Site Investigation in Volcanic Rock Mass For Building Projects

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Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment – Qian & Zhou (eds)

© 2012 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-80444-8

Site investigation in volcanic rock mass for building projects

L.E. Hernández & M.J. Pomares

Regional Ministry of Works, Government of the Canary Islands, Spain

J.A. Rodríguez-Losada & A. Eff-Darwich

Department of Soil Science and Geology, University of La Laguna, Spain

C. Olalla
E.T.S.I.C.C.P., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

ABSTRACT:This paper has been developed based on the recent Geotechnical Guide for Building Projects of the Canary Islands
(Spain). The geology around this archipelago is dominated almost entirely by a succession of volcanic materials and structures.
The guide articulates the basic appropriate methodology for planning of geotechnical prospecting in building projects and for
conducting geotechnical studies, in accordance with current regulations and volcanic terrains. Once the type of building and
type of terrains are defined, guide criteria must apply in order to determine the minimum intensity and extent of the field
exploration activities. However, the minimum depth surveys has been established taking into account the peculiarities and
problems associated with each of the geotechnical units and type of building. In these islands it is possible to find almost all
the planet’s volcanic materials. Therefore, this guide can be applied to any other area of volcanic origin.

Subject: Site investigation and field observations

Keywords: rock mass, site characterization

1 INTRODUCTION Table 1. Type of building according to the CTE.

The Canary Islands (Spain) comprises seven major and three Type of building Description
minor islands located in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately
C-0 Buildings of less than 4 levels and
100 km from the northwest coast of Africa. All of islands are
built area less than 300 m2
volcanic in origin. In the last 20 million years, multiple periods C-1 Other buildings of less than 4 levels
of volcanic activity have created a singular landscape with all C-2 Buildings from 4 to 10 levels
types of volcanic products (Schmincke & Sumita, 2010). C-3 Buildings from 11 to 20 levels
The Government of Spain published the Spanish Building C-4 Monumental, unique, or more than 20 levels
Technical Code, “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE,
2006). This code regulates the prescriptive geotechnical stud-
ies for building in Spain. According this code, geotechnical
surveys will be carried out depending on the type of building for Building Projects in the Canary Islands, GETCAN-11
(Table 1) and the following type group of terrains: (Hernández et al., 2010).
In the past decade Canarian Government has done several
– Favourable terrains (T-1): those with little variability, and studies about geomechanical properties of volcanic materials.
where the usual practice in the area is direct foundation by Results have created the first database with geomechanical
isolated elements. and geochemical properties, and correlations between vari-
– Intermediate terrains (T-2): those who show variability, or ous parameters studied (Rodriguez-Losada et al., 2006, 2007,
that the area does not always happen the same foundation Hernandez-Gutierrez et al., 2007).
solution, or where it can be assumed to have some relevance In addition, the Government of the Canary Islands has
anthropic filled, although probable it not exceed 3.0 m. developed geotechnical digital maps that can be accessed free
– Unfavourable terrain (T-3): those who do not qualify in on internet. These maps help locate the studied parcel into the
any of the previous types, especially the following ones: geotechnical units defined.
Expansive soils, collapsible soils, soft or loose soils, karstic This paper, presents the basic appropriate methodology for
terrains in gypsum or limestone, variable terrains in com- planning of geotechnical prospecting in building projects, in
position and condition, anthropic filled with more than 3 m accordance with current regulations and Canarian volcanic
thick, terrains in susceptible areas to landslides, volcanic rock mass.
rocks in thin layers or with cavities, land with slope greater
than 15◦ , residual soils, land of marshes.
The Regional Ministry of Public Works and Transportation
of the Canarian Government has drafted a guide to assist in The geology of the Canary Islands is dominated almost
the correct interpretation and implementation of the National entirely by a succession of volcanic materials and structures
Code in the Canaries: The Geotechnical Investigation Guide that originated in a typical oceanic intraplate volcanism.

Table 2. Volcanic rock mass of the Canary Islands and their 2.3 Unit III: Altered basaltic massif
classification according to CTE terrains.
Composed of basaltic lava flows of small thickness (around
Units Subunits CTE terrains 1 m or less) and moderate to high disturbance. The remarkable
peculiarity of these basaltic lavas is a vertical alternation of
Unit I: Basal complex T3 compact basaltic levels (basalt rock) and scoria levels (gran-
Unit II: Salic lava T1 ular material). Pyroclastic mantles and burned paleosols may
flows and salic massif appear interspersed within these massifs. The presence of
Unit III: Altered T3 interspersed scoriaceous levels produces a high heterogeneity,
basaltic massif due to alternations both vertically and horizontally. Overall,
Unit IV: Fresh basaltic IVa: “aa” lava flows T1 scoriaceous levels tend to behave like a granular soil, slightly
lava flows little scoriaceous compact or loose. But these features fade in Unit III materials
IVb: “Pahoehoe” lava T3 due to the advanced state of alteration. These materials show
flows and “aa” lava problems as expansivity, high deformability, slope instabili-
flows very scoriaceous ties, and there may be caverns due to water circulation and low
Unit V: Pyroclastic Va: Ignimbrites and T2 compaction. They are generally soft rocks and spread mainly
deposits tuffs in the areas of outcrop of the Antique Series (phases of forma-
tion of large shield volcanoes in the early subaerial volcanism
Vb: Loose or weakly T3
cemented pyroclastic of the Canary Islands). They are considered as T3 terrain.
Unit VI: Volcanic T2 2.4 Unit IV: Fresh basaltic lava flows
This is the dominant unit in the Canary Islands.
To this unit belongs the basaltic lava flows that retain their
original structure due to their low state of alteration, so the
The volcanic rocks of the Canaries encompass the broadest types “pahoehoe” and “aa” can be differentiated
spectrum of chemical compositions and mineralogy known “Pahoehoe” lavas are characterized by a smooth and undu-
in any intraplate oceanic system. For this reason different lating surface, although in detail they are formed by interlock-
volcanic rock mass can be recognized. ing corrugated ropes. Internally it is to highlight the presence
In order to obtain a simple classification of materials, of large numbers of small vacuoles or spherical voids that
Canarian volcanic rock mass have been grouped into following give them high porosity. However, the more remarkable inter-
units (Table 2). nal detail is the presence of volcanic tunnels or tubes that
These units correspond to geotechnical areas with geome- can reach kilometers in length and several meters in diameter.
chanical behaviour more or less similar (with the limitations Often, during surveys, those tunnels or tubes are not detected,
that the scale and nature of the materials allow). These areas which does not mean that they do not exist. “Aa” lavas or scori-
have a similar treatment when planning geotechnical surveys. aceous lavas have an extremely rough or spiny surface.Vertical
These units have been further classified into groups of terrains sections consist of a central band of dense rock crossed by a
that define the CTE. network of joints, limited below and above by two irregular
scoriaceous bands.
The basalt rock massif levels in general have high bearing
capacity. However, scoriaceous levels may show low bearing
2.1 Unit I: Basal complex capacity and high deformation if scorias are loose and without
matrix. Besides, they show moderate bearing capacity and low
The basal complex of the Canary Islands is represented by
deformability, if they are welded or with a weak cementation
Cretaceous sediments, submarine lavas and plutonic rocks
degree. So for geotechnical surveys purposes, the Guide con-
(gabbros and syenites). This set is traversed by numerous
siders that within this unit, two subunits may be recognized:
dykes intrusion with a density so high that often leave no trace
IVa and IVb.
of the rock disposition. Typically, they show a high degree of
alteration and rock materials are very slippery and difficult to 2.4.1 Subunit IVa
recognition. They are considered as T3 terrain. “Aa” lavas with compact basalt thicknesses equal to or greater
than 2 m, while retaining its lateral continuity across the plot;
with less than 0.5 m scoriaceous levels, absence of cavities and
2.2 Unit II: Salic lava flows and salic massifs a field slope less than 15◦ . They are considered as T1 terrain.

This unit consists of highly resistant rock materials. There are 2.4.2 Subunit IVb
two forms of outcrop: 1) As very thick lava flows, usually with Includes “pahoehoe” lavas and “aa” lavas with compact basalt
horizontal arrangement or as thick tabular sets, with slopes not thicknesses <2 m, interspersed with scoriaceous levels and/or
too steep and large horizontal extension. Sometimes these sets presence of cavities. They are considered as T3 terrain.
may consist of very compact breccias with Salic fragments.
And 2) As domes, like a large rock mass.
For practical purposes, the geotechnical features of both 2.5 Unit V: Pyroclastic deposits
types of outcrop are considered similar and should therefore It consists of areas of undifferentiated pyroclastic deposits.
be considered as the same geotechnical unit. They are massifs Thickness and dip depend upon topography of the place where
of trachytic-phonolitic composition, generally of moderate to they were deposited at the time of the eruption. They can be
high strength. They are considered as T1. subdivided into: Subunits Va and Vb.

2.5.1 Subunit Va Table 3. Maximum distance (dmax ) between survey points.
Ignimbrites and tuffs: hard or medium hard rock correspond-
ing to highly compact pumice or cinder pyroclastic deposits. dmax (m)
This variety of materials occurs when a mass of pyroclastic
Type of building T-1 T-2
products are transported in the form of gas dispersion and
high or moderate density of particles. The result is a mate- C-0, C-1 35 30
rial with characteristics more or less of a hard rock, with a C-2 30 25
degree of compactness and/or variable cementation. They are C-3 25 20
considered as T2 terrain. C-4 20 17

2.5.2 Subunit Vb
Pyroclastic materials loose or weakly cemented: Non-compact
and easily collapsible. They form when magma fragments fall Table 4. Minimum depth of prospecting.
and settle near the eruptive center. There are two types if the
geochemical composition is considered: basaltic and salic. Minimum depth of prospecting (m)
The smaller basaltics are called lapillis (2 to 64 mm), the
largest are called scoria. Salic deposits (trachyte or phono- Geotechnical units/ I II III IVa
Building type (T-3) (T-1) (T-3) (T-1)
lite composition) form pumice, light and porous. Both are
considered as T3 terrain. C-0 5 4 5 4
C-1 8 6 8 6
C-2 12 8 12 8
2.6 Unit VI: Volcanic breccias C-3 16 10 16 10
C-4 20 12 20 12
This unit is associated with violent eruptive episodes of high
explosivity. The final result is a chaotic and brecciated mass, Minimum depth of prospecting (m)
formed by blocks of different nature, generally very sharp.
Grain size is variable. Matrix is fine and more or less cemented Geotechnical units/ IVb Va Vb VI
and occasionally very hard. These materials are very thick (up Building type (T-3) (T-2) (T-3) (T-2)
to hundreds of meters). They exhibit characteristics of hard
rock and sometimes of medium hardness. They are considered C-0 5 5 5 5
land type T2 terrain. C-1 8 7 8 7
C-2 12 10 12 10
C-3 16 12 16 12

Planning field survey should define exploration methods

to be used, their distribution and intensity. Based on type of
building and type of volcanic massif, number of surveys points system, under the technical direction and supervision of an
and their depth are determined. expert in geotechnical survey.
In GETCAN-11, surveys points correspond to boreholes In the event that the maximum distance (dmax ) exceeds the
made by exploration diamond drilling system. In these bore- dimensions of the study area, distances should be decreased
holes intact core rock extraction is possible, in order to until they reach the required minimum number of points.
establish geomechanical properties of rock mass. In the case of buildings with floor area exceeding
10,000 m2 , the density of points on the surface excess can
be reduced. This reduction should not exceed 50% of survey
3.1 Number of survey points points obtained from applying the previous rule.

At least three survey points are established and a maximum

3.2 Depth of recognition points
distance (dmax ) between them (Table 3).
The maximum distance can be considered as the radius The recognition points were selected at a depth where the
circle of the influence areas of the recognition points. The settlements under the loads transmitted by the building are
influence circle areas of the research points obtained must not significant. This depth can be that where net increase
exceed 90% of the contact area with the ground of the studied of tension in the ground, by the building’s weight, is equal
parcel. or less than 10% of the vertical effective stress, in that level
For T-3 terrains recognition points are interspersed in the point before building construction. These considerations will
problem areas until they are sufficient to characterize the be valid unless it has previously reached a geotechnical unit
ground properly. Absence of singularities under the founda- resistant (bedrock) such that the pressure applied on it by the
tion level and excavation fronts must be checked in order to foundation of the building produce significant deformations.
ensure the security of the building, the construction process However, the minimum depth surveys has been established
and neighboring buildings. taking into account the peculiarities and problems associated
In geotechnical units I, III and IVb (T-3 terrains), the sur- with each of the geotechnical units and type of building, as
veys will be carried out at least as Table 3 indicates for T-2 shown in Table 4.
terrains. Additionally, exploration will also be required under The depths indicated in Table 4 are referred to the final level
each load transfer element of the structure on the ground. In of excavation. To these are added, if necessary, the thickness
this case, the prospecting that exceeds the number of the appli- of artificial fillers or final depth of excavation to achieve the
cation of Table 3, may be made by rotary-percussion drilling planned foundation level.


The terrain that forms the Canary Islands is very heteroge- Hernández, L.E., Rodríguez-Losada, J.A., Olalla, C. Garrido-
neous, and presents very particular problems. The rock mass Manrique, J., 2010. “Geotechnical investigation guide for building
forming the basement have suitable properties for construc- in volcanic environments”. En Olalla et al. (Edts): “Volcanic
tion of foundations because their resistance values are high; Rock Mechanics”. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN:
nevertheless, many times the problem is that hard rock mass 978-0-415-58478-4. Pág. 249–254.
Hernández-Gutiérrez, L.E. Rodríguez-Losada, J.A. 2006. Esti-
no appear alone in the outcrops, but alternating with more mative rock mass parameters applied to the Canarian vol-
deformable materials (scorias, low density pyroclasts; etc.). canic rocks based on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion and
This procedure of geotechnical survey planning into equivalent Mohr-Coulomb limits as a contribution in natural
account the peculiarities of these materials and applies the hazards. 300th Anniversary Volcano International Conference
experience of many decades building on them. (GARAVOLCAN), Session 1. Garachico, Tenerife.
Once rock mass is defined and classified according to the Ministerio de Vivienda, 2006. Código Técnico de la Edificación
CTE type of terrain, we can set the number of survey points and (CTE).
their depth, depending on type of building that was designed. Rodríguez-Losada, J.A. & Hernández-Gutiérrez, L.E. 2006. New
This proposal of site investigation provides an operating geomechanical data of the Canarian volcanic rocks as a
procedure for each volcanic rock mass. Because in the Canary contribution for geophysics applied to the research in vol-
canic risk. 300th Anniversary Volcano International Conference
Islands is possible to find almost the entire spectrum of possi- (GARAVOLCAN), Session 2. Garachico,Tenerife. 22–26 de mayo
ble volcanic rock massifs, this procedure is applicable to any de 2006.
other volcanic environment. Rodríguez-Losada, J.A., Hernandez-Gutierrez, L.E., Olalla, C.,
Perucho, A. & Serrano, A. Rodrigo del Potro, 2007. The volcanic
rocks of the Canary Islands. Geotechnical properties. Proceed-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ings of the International Workshop on Volcanic Rocks W2. 11
ISRM Congress. Ponta Delgada (San Miguel, Azores). Session 1,
To Regional Ministry of Works and Transportation of the Characterization of volcanic formations, 53–57.
Government of the Canary Islands (Consejería de Obras Schmincke, H.-U. & Sumita, M. 2010. Geological Evolution of the
Públicas y Transportes del Gobierno de Canarias). Canary Islands. In Görres-Druckerei und Verlag GmbH, Kblenz.
To Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN, Consejo de ISBN 978-3-86972-005-0. pp. 1–188
Seguridad Nuclear) and his project entitled: “Emisión de
Radón en los materiales volcánicos de las Islas Canarias.
Implicaciones en infraestructuras residenciales y obras


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