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Compilation work on चरकसंहिता

ू स्थान - पञ्चदशोsध्याय:
Kalpana Chatushka
➢ 13. Snehadhyaya
➢ 14. Swedadhyaya
➢ 15. Upakalpaniya Adhyaya
➢ 16. Chikitsaprabhritiya Adhyaya

Referred books:-
Vaidya Harishchandra Simha Kushavaha,
R.K.Sharma Bhagwan Dash,
P.V.Sharma, Sachitra Caraka,
Dr.Shashirekha H.K. Dr.Bargale Sushant Sukumar.
Submitted by:-
Namana K.T.
❏ Introduction
❏ पञ्चकर्मोपयोगी द्रव्य संग्रह
❏ पन ु र्वसु आत्रेय clears अग्निवेशाs queries
❏ प्रशस्त गह ृ (hospital building)
❏ चिकित्सोपयोगी सामग्री(arrangements of hospital
staff and accessories)
❏ Arrangement for patient in पञ्चकर्म treatment
❏ Arrangement of equipment and drugs to
manage complications of पञ्चकर्म
● द्रव्याs useful in चिकित्सा
❏ वमन कर्म(emesis therapy)
● मदनफल कषाय मात्रा
● वमन विधि
● Instructions for patient
● अयोग लक्षण
● सम्यक् योग लक्षण
● उपद्रव
● पश्र्चात ् कर्म
● संसर्जन क्रम
❏ विरे चन विधि(purgation therapy)
❏ संशोधन गण ु
❏ अध्ययार्थ

ु कल्पनामधिकृत्य प्रवत्त
ृ ोsध्याय उपकल्पनीयमध्याय:।"
This chapter

is said under 'कल्पना चतष्ु क'. शोधन therapy is always done after the administration of

स्नेहन and स्वेदन.So,the उपकल्पना (योजना) of शोधन is given main importance in this

chapter.So,it is named as उपकल्पनीयमध्याय.

"उपकल्पनीयमिति शोधनोपकल्पनामधिकृत्य कृतोsध्याय उपकल्पनीय:।"

❖ स्नेहन,स्वेदन--- योजना (उपकल्पना)---
★ अथात उपकल्पनीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः||१||
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
We shall now expound the chapter on the "Requirements of a
Physician",thus said Lord Ātraya.

Guidelines for Physician before commencing

treatment(पञ्चकर्मोपयोगी द्रव्य संग्रह)-

★ इह खलु राजानं राजमात्रमन्यं वा विपल

ु द्रव्यं वमनं विरे चनं वा पाययितक
ु ामेन भिषजा
प्रागेवौषधपानात ् सम्भारा उपकल्पनीयाभवन्ति सम्यक्चैव हि गच्छत्यौषधे
प्रतिभोगार्थाः, व्यापन्ने चौषधे व्यापदः परिसङ्ख्याय प्रतीकारार्थाः; न हि सन्निकृष्टे
ु तायामापदि सत्यपि क्रयाक्रये सक ु रमाशु सम्भरणमौषधानां
A physician willing to administer various purification
therapies,especially to a (राजानं राजमात्रमन्यं)king, royalty or a
wealthy person,should arrange various necessary drugs and
equipments well in advance of the procedures and know correct
administration of counter-acting drugs in case of complications.
Because, in case of emergency, if complications occur, it is not
possible to easily and immediately arrange drugs through sale or
● (विपल ु द्रव्यस्त-ु राज,अधिकारी वर्ग,व्यापारी वर्ग)
● (परिसंख्याय इति-1.proper administration of औषध,if there is
सम्यक् योग.
2.proper administration of औषध,if there is any complications
due to असम्यक् योग)
● (क्रया पण्यम ्-to buy)(आक्रया-value)
● (अनियमेनेति-सम्यक् प्रयोगofऔषधि may lead to सिध्दि/व्यापत्ति)
● (सम्भार-द्रव्याs for वमनविरे चन)
● (प्रतिभोगार्था-useful in संसर्जन कर्म)

Query by Agnivesha about success of treatment-

★ एवंवादिनं भगवन्तमात्रेयमग्निवेश उवाच- ननु भगवन ्! आदावेव ज्ञानवता तथा
प्रतिविधातव्यं यथा प्रतिविहितेसिध्येदेवौषधमेकान्तेन, सम्यक्प्रयोगनिमित्ता हि
सर्वकर्मणां सिद्धिरिष्टा, व्यापच्चासम्यक्प्रयोगनिमित्ता; अथसम्यगसम्यक् च
समारब्धं कर्म सिद्ध्यति व्यापद्यते वाऽनियमेन, तल् ु यं भवति
When Lord Atreya said this, Agnivesha said, “O Lord! A learned
physician should prescribe a treatment in such a way that it should
surely and invariably be successful. The success of all treatments
depends upon proper administration and complications due to
improper administration. However, sometimes, the success or failure
of treatment doesn’t follow the rules of proper or improper
administration, hence knowledge and ignorance becomes equal.”
Reply by Ātreya-

★ तमव ु ाच भगवानात्रेयः- शक्यं तथा प्रतिविधातम ु स्माभिरस्मद्विधैर्वाऽप्यग्निवे श!

यथा प्रतिविहिते सिध्येदेवौषधमेकान्तेन,तच्च प्रयोगसौष्ठवमप ु दे ष्टुं यथावत ्; नहि
कश्चिदस्ति य एतदे वमप ु दिष्टमप ु धारयितम ु त्ु सहे त, उपधार्य वा तथा प्रतिपत्तप्र ंु योक्तंु
वा; सक्ष्
ू माणि हि
दोषभेषजदे शकालबलशरीराहारसात्म्यसत्त्वप्रकृतिवयसामवस्थान्तराणि,
यान्यनचि ु न्त्यमानानिविमलविपल ु बद्
ु धेरपि बद् ु धिमाकुलीकुर्युः किं पन ु रल्पबद्
ु धेः;
तस्मादभ ु यमेतद्यथावदपु दे क्ष्यामः- सम्यक्प्रयोगं चौषधानां,व्यापन्नानां च
व्यापत्साधनानि सिद्धिषत्त ू रकालम ्||५||
Lord Atreya replied, “Oh Agnivesha!, it is possible for us to treat the
patients successfully and also impart instructions for correct
administration. But there is none who is able to grasp such
instructions or having grasped it, is able to apply it or put it into
practice. The variations in conditions of dosha, drugs, place, time,
strength, body, diet, suitability, mind pattern, constitution, and age
are subtle to understand. While considering these factors, when even
a person with great intellect and pure knowledge gets confused, then
what will be the condition of a person with less intellect?
● (उपधारयितमि ु ति-memorizing the शास्त्र)
● (प्रतिपत्तमि
ु ति-understanding the science properly)
● (सक्ष्
ू माणीत्यादि-application of minute concepts)
● (सक्ष्
ू माणीsवस्थान्तराणि-दोषभेषजदे शकालबलशरीर
आहारसात्म्यसत्त्वप्रकृतिवय समावस्थान्तराणि)
1.दोषावस्थान्तराणि-क्षया,वध्दि ृ andसम;ऊर्ध्व,अधandतिर्यक;शाखाश्रित,
कोष्ठाश्रितandमध्यमार्गाश्रित;स्वदे शगमनंandपरदे शगमनं;स्वतन्त्रत्वंandप
रतन्त्रत्वं;अंशांश विकल्प;धातवि ु शेषाश्रयित्वं;
2.भेषजस्यावस्थान्तराणि-तरुण,वध्दि ृ ,आर्द्र,शष्ु क,स्वरसादि कल्पना;
3.दे शावस्थान्तराणि-आनप ू ,जाङ्गलandसाधारण;
4.कालावस्थान्तराणि-ऋतभ ु ेद,पर्वा
ू ण्यादिandव्याध्यावस्था;
5.बलावस्थान्तराणि-सहज,कालजandयक्ति ु कृत;उत्कृष्ट,अपकृष्टandमध्य
6.शरीरावस्थान्तराणि-स्थल ू andकृश;सारवत्वandनिःसारवत्वादि;
7.आहारावस्थान्तराणि-अष्टविध आहार विशेषायतन;
8.सात्म्यावस्थान्तराणि-दे श,काल,व्याधि,प्रकृति,स्वभावandअभ्यास
10.प्रकृतिभेदावस्थान्तराणि-वातादि प्रकृति;

प्रशस्त गह
ृ (Hospital building)-
★ इदानीं तावत ् सम्भारान ् विविधानपि समासेनोपदे क्ष्यामः; तद्यथा- दृढं निवातं
प्रवातैकदे शं सख ु प्रविचारमनप ु त्यकंधम
ू ातपजलरजसामनभिगमनीयमनिष्ठानां च
सोदपानोदख ू लमस ु लवर्चःस्थानस्नानभमि ू महानसंवास्तवि ु द्याकुशलः प्रशस्तं गह
ृ मेव
तावत ् पर्व
ू मप ु कल्पयेत ्||६||
Until then, we will briefly describe various pre-requisites
recommended for administering purification therapies. First of all, an
architect should search for a spacious building that is well-built, with
good ventilation, comfortable moving space, located at a distance
from other big buildings, free from harmful smoke, excessive light,
dust, moisture, undesirable noise, scenes, touch, taste and smell. It
should consist of basic amenities such as access to water, sanitation
(lavatory and bathroom) and a kitchen with mortar-pestle.
● अनप ु त्यकं यद् विदरु मन्यस्य महतो गह ृ स्य-hospital should be
constructed far away from the big buildings.
● उदकं पीयतेयेन तदद ु पानं-water which is suitable for drinking
● संग्रहणीयादयश्र्च समासेनेति द्वयमपि सस् ु थं स्यात ्-The requirements
enumerated above are meant both for the treatment of
complications in the course of administration of therapy as
well as for the management of the patient thereafter.

Arrangements of hospital staff and accessories-

After setting up the hospital building, the following accessories should
be kept ready:
★ ततः शीलशौचाचारानरु ागदाक्ष्यप्रादक्षिण्योपपन्नानप
ु चारकुशलान ् सर्वकर्मसु
पर्यवदातान्सप ू ौदनपाचकस्नापकसंवाहकोत्थापकसंवेशकौषधपेषकांश्च परिचारकान ्
सर्वकर्मस्वप्रतिकूलान ्,
1.Attending staff: Staff with good conduct, hygiene, character,
devotion, dexterity, compassion, and with proficiency in nursing and
administering therapies should be appointed. They should be skilled in
cooking soups, rice, giving baths, massage, in handling (bed-ridden)
patients, and also in formulating (grinding, etc.) medicines. The staff
should be willing to do all duties.
★ तथागीतवादित्रोल्लापकश्लोकगाथाख्यायिकेतिहासपरु ाणकुशलानभिप्रायज्ञाननम ु तां
श्च दे शकालविदः पारिषद्यांश्च,
2.Other staff: People well-versed with singing, playing musical
instruments, panegyrics, recitation of verses, ancient lores, short
stories, itihasa (history), purana (ancient spiritual texts), who are
quick learners, who are obedient, and who have good knowledge of
time and place should be appointed.
★ तथालावकपिञ्जिलशशहरिणैणकालपच् ु छकमग ृ मातक ृ ोरभ्रान ्,
गां दोग्ध्रीं शीलवतीमनातरु ां जीवद्वत्सांसप्र ु तिविहिततण ृ शरणपानीयां,
3.Animals in hospital campus: Presence of lava (common quail),
kapinjala (grey partridge), shasha (rabbit), harina (black buck), ena
(antelope), kalapucchaka (black-tailed deer), mrigamatruka(red/hog
deer), and urabhra (wild sheep) is necessary. There should be a good,
healthy, cow with her calf alive (i.e., milking cow) with adequate
provision for her feed (fresh grass), shelter and water.
★ पात्र्याचमनीयोदकोष्ठमणिकघटपिठरपर्योगकुम्भीकुम्भकुण्डशराव-दर्वीकटोदञ्चनप
रिपचनमन्थानचर्मचेलसत्र ू कार्पासोर्णादीनि च, शयनासनादीनि
चोपन्यस्तभङ् ृ गारप्रतिग्रहाणिसप्रु यक्
ु तास्तरणोत्तरप्रच्छदोपधानानि
4.Pots and vessels: Provision should also be made of vessels and
containers, such as beakers, water vessels (patti), sipping spoons
(aachmaniya), tubs (udakostha), big and small earthen jars (manika
and ghata), frying pan (pithara), jug (paryoga), small and big pitchers
(kumbhi kumbha), bowl (kunda), saucer (sardva), ladle (darvi), mat
(kata), coverplate (udanchana), cooking pan (paripachana), churning
stick (manthadanda), leather, cloth, thread, cotton, wool, etc.
★ सोपाश्रयाणि संवेशनोपवेशनस्नेह स्वेदाभ्यङ्गप्रदे हपरिषेकानल
ु ेपन
वमनविरे चनास्थापनानव ु ासन-शिरोविरे चनमत्र
ू ोच्चारकर्मणामप
ु चारसख
ु ानि,
5.Bedding and sitting arrangements: Arrangements should be
made for beds and seats, etc. kettle and spittoon, well spread bed
sheets, coverlets, cushion with pillows to facilitate resting, sitting for
treatments like oleation, fomentation, massage, unction, shower,
anointment, emesis, purgation, asthapana (type of enema with
decoction), anuvasana (type of enema with oil), elimination of dosha
from head, and bed-pans for passing of stool and urine.
★ सप्र
ु क्षालितोपधानाश्च सश्ु लक्ष्णखरमध्यमा दृषदः, शस्त्राणि चोपकरणार्थानि,धम
ू नेत्रं
च, बस्तिनेत्रं चोत्तरबस्तिकं च,
6.Accesories for purification: Well washed roller stone and grinding
stones (mortars) that should be well polished, hard and of medium
size, along with well cleaned pestles, sharp instruments, accessories,
smoking pipe, tube for enema and douche, broom, scales and
measuring vessels should be arranged.
★ कुशहस्तकं च, तल
ु ां च, मानभाण्डं
च,घत ृ तैलवसामज्जक्षौद्रफाणितलवणेन्धनोदकमधस ु ीधस ु रु ासौवीरकतष
ु ोदक-
मैरेयमेदकदधिदधिमण्डोदस्विद्धान्याम्लमत्र ू ाणिच, तथा
शालिषष्टिकमद् ु गमाषयवतिलकुलत्थबदरमद् ृ वीकाकाश्मर्यपरूषकाभयामलकबिभीत
कानि, नानाविधानि चस्नेहस्वेदोपकरणानि द्रव्याणि,
तथैवोर्ध्वहरानलु ोमिकोभयभाञ्जि,सङ्ग्रहणीयदीपनीयपाचनीयोपशमनीयवातहरादिस
माख्यातानि चौषधानि; यच्चान्यदपि किञ्चिह्यापदः
परिसङ्ख्यायप्रतीकारार्थमप ु करणं विद्यात ्, यच्च प्रतिभोगार्थं,
तत्तदपु कल्पयेत ्||७||
7.Food and medicines for patients: The following food items and
medicines should be arranged: ghee, oil, muscle fat, marrow, honey,
phanita (a sugar cane preparation ), salt, fuel, various types of wine
like the one prepared of honey, sidhu, sura, sauviraka, maireya,
medaka, tushodaka, curd, whey, udasvit (a mixture of water and
butter milk in equal parts), dhanyamla (sour gruel), shali rice (Oryza
sativa Linn.), shashtika rice (a variety of Oryza sativa Linn), mudga
(green gram- phaseolus mungo Linn.), masha (black gram- Phaseolus
radiatus Linn.), yava (Hordeum vulgare Linn.), tila (sesamum indicum
Linn.), kulattha (Dolichos biflorus Linn.), badara (zizyphus jujube
Lam.), mridvika (vitis vinifera Linn.), kashmarya (Gmelina arborea
Linn.), parushaka (Grewia asiatica Linn.), abhaya (Terminalia chebula
Linn.), amalaki (Emblica officinalis Garrin), bibhitaki (Terminalia
bellerica Roxb.) , and other drugs employed in oleation, fomentation,
emesis, purgation, those having the combined action of emesis and
purgation, those that are known to stop emesis and purgation,
appetizers and vata-pacifying medicines, etc., carminatives, other
medicines conducive to the treatment of complications, and also
those which are useful in and after-treatment.
● (प्रादक्षिण्यम ्-आनक
ु ू ल्यम ्)(उल्लापकम ्-स्तोत्रम ्)
● स्तव: स्तोत्र स्तति
ु ः-hyme(अमरकोश १/६/११)
● इतिहासः परु ावत्त
ृ म(अमरकोश
् १/६/४)
● आचमनीयोदकोष्ठम ्-washing face
● कुम्भो दृढावयवोsल्पमख
ु ो घट:-stouty earthen jar with small
● (उदकोष्ठ-big water tub)(उदञ्जन-lid)
● (आस्तरणं-bed)(पिठरं -plate)
● (धातकी पष्ु प+गड
ु +कांज़ी) throughसंधानprocess=मैरेय

Preparation of patient before therapeutic emesis-

★ ततस्तं परु ु षं यथोक्ताभ्यां स्नेहस्वेदाभ्यां यथार्हमप ु पादयेत ्, तं चेदस्मिन्नन्तरे
मानसः शारीरो वा व्याधिः कश्चित्तीव्रतरःसहसाऽभ्यागच्छे त्तमेव तावदस्योपावर्तयितंु
यतेत, ततस्तमप ु ावर्त्य तावन्तमेवनै ं कालं तथाविधेनव ै कर्मणोपाचरे त ्||८||
Thereafter, patients are to be admitted to the hospital and treated by
means of oleation and fomentation therapies as required. If an acute
and serious psychological or somatic disease occurs during the course
of this treatment, the physician should treat it first. Even after curing
it, the same treatment should be continued for an equivalent
★ ततस्तं परु ु षं स्नेहस्वेदोपपन्नमनप ु हतमनसमभिसमीक्ष्य सख ु ोषितं सप्र ु जीर्णभक्तं
शिरःस्नातमनलि ु प्तगात्रंस्रग्विणमनप ु हतवस्त्रसंवीतं
दे वताग्निद्विजगरु ु वद्
ृ धवैद्यानर्चितवन्तमिष्टे नक्षत्रतिथिकरणमह ु ू र्ते कारयित्वा
ब्राह्मणान्स्वस्तिवाचनं प्रयक् ु ताभिराशीर्भिरभिमन्त्रितां
मधम ु धक
ु सैन्धवफाणितोपहितां मदनफलकषायमात्रां पाययेत ्||९||
When the physician is assured of successful administration of oleation
and fomentation therapies and on ensuring that the patient’s mind is
normal, that he has slept well, the food taken by him is well-digested,
has taken full bath, his body well anointed, that he has worn a garland
and untorn clean clothes, and that he has offered worship to the God,
fire, Brahmin, mentors, elderly persons and the physician, Brahmins
should be requested to recite auspicious chants and bestow their
blessings on the patient on an auspicious day with favorable nakshatra
(constellation), date, karana and muhurta (these terms are of
astrological importance). Thereafter, the physician should administer
a dose of the decoction of the fruit of madanaphala (Randia
dumenorum Lam.) along with honey, rock-salt, phanita (a preparation
of sugar cane juice) and the powder of madhuka (Glycyrrhiza glabra
● इष्ट इति-the person who is under purificatory therapy should
be given with औषध द्रव्याs according to नक्षत्रादिअनक ु ूल
● "पष्ु यो हस्तस्तथा ज्येष्ठा रोहिणी श्रवणाश्र्विनौ।स्वाति सौम्यं च भैषज्ये
कुर्यादन्यत्र वर्जयेत ्।"-the above mentionedनक्षत्राs(pushya,hasta,
jyeshta,rohini,shravana,ashwini,swati) are सौम्य,hence औषध
प्रयोग should be done in the presence of these astrological
factors,the rest are inauspicious.One should administer शोधन
in a most auspicious moment which is conducive to the
success of therapy.
● उपावर्तयित-ंु to subside/used for शमन
● तावन्तमिती-After the प्रशमनof उपद्रवाs,again स्नेहन-स्वेदन is done

Procedure of therapeutic emesis-

★ मदनफलकषायमात्राप्रमाणं तु खलु सर्वसंशोधनमात्राप्रमाणानि च

ु षमपेक्षितव्यानि भवन्ति; यावद्धि यस्य संशोधनं
पीतंवकै ारिकदोषहरणायोपपद्यते न चातियोगायोगाय, तावदस्य मात्राप्रमाणं
वेदितव्यं भवति||१०||
Dose of emetics-
The dosage of the decoction of the fruit of madanaphala (Randia
dumetorum Lam.) and also of all the other drugs used in purification
therapy should be decided according to the needs of an individual. A
dose that produces the desired effects of purification of the vitiated
dosha and does not cause excess or inadequate purification is
regarded as the ideal dose for the patient.
● प्रतिपरूु षमपेक्षितव्यानीत्यनेन-dose differs from person to person
★ पीतवन्तं तु खल्वेनं मह ु ू र्तमनकु ाङ्क्षेत, तस्य यदा जानीयात ् स्वेदप्रादर्भा
ु वेण दोषं
प्रविलयनमापद्यमानं, लोमहर्षेण चस्थानेभ्यः प्रचलितं, कुक्षिसमाध्मापनेन च
कुक्षिमनग ु तं, हृल्लासास्यस्रवणाभ्यामपि चोर्ध्वमख ु ीभत
ू म ्,
अथास्मैजानस ु ममसम्बाधं सप्र ु यक्ु तास्तरणोत्तरप्रच्छदोपधानं सोपाश्रयमासनमप ु वेष्टुं
प्रयच्छे त ्, प्रतिग्रहांश्चोपचारयेत ्,लालाटप्रतिग्रहे पार्श्वोपग्रहणे नाभिप्रपीडने
पष्ृ ठोन्मर्दने चानपत्रपणीयाः सहृ ु दोऽनमु ताः प्रयतेरन ्||११||
Observation of patient after giving dose-
After administration of the decoction, the patient should be observed
for one muhurt (approximately 48 minutes). The first noticeable
effect will be perspiration indicating liquification of dosha.
Thereafter, the patient would exhibit horripilation showing movement
of dosha from its own position. The third stage will produce distension
of the abdomen indicative of the doshas having shifted to the gut.
Nausea and salivation occur in the fourth stage, indicating the upward
movement of dosha. At this stage, the patient should be asked to sit
on a comfortable chair of knee height, which is well-covered with bed
sheet and have towel, pillow and cushion at its side. Good friends,
whose presence is not embarrassing to the patient, should attend him
and support his head, press his navel, and massage his back in order to
facilitate emesis.
● अनक ु ांक्षेतति
े -परीक्षयन ् धारयेत ्-one should wait for 1muhurta
(48min)to see the effect of drug administered.
● असंबाधमिति-in a open space
● प्रतिगह् ृ णन्तीति प्रतिग्रहा पतद्ग्रहा-one should not hesitate to press
his navel,massaging his back and for supporting for वेगाs to

Instructions to patient during procedure-

★ अथैनमनशि ु ष्यात ्- विवतृ ोष्ठतालक ु ण्ठो नातिमहता व्यायामेन वेगानद ु ीर्णानद
ु ीरयन ्
किञ्चिदवनम्यग्रीवामर्ध्वू शरीरमप ु वेगमप्रवत्त
ृ ान ् प्रवर्तयन ्
सप ु रिलिखितनखाभ्यामङ्गलि ु भ्यामत्ु पलकुमद ु सौगन्धिकनालैर्वा कण्ठमभिस्पश ृ न्सखु ं
प्रवर्तयस्वेति, स तथाविधं कुर्यात ्; ततोऽस्य वेगान ् प्रतिग्रहगतानवेक्षेतावहितः,
वेगविशेषदर्शनाद्धि कुशलोयोगायोगातियोगविशेषानप ु लभेत, वेगविशेषदर्शी पन ु ः
कृत्यं यथार्हमवबध्ु येत लक्षणेन; तस्माद्वेगानवेक्षेतावहितः||१२||
Thereafter, the treating physician should instruct the patient to vomit
without straining himself excessively by aiding his urge to vomit, by
opening mouth, palate and throat widely, by slightly bending the neck
and upper part of body forward, by provoking the urge that is not well
apparent, by inserting well manicured two fingers, or stalks of blue
lily, night lotus or while water lily (Nymphaea alba Linn.) in the
throat. The patient should follow this advice. The physician should
carefully observe the patient and episodes of the vomiting, keep a
count of those events, and monitor the nature of the vomitus in the
container to understand the proper functioning of medicine. The
physician should then assess the character of vamana and decide its
proper, inadequate or excessive nature. It is from this observation that
the physician can determine the subsequent line of treatment.
● उपवेग-near to vega
● "जघन्यमध्यप्रवरे तु वेगाश्र्चत्वार इष्टा वमने षडष्टौ।"
प्रवर शध्दि
ु -८वेग, मध्यम शध्दि ु -६वेग,अवर शद् ु धि-४वेग

The signs of proper and improper emesis procedure-

★ तत्रामन् ू ययोगयोगातियोगविशेषज्ञानानि भवन्ति; तद्यथा- अप्रवत्ति ृ ः कुतश्चित ्

केवलस्य वाऽप्यौषधस्य विभ्रंशो विबन्धोवेगानामयोगलक्षणानि भवन्ति; काले
ृ रनतिमहती व्यथा यथाक्रमं दोषहरणं स्वयं चावस्थानमिति
योगलक्षणानिभवन्ति, योगेन तु दोषप्रमाणविशेषण े तीक्ष्णमदृ म
ु ध्यविभागो ज्ञेयः;
योगाधिक्येन तफ ु े निलरक्तचन्द्रिकोपगमनमित्यतियोगलक्षणानि भवन्ति|
तत्रातियोगायोगनिमित्तानिमानप ु द्रवान ् विद्यात ्- आध्मानं परिकर्तिका परिस्रावो
हृदयोपसरणमङ्गग्रहो जीवादानं विभ्रंशःस्तम्भः क्लमश्चेत्यप ु द्रवाः||१३||

Inadequate Proper Excess

administration administration administration

Absence of vomiting or Manifestation of vomiting Appearance of foam in

occasional vomiting urges in time the vomit
Vomiting of the drug Absence of too much of Appearance of blood
material only, without pain strained vomit
the vitiated dosas
Excretion of drug Elimination of dosas in
material through proper order
Obstruction to the automatic stoppage of the
vomiting urge vomiting urge
The following complications may arise due to over-administration or
inadequate administration of the therapy: distension of abdomen,
searing or cutting pain, excessive salivation, palpitation, rigidity,
stiffness, displacement of the viscera of the body, hematemesis, and
● If this therapy is properly administered,the various dosas are
eliminated in a definite order.
१.कफ--- २.पित्त--- ३.वात

Post procedure instructions-

★ योगेन तु खल्वेनं छर्दितवन्तमभिसमीक्ष्य सप्र ु क्षालितपाणिपादास्यं मह ु ू र्तमाश्वास्य,
स्नैहिकवैरेचनिकोपशमनीयानांधम ू ानामन्यतमं सामर्थ्यतः पाययित्वा,
पनु रे वोदकमपु स्पर्शयेत ्||१४||
After proper emesis (vamana), the patient is advised to wash his face,
hands and feet, and then take rest for one muhurta (48 minutes).
Thereafter, he is directed to inhale medicated smoke (dhumapana)
made up of ingredients that are snaihika (unctuous), vairechanika
(errhine) or upashamaniya (sedative) – whatever is suitable for him -
and then made to wash again .
वातिक प्रकृति-स्नेहिक धम ू पान;पित्तज प्रकृति-उपशमनीय धम ू पान;
कफजप्रकृति-वैरेचनिक धम ू पान
★ उपस्पष्ृ टोदकं चैनं निवातमागारमनप्र ु वेश्य संवेश्य चानशि
ु ष्यात ्-
उच्चैर्भाष्यमत्याशनमतिस्थानमतिचङ्क्रमणंक्रोधशोकहिमातपावश्यायातिप्रवातान ्
यानयानं ग्राम्यधर्ममस्वपनं निशि दिवा
स्वप्नंविरुद्धाजीर्णासात्म्याकालप्रमितातिहीनगरु ु विषमभोजनवेगसन्धारणोदीरणमि
ति भावानेतान्मनसाऽप्यसेवमानः सर्वमहोगमयस्वेति | स तथा कुर्यात ्||१५||
Thereafter, the patient should enter a room that is not too aerated or
ventilated and made to lie down there. He should avoid the following
activities: speaking loudly, sitting in one position for a long time,
standing in one position for long duration, going for long walks,
getting subjected to extreme emotions such as anger or grief,
excessive cold, sun, dew, flowing winds, traveling by any vehicle,
sexual intercourse, staying awake for late hours at night, and sleeping
during daytime. Intake of incompatible dietary items taken before
complete digestion of previous food, unwholesome diet, eating meals
at improper time, eating food articles consisting of only one taste,
lacking good quality, heavy to digest, mixed with improper food, and
suppression/provocation/excitation of natural urges should also be
संसर्जन क्रम-

★ अथैनं सायाह्ने परे वाऽह्नि सख ु ोदकपरिषिक्तं परु ाणानां लोहितशालितण्डुलानां

स्ववक्लिन्नां मण्डपर्वां
ू सख ु ोष्णां यवागंप ू ाययेदग्निबलमभिसमीक्ष्य, एवं द्वितीये
ततृ ीये चान्नकाले, चतर्थे ु त्वन्नकाले तथाविधानामेव
ु न्नांविलेपीमष्ु णोदकद्वितीयामस्नेहलवणामल्पस्नेहलवणां वा
भोजयेत ्, एवं पञ्चमे षष्ठे चान्नकाले, सप्तमे त्वन्नकालेतथाविधानामेव शालीनां
ृ ं सस्वि
ु न्नमोदनमष्ु णोदकानप ु ानं तननु ा तनस्
ु नेहलवणोपपन्नेन मद्ु गयष
ू ण

भोजयेत ्,एवमष्टमे नवमे चान्नकाले, दशमे त्वन्नकले
लावकपिञ्जलादीनामन्यतमस्य मांसरसेनौदकलावणिकेन
नातिसारवताभोजयेदष्ु णोदकानप ु ानम ्; एवमेकादशे द्वादशे चान्नकाले; अत
ऊर्ध्वमन्नगण ु ान ् क्रमेणोपभञ्ु जानः सप्तरात्रेणप्रकृतिभोजनमागच्छे त ्||१६||

Days अन्नकाल प्रवर शध्दि

ु मध्यम शध्दि
ु अवर शध्दि

On the day Evening पेय पेय पेय

2nd day Morning पेय पेय विलेपि

Evening पेय विलेपि यष

3rd day Morning विलेपि विलेपि मांसरस

Evening विलेपि अकृत यष

ू Normal diet

4th day Morning विलेपि कृत यष

Evening अकृत यष
ू अकृत मांसरस

5th day Morning कृत यष

ू कृत मांसरस

Evening कृत यष
ू Normal diet

6th day Morning अकृत मांसरस

Evening कृत मांसरस

7th day Morning कृत मांसरस

Evening Normal diet

Sansarjana karma (rehabilitation diet) should be initiated from the
same evening or the next day after vamana (therapeutic emesis). The
patient should take bath with lukewarm water.
First, Second and Third meal
His first meal should consist of a lukewarm gruel (manda) prepared
with an old, red variety of shali rice (Oryza sativa Linn.), well cooked
with fourteen times water by volume. The gruel should be very thin
and liquid, taking into consideration the weakened digestive power of
the patient. It should be repeated for the second and third meal.

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth meal

For the fourth meal, a gruel (vilepi) prepared with four times water by
volume and with red shali rice, well cooked, warm and without
unctuous substance or salt, or with a small quantity of unctuous
substance and salt should be given. Warm water is to be taken after
the intake of gruel. The same type of diet is to be continued for the
fifth and sixth meal.

Seventh, Eighth and Ninth meal

For the seventh meal again, well cooked rice (odana) prepared with
red shali rice of two prasrita (approximately 160 gram) along with a
very thin soup of mudga ( green gram, Phaseolus mungo Lines.) ,
added with a small quantity of unctuous substance and salt should be
given. Warm water should be given to the patient after his consuming
the porridge. The same diet is to be repeated for the eighth and the
ninth meal.

Tenth, Eleventh and Twelth meal

For the tenth meal, a thin meat soup of common quail, grey partridge
etc., prepared with water and salt should be given. Warm water is to
be taken after this. This is again to be repeated for the eleventh and
twelth meal. Thereafter, the patient should take food having different
tastes and should start taking his normal diet from the seventh night.
● वमितं लङ्गयेत ् सम्यक्जीर्णलिङा्न्यवेक्षयन ्।तानि दृष्ट्वा तु पेयादिक्रमं
कुर्यान्न लङ्गनम ्।(च.सि.१/११-१२)If the therapy is incomplete or there
is indigestion of drugs,then make the patient to fast and
follow the पेयादि कर्म.The dietetic programme should be so
planned that,in the case of the elimination therapy of the 1st
type,the patient starts taking the normal diet after the 12th
meal-time,in case of moderate type of therapy after the 8th
meal-time and in the case of mild type of therapy after the
4th meal-time.
● If the purgation therapy is not to be administered after the
emesis then the beginning of the post-therapeutic-dietetic
programme.Otherwise,oleation is to be started immediately
after the beginning of such a programme.If this is not done it
will not be possible to administer purgation therapy on 15th
day after emesis.

Procedure of virechana-

★ अथैनं पन ु रे व स्नेहस्वेदाभ्यामप ु पाद्यानपु हतमनसमभिसमीक्ष्य सख ु ोषितं

सप्रु जीर्णभक्तंकृतहोमबलिमङ्गलजपप्रायश्चित्तमिष्टे तिथिनक्षत्रकरणमह ु ू र्ते
ब्राह्मणान ् स्वस्ति वाचयित्वा त्रिवत्ृ कल्कमक्षमात्रंयथार्हालोडनप्रतिविनीतं पाययेत ्
दोषभेषजदे शकालबलशरीराहारसात्म्यसत्त्वप्रकृतिवयसामवस्थान्तराणिविकारांश्च,
सम्यक् विरिक्तं चैनं वमनोक्तेन धम ू वर्जेन विधिनोपपादयेदाबलवर्णप्रकृतिलाभात ्,
बलवर्णोपपन्नंचन ै मनप ु हतमनसमभिसमीक्ष्य सख ु ोषितं सप्र
ु जीर्णभक्तं
शिरःस्नातमनलि ु प्तगात्रंस्रग्विणमनप ु हतवस्त्रसंवीतमनरू ु पालङ्कारालङ्कृतं सहृ ु दां
दर्शयित्वा ज्ञातीनां दर्शयेत ्, अथैनं कामेष्ववसज ृ ेत ्||१७||
On completion of the post-therapeutic, rehabilitative, dietetic
program, oleation and fomentation therapies should be administered
again. When the patient has come to normalcy, has slept well, and the
food taken by him has been digested, he should be asked to offer
homage to agni (fire) and the Gods, and perform auspicious chants.
Brahmins should then be invited to recite the svasti vachanas
(auspicious chants) on an auspicious day with favorable nakshatra (star
constellation), karana and muhurta. The patient should thereafter be
given a drink made up of the paste of root of trivrit (Operculina
turpethum R. B.) in one karsha (12 gm) dose after stirring and mixing
up with suitable liquids. Variations in dosha, medicinal drugs, place of
residence, time, strength, body, diet, suitability, mind, constitution,
and age should be factored in while administering this therapy. After
the patient has been administered purgation therapy properly, the
complete regimen prescribed for vamana (therapeutic emesis), except
herbal smoking, should be followed till he regains normal strength,
complexion and health. After he feels physically and mentally normal,
has slept well and the food taken by him is fully digested, he should
take full bath, apply unction, wear garlands, untorn cloths and
favorite ornaments, and appear before friends and relatives.
Thereafter, he should be free to lead a normal life.
● पक्षाद्विरे को वान्तस्य-after Vamana procedure virechana can be
planned by 15days (for pravara Shuddhi person 7days
samsarjana krama and 7days snehapana)
★ भवन्ति चात्र- अनेन विधिना राजा राजमात्रोऽथवा पन ु ः| यस्य वा विपल
ु ं द्रव्यं स
The above mentioned ways of carrying out purification or cleansing
procedures are prescribed for a king, royalty or for the people having
immense wealth.
★ दरिद्रस्त्वापदं प्राप्य प्राप्तकालं विशोधनम ्| पिबेत ् काममसम्भत्ृ य सम्भारानपि
ु भान ्||१९||
★ न हि सर्वमनष्ु याणां सन्ति सर्वे परिच्छदाः| न च रोगा न बाधन्ते दरिद्रानपि
★ यद्यच्छक्यं मनष्ु येण कर्तुमौषधमापदि| तत्तत ् सेव्यं यथाशक्ति वसनान्यशनानि
In case of any disorder requiring purification therapy, poor people can
be prescribed the medication without being made to collect all the
rare equipment. Because common people cannot afford to have all the
recommended resources arranged, but because they can also suffer
from the severe nature of the disease, emergency provisions,
including drugs, clothes, and food articles should be made easily
available and accessible to the patients.
● दर्ल
ु भानिति-drugs should be collected in such a way that which
can also be available to the poor people.

Benefits of संशोधन-
★ मलापहं रोगहरं बलवर्णप्रसादनम ्| पीत्वा संशोधन सम्यगायष
ु ा यज्
ु यते
चिरम ्||२२||
The benefits of a properly administered purification therapy include
elimination of vitiated dosha, alleviation of disease, improvement in
strength, complexion and longevity.
● मलापहमित्यादि-through this guna of samshodhana dravya is

★ तत्र श्लोकाः- ईश्वराणां वसम ु तां वमनं सविरे चनम ्| सम्भारा ये यदर्थं च समानीय
प्रयोजयेत ्||२३||
यथा प्रयोज्या मात्रा या यदयोगस्य लक्षणम ्| योगातियोगयोर्यच्च दोषा ये
चाप्यप ु द्रवाः||२४||
यदसेव्यं विशद् ु धेन यश्च संसर्जनक्रमः| तत ् सर्वं कल्पनाध्याये व्याजहार
पन ु र्वसःु ||२५||
In summary, all the prerequisites for the administration of therapeutic
emesis and purgation to resourceful persons (i.e., kings and members
of the royalty), including their utility, dose, signs and symptoms of
inadequate administration, proper administration, and
over-administration, afflicted dosha, complications, regimen
prescribed during the therapy and those prescribed in the course of
the post-therapeutic rehabilitative dietetic program have been
explained by the Lord Punarvasu in this Kalpana Chapter




4.Vamana and virechana
Justification of diet- Recipe Food composition

1. पेय,विलेपि Carbohydrates
2. यष
ू Protein
3. मांसरस Fat

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