UVC18405 Social Psychology

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1. When is a person less likely to conform?

• When the group is unanimous

• When the person feels incompetent
• When the group cannot see how the person behaves
• When the person admires the group

2. People are likely to invest less effort in a task when they are working with
others. What is this phenomenon called?

• Social facilitation
• Social loafing
• Deindividuation
• The bystander effect

3. What is group polarization?

• The tendency for a dominant point of view in a group to be strengthened to a more

extreme position after a group discussion
• The strength of the liking and commitment group members have toward each other and
to a group
• The tendency of a close-knit group to emphasize consensus at the expense of critical
thinking and rational decision making
• A situation in which one harms oneself and others by acting in one’s self-interest

4. Research shows that romantic attraction is determined primarily by which


• Partners’ personality
• Partners’ commitment
• Partners’ intimacy
• Partners’ physical attractiveness

5. Attraction is influenced by which of the following?

• Whether people live or work in the same neighborhood

• How similar people are to each other
• Whether liking is reciprocated
• All of the above
6. When are people more likely to be persuaded by a message?

• If they are forewarned about the message

• If they like the person sending the message
• If they think the person sending the message has a vested interest in the point of view
expressed in the message
• All of the above

7. Suppose Suzie persuades her roommate to make her a cup of tea, then gets her
roommate to cook for a week. What is this strategy called?

• The lowball technique

• Social facilitation
• The foot-in-the-door technique
• Social loafing

8. If people work hard to reach a goal, they are likely to justify their hard work by
valuing the goal highly. What is this tendency called?

• Justification of effort
• Cognitive dissonance
• Risky shift
• Diffusion of responsibility

9. Justin sees his psychology professor arguing angrily with a worker at the local
post office. From this, he assumes that his professor is a hostile person. What does
his assumption illustrate?

• The just world hypothesis

• The fundamental attribution error
• The matching hypothesis
• The bystander effect

10. Which of the following statements is true?

• Baby-faced people tend to be relatively passive

• Physically attractive people tend to have more pleasing personalities
• Physically attractive people tend to have better career prospects
• People tend to judge physically attractive people as being lazy

01. Psychology is the study of mind and _____

a) Behaviour
b) Attitude
c) Emotion
d) Heart

02. The scientific method of social psychology was processed by _____

a) McDavid and Harari
b) McLuhan and Ferrari
c) Charles Babbage
d) Charles and Keith

03. What is jealousy?

a) t is a mental state
b) It is a psychological problem
c) Heights of mental illness
d) It is about an emotional state

04. The factors that affects social interaction includes ecological variables, cultural context and______
a) Societal aspect
b) Economical problem
c) Socio-cultural problem
d) Biological aspect

05. Social influence includes trust, power and____

a) Persuasion
b) Interaction
c) Cognition
d) Attitude

06. A social ______ is an exchange between two or more individualsand is a building block of society.
a) Interaction
b) Attitude
c) Emotion
d) Heart

07. ________can change the way a person thinks or the attitudes a person holds based on a desire either
to conform the predominant social group or to assert distinction from it.
a) Social influence
b) Ideal self
c) Social interaction
d) Social discussion

08. The sociologist Erving Goffman was the one who developed the novel discipline of studying social
interactions known as _______
a) Psychology
b) Physiology
c) Biology
d) Microsociology

09. Social influence is exceedingly ________ and most popular.

a) Beautiful
b) Interesting
c) Attractive
d) Persuasive

10. _____________ resulting from peer pressure falls under two of Kelman’s varieties namely
identification and compliance.
a) Conformity
b) Interaction
c) Cognition
d) Attitude

11. Sociologists John DeLamater, Jessica Collett, and Daniel Meyers suggest, our self-schema is
produced in our __________.
a) Social relationships
b) Motivational self
c) Categorical self
d) Insightful self

12. ______ refers to the connections that exist between people who have recurring interactions
that are perceived by the participants to have personal meaning.
a) Self esteem
b) Self-respect
c) Social influence
d) Social relation

13. _______ behaviors are those intended to help other people.

a) Comparison with others
b) Reaction of others
c) Rude
d) Prosocial

14. When people do something helpful for someone else, that person feels compelled to help out in
return is______
a) Reciprocal behaviour
b) Prosocial behaviour
c) Rude behaviour
d) Attitude

15.________can be viewed as a force acting between two people that tends to draw them together and
to resist their separation.
a) Personal traits
b) Personality
c) Individual interest
d) Interpersonal attraction
33.In some cases the behaviour of minority influences the majority, this influence is mostly operated
with the help of __________ social influence.
a) Informational
b) Attractional
c) Categorical
d) Rational

34. ________focuses on allocation of resources in the business surrounding.

a) Resource allocation norms
b) Group norms
c) Social arrangement norms
d) Social structure
35. ______ is a phenomena where group members put less effort towards achieving a goal than they
would have while working alone.
a) Social loafing
b) Status
c) Conformity
d) Group roles
36. Gender expectations may vary substantially among ______.
a) Cultures
b) Values
c) Principles
d) Dynamics
37. In many cases, the way ___________ and how we would like to see ourselves do not quite match up.
a) We dress up
b) We praise ourselves
c) We interact to ourselves
d) We see ourselves
38. Each person has very different self-schemas that are influenced heavily by past experiences,
________, upbringing, society, and culture.
a) Relationships
b) Public interests
c) Behavior
d) Interactions
39. Throughout life, as we meet new people and enter new groups, our view of self is modified by the
______ we receive from others."
a) Comment
b) Review
c) Calls
d) Feedback
40. The people who tend to become the greatest________ in our lives tend to be those closest
to our friends and family.
a) Admirers
b) Achievers
c) Group
d) Influencers
41. _____ is concerned with how ordinary people explain the causes of behaviour and events.
a) Attribution theory
b) Drive theory
c) Self-identification theory
d) Cognitive dissonance theory
42._____ will seek to find negative aspects of an out group.
a) In-group
b) Group
c) Similar group
d) Societal group
43. The goal of _______ is to portray what already exists in a group or population
a) Fundamental Research
b) Descriptive research
c) Applied research
d) Experimental research
44. A _______ involves the in-depth observation of a single individual or group.
a) Case study
b) Observational method
c) Descriptive research
d) Survey method
45. The ______ receives no treatment and serves as a baseline.
a) Target group
b) Separate group
c) Experimental group
d) Control group

46. _______can be categorized into age, gender, size, skill.

a) Existential self
b) Insightful self
c) Motivational self
d) Categorical self
47. The view you have of yourself is ______
a) Self-image
b) Self esteem
c) Self-respect
d) Ideal self
48. People with high self-esteem will always be______
a) Optimistic
b) Pessimistic
c) Neutral
d) Ideal
49. The degree to which a person’s _______matches with reality. When we tend to distort reality to a
certain degree congruence occurs.
a) Mind
b) Self-control
c) Self-realization
d) Self-concept
50. A group is a ______ consisting of a number of individuals who stand in role and status of
relationship to one another
a) Large sector
b) Small sector
c) Social unit
d) Emotional factor
51. How does naive psychology differ from phenomenology?

a. Phenomenology uses reaction-time methods

b. Phenomenology is not necessarily concerned with how people think about their own mental
c. Phenomenology is no longer actively studied in the field
d. Phenomenology uses people’s self-reported ideas about their own cognitions and behaviors

52. Social cognition is influenced heavily by ___________ from cognitive psychology.

a. Theory
b. Models
c. Methods
d. All of the above

53. Who proposed the configural and algebraic models of social cognition?

a. Solomon Asch
b. Kurt Lewin
c. Immanuel Kant
d. A and B

54. Asking people about their own thoughts and behaviors is a technique used by:

a. Behaviorists
b. Elementalists
c. Gestalt psychologists
d. B and C

55. According to Kurt Lewin, behavior is determined in part by:

a. Emotion
b. Experience
c. Motivation
d. A and C

56. Field theory is more consistent with:

a. An elemental approach
b. A holistic approach
c. A and B
d. Neither A nor B

57. Why did researchers stop relying on introspection?

a. Studying cognition was not important
b. Results from introspection were not reproducible
c. Research subjects behave differently in private than they do in public
d. Introspection data were difficult to analyze

58. During the 1960s, social psychology largely ceased to study:

a. Behavior
b. Cognition
c. A and B
d. Neither A nor B

59. Social and cognitive psychologists use computers for:

a. Measuring cognition
b. Simulating cognition
c. Describing cognition
d. All of the above

60. If people are viewed as consistency-seekers, then their cognition is influenced by:

a. Subjective inconsistency
b. Objective inconsistency
c. Attributional inconsistency
d. A and C

61. “Errors and biases in our impressions of others are caused by motivations.” This is true in what view of the
social thinker?

a. Naive scientist
b. Cognitive miser
c. A and B
d. Neither A nor B

62. Which technique measures blood flow to different areas of the brain?

a. EEG
b. TMS
c. fMRI
d. A and C

63. Neural evidence suggests that people can think about _________ as having intentions and personality:

a. Geometric shapes
b. Dogs
c. Homeless people
d. A and B

64. When people engage in social cognition, their mPFC responses are often:

a. Much stronger than when they are resting

b. Not very different from when they are resting
c. Much less activated than when they are resting
d. None of the above
65. Brains and culture:

a. Cannot be studied in the same experiment

b. Are competing explanations for the same social psychological phenomena
c. Are different levels of analysis of the same social psychological phenomena
d. Are not important to cognitive psychologists

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