.. Remember that perception is virtual reality and belief is power.
6. Make your goals VIVID! STRIKING! BRIGHT! CLEAR!
Let your goals add a sparkle to your eyes and a bounce to your walk through clarity. Arjun once
remarked that he could not see the bird at all but only the eye of the bird, which was his goal.
7. Make all your goals EXCITING CHALLENGES!
Set goals for those activities which excite you and are fun to do. Keep the challenge A positive
personality will be excited about all work, which needs to be done.
8. All goals must be ADJUSTABLE to new information.
Time, technology and opportunities are in a continuous process of change Therefore, it is wise
to adjust and adaptgoals with a regular review plan, Remember water can carve rocks and
mountains because it is adjustable and flowing thereby converting even obstacles into
9. Achieving goals includes allowing the goals to decide the ACTIVITIES which will accomplish
the goals.
Goals are always activity dependent and every goal must have an activity buse. For example: A
losing weight' goal has the built-in activity of exercise and dietary caution.
Remember, Activity - Action - GOAL.
10. Goals must be NOW oriented
Only do it now' persons achieve goals by performing those activities which lead to achieving
goals. Remember, it is now or never and, tomorrow never comes

Ques10.What are the patterns of communication? Give example for each. (MERIT)
Personality Development – Written Assignment

The basic patterns of communication are

1. Written and verbal
2. Internal and external
3. Formal and informal
4. Upward,download and horizontal
5. Grapevine

Ques:11. What are Ego states? Which Ego state do you operate most often? (MERIT)
Within each human being are several human beings existing at the same time depending upon
how the person is behaving at any given moment.
The Three Ego States are:
1. Parent
While in the parent ego state one behaves as though all other persons involved in the
transaction are like children or grandchildren. From this point of view, this is an adoptive role
where people become authoritative; caring controlling, advisoryand sometimes bossy.
2. Adult
The ‘adult ego state is aware that the person has ‘parents’ and ‘children’ to look after
responsibly. This is a role of care; concern; respect, responsibility and maturity
3. Child
The “child’ ego state has the liberty of funloving and carefree behaviour while being aware that
‘adults and ‘parents’ are watching over the behaviour. The playfulness may end or escalate
when adults and parents enter the scenarios
I operate ADULT Ego state Most often.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques12.List any 4 areas where you would like to be more persistent? How will you do it?
1. My fitness – I will do exercise
2. My grooming – I will do daily skin care
3. My english - I will Do listening, reading of English on daily basis.
4. My confidence – I will do daily Activities.

Ques1.Does your "personality" need improvement? Why?(DISTINCTION)


Ques2.List 5 areas in which you hold negative attitudes. How can you change these to positive
attitudes? (DISTINCTION)
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques3.How can you motivate people? Give example. (DISTINCTION)


Ques4.What are the applications of Emotional Intelligence? Give examples explaining this
application? (DISTINCTION)

Ques5 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will "YOU" overcome them?
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques 6.What are the three factors essential for leadership to function effectively?
Ans .

Ques7.What are the barriers you faced while improving your communication? What will you do
to overcome them? (DISTINCTION)

Ques8. Explain the ladder of inference with an example. (DISTINCTION)

Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques 9.Which of the five team life-cycle stages occurs after storming? (DISTINCTION)

Ques10.What Barriers did you face during your Project work? How can it be translated to your
Desired Job? (DISTINCTION)

Ques11.How your Inter personal skills will help you to achieve your goal?(DISTINCTION)
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques12.What sort of moral values you are lacking and how you can develop the same?

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