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Which one of the following is the most popular form of advertising during the period of Indian
● Non Personal
● Print
● Radio
● Personal

2. What is the abbreviation of USP?

● Under Selling Proposition

● Unit Selling Proposition
● Unique Selling Proposition
● Ultra Selling Proposition

3. What type of demand has to be created when an advertiser introduces a new product?
● Selective Demand
● Primary Demand
● Secondary Demand
● Effective Demand

4. Which type of advertising lessens the effectiveness of competitors advertising?

● Offsetting Competitors Advertising
● Hiding Competitors Advertising
● Destroying Competitors Advertising
● Encouraging competitors Advertising

5. What is the role of advertising to a consumer?

● Control & Plan
● Communicate & Persuade
● Change & Provide
● Create & Program

6. In advertising which of the following doesn't end with creating awareness it also insists on
buying that product?
● Influence
● Persuasion
● Satisfaction
● Assurance
7. The good advertising campaign helps in gaining new
● Competitor
● Market
● Customers
● Values

8. With the help of advertising a new enterprise can make an impact on

● Old Customer
● Local Customer
● Prospective customers
● Retail Customers

9. Which outdoor advertising unit affixed to moving public transportation vehicles?

● Transit Advertising
● Newspaper Advertising
● Poster Advertising
● Neon Signs Advertising

10. Which one of the following is about bringing your product/service to the notice of your target
market, and reminding them or persuading customers to purchase that product/service?
● Production
● Promotion
● Budgeting
● Brand Image

11. Which one of the below involves in targeting specific areas where possible customers are
likely to be, using public information lists to help identify prospective clients.
● Direct mail
● Community directories
● Radio
● Point of sales display

12. Which type of promotion provides a chance to show the features and benefits of a
product/service directly to the customers?
● Direct mail
● Community directories
● Radio
● Point of sales display
13. The selection of the ___________ will depend upon your target market, the message you
wish to convey, and the relative costs of the different media.
● Advertising medium
● Objective
● Mission
● Market gap

14. Which one of the following helps to transform the perception, attitude, or action of the
prospective customer?
● Message design
● Physical design
● Transformational Advertising
● Informational advertising

15. Which of the below is about direct person to person selling, designed to explain how
products, services, or ideas fit the prospective customer?
● Publicity
● Public relations
● Advertising tools
● Personal selling

16. Which consumer magazine is NOT classified to a specific audience?

● Film magazine
● General editorial magazine
● Women magazine
● Kids magazine

17. Which one of the following in advertising, a separate advertisement put in a magazine,
newspaper, or other publication
● Exertion
● Extension
● Integration
● Insertion

18. To which medium advertisement provides an important source of revenue?

● New Customers
● Target Audience
● Publishers and Magazines
● Internet Advertiser
19. In 3000BC ‘ACTA DIURNA’ a wall newspaper that provided daily news of
● Senate Politics
● Senate Race
● Senate Members Name
● Senate Seats

20. In which century for the first time the newspapers came with classified advertising?

● 19th
● 18th
● 17th
● 20th

21. In which year the first Full - Fledged Indian Ad Agency ‘National Advertising Service’ was
● 1931
● 1941
● 1951
● 1961

22. When was the Advertising Agencies Association of India established?

● 1940
● 1945
● 1950
● 1955

23. What are the two types of advertising classification on the basics of Area Coverage?
● Rural & urban Advertising
● Local & Regional Advertising
● National & International Advertising
● City & State level Advertising

24. Which Electronic Broadcast Media Advertising is more effective in rural areas?
● Television
● Internet
● Radio
● Newspaper

25. In advertising which method obtains immediate response on the target audience?
● Indirect Action
● Direct Action
● Persuasion
● Direct Mail

26. Which type of advertising is undertaken by trade associations?

● Primary Advertising
● Selective Advertising
● Personal Advertising
● Target Advertising

27. Magazines add credibility to the message because of the reputation in the eyes of
● Marketing manager
● Retailers
● Consumers
● Wholesalers

28. Advertising creates employment as it increases the volume of sales and

● Production
● Marketing
● Promotion
● Personal selling

29. Which of the following items is restricted from Advertising?

● Washing powder
● Cigarette
● Cold cream
● Cleaning Items

30. Advertisement is a type of

● Outdoor marketing
● Indirect marketing
● Share marketing
● Transaction marketing
31. Which one of the following is the first full service Ad agency in the United States?
● N.W.Ayer & Son
● FCB Ulka Advertising Ltd
● Ogilvy & Mather.
● William Taylor

32. Dividing the market based on age, income, educational qualification,is known as
● Profile
● Census
● Target Audience
● Demography

33. Series of messages that divide a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing known as
● Advertising.
● Advertising research
● Advertising Campaign
● Product placement

34. A longer commercial that mixes entertainment along with information in a program like format is
known as
● Advertorial
● Infomercial
● Space feature
● Classified

35. Who is in charge of selecting media for advertisement assignment on behalf of their customers?
● Media planner
● Media Buying
● Space Seller.
● Copywriter

36. The total net audience exposed to prepared periodical, outdoor, television or radio advertising is
● Space accumulation
● Agency accumulation
● Audience accumulation
● Audience composition

37. Which one of the following is a promotion piece consisting of one large sheet of paper, generally
printed on one side only?
● Equal side.
● Broadside
● Neutral side.
● Horizontal side

38. What is the principal role of account managers in an advertising agency?

● They only incharge for accounts
● They manage the overall ad campaign
● They give creative ideas
● They find the best media for clint

39. Which one of the following teams is specialists in graphic design, film and audio production,
● Account Executive Team
● Researchers Team
● Creative Team
● Media Planners Team

40. A group interview every year, thousands of people share their opinions about products and
services by participating in market research studies is called
● Creative Group
● Focus Group
● Planner Group
● Customer Group

41. Which department is completely responsible for the creation and execution of the
● Account Executive
● Researchers
● Creative
● Media Planners

42. Which agency may also offer non-agency services?

● In-house Agencies
● Specialty Agencies
● Media Buying Agencies
● Full-serviceAgencies
43. Some companies have set up their own advertising agencies within their own organizations is
known as
● In-house Agencies
● Creative Boutiques
● Media Buying Agencies
● Full-serviceAgencies

44. What is ASCI ?

● Advertising State Council of India
● Advertising Standards Corporation of India
● Advertising Selective Council of India
● Advertising Standards Council of India

45. According to which Act all direct and indirect advertising of tobacco products is prohibited in all
● Act, 2002
● Act, 2003
● Act, 2004
● Act, 2005

46. Which lets you have a clear picture of the number of customers or usage of your brand in
comparison with competition?
● Market share
● Brand share
● Product share
● Customer share

47. Brand assets include

● The name of the brand
● Reputation, relevance and loyalty
● Less quality complaints
● Number of companies owned

48. Delivery services offered by restaurants on phone calls are examples of:
● Sales promotion
● Direct Marketing
● Publicity
● Personal selling
49. The Process of establishing and maintaining a distinctive place in the market for an organization
is known as.
● Profiling
● Profiling Segmentation
● Segmentation
● Positioning

50. The term “Storyboard” is specifically related to the:

● TV Commercials
● Newspaper Editorial
● Magazine ad
● Press release

51. This pricing strategy offers opportunities to set different levels of pricing for different needs is
known as
● Segment pricing
● Skim pricing
● Value-in-use pricing
● Strategic account pricing

52. A Musical message written around a brand is known as:

● Logos
● Symbols
● Jingles
● Tag Lines

53. A Short phrases that communicate descriptive or persuasive information about a brand is:
● Punch lines
● Tag lines
● Messages
● Slogans

54. Which one of the following defines what the brand thinks about the consumer, as per the
● Brand Attitude
● Brand Positioning
● Brand Relationship
● Brand Mange

55. A way of describing the audience based on factors such as age, gender, education level, income
etc is known as:
● Psychographic
● Socio-economic
● Demographic
● Infographics

56. A way of describing the audience based on the their lifestyle, attitudes, aspirations, habits etc is
known as
● Psychographic
● Socio-economic
● Demographic
● Infographics

57. Which one of the following refers to a brands objective attributes in relation to other brands?
● Brand Position
● Product Position
● Brand Relationship
● Brand Attitude

58. According to Scot Davis, how many years are required to change the brand positioning?
● Two to five years
● Three to six years
● Two to six years
● Three to five years

59. An apparel marketer is planning to launch an existing brand name into a new product category.
Which brand development strategy is being implemented?
● Line Extension
● Multibranding
● Brand Extension
● Rebranding

60. Attack the market and defend the position are the prime strategies pursued by a firm with which
● Market Challenger
● Market Leader
● Market Follower
● Market Nicher
61. Paid advertising based on a per-click model is called
● Search Engine Optimization
● Source advertising
● Sponsored search-engine
● ICT Indicators
62. The advertising objective at the end should be looking for customers.
● Motivation
● Retention
● Information
● Satisfaction

63. Which one of the following is considered as a disadvantage of Transit Advertising?

● Can't reach the local surrounding
● Limits in terms of message design
● People won't link to see during travel
● Very close visibility to the viewers

64.Which type of advertising encompasses a wide variety of marketing materials like brochures,
catalogues & newsletter?
● Transit
● Outdoor
● Direct Mail
● Yellow Pages

65. Advertisements are listed in an alphabetical order category-wise, such as legal and counselling
services, food and beverage, clothing stores, etc.
● Magazine Advertising
● Direct Mail Advertising
● Directory Advertising
● Newspaper Advertising

66.It is a shorthand version of the final product that can be used to plan ahead.
● Billboard
● Storyboard
● Hardboard
● Visualboard

67. In Typographic characters the line reached by the ascenders of lowercase letters is known as
● Topline
● Lower Line
● Ascender Line
● Lead Line

68. In Advertising provocative headlines are mainly used to provoke the reader’s
● Benefit of the product
● Curiosity on a product.
● Information of the Product
● Market Value on a product

69. A simple idea sketches which help the designer to achieve an attractive and suitable final result.
● Pencil Sketch
● Thumbnail Sketch
● Charcoal Sketch
● Digital Sketch

70.Whcih one of the following starts with what a client wants to say and ends with what a target
audience wants to hear?
● Client Planning
● Audience Planning
● Media Planning
● Account Planning

71. ___________________ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a

● Labeling
● Packaging
● Store branding
● Supplying

72..Which is the final stage in the personal sales process ?

● Follow-up
● Assumptive close
● Trial Close
● Presentation

73.An Ad copy that uses the endorsement of a satisfied customer?

● Comparative Ad copy
● Reminder Ad copy
● Expository Ad copy
● Testimonial Ad copy

74. Advertisement is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods,
services or ideas by _____________.

● An identified sponsor
● An unidentified sponsor
● Cinema celebrity
● Corporate sectors

75. ___________ refers to the amount a customer pays for a product.

● Product
● Price
● Place
● Promotion

76. ___________ is the customers' ability to confirm prior exposure/knowledge of a brand when
shown or asked explicitly about the brand (also referred to as aided or prompted awareness).

● Brand endorsement
● Brand recognition
● Brand Equity
● Buying Power

77. _____________ is an independent organization, composed of creative and business people.

They develop, prepare and place advertisements in the media.

● Brand Management
● Corporate agency
● Institute
● Ad Agency

78. The ads that can be produced interactive and having very new concepts, and very innovative
are done by ____________.

● Full-service ad agency
● Interactive ad agency
● Media buying agencies
● In house ad agency
79. SWOT is an acronym for __________.

● Strategy, Working, Opinion, Tactical

● Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
● Strategy, Work, Openness, Toughness
● Strategy, Weakness, Opinions, Tactics

80. Which of the following are the three broad groups of consumer segmentation criteria?

● Geographic, Profile Criteria, Price category

● Geographic, demographic, Psychographic
● Infographic, Time usage, Behavioural patterns
● Social media users, Television viewers, Print media readers

81. AIDA stands for _______.

● Attention, Interest, Desire and Action

● Approach, Intelligence, Demand and Assurance
● Attitude, Interest, Decision and Action
● Assurance, Interest, Desire and Action

82. ABC is the Audit Bureau of __________.

● Circulation
● Citation
● Censorship
● Cinema
83. Media Planner is a person who ______________.

● Selects the clients

● Selects the advertising media
● Selects the ad agency
● Selects the research team

84. The term ‘marketing mix’ describes.

● A composite analysis of all environmental factors inside and outside the firm
● A blending of four strategic elements to satisfy specific target markets
● A series of business decisions that aid in selling a product
● The relationship between firm's marketing strengths and its business weaknesses

85. _____________ is a media-based marketing technique which encourages consumer


● Transit Advertising
● Interactive advertising
● Radio Advertising
● Print Advertising

86. _______________ directly refers to the patterns of time in which the advertisement is going
to run.

● Scheduling
● Rerun
● Media planning
● Campaigning

87. __________ is the amount a company set aside for its promotional activities. It is used by a
company for marketing the products and services to the customers.

● Advertising budget
● Monthly Budget
● Production Budget
● Incremental Budget

88. _____________ are the groups of advertising messages which are similar in nature. They
share the same messages and themes placed in different types of media at some fixed times.

● Ad campaign
● Media campaign
● Marketing campaign
● Event management

89. What is USP?

● Unit Selling Point

● Unique sales Position
● Unique Selling Proposition
● Unit sales performance

90. ___________ is re-arranging words or written content to make things sell better. It is a text
form of salesmanship.

● Copywriting
● Copyright
● Essay Writing
● Thesis

91. ____________ layout consists of equal –size boxes and is useful for showing several items at
a time.

● Picture Window
● Multi-Panel
● Rebus
● Circus
92. Advertisement ______________ should attract and hold the reader’s attention and also it
should be relevant to the Product advertised.

● Illustration
● Headline
● Body copy
● Signature

93. ______________ is a self-regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry.

● Securities and Exchange Board of India

● Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)
● Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
● Medical Council of India

94. ________________ prohibits advertisement of magical remedies of diseases and disorders.

● Indian Medical Council Act

● The Drugs and Magical Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act
● Food Safety & Standards Act
● Tobacco Prohibition Act

95. According to _____________ of ethics no Advertisement shall be permitted which Derides

any race, caste, colour, creed and nationality.

● Doordharshan code
● Pragmatic Code
● Semiotic Code
● Generated Principles
96. __________ is a term that describes the trend of companies committing in some way to ‘give
back’ to society.

● Corporate Social Responsibility

● International Society
● Globalization
● Government Social Responsibility

97. Which of the following is Not Unethical in advertising?

● When it has degraded or underestimated the substitute or rival’s product

● When it gives False and misleading information
● When it is immoral
● When it provides exact information on Ingredients, Quantity and Price

98. Advertisement aims at _______________.

● Mass communication
● Product selling
● Marketing
● Consumer relation

99. The fours Ps of Marketing Mix are Product, Price, Placement, and _________.

● Promotion
● Performance
● Pursuance
● Polling

100. __________ is the continued analysis and execution of all techniques utilized to maximize
the value of the brand over time.

● Brand Management
● Product Management
● Human Resource Management
● Media Management

101. A/An ______________ made up of the company’s own advertising staff may provide full
services or a limited range of services.

● Intra-firm agency
● Promotional department
● In-house agency
● Full service agency

102. Integrated Marketing communication is all about ___________.

● Integrating all the promotional tools

● Building messages for copywriter
● Support the marketing strategy
● door to door communication

103. Aishwarya Rai Bachan endorsing L’Oreal is an example of?

● Rational appeal
● Beauty appeal
● Sex appeal
● Emotional appeal

104. The ____________ identifies cognitive stages an individual goes through during the buying
process for a product or service.

● AIDA Model
● Hierarchy of Effect Model
● Diffusion of Innovation

105. Positioning a product is all about _________.

● Power
● Package
● Perception
● Performance

106. _____________ independent non-profit organization comprising of and supported by

publishers, advertisers, adv agencies, and commercial websites to audit and certify circulation
and site traffic claims of its members.


107. Surf Excel and Ariel are examples of ____________.

● Direct competitor
● Indirect competitor
● Replacement competitor
● Supply chains

108. ______________ is a series of actions that media planners take to attain the media
● Media Function
● Media Policy
● Media Strategy
● Media Option

109. ___________ is advertising placed in or on modes of public transportation or in public

transportation areas.

● Alternative Advertising
● Interactive advertising
● Transit advertising
● Traditional Advertising

110. ___________ helps fixing up the time slots according to the advertiser so that the message
to be delivered will reach the target audience in a proper way with proper timings.

● Desktop Organizer
● Timetable
● Layout
● Scheduling

111. Which of the following doesn’t fit under Interactive advertising?

● Augmented reality
● Virtual reality
● QR codes
● Pamphlets
112. _________ appears in newspapers or magazines and are sometimes included as brochures
or fliers.

● Television Advertising
● Print advertising
● Radio Advertising
● New Media Advertising

113. Which among the following is the right sequence of copywriting processes?

● Research, planning, organisation, writing, checking, proofreading, editing, revision

● Planning, research, organisation, writing, checking, proofreading, editing, revision
● Planning, research, organisation, writing, checking, editing, proofreading, revision
● Research, planning, organisation, writing, checking, editing, proofreading, revision

114. ______________ is the visual plan or orderly arrangements of the elements of an

advertising message in printed form.

● Copywriting
● Illustration
● Layout
● Signature

115. In the Layout stage _____________ presents the handheld look and feel of brochure,
multi-age material, or point of purchase displays.

● Dummy
● Thumbnail
● Rough
● Mondrian
116. ____________ is a text form of salesmanship.

● Patent
● Copyright
● Copywriting
● News article

117. Which of the following will not create attention value in a Layout Copywriting?

● Pictures and drawings should have a direct bearing on the product.

● The headline must be good with a proper border.
● Ad must have a pleasing colorful presentation.
● Layout should be congested and clumsy

118. ASCI stand for:

● Indian Council for Advertising Standards

● American Standards Council for Institutions
● Association of Standards Council in India
● Advertising Standards Council of India

119. Bagpiper club soda, Kingfisher airlines, Royal Seagram CDs and audio cassettes, ITC
Aashirvaad Atta are the examples of ______.

● Interactive advertising
● Puffery
● Surrogate Advertising
● Industrial advertising
120. Puffery in advertising is ethical.

● Sometimes ok, sometimes not

● Violation at all times
● Rules followed all the time
● Banned

121. ________ in a business makes claims or representations that are likely to create a false
impression in consumers as to the price, value or quality of goods or services on offer.

● Deceptive Advertising
● Surrogate Advertising
● Puffery Advertising
● Consumer Advertising

122. According to the Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods Act, the
advertising of ___________ are prohibited.

● Infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles

● Promoting Nutrition
● An Egg a Day Advertisement
● Birth Control Measures

123. _____________ studying the attitude of the target group towards a particular product or
brand is important to study the consumer behaviour.

● Advertising Message (Copy Testing) Research

● Product Appeal Research
● Advertising Media Selection Research
● Advertising Effectiveness Research

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