Exhibit A-Scope of Work and Deliverables Project Overview

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Contract 1029472

TH 55 Storm Water Tunnel Inspection and Design Project

Exhibit A-Scope of Work and Deliverables

Project Overview
State requests responses for engineering services to develop plans, special provisions, and cost estimate for a project to
repair and rehabilitate the existing Trunk Highway (TH) 55 and 28th Street storm water tunnel. The storm water tunnel
runs east along 28th Street from the intersection of 29th Street and TH 55 to the Mississippi River in Minneapolis.

The primary objective of the proposed project contractor’s work will include the following tasks.

1. Design for the repair of a connection between the open-cut outfall and the Trunk Highway (TH) 55 storm water
tunnel. The cause of the separation must be investigated and measures to limit future relative movement must be
included in the design.

2. The entire tunnel liner must be inspected for cracks and other defects like seal cracks, exposed rebar, spalling
holes in the crown and infiltration gushers. Observations will be compiled in a standardized report format and
National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) with an electronic copy provided to State by
prioritizing the required rehabilitation work. The depth of voids behind the tunnel liner does not need to be re-

3. State intends to invest approximately $1 million for rehabilitation of the TH 55 storm water tunnel including work
for objective item 1 and 2. The contractor will estimate costs for objective item 1 and also the contractor must
identify other cost effective repairs (Objective Item 2) to the liner that can be done within the allocated funds.

4. After review of the compiled report by the State Project Manager (PM), the contractor will prepare final signed
plans, special provisions, cost estimate, Quality Management Plan (QMP) check and all supporting
documentation for project turn-in to State Central Office by July, 2018. Contractor is responsible for the
completeness and accuracy of their work. Design calculations and plan sheets must be completely checked and
reconciled prior to submittal. Review comments from State on Contractor’s various plan review submittals does
not relieve Contractor of liability for an inaccurate or incomplete plan.

5. To deliver the project as scheduled to State Central Office a 95% review copy of paper and electronic plans,
which are to be done with MicroStation, will be submitted to the State’s Project Manager by June 2018.

6. Final signed plans, special provisions, QMP check, and cost estimate will be submitted to State Central Office by
July 2018 in both paper and electronic formats.

7. Coordination with other State Project Management will include work necessary for the effective communication
and coordination of the project to ensure the project tasks are completed on time, within budget, and in
accordance with State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations.

8. The Contractor will have knowledge and be able to provide deliverables in Geopak Microstation Version 8 (V8).
All deliverables will use State’s CADD Standards.

9. The Contractor will provide to the State one hard copy and one electronic copy of all project-related
correspondence, memos, reports, exhibits, computations, design, plans, special provisions, etc. with the 100%
plan submittal.

Contract 1029472
TH 55 Storm Water Tunnel Inspection and Design Project

10. The Contractor will sign the required final plan sheets after the State’s Metro District review of the 100% plan
submittal and will be available for updates to the sheets through the State’s QA/QC process, project letting and
construction stages.

Contractor Work Tasks and Deliverables:

Task 1.0 Project Management (Activity Code 1010)

Project Management will include work necessary for the effective communication and coordination of the project to
ensure the project tasks are completed on time, within budget, and in accordance with State and Federal laws, rules,
and regulations.
• Contractor’s Project Manager (PM) will maintain regular contact with State’s PM to provide updates, coordinate
activities, and schedule project meetings with State functional groups, City of Minneapolis, City of Minneapolis
Public Works and Utility companies.
• Contractor’s PM will lead Project Management Team meetings with State’s PM and State functional groups. The
Contractor will take meeting minutes and send out meeting minutes within three working days of meeting.
• Contractor will provide bi-weekly updates to activities prior to the “data date” for incorporation in State’s P6
• Contractor will submit monthly invoices for payment by State. Invoices will show labor hours broken down by
task and activity code and will include overhead and fixed fee.
• If the project falls behind schedule, the contractor will need to provide a recovery plan to show how the letting
date will still be met.

Task 2.0 Field Inspection and Tunnel Rehabilitation Design (Activity Code 1800 and 3542)
• The contractor will provide all trained staff, equipment and tools necessary for safe access to the storm sewer
tunnel for inspection and design of tunnel rehabilitation work. The Contractor will follow Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards.
• Contractor will provide all necessary traffic control at accesses to storm water tunnel during design and inspection
• The Contractor will conduct operations with due regard to the weather and will be responsible for any losses due
to flow in the storm water tunnel. The Contractor will make tests of air and water quality prior to and periodically
during access to this and other storm water tunnels. If conditions are encountered that necessitate additional
measures beyond standard confined space entry procedures, the Contractor will notify the State Project Manager
to discuss necessary means and a cost required to provide a safe working environment.
• Contractor will investigate and prepare the design for the repair of a connection between the open-cut outfall and
the Trunk Highway (TH) 55 storm water tunnel. Contractor will determine the cause of the separation,
investigate and provide measures and solutions to limit future relative movement. Contractors will make
recommendations to the State. State will work with Contractor to determine the repair.
• Contractor will inspect the entire storm water tunnel for cracks and other defects like seal cracks, exposed rebar,
spalling holes in the crown and infiltration gushers. Observations will be compiled in a standardized report
format and National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) with an electronic copy provided to
State. The report will include a prioritized list of the required rehabilitation work. The depth of voids behind the
tunnel liner does not need to be re-measured.
• The contractor will estimate costs for repairing the damaged connection and must identify other cost effective
repairs to the liner that can be done within the allocated funds for the upcoming construction project.

Contract 1029472
TH 55 Storm Water Tunnel Inspection and Design Project

• The contractor along with the State PM will review the design of the connection and the itemized list of repairs
and, the contractor will prepare special details, construction plans, specials provisions and cost estimate necessary
to secure bids, award a contract and construct the proposed improvements to the tunnel. The plan set
development will include a 95 and 100 percent submittal.
• The plan sheets will be prepared in English units on 11” x 17” sheets, following the State Metro Sample Plan, in
accordance with current State standards. Electronic design files will be prepared in a GEOPAK format compatible
with State’s CADD system in accordance with State’s CADD Standards (Level I, “Enhanced CADD”). The
roadway design will be consistent with the current State Road Design Manual, and the State Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD) and State Technical Memoranda.
• Plan sheets will be in English system of measurement, using 1”=100’ scale or as determined by the State.
• Pay items will match the current TRNS*PORT list, and each design aspect and quantity will be prepared by an
engineer and checked by another.
• Contractor will follow a Quality Management Plan (QMP) detailing the quality process and procedures to be
• Contractor will assign a team member as Quality Manager who will develop and implement the QMP. The QMP
will include QC and QA reviews at each stage of plan set submittals. The basic format for quality certification
will be checking, back checking, and verifying format as according to State’s Design-Bid-Build Quality
Management Process. The 100% plans will include certification from the Quality Manager that the proper
Quality Control/Quality Assurance procedures have been followed. QMP does not include discipline coordination
reviews, independent technical reviews or constructability reviews.
• Contractor will provide one .pdf format and one 11”x17” paper set of Final (100%) Construction Plan in English
units and one electronic copy in Microstation V8 / GEOPAK format that is compliant to State CADD standards.
The Final (100%) Construction Plan will include the Final Special Provisions.
Contractor will provide Construction Cost Estimates at 95% and 100% plan completion

Task 3.0 Utility Coordination (Activity Code 1195)

Utility coordination will include tasks necessary to be in compliance with MnDOT’s 2016 Utility Accommodation
and Coordination Manual and applicable State Statutes. This includes but is not limited to Gopher State-One Call
contacts and preparing and distributing letters and plans, meetings and individual utility contact.
• Participate in all steps of the State Utility Coordination process (detailed in the State Utilities Manual) and
coordinate the project development with all utility owners that may be affected by the project.
• Conduct a field review of visible utility facilities to check what is shown on the project plans and make any
corrections as needed.
• Show all inplace utilities on the plan sheets, cross-sections, and in tabulation. Perform a 90 Day Utility
Verification and edit tabs as needed.
• Schedule and conduct utility coordination meetings to coordinate the project development with the affected utility
owners and State staff. Prepare agenda, exhibits, and minutes for each meeting (2 meetings assumed).
• Identify conflicts between proposed improvements and in-place utilities and coordinate relocation plan
requirements with the utility owners.
• Submit utility easement information, or other documentation of reimbursement eligibility provided by utility
owners, to State.
• Work with State Central Office to deliver Notice and Orders.

Task 4.0 Traffic Control Plan (Activity Code 1254)

• Contractor will provide a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) to meet the requirements of the FHWA Work
Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23 Part 630) for review with the 95%, and
100% plans.

Contract 1029472
TH 55 Storm Water Tunnel Inspection and Design Project

• Contractor will set up and attend meetings with State to go through and revise the TMP checklist (up to 2
• Contractor will prepare a draft Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plan to be provided to State and others for review
and comment. Update and prepare final MOT plan based on comments received.
• Contractor will provide conceptual traffic control and staging plans, based on State’s initial plans, for State’s
review and comment. Conceptual traffic control plans will be reviewed at the traffic control review meeting.
Contractor will provide meeting minutes.
• Contractor will provide traffic control plans in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD) and State’s Signing and Traffic Engineering Manuals. The 95% and 100% plan will
include the traffic control plans.

Task 5.0 Contractor Plan Revision (activity Code 1267)

• Contractor will make all necessary changes to the final plans, special provisions, and cost estimate after both the
State Metro District and the Central Office reviews.

Task 6.0 Contractor Project Turn-In Package

• Contractor will assist State PM in assembling the full project turn-in package to Central Office.
The full project turn-in package includes the following elements:
• Turn-in memorandum
• Plan (an original velum title sheet)
• All Special Provisions including Time and Traffic, Signing, Lighting, Signals, TMC in
electronic format.
• Agreement requests (when required). See the Municipal Agreements @
http://ihub/projectdelivery/cooperative/index.html or the Utility Agreements and Permits web site @
http://www.dot.state.mn.us/utility/index.html and agreement turn-in requirements
• Designer's Estimate, including cost breakdowns of Lump Sum project elements.
• Copy of Design Recommendation (Soils Letter) (if required)
• Copy of Public Interest Finding for Right of Way (if required) (Original letter to be sent to
Office of Land Management)
• Copy of all PIFs for Proprietary Products and/or State Furnished Materials and/or Certifications
for Synchronization

Task 7.0 Contractor Construction Support (Activity Code 1265)

• Contractor will provide design support to the State construction oversight staff including responding to inquiries,
providing plan sheet revisions, etc.

Contractor Deliverables:
Contractor will complete the detail design for the project and provide the following deliverables:
• Memo detailing cause of separation of tunnel and outfall and proposed means and estimated cost to repair and
reduce potential for re-occurrence to the State PM.
• Inspection report for entire tunnel in NASSCO format to the State PM.
• Prioritized list of additional rehabilitation work for tunnel and a cost estimate to complete this additional work to
the State PM. Repair to the connection and prioritized list of work not to exceed the allocated funds for the
construction project.
• Conceptual traffic control and staging plans, including contractor access and staging area for State review and
comment to the State PM.

Contract 1029472
TH 55 Storm Water Tunnel Inspection and Design Project

• 95% plan submittal, special provisions, and other documents required for project turn-in to State PM for review in
an electronic and paper format.
1. 95% Plan will include:
a. Cost estimate
b. Special Provisions
c. Calculations, analysis, recommendations and design of storm water treatment facilities as required by
permitting agencies
d. Subsurface utility information and utility coordination information
e. Completed TMP (Traffic Management Plan)
f. Signed Quality Control Check Process Form for Consultant Produced Plans
g. From the final construction list below, prepare required completed final construction plan components

The Final Construction Plan will include completed:

a. Title Sheet
b. General Layout
c. Statement of Estimated Quantities (SEQ)
d. Soils Construction Notes and Standard Plates & Plans
e. Quantity Tabulations
f. Utility Tabulations
g. In-place Topography, Utility, and Right-of-Way
h. Typical Sections
i. Miscellaneous Details
j. Removal Plan
k. Construction Plan and Profiles
l. Inplace & Proposed Drainage Plan, Profiles and Tabulations
m. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
n. Temporary Erosion/Sediment Control Plan
o. Turf Establishment and Permanent Erosion/Sediment Control Plan
p. Intersection Details, including ADA curb ramps
q. Traffic Control Plan and Tabulations
r. Pavement Marking Plan
s. Signing Plan
t. Cross-Section Sheets at intervals close enough to adequately determine earthwork (if applicable)

• In response to the State’s Metro District, summarize changes made or not made with justification. This can be
done by resubmitting redlines with comments, a summary letter, or a combination of the two.
• Submittal of a 100% percent (final) construction plan to the State PM and State Central Office.
o 100% plan will include all required plan listed above in 95% submittal after all necessary changes based
on Metro District and the Central Office reviews
• In response to the State’s Metro District and Central Office reviews, summarize changes made or not made with
justification. This can be done by resubmitting redlines with comments, a summary letter, or a combination of the

Project Schedule:
February 1, 2018 Notice to Proceed to contractor for inspection and design work

March 1, 2018 Storm water tunnel inspection complete by Contractor

Contract 1029472
TH 55 Storm Water Tunnel Inspection and Design Project

April 1, 2018 Memo on cause of separation of tunnel and outfall and proposed means and estimated
cost to repair and reduce potential for re-occurrence. Inspection report for entire tunnel
in NASSCO format is due to PM

April 10, 2018 Review comments from State PM provided on proposed work on separation of tunnel and
outfall. Begin final design of work on separation of tunnel and outfall

May 1, 2018 Provide prioritized list of recommended other rehabilitation tunnel work that with work
on separation of tunnel and outfall totals an estimated one million dollars for construction

May 10, 2018 State PM review and concurrence on scope of rehabilitation work Begin final design of
full project

June 15, 2018 Submit 95% plans, special provisions, and other documents required for project turn-in to
State PM

July 1, 2018 State PM provides final review comments

July 15, 2018 Provide final documents for turn-in to Central Office 100% plan

September 2018 Letting of construction project

November 2018 Notice to proceed to construction contractor

June 2019 Contractor to provide technical assistance, as required during letting process and

State Deliverables:
State will provide the following information and data:

Prior inspection reports for the TH 55 storm water tunnel can be downloaded from the following ftp site.

State will assist Contractor in setting up conference rooms for project management meetings at Water’s Edge.

State will provide reviews of the items detailed above in the project schedule.

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