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ISRM International Symposium 2008

5th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS5), 24-26 November 2008 Tehran, Iran


J. A. Hudson1, 2
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ, UK
President, International Society for Rock Mechanics

The future for rock mechanics and the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) is considered by assessing what has
been achieved in the first 50 years of rock mechanics and hence identifying some of the major remaining unsolved problems. By
noting the direction that technology might take in the future, the possibilities for future rock mechanics developments are also
considered. The near-future encompasses the current ISRM modernization programme that the Board is implementing and
developments that are clear from known technology. The further-future is predicted from likely technological innovations and
their implications for rock mechanics. Additionally, the purpose, nature and potential evolution of professional societies such as
the ISRM are briefly discussed. The emphasis in this paper is on rock mechanics as it supports rock engineering, the subjects
covered being geology, rock stress, intact rock, rock fractures, water flow, engineering activities and numerical modeling.
Keywords: Rock Mechanics; Achievements; Fundamentals; Technological Future; Coupled Modelling.

1. Introduction
It is important for our subject of rock mechanics “Consider the past,
and its application to rock engineering that we diagnose the present,
consider the directions that are likely to be taken foretell the future.”
in the future. Indeed, this is a suitable time for
So, in this paper, and based on what has been
such speculation as the 50-year anniversary of
achieved in the past (essentially over the last 50
the founding of the ISRM is due in 2012, with
years), let us identify some of the major
the celebrations beginning at the 2011 ISRM
remaining problems that have not yet been
Congress in Beijing. Additionally, this year,
solved. This leads naturally to the consideration
2008, is the centenary of Leopold Müller’s birth,
of which technological developments are likely
the founder and first President of the ISRM.
in the future and hence whether these will enable
the remaining problems to be solved. In terms of
the ISRM, there is currently a major
modernisation underway which will, to some
extent, enable a prediction of the near future for
the ISRM. However, the far future for the ISRM
will also be discussed because this encompasses
interesting questions relating to the nature of
individual and group interactions and the storage
and dissemination of corporate knowledge.

Fig. 1. Hippocrates (460-377 BC). 2. Summarising the Current Rock

Mechanics Knowledge and Capabilities
The rock mechanics knowledge and capabilities
Hippocrates’ method for predicting the future
have been summarized in encyclopaedic form
was to:
via the 4407 page compendium “Comprehensive

Rock Engineering” which was produced by
Elsevier in 1995 [1]. The five volumes cover the Structural geology

1. Fundamentals Interpretation of natural Prediction of natural

processes that have geohazards, such as
2. Analysis and Design Methods created the rock volcanic eruptions,
3. Rock Testing and Site Characterisation structures we see today earthquakes, landslips

4. Excavation, Support and Monitoring

Interpretation of past Prediction of the rock
5. Surface and Underground Case Histories. engineering practice: mass response to
Although it is now 13 years after this past successes, and engineering
past failures perturbations
compendium was published and advances have
been made in many areas, the essence of the Rock mechanics and rock engineering
state-of-the-art remains similar.
Fig. 2. Similarities in the roles of structural geology and
3. Unsolved Problems in Rock Mechanics rock mechanics for engineering.

Despite the major progress that has been made in In both cases, we are interested in deciphering
rock mechanics and rock engineering over the the mechanisms that led to the current
last 50 years, there are still outstanding circumstances and in predicting what will
problems. In fact, Leopold Muller’s motivation happen in the future. In fact, the quintessence of
for founding the ISRM was encapsulated in his rock mechanics is predicting the future. We wish
May 1962 comment, “We don’t know the rock to predict what will happen in the future so that
mass strength. That is why we need an rock engineering designs are appropriate. This
International Society.” However, in many cases entails predicting, for example, what will happen
we still have problems estimating the rock mass if a tunnel is driven in a certain direction and
strength! depth as opposed to other directions and depths.
In this Section, some of the major unsolved Because the engineered structure will be
problems in rock mechanics will be outlined. founded on or contained within a rock mass, it is
These occur under the subject headings of essential to have an adequate understanding of
• Geology the geological circumstances relating to the host
rock, yet the engineer will be sorely stretched
• Rock stress
without expert geological advice in obtaining the
• Intact rock
correct data for modeling and identifying the
• Fractures hazards that may accompany certain geological
• Water flow formations. For example, many rock mechanics
• Modelling modeling exercises require a knowledge of the
Within each of these secondary headings, rock fractures, but this may be difficult to obtain.
italicized text is included concerning the The three photographs in Figs. 3-5 illustrate
likelihood that these problems will be solved in three different types of fracturing – all observed
the near future. in close proximity within the same Lower
Middle Coal Measures strata in South Wales,
3.1. Geology
The roles of geology, particularly structural
geology, and rock mechanics for engineering are
highlighted in Fig. 2.

Needless to say, significant help can be given to
the rock mechanics modeler and designer in
dealing with these types of fracture networks by
a geologist who is familiar with the host rock
circumstances. Illustrations of the value of
structural geology interpretations can be seen in
Price and Cosgrove [2].
However, the major unsolved problem in this
context is that often either a geologist is not
consulted or the geologist is not intimately
involved with the rock mechanics studies so that
the advice is only received remotely, e.g. through
some form of standardized site investigation.
Fig. 3. Orthogonal fracturing in the Coal Measures strata, This is a management problem but one that we
South Wales, UK (~ 1 m wide sample). must address and one that ought to be easy to

3.2. Rock Stress

Unlike other forms of engineering, in
underground rock engineering the primary
activity is to remove material from a pre-loaded
rock mass, i.e. rather than fabricating
components and then assembling them, as in
other forms of engineering. This means that we
need to estimate the natural stress state existing
in the rock mass – both for basic considerations
of the intensity of loading and as boundary
condition input to numerical modeling.
Fig. 4. More irregular fracturing in the Coal Measures
Rock stress estimation is one of the most
strata, South Wales, UK (~ 1 m wide sample).
intractable problems that we have to face. Stress
is a tensor quantity which requires six
independent pieces of information; measuring
rock stress is difficult; and the rock stress may
vary considerable at all scales, mainly through
the various types of fracturing inherent in the
different rock types.
A Special Issue of the International Journal of
Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (Vol. 40,
Issues 7-8, 2003) was devoted to rock stress
estimation. This Special Issue contained the four
new ISRM Suggested Methods on rock stress
estimation and 17 supporting papers describing
various aspects of rock stress and rock stress
Fig. 5. Even more irregular fracturing in the Coal estimation campaigns. A summary of the
Measures strata, South Wales, UK (~ 1 m wide sample).
contents of these 17 papers in eight words is:
“Rock stress estimation is not an easy task.” The

actual measurement is a problem and the stress
varies. Principal Stress Magnitude (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Magnitude (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0
0 σ1
σ1 σ2
σ2 50 σ3
200 σ3

Sum of Principal Stress Magnitudes (MPa)

Depth Below Surface (m)

600 150

800 200

σ1σ /1 /σσ2 2≈≈1.5

σ 2 / σ 3 ≈ 1.5
σ2σ / /σσ3 ≈≈1.5
1 3 2.3
1200 σ1 / σ3 ≈ 2.3

Fig. 7. Principal stress data plotted versus the first stress

invariant (the sum of the three principal stresses) for
Fig. 6. Principal stress data plotted versus depth for
Western Australia (from Lee [3]).
Western Australia (from Lee [3]).
In addition to the now more coherent principal
However, recent developments in presenting
stress distribution, it is evident that there are
the stress information have improved the
ratios between the principal stresses. Lee [3]
situation. Lee [3] has shown that plotting each
found the same ratios between the principal
principal stress versus the first stress invariant
stresses in Western and Eastern Australia,
(i.e. the sum of the principal stresses) provides a
despite the different geological formations.
more coherent picture than plotting the principal
Harrison et al. [4] found similar principal stress
stresses versus depth.
ratios for stress data from Chile, Finland and the
It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the principal UK – indicating that the Earth’s crust is in a state
stress data when plotted against depth appear of limiting equilibrium.
somewhat incoherent. It is difficult to specify the
The major unsolved problems in the context
stress state at a given depth with any confidence;
of rock stress are:
indeed, there may be a suspicion that the stress
measurements have not been satisfactory. • developing a method of rapidly and reliably
estimating the six components of the rock
But compare this presentation with that in Fig.
stress tensor at a given location; and
7 where the principal stresses have been plotted
against the first stress invariant. Clearly, these • understanding variations in the stress state
stresses are forming a pattern and there is no due to the presence of fractures at various
longer any suspicion that the stress scales.
measurements were inadequate. The first problem is intractable and not likely to
be solved quickly. The second problem is

amenable to numerical modeling studies and will its time dependency.
be solved relatively soon.

3.3. Intact Rock

Because it is easy to obtain and test samples of
intact rock, this subject has been studied in
greater detail than any other in rock mechanics,
and we now have a good understanding of intact
rock behavior and the relation between the type
of rock and its mechanical characteristics. Also,
through the advent of high speed, servo-
controlled testing machine in the 1970s, the full
mechanical behavior, from initial loading
through to complete disintegration of the Fig. 9. The concentrated stress around the periphery of
an underground opening is parallel to the periphery but
specimen, can be studied in detail. An example the anisotropy induced by foliation is in one main
of a complete stress-strain curve for marble is direction.
shown in Fig. 8.
So, although a great deal of work has been
conducted on the mechanical behavior of intact
rock, there are still unsolved problems relating to
its DIANE nature (Discontinuous, Inhomo-
geneous, Anisotropic and Not Elastic).
Perhaps the most surprising omission is the
general use of a failure criterion that incorporates
the three principal stresses. Despite the nature of
rock stress as a tensor with three principal
stresses, the failure criteria most commonly used
in modeling and in practice for intact rock and
rock masses are the Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-
Brown criteria, but both of these only contain the
Fig. 8. Complete stress-strain curve for marble (courtesy
EPFL Laboratory, Switzerland, 2007).
major and minor principal stresses – the
intermediate principal stress is not included.
Through the use of a polyaxial testing machine In terms of solving these problems, the
with appropriate servo-control, the behavior of inhomogeneity and anisotropy characteristics
intact rock can be studied in circumstances only are easily approached via testing and numerical
limited by the imagination. modeling but the issue of time dependency is
Nevertheless, there are still aspects of the more intractable. The general use of a failure
intact rock requiring further study, particularly in criterion incorporating the three principal
relation to inhomogeneity, anisotropy and time stresses is imminent because candidate criteria
dependency. The illustration in Fig. 9 shows how have already been suggested in the literature.
studies of the potential failure of rock around the
periphery of an excavation is a function of both 3.4. Fractures
the concentrated rock stress around the opening
Figs. 3-5 have already indicated the types of
and the rock strength in different directions. For
fracture variation that can occur and the
this problem, a knowledge of the rock strength as
importance of including a structural geologist in
a function of the anisotropy is required. This
applies also to the inhomogeneity of the rock and

rock mechanics studies has been emphasized. In Fig. 11. The fracture properties recommended for
measurement by the ISRM.
fact, it is useful to consider the spectrum of rock
In Fig. 12, Follin [5] has illustrated the limited
scales at which one can obtain fracture
information. Given the D in the DIANE nature
of the rock, the Discontinuousness, the ability to
characterize the geometry and mechanical
behavior of the fractures is essential for input to
our modeling for rock engineering design – and
to achieve Leopold Müller’s original ISRM
ambition of estimating the rock mass strength.

Fig. 10. The types of deformation and fracturing that can

develop in rock masses, from tensile fractures through to
a pervasive ductile fabric.

fractures that can occur from a geological

viewpoint, as shown in Fig. 10. Note the remarks
in the lower horizontal band in Fig. 10, i.e. that
characterizing the undeformed rock that with a
pervasive deformed fabric is much easier than
characterizing the complex forms of rock
Fig. 12. The limited scales at which one can obtain rock
fracturing. fracture information (from S. Follin of SKB, Sweden
The fracture properties recommended for [5]).
measurement by the ISRM are shown in Fig. 11. Thus, developing the ability to adequately
It can be seen that these fracture properties are establish and chararacterise the geometry and
variable in terms of whether the measurement is mechanical properties of rock fractures at a
possible from a borehole core or television given site is the major unsolved problem in
image of the borehole wall. The spacing between relation to the subject of rock fractures.
the fractures can be readily estimated but many
Although solving the problem of reliably
aspects, such as the fracture tracelength
obtaining fracture information may be
(persistence) cannot.
considered easier than obtaining reliable stress
information for a given rock mass, there is still a
long way to go because of the multi-parameter
nature of rock fracturing and the uncertainty
related to reducing the mass of fracture data to
the quantity that can be input to numerical

3.5. Permeability mass hydraulic conductivity/permeability.
The solution to this problem is also
intractable because not only are the geometrical
fracture data required but also the
hydrogeological data, especially the fracture

3.6. Modelling
In the early years of rock mechanics, physical
models played an important role in supporting
rock engineering design, especially for dams
located on rock masses. Also, today such
Fig. 13. Idiosyncratic water flow in a fractured rock mass physical models can play a useful role in
(the Mountsorrel granodiorite, UK). establishing mechanisms and verifying
Following on from the need to characterize the numerical models. However, the emphasis has
rock fractures is the subject of establishing the gradually changed to rock mass classification
rock mass permeability – another tensor with methods and computer numerical modeling,
three principal components. Note the white especially using discrete element methods (see
arrow in Fig. 13 indicating the highly localized Jing and Stephansson [6]).
nature of water flow in the rock mass illustrated. The major unsolved problems in the
For rock masses where the intact rock is numerical modelling area begin with developing
relatively impermeable, water flow and the one model which captures all the required
associated hydraulic conductivity tensor will be variables, mechanisms and parameters, i.e. the
dominated by the network of fractures (their models relating to the separate sub-disciplines
geometry, connectivity, aperture) plus the rock giving way to the required all-encompassing
stress state. Not only is the water in the heavily coupled model. It is anticipated that such a
fractured rock mass in Fig. 13 only exiting model will include, inter alia, the following
through one fracture but it is exiting at specific aspects.
points along the fracture, indicating channel flow Geological: site geometry, lithology, fractures
within the fractures. Additionally, this channel Thermal: heat loads, heat flow
flow can change if there are any significant Hydrological: water pressures, water flow
fracture displacements due to engineering
Mechanical: rock stress, stiffness, strength
Chemical: rock and water chemistry
Considerable advances have been made in
Engineering: effects of excavation
incorporating fracture geometries into discrete
fracture networks and establishing the flow Currently, the separate models constructed
characteristics of the associated rock masses. within separate sub-disciplines, e.g. mechanical
However, the problem is obtaining sufficient and hydraulic, often have to be ‘stitched
accurate data on the fracture characteristics. This together’ – which cannot always be done
is the major unsolved problem relating to rock smoothly.

firstly, by a selection of anticipated advances in
'Soft' Audit 'Hard Audit' the subject and, secondly, through the
modernization programme for the ISRM,
currently being implemented by the ISRM 2007-
Obtains the basic Obtains the Establishes
information for detailed whether the
2011 Board.
establishing the information on all modelling is
essence of the the procedures adequate to meet 4.1. Anticipated Developments in Rock
problem being used the objectives
Mechanics in the Near Future
Ability to state
Ability to
Ability to state
whether the
4.1.1. Improved methods of
the details of accessing/collating information
present what is modelling is
what is being
being done adequate for the
purpose There are many aspects of information
processing that are developing rapidly – from
Fig. 14. The technical auditing required for numerical laser capture of rock surface geometry, to
modeling used to support rock engineering design. seismic tomographic methods of rock mass
A complementary necessity is the properties, to internet databases of rock
development of methods to technically audit properties. All these are functions of the current
such a fully-coupled numerical model, and rapid technological and computer advances and
indeed existing sub-models, both concurrently there is every reason to expect that this will
during their use and subsequently when they are continue.
used for back analysis after observation of the
construction perturbation. The validation of 4.1.2. More emphasis on geophysical
numerical model inputs, operation and outputs is methods in site investigation
a particular problem in rock mechanics because As mentioned earlier, there is a fundamental
of the scale of rock masses. We can test small need to obtain more rock property information,
samples in the laboratory and we can conduct especially on the geometry and mechanical
tests in underground laboratories at specific sites properties of rock fractures. The ideal method of
but the overall problem of technically auditing non-destructive rock mass interrogation is
computer models supporting rock engineering through the also rapidly developing seismic
design in large rock masses is an unsolved and techniques, especially tomography, and the
intractable problem. associated advanced 3-D visualisation methods.
It is unlikely that the validation problem will
be solved quickly because of the need to conduct 4.1.3. More integration of subjects (e.g. fully-
large experiments. However, projects such as coupled numerical modelling)
DUSEL (Deep Underground Science and
Engineering Laboratory) presently being As also mentioned earlier, there are initiatives
developed at the Homestake Mine in South underway to enhance the degree of coupling in
Dakota, USA (e.g. numerical models which may eventually lead to
will eventually lead to full validation checks. a Geo-Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical-
Basic technical auditing can be implemented Biological model. Currently, the numerical
now but the final auditing with validation checks models tend to be developed separately within
will take much longer. specific subject areas, such as geology, rock
mechanics, petroleum engineering, soil
4. The Near Future mechanics, hydrogeology, etc. The future must
lie in more expansive models firmly based on
In this section, the ‘near future’ for rock thermodynamic principles with a range of
mechanics and the ISRM will be described, primary state variables and incorporating the

associated coupled mechanisms that hence allow excavations. Currently, the largest cavern open
more coherent and auditable modelling to to the public has a span of 61 m: the Gjøvik ice
support rock engineering and the other fields of hockey stadium in Norway. How large can a
endeavour. cavern be? The Kirsch solution for the stress
concentrations around a circular hole includes
4.1.4. More international co-operation neither the absolute size of the hole nor the
elastic properties of the rock. In a rock mass free
On studying the early issues of journals, i.e.
of fractures, such as can be found in the
those published in the 1960s, there were often
Canadian Shield, it should be possible to
papers written by a single author – because it
construct caverns with spans considerably larger
was possible for a single person to make
than 61 m. But how far can we go? A 100 m
significant contributions. Although this is still
span? A 1000 m span? No doubt the 61 m span
possible, it is certainly more stimulating and
record will soon be broken by some
probably more efficient for a group of people to
entrepreneurial group of engineers.
tackle a given problem. Indeed, on looking at the
contents of the June 2008 issue of the
4.1.7. Emphasis on environmental aspects
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and
Mining Sciences, one notices that all 17 of the It may appear at first sight that the construction
contributions are written by two or more authors. of underground excavations in rock is
This trend will definitely continue as the intrinsically environmentally friendly, but it must
facilities for national and international co- be remembered that any engineering activity
operation continue to improve. results in an increase in entropy. Whatever, the
order created in the engineered structure, there
4.1.5. More use of neural network will be a greater degree of disorder induced in
‘intelligent’ computer programs the surrounding environment. This is often
clearly manifested in mining operations but it is
Currently, the researcher/engineer inputs the also true for all civil engineering projects. Of
required values into the computer, runs the course, the disturbance can be reduced to some
program, and evaluates the result. There is extent but it cannot be avoided.
considerable scope for augmenting this
procedure through the increased use of more This leads to the question, “Is the exploitation
‘intelligent’ computer programs, ranging from of underground space compatible with the
further development of neural network concept of sustainable development?” The
architectures to the inclusion of ‘perception’ into Bruntland 1987 definition of sustainable
the programs. Even in the near future, it is not development [7] is
beyond the realms of possibility to relay “Development that meets the needs of the
television images of underground excavation present generation without compromising the
surfaces, e.g. the roof, and arrange for the ability of future generations to meet their
computer to automatically alert the user to own needs.”
developing hazards and to conduct continuing Thus, when planning a new rock engineering
re-analyses based on new automated project, we should ask the question, “Given the
displacement values. existing system (whether a virgin rock mass or a
rock mass already containing developed space),
4.1.6. Larger, deeper and longer is it acceptable to locate a new facility in the
excavations rock mass — i.e. within the context of
sustainable development as defined above?
As the demand for materials and underground
space continues to increase, it is anticipated that The whole subject of sustainable development
there will be larger, deeper and longer in rock engineering has not yet been properly

tackled in the above context but the subject entirely new procedure. The point is that the
urgently needs attention. potential is there.

4.1.8. Increased rate of mechanised 4.2. Current Modernization of the ISRM

For the ISRM to have any purpose, it must
It is difficult to imagine how rock support can be provide a benefit to the members. Accordingly, it
improved. The rock blocks can be held together must continually develop to provide the required
with rock bolts so that a fractured rock mass benefits in our changing world. The new Board
behaves more like a monolithic continuum. A of ISRM, operating from 2007-2011, is currently
resisting force can be induced through the use of engaged in a modernization process to ensure
introduced supports. Shotcrete can be used to that the necessary benefits are provided. The
provide additional resistance and to combat separate items in this modernization process are
deterioration of the rock surface induced by summarized below.
Conversely, overall energetic principles 4.2.1. Directly improving the benefits to
indicate that mechanised excavation can be members
greatly increased. In Fig. 15, the two ways that This has involved implementing a survey of
energy is input during current methods of tunnel ISRM Members to establish what they want. The
construction are illustrated. When blasting, large results of the survey will be available by the time
amounts of energy are input for a few seconds at this paper is published. Also, the availability of
widely spaced intervals, e.g. eight hours. This is downloadable publications from the ISRM
represented in Fig. 16 by the narrow vertical website is being increased. A database of
white bands. However, when a tunnel boring companies is being established. Generous
machine (TBM) is operating, a lower level of discounts to ISRM- supported events will be
energy is continuously input, represented by the provided and the exposure of the ISRM will be
lower horizontal white band. It is extraordinary improved
that we have only these two excavation methods
characterised by the two extreme conditions. 4.2.2. Improving the ISRM website

Blasting: large amounts of energy input

Much of this improvement has already been
at widely spaced intervals Increasing the input
energy would enable
realised, as is evident from a website visit to
much faster The ISRM website will be the
Energy penetration and
input advance rates major medium for communicating with Members
and therefore it needs to be as comprehensive
TBM: smaller
amounts of energy
and as up-to-date as practical. Major aspects are:
• having links to various rock mechanics
Time input essentially
journals and publications,
Fig. 15. Energy input during blasting and the use of a
TBM. • developing a digital library of ISRM
publications and others, including setting
Since there is generally no problem in up a database for uploading/downloading
providing energy to the tunnel construction, it is case histories and educational material,
likely that new methods of excavation with
• having more information about Member
significantly improved penetration rates will be
Countries and the ISRM in general, plus
developed, as represented by the wider
key contact information, and
horizontal band in Fig. 15. This may be by some
combination of blasting and a TBM or by some • making a clear separation between
Members and non-Members access to the

ISRM information. member of the ISRM Board should be on the
Organising Committee of each
4.2.3. Enhancing the availability of symposium/conference to ensure that the
literature Guidebook procedures are implemented – which
will include both general principles and items
The key objective is to make relevant literature
specific to the meeting. An example of the latter
more accessible to ISRM Members through
is the start of the celebrations of the 50th
• developing and maintaining a digital library Anniversary of the ISRM at the Beijing
of downloadable material (a hardcopy Congress in 2011.
library already exists),
• establishing areas of the digital library for 4.2.6. Increasing the number of prizes
different kinds of documents, e.g. Müller
There should be a greater appreciation of the
Lecture, Manuel Rocha Prize thesis, books,
achievements of ISRM Members. To this end,
papers, National Group publications,
the existing prizes will be evaluated and the
educational material, etc.,
number of awards will be increased. Currently
• the ISRM Suggested Methods are already the ISRM only has the 4 yearly Müller Award
downloadable and the hard copy ‘Blue and the annual Rocha Award. Additional prizes
Book’ which contains all the ISRM are likely to include awards for an outstanding
Suggested Methods produced from 1974- contribution to the profession, for a major
2006 is being promoted. accomplishment in fundamental rock mechanics,
for the best published paper each year, and
4.2.4. Identifying major technical issues awards for the best paper at an ISRM meeting
The ISRM should identify the major issues in and for the best poster at an ISRM meeting.
rock mechanics and rock engineering which
require clarification and/or research. This can 4.2.7. Arranging lecture tours
start with a case example issue: e.g., the long The ISRM has already organised two successful
term strength of hard rock in the engineering lecture tours to China and there is the possibility
design of nuclear waste repositories. How do we of extending this concept to other countries.
in general establish the long-term strength of
rock to be used in engineering design? 4.2.8. Interacting with other Societies
Expert groups should be convened for
The advantages of interacting with other
identifying and studying such technical issues,
researchers and engineers has already been
e.g. through ISRM Commissions, Speciality
mentioned in Sections 4.1.3 on coupled models
Workshops in association with symposia, Invited
and 4.1.4 on international co-operation. The
Workshops – leading to an ISRM document
same applies to increasing the co-operation with
summarising the problem and solution. The
other societies. For example, the ISRM has a co-
ISRM then acts as a point of contact for the
operation agreement with the International
relevant specialists.
Tunnelling Association which is proving fruitful.
4.2.5. Focussing the content of ISRM Additionally, cross promotion of websites and
international symposia and conferences events is being developed, together with
interaction between similar commissions and
The ISRM Board should play a major role in interest groups.
ensuring that international symposia and
conferences have relevant and excellent
technical content. A Guidebook is being
produced to outline the associated procedures. A

4.2.9. Improving communication with the computing power of a human brain for $1000
members and about 2050 this amount of money will
purchase the computing power of all human
The best methods of communicating with the
brains in the world. These predictions may not
ISRM members are being studied. The website
be completely accurate but the trend is certainly
will be the main day-to-day method of
likely to be. What could we do with such
communicating with members and will be
massive computing power and how could it
upgraded continuously. A digital newsletter is
assist rock mechanics?
now being sent to members regularly. A hard
copy version of the ISRM News Journal is being
5.2. Potential Long-Term Developments
produced annually.
5.2.1. Computers as authors
5. Beyond the Near Future
Already most published papers are available
As described already, it is possible to make
online. Microsoft and Google are currently
predictions for the near future, but what is likely
enabling books from major libraries to be
to happen in the longer term, beyond the near
available on the Internet. In the long-term, all
future? The technological developments will no
publications will be available online. It will then
doubt be dramatic and possibly difficult for us to
be possible for computer robots to automatically
comprehend now.
search all literature relevant to a given profile.
Computers could then compile papers about the
5.1. Future Computing Power
cumulative advances in rock mechanics via all
the papers and information generated each year.
If computers become authors, how should they
be identified, or identify themselves? Will we be
Now able to tell if the author is human or a computer?

All human brains 5.2.2. Computers as rock engineering

One human brain If computers are monitoring construction
One mouse brain experiences and already have installed or can
One insect brain themselves write fully coupled programs, will
the computers be able to design rock engineering
projects on their own? It is tempting to say that
human input will always be required but will this
actually be so? — certainly in the near-future but
Fig. 16. Anticipated development in computing power to not necessarily in the long-term future.
the year 2100.
5.2.3. Internet conferences
In Fig. 16, one prediction for the anticipated
development in computing power is presented. In the long-term future, it will be an option
The x-axis is the year and the y-axis is the whether we attend a conference physically or
computing power in calculations per second that electronically. Some people will wish to attend
can be bought for $1000. At this time, we are physically but, with more and more pressure on
somewhere between the computing power of an everyone’s time, the electronic attendance will
insect brain and a mouse brain that can be be preferred by many others. Electronic
bought for $1000. However, somewhere conferences have many advantages, not least of
between 2020 and 2040, we will be able to buy which is that one could attend many more

conferences, e.g. one every Monday morning. and hence the Society would not then be needed.
The Powerpoint presentations and pdfs of papers No action can be taken now to anticipate this
would be instantly available. One could talk longer term future – because either of the two
through the computer to any other registrants. possibilities above could come to pass.
The registration fee would be much less than
now and travel and accommodation expenses 6. Conclusions
would be eliminated.
The intention of this paper has been to outline
As we change now from hard copy
the future for rock mechanics and the ISRM.
conference proceedings to electronic
This has been done through the Hippocratic
proceedings, many people complain about the
method of considering the past, diagnosing the
absence of the hard copy proceedings at the
present, and foretelling the future.
conference but the progress is inevitable because
of the advantages of electronic proceedings. It was noted that the past developments had
Similarly, I see the advent and eventual switch to been summarized in the 1995 compendium
electronic conferences as inevitable in the long “Comprehensive Rock Engineering” but that
term. there are still unsolved problems needing to be
tackled. The ones mentioned in this paper are as
5.2.4. Extra-terrestrial rock mechanics follows.
• Ensuring that geological knowledge is
For almost 50 years now, the ISRM has studied
incorporated into rock mechanics studies,
rock mechanics on Earth – but do all the
both in the technical and management
fundamentals that we have developed also apply
on the planets? At the moment a theoretician is
required to go through the fundamentals of rock • Developing better methods of measuring
mechanics and establish whether they all apply and estimating the rock stress in a given
‘out of this world’. The information will be rock mass.
required in the longer term future for the • Implementing the general use of a failure
facilities which will be constructed beneath the criterion that includes all three principal
surface of asteroids and planets. stresses.
• Developing better methods of establishing
5.3. The Long-Term Future for the ISRM and characterizing the geometry and
Given the rapid advances in computing power mechanical properties of the fractures in a
and communication systems which are expected given rock mass.
to continue, the long-term future for the ISRM is • And the related problem of improving
difficult to predict. discrete fracture network models for water
On the one hand, one could predict that in a flow predictions.
world with an increasing information overload, • Constructing a fully coupled numerical
the Society will be increasingly needed to model that captures all the required
provide clear and focused guidance to its variables, parameters and mechanisms.
members on rock mechanics advances and new • Developing a method of auditing rock
capabilities as they develop. mechanics modeling and rock engineering
On the other hand, one could predict that the design.
type of user profiling pioneered by Google will The predictions for the near future in rock
be increasingly effective and it will only be mechanics and the ISRM were outlined through
necessary to be individually profiled to receive the anticipated developments and the current
all the information that one needs in whatever ISRM modernization initiative. The anticipated
discipline and sub-discipline one happened to be, developments mentioned in the paper are as

follows. Acknowledgements
For their many suggestions that have supported
• Improved methods of accessing/collating the current ISRM modernization programme and
information. which are summarized in Section 4.2, the author
• More emphasis on geophysical methods in is grateful to the 2007-2011 ISRM Board
site investigation. Members: Claus Erichsen, Xia-Ting Feng,
• More integration of subjects (e.g. fully- Abdolhadi Ghazvinian, Alvaro Gonzalez-Garcia,
coupled numerical modeling). Nuno Grossmann, Luis Lamas, Francois Malan
Derek Martin, and Tony Meyers.
• More international co-operation.
• More use of neural network ‘intelligent’ References
computer programs.
1. Hudson, J.A. (ed.), 1993. Comprehensive Rock
• Larger, deeper and longer excavations. Engineering. Pergamon Press, Elsevier. Oxford,
• Emphasis on environmental aspects. 5 vols, 4407p.
• Increased rate of mechanised excavation.
2. Price, N.J., Cosgrove, J.W., 1990. Analysis of
Geological Structures. Cambridge University
The items relating to the ISRM Press, 502p.
modernization are
3. Lee, M.F., 2006. In situ rock stress
• Directly improving the benefits to measurements in Western Australia’s Yilgarn
members, Craton. In-situ Rock Stress: Measurement,
• Enhancing the availability of literature, Interpretation and Application (Eds. M. Lu, C.C.
• Identifying major technical issues, Li, H. Kjørholt, H. Dahle), Taylor and Francis,
• Focusing the content of ISRM international London, 35-42.
symposia and conferences, 4. Harrison, J.P., Hudson, J.A. & Carter, J.N.,
• Increasing the number of prizes, 2007. Is there a relation between the in situ
• Arranging lecture tours, principal stress magnitudes in rock masses?
Proceedings of the 1st Canada-US Rock
• Interacting with other Societies, and
Mechanics Symposium, May 27-31, Vancouver,
• Improving communication with members. Canada.
5. Follin, S., 2008. Personal communication.
In terms of the events beyond the near future,
the increase in computing power was 6. Jing, L., Stephansson, O., 2007. Fundamentals
highlighted, together with of Discrete Element Methods for Rock
• Computers as authors Engineering: Theory and Applications. Elsevier,
Oxford, 545 p.
• Computers as rock engineering designers,
• Internet conferences, and 7. Bruntland, G. (ed.), 1987. Our Common
• Extra-terrestrial rock mechanics Future: The World Commission on Environment
and Development, Oxford, Oxford University
Two possibilities were envisaged for the
future of the ISRM in the longer term but no
action is required now because either of these
two possibilities could prevail.


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