Below Are The Definitions of The Six Capacity Pillars and Some Helpful Pointers For Assessment: Definitions of Capacity Pillar Structure

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Below are the definitions of the six Capacity Pillars and some helpful pointers for


Definitions of Capacity Pillar

Presence of appropriate structure (office, committee or work group) with defined authority
and accountability for performing the necessary functions within a program.

Is the appropriate Structure:

• in place (i.e., formally established)?
• functional (i.e., with appropriate staffing/membership, meeting regularly, producing
required outputs, provided with budget)

Knowledge and skills of people who need to perform their assigned functions in the
• Technical competencies
• Program management competencies
- Planning
- Designing
- Implementing
- Monitoring and evaluation

In what required technical and program

management competencies are the people
proficient, not proficient or needing improvement,
or not proficient?
• Are they motivated and productive?

Management Systems:
Systems, processes and procedures for managing programs
• Planning and budgeting
• Design and Development
• Implementation
• Monitoring and Evaluation

Are the systems, processes and procedures:

• documented (e.g, in a manual, flowchart, plan, protocols, SOP, etc.)?
• approved for implementation?
• implemented/ used/ practiced?
• standardized?
• streamlined?
• user-friendly/ customer-focused?
• participatory?
• transparent?

Enabling Policies:
Presence of policy and legislative support for planning, developing, implementing,
monitoring and evaluating service delivery functions, programs and projects
Are Enabling Policies:
• in place?
• sufficient/ effective or with gaps?
• up-to-date?
• disseminated?
• enforced?

Knowledge and Learning:

Mechanisms for generating, analyzing and using data and information as basis for
decision-making and continuous improvement

Are Knowledge and Learning mechanisms in place and effective?

• Are data or databases accessible to and used by stakeholders?
• Are M&E data are used?
• Are citizens/ stakeholders engaged to provide feedback on service delivery?
• Is there continuous benchmarking with good practices (e.g., comparing own performance
with other LGUs; documenting and sharing good practices)?

Presence of mechanisms for:
• Defining vision, mission and values, and setting strategic directions
• Ensuring transparency and accountability in the LGU’s operations
• Instituting participatory mechanisms
• Establishing partnerships and collaboration
• Visible sponsorship of programs

Are Leadership mechanisms in place and effective:

• Social Contract, CDP-ELA, Strategic Plan, etc.
• SGH compliance, Ulat ng Bayan, etc.
• Involvement of CSOs, citizen feedback mechanisms
• Partnerships with NGAs, regional, sectoral groups, private sector, media, etc.
• Active involvement in program, providing resources, etc.

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