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RELEVANCE: A Review of and a Framework for the

Thinking on the Notion in Information Science *

Information science emerged as the third subject, process. The different views of relevance that emerged
along with logic and philosophy, to deal with relevance- are interpreted and related within a framework of com-
an elusive, human notion. The concern with relevance, as munication of knowledge. Different views arose because
a key notion in information science, is traced to the relevance was considered at a number of different points
problems of scientific communication. Relevance is con- in the process of knowledge communication. It is
sidered as a measure of the effectiveness of a contact suggested that there exists an interlocking, interplaying
between a source and a destination in a communication cycle of various systems of relevances.

Tefko Saracevic
School of Library Science
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH 441 06

0 Preface: Where Lies the Importance of Thinking o n The effective communication of knowledge-effective
Relevance? information systems-thus becomes a crucial requirement
for the resolution of a variety of problems. For different
From the small world of o u r everyday !ives t o the problems, different information systems (libraries in-
large world of mankind, the complexity and interdepen- cluded) have been developed or envisioned. Today most,
dence between the spheres of our lives and worlds has in- if not all, information systems have one common demand
creased tremendously and so has our awareness of the thrust upon them: t o increase effectiveness of communi-
ensuing problems. The problems of our civilization and cation and of services. For instance, the emergence of
“mankind at the turning point,” as documented by new services, such as urban information and referral serv-
Mesarovic and Pestel ( I ) , the problems of post-industrial ices, and of new concepts in systems, such as informa-
society as envisioned by Bell (2), and the problems of tion utilities and on-line information retrieval networks,
modern living and quality of life, as experienced by all can be directly traced to such a demand and t o attempts
of us, have one thing in common: t o work toward their at resolving some of the above problems.
rational resolution, we need t h e resolve and wisdom to In the most fundamental sense, relevance has t o d o
act. Knowledge and information are not the only aspects with effectiveness of communication. Underlying all
that create a resolve and instill wisdom. But they are im- information systems is some interpretation of the notion
portant aspects. And the complexity of o u r present of relevance. In this paper, I intend t o explore the mean-
problems has probably made them into the most ing of relevance as it has evolved in information science
important aspect. and to provide a framework within which various inter-
pretations of relevance can be related.
Hopefully, the future thinking o n relevance may be
*Work in part supported by NSF Grant GN-36085. A version of advanced within the suggested framework. The better we
this article is planned t o appear in: Voigt, M.J. and M.H. Harris,
ed., Advances in Librarianship, Vol. 6, New York: Academic understand the meaning of relevance from different
Press (Planned publication date: 1976). points of view, the better we understand various “systems

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 321

of relevance” [a term borrowed from philosopher vance, here in regard to probabilities and confirmation
Schutz ( 3 ) ]-the better information systems could be of conclusions from premises. Anderson and Belnap (5)
built. In addition, the better we understand relevance, have vividly pointed out the fallacies of relevance and
the better chance we have of avoiding failures and of re- have provided, within the structure for a pure calculus of
stricting the variety of aberations committed in the entailment, an “axiomatic system that captures the no-
name of effective communication. In that lies the tion of relevance”: relevance exhibits the properties of
importance of advancing the thinking on relevance. identity, transitivity, permutation and self-distribution.

P H I L 0 S 0 PII Y

0 Introduction: How Relevance in Information Science

Philosophers have involved, in a general way, the
Is Involved in Controversy and How It Is Interpreted
notion of relevance in the explanations of “aboutness”
in Other Subjects.
and in the theory of meaning. And, in a very specific
way, relevance has been involved in explication of rela-
If I were to follow the tradition of much of the writ-
tions between different realities. In modern times the
ing o n relevance in information science, I would start
most powerful philosophical discussion of relevance was
with the often found statement that the understanding
provided by Schutz ( 3 ) in his posthumously published
of relevance is wrought with controversy, that much of
notes. Schutz was concerned with making it possible to
the thinking is muddled philosophical rambling and
understand “what makes the social world tick,” that is
that the talk about relevance uses a bewildering array of
what makes it at once social and world. He contended
terminology. Rut if we were t o look through the history
that the social world (“lifeworld”) is not simply one
of science, we would find that such controversy has been
homogeneous affair, rather it is articulated or stratified
a part of the struggle t o understand many phenomena
into different realities, with relevance being the principle
and notions in all of scholarship. That is, the evolution
at the root of the stratification of the “lifeworld.”
of thinking on relevance is no different than the evolu-
Schutz elucidated three basic interdependent systems of
tion of thinking on so many other notions throughout
relevances: topical relevances, motivational relevances
the history of science.
and interpretational relevances. The circular interrelation-
A “paradigm” of the evolution of thinking on a
ship between the three systems has been graphically rep-
notion in science can be made: recognition ofa problem-
resented as shown in Fig. 1.
first simple definitions and statements; challenge-refine-
ment and broadening; restatement-hypotheses, theories,
observations and experiments; bynthesis; restatement;
challenge and so on until the thinking temporarily
reaches a satisfactory consensus and resdution (fully alci;/ relevances
understanding that eventually it will be supplanted), a
dead end or abandonment. By 1975, the thinking on
relevance in information science has reached one of the motivational
challenge stages (about the third). But, before examining relevances relevances
how information science became involved with relevance,
let us consider the interpretation of the notion of rele-
vance in other subjects as a broader context that should
be taken into account by information scientists and
librarians concerned with relevance.


Fig. 1
Information science is not the only subject concerned
with the notion of relevance. For two thousand years,
logicians and philosophers have been struggling with the
notion. They have developed extensive theories and in- First are the topical relevances which involve percep-
terpretations. In logic, the notion of relevance has been tion of something being problematic “in the midst of the
involved in specifying and explaining various relation- unstructuralized field of unproblematic familiarity.” In-
ships, especially those of deduction, implication, entail- terpretive relevances involve the stock of knowledge at
ment and logical consequence and to a lesser extent, in hand in grasping the meaning of that which is perceived.
induction and concept formation. Relevance is used to Motivational relevances refer to the course of action to
state that a necessary condition for the validity of an in- be adopted. The goals of such action motivates in turn
ference from A to B is that A be relevant t o B. In the process of obtaining additional interpretative
modern times, Carnap [ ( 4 ) and in other works] among material; the perception may also be affected in this
others, has extensively discussed relevance and irrele- dynamic interaction.

322 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

INTERACTION ularies and classifications for representing information,
various types of file organization and procedures and
The thinking in logic has provided some information logic for retrieval; 3) systems aspects which involve the
scientists [e.g., Hillman (6), Cooper (7)] with a neces- design, development and operations of a variety of infor-
sary framework for their theoretical work on relevance. mation systems in general and information retrieval (IR)
However, the thinking in philosophy, unfortunately, has systems in particular, and also involve the development
not been directly recognized b y any information scien- of complex information networks and of an information
tists to date, although such works as that b y Schutz, industry.
may have provided a direct framework for some of the On the theoretical side, information science studies
views o n relevance in information science [e.g., Foskett have dealt with the behavior and effects of information
(8), Wilson ( 9 ) , Kemp (10) and others]. Generally, some as a phenomenon and communication as a process; infor-
arguments that were already argued out may have been mation users and uses; the processes in and evaluation of
avoided. information systems; and finally, the various aspects of
Some other subjects have dealt with relevance, but the ecological environment of information systems, such
none as directly and extensively as logic and philosophy. as the structure of scientific and other literatures and the
These subjects are sociology, in the sociology of knowl- structure and relations in scientific and other social com-
edge; psychology, in the studies of perception, learning, munications. Quantitative studies involving characteris-
and capacity of memory; and linguistics, in the studies tics and empirical laws in communication have created
of semantics and pragmatics. I t has remained for infor- study areas of their own under the names of biblio-
mation science to struggle with relevance in relation t o metrics and scientometrics (a more appropriate universsl
communication and t o emerge as the third subject that term may be “informetrics, in line with sociometics, econ-
directly contributed t o the thinking on that so elusive ometics, psychometrics, etc.). Studies in the ecology of
and so human a notion. communication have carved out for information science
a scientific problem area, which is contributing to the
coagulation of information science as a scientific subject.
0 How Information Science Became Involved with But why has all this happened? Why has information
Relevance. science emerged o n its own and not as part of librarian-
ship or documentation, which would be most logical? It
Relevance was the key notion in the emergence of in- has to d o with relevance.
formation science and it has remained the basic notion Why, then, has relevance emerged as a central notion
in most of its theories and all of its practice. Thus, a of information science? It has to d o with interpretation
review of relevance has to begin with a review of infor- of the problems in scientific communication.
mation science.
A field of activity and a subject of study are defined,
fundamentally, by the problems attacked and opera- SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION
tionally by the solutions offered and methods used, that
is, by the work done. As problems and/or solutions Although it proliferated into other areas, information
change over time, specific definitions of a field or sub- science has its roots in the problem encountered in
ject change as well. scientific communication. So has documentation, one
Information science is a field and a subject that is of its predecessors. To achieve an understanding of rele-
concerned with problems arising in communication of vance and indeed of information science, as well as some
knowledge in general and with records in such commu- understanding of relations between information science
nication in particular, from both applied and basic and documentation and between information science
points of view. I t shares this concern with other fields, and librarianship, one has to achieve some understanding
notably those of librarianship and of documentation; of the nature of scientific communication.
thus, this sharing of concerns specifies the fundamental Modern science has developed a particular mechanism
relationship between information science and librarian- of communication which began with the appearance of
ship. It follows that the thinking on relevance in infor- the first scientific journals in the 17th Century and has
mation science should be of direct interest to librarian- remained the same t o this date. This mechanism is based
ship and vice versa. on the following: the systematic and selective publica-
We may further define information science by enu- tion of fragments of work-items of knowledge related
merating the areas of applied (i.e., professional o r practi- to a broader problem rather than complete treatises; the
cal) and of basic (scientific) concerns and work. Of selective derivation from and selective integration into a
major interest t o practical applications of information network of other works; and an evaluation before and
science have been: 1) technical aspects of the communi- after publication. All of this is ultimately aimed toward
cation of knowledge, which involve a variety of applica- the creation of what Ziman (ZZ) calls “public knowl-
tions of information technology for information process- edge,” that is “the aim of scientists is to create, criticize
ing and transmission; 2 ) representational aspects, which and contribute to a rational consensus of ideas and infor-
involve the development of a variety of languages, vocab- mation.”

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 323

It is this selective concern with fragments of knowl- they build a rational consensus of ideas and information
edge that is enabling effective functioning of science and about the problem that leads t o solution. The success or
that has led t o concern with relevance. That is, t o be failure lies in the adequacy of defining and then address-
effective, scientific communication, and indeed science ing the problem. The success of information science,
itself, has to deal not with any old kind of information whatever there is, is due t o the fact that it did address it-
but with relevant information. And the history of self to relevance, and the failure, whatever it may be,
science is the history of that effectiveness. will be because it did not address relevance adequately.
Ziman (12), Price (13) and others have pointed out
that the invention of the mechanism for the systematic INFORMATION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION
publication of fragments of scientific work may well
have been the key event in the history of modern science. As far as I can determine, S.C. Bradford was the first
This invention has enabled science to grow so much one t o use the term relevant in the context that it is used
faster than the rest of scholarship. today in information science. In the 1930’s and ~ O ’ She ,
There are many other aspects that play a role in scien- talked about articles “relevant to a subject.” In the 40’s
tific communication ( e x . , invisible colleges, conferences, and SO’S, development of information retrieval (IR) sys-
professional societies, the system of recognition and tems began. From the onset, the main objective of IR
challenge, and the whole governance of science). How- systems was a provision of relevant information to users.
ever, all follow from and end up in this particular selec- A worldwide consensus emerged on that.
tive mechanism. The distinction between information and reZevant in-
formation was made in recognition of the selective
BALANCING COMMUNICATION ECOLOGY mechanism of scientific communication and in order t o
underline the user orientation of IR systems. However,
Over these last three centuries, communication in that distinction, although intuitively quite clear, became
science has developed into an ecological system with and has remained a major point of discord due to a lack
elaborately organized and interdependent subsystems or of a consensus on meaning. From the outset it was rec-
strata [Warren and Goffman ( 1 4 ) l . Periodically, there ognized that relevance indicates a relation. But what
have been upsets in that ecology caused by various fac- relations does it involve? Between what elements? What
tors. In this century such upsets have been caused by a factors affect the relation? The thinking on relevance in
combination of effects due to: 1) the large quantitative information science evolved around these questions and
increases in the number of scientists and subsequently so has the controversy. To understand the thinking and
in the number of publications; 2 ) the qualitative diffi- possibly unravel the controversy, we first have t o build a
culties in selection; 3) the breakdown of boundaries be- framework within which this could be achieved, a frame-
tween subjects and 4) the increases in specializations. As work within which the thinking on relevance can be
a consequence of the ecological imbalances and the re- advanced.
sultant problems in scientific communication, fields of
activity have emerged that are directly and primarily
concerned with a study of and a f i x for these upsets. How to Construct a Framework for Viewing Relevance
At the turn of this century documentation emerged, from Intuitive Understanding and Then on to More
which defined the problem at that time as one of the Elaborate Communication Models.
organization of knowledge; thus, it developed a concern
with classification, indexing, etc. Indexing and abstract- INTUITIVE UNDERSTANDING
ing services emerged as a f i x . After the second World
War information science emerged, which defined the Intuitively, we understand quite well what rele-
problem at that time as one of providing the scientist vance means. It is a primitive “y’ know” concept, as is
with information; thus it developed a concern with rele- information for which we hardly need a definition.
vance for it was perceived that the amounts of nonrele- When in communication with no particular outcome in
vance endanger communication. Information retrieval mind (small talk, for instance), relevance plays little or
systems emerged applying a technological fix to the no role. However, if and when any productive contact is
problem. desired, consciously or not, we involve and use this in-
Shera and Egan ( 1 5 ) thought that the emergence of tuitive notion of relevance. This affects the whole process
documentation was due to the “failure of librarianship” of communication, overtly or subtly. Thus, our intuitive
to address itself to the problem of scientific communica- understanding of relevance has something t o do with
tion. In turn, one may think that the emergence of infor- productive, effective communication-how well the
mation science is due to the failure of documentation to process was conducted, how good were the results. Rele-
address itself t o the problems of the output of scientific vance is, then, a fundamental aspect of human communi-
communication. However, fields do not really develop cation.
because of the failure of other fields, but because they We also understand intuitively that this effectiveness,
carve out a problem area for themselves and because this productivity, depends on a great many factors which

324 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

could involve different criteria. And like so many other Thus, communication has related but different connota-
things in life, relevance is relative. Some things are more tions. Information is used in Roget in a t least seven
relevant than others, some things are not relevant any diverse senses; and, when considering synonyms, there
more, and some have a chance of becoming relevant. are over 100 associated words. In Shannon’s information
Relevance depends a great deal o n what we already theory, information is restricted to the context of signals;
know and o n what is generally known. We must admit information is very specifically defined as a property of
that there are various aspects that at times predominate a collection of coded signals or messages which reduce
in determining relevance, such as: what we think we the receiver’s uncertainty about which message is sent.
want and how we ask for it; how we understand what is Information theory treats only the technical problems
asked and what we think is really asked; what is wanted of communication.
in contrast to what is really needed; who is asked, who is In information science, the connotation of commu-
asking; what the situation is; what will be done with nication and information is extended to, and limited
what is provided; and so on. In other words, we know to, the context of knowledge as used in the theory of
that we can look at relevance from different points of knowledge. Information science attempts to treat all
view. And that is the problem. three levels of communication problems. For informa-
tion science to keep this context and connotation in
COMMUNICATION mind, we use the term communication of knowledge,
although strictly speaking it is not knowledge but data,
To create a framework for reviewing and relating the information o r information conveying objects that are
different views of relevance in information science, first being transmitted.? In simple terms, the distinction is as
we have t o consider the process of communication. between “to know” and “to inform.”
Communication is a process where something called in- We may think of public knowledge as being organized
formation is transmitted from one object t o another into a structure of subjects, represented in a language
[Goffman (16), via Shannon-Weaver ( I 7), via Aristotle] . and recorded into a literature, elements of which can be
The first object can be called the source; the second, the called documents. Broadly speaking then, subject knowl-
destination. A dynamic, interactive feedback can occur edge is represented by subject literature; thus, docu-
between a source and a destination; they can exchange ments may convey information. The structures of sub-
roles [Wiener ( I S ) ] . Communication can be considered ject knowledge and of subject literature, although
as a process o n its own, as Shannon did in information related, are not the same. And the structure of linguis-
theory, or as a process effecting other processes, as tics or other symbolic representations is still different.
Wiener did in founding Cybernetics. That is, the role of Both a source and a destination involved in the com-
environment can be considered. We may not know what munication of knowledge have, as one of the elements, a
information is as a phenomenon, any more than we file (or files) where subject knowledge and/or its repre-
know what energy, matter, gravity or electricity is; but sentations are stored in a n organized manner. (Examples
we can study its behavior and effects. As Shannon and of files are memory, library collection, catalog, compu-
Weaver pointed out, three levels of problems can occur ter file, data bank, store of sentences, and the like.) Com-
in communication: 1) technical, 2) semantic, and 3) be- munication of knowledge is effective when and if infor-
havioral. Semantic problems obviously also involve the mation that is transmitted from one file results in
technical and behavioral problems involve the other two. changes in another, Relevance is the measure of these
In this context of communication and communica- changes.
tion problems, we can consider relevance as a measure* Changes consist of additions to, deletions from, or
o f the effectiveness o f a contact between a source and a reorganization of the files of knowledge and/or the files
destination in a communication process. And, since a of representations. One can take a much broader view
measure is a relation, relevance is also a relation. and argue that communication of knowledge is effective
when and if it has directly observable results, such as
COMMUNICATION OF KNOWLEDGE changes in actions or behavior. The argument is grossly

Communication is used in many diverse contexts; e.g.,

media, signal transmission, speech and hearing, rhetoric,
propaganda, advertising, medicine, psychoanalysis, etc.
? F o r the explication o f important distinctions and relations be-
tween data, information, knowledge, understanding and wis-
dom, as well as between fact-retrieval, document-retrieval and
question-answering, which fall broadly within informittion-re-
trieval, see Kochen ( 1 9 ) . For information science an appli-
cable definition is given by Bell (2). “Knowledge is a set of or-
*There is a great distinction between a measure (e.g., time), a ganized statements o f facts or ideas, presenting a reasoned
measuring unit (hour), a measuring instrument (watch) and judgment or an experimental result, which is transmitted to
measuring (determining elapsed time between events). We can others through some communication medium in some systema-
consider revelance as a measure without defining other aspects. tic form.” And public knowledge, as mentioned before, is appli-
In information science a persistent confusion between these cably defined by Ziman (11, 12), as “a rational consensus o f
aspects exists, especially in test and evaluation. ideas and information.”

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 325

deficient in that such results are effected by a great of the contact between a source and a destination in a
many other factors, in addition to and unrelated to, the communication process (with all the other considerations
communication of knowledge. described) -then, in considering what factors and rela-
In any case, since so many elements are involved in tions are involved in relevance, we can consider the
the communication of knowledge and in its effective- various elements or aspects of the:
ness, relevance can be considered from different points 1. Subject knowledge,
of view (e.g., involving elements of subject knowledge, 2. Subject literature,
of subject literature, of any representation of the source’s 3. Any other linguistic or symbolic representation,
file, of the destination’s file, or of the processes). One 4. Source, especially the file o r files,
can consider them separately or together in various com- 5 . Destination, especially the file or files,
binations or in various hierarchies. And there are still 6 . Information systems,
other aspects to consider. 7. Environments, realities, functions and
8. Values.
The majority of works on relevance in information
Imbedded in the communication of knowledge may science have concentrated on determining:
be information systems which are aimed at enabling, en- 1. What factors or elements enter into the notion
hancing, preserving o r extending the process. And asso- of relevance?
ciated with such systems are sources and files, An infor- 2. What relation does the notion of relevance
mation system selects from existing subject knowledge, specify?
subject literature and/or any of its representations,
organizes the selections in some manner in its files, and The controversy stems either from insistence that
disseminates the selections in some manner t o given des- only some of the enumerated factors or relations are the
tinations. Other communication systems, such as signal factors or relations, or from the failure t o recognize the
transmission systems, graphic reproduction systems and existence of some other factors. The confusion stems
computing systems, can be associated with information from a very low adherence t o the basics of semantic
systems. hygiene.
A variety of information systems has been built for I wish t o suggest that all the works, views and ensuing
a variety of types of communication of knowledge, uses, conflicts on relevance that have emerged so far in infor-
conditions and environments; desires for effectiveness mation science can be interpreted within the above
or efficiency; and understandings of what the informa- framework. Moreover, I suggest that when and if a com-
tion problems are. Underlying all of them, one can find plete theory of relevance emerges in the context of in-
explicitly stated or implicity assumed some interpreta- formation science, it will have to emerge within this
tion of the notion of relevance. Therefore, when consid- framework and incorporate at least the enumerated
ering relevance, one may also have to involve aspects of aspects.
information systems. And there are still other aspects to
ENVIRONMENT ; VALUES How the System5 View of Relevance Developed and
How IT Has Been Challenged.
Communication of knowledge and information sys-
tems can be considered by themselves, but they do not LOGIC O F RETRIEVAL
exist in a vacuum. They operate within, by means of, and
under constraints imposed by their environment. They The Second World War spurred unprecedented scien-
affect and are affected by the environment. The same tific and technological activity resulting in a mass o f re-
knowledge communication process, the same informa- ports and literature. The end of the War brought sugges-
tion system, can be related t o a number of realities of tions (as by Vannevar Bush) to apply the emerging com-
an environment, to a number of environments and can puter technology t o control records of science and tech-
perform many functions. nology. As a result, information retrieval (IR) systems
Knowledge, information, communication, informa- emerged in the late 40’s and early SO’S, developed by
tion systems-all are imbedded in, all reflect some sys- such pioneers as Taube, Perry, Mooers and Luhn. Princi-
tem of human values-ethical, social, philosophical, ples of information retrieval that were laid down then
political, religious and/or legal values. Therefore, when have remained t o this day.
considering relevance, one may also involve aspects of It has been accepted explicitly or implicitly that the
the environments, realities and values. main objective of an IR system is to retrieve informa-
tion relevant to user queries. The logic of search and re-
SUMMARY trieval is based on the algebra of sets, Boolean algebra,
which is well formulated and thus easily applicable to
Given that, in the context of information science, computer manipulations. Inherent in the application of
relevance is considered as a measure of the effectiveness this logic is the fundamental assumption: those docu-

326 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

ments (answers, facts, data) retrieved are also those rele- FIRST CHALLENGE
vant to the query; those not retrieved are not relevant.
In some systems documents can be ordered (evaluated, The challenge to the simplicity of the system’s view
associated) as to their relevance and retrieved when some began with the 1958 International Conference for Scien-
specified threshold is reached, and even presented in tific Information (23). Later more substantiated chal-
some ordered form; but, even here, the assumption that lenges were offered in serious attempts t o construct a
retrieved/not retrieved corresponds to relevantlnot rele- theoretical framework for relevance [ Hillman (6) and
vant still holds. Goffman ( 2 4 ) l . Among others, these suggestions were

1. The notion of relevance should be considered

independently and prior to any particular
method of representation or IR system;
The early pioneers quite correctly recognized that not 2. There is a relevance to a subject;
all that will be retrieved will be relevant [Mooers (20), 3. Relevance is multivalued, a matter of degree,
Perry (21), and Taube ( 2 2 ) ] . Their concern was with and not a simple yes/no decision;
non-relevance, with unwanted retrieval, rather than rele- 4. Relevance of given documents may change as a
vance. They diagnosed that the false drops, noise, false result of other documents, as stock of knowl-
coordinations and extra tallies are due to internal mal- edge at hand changes.
practices-the ineffectiveness of whatever document
representation was used and/or the inadequacy in the As powerful as these arguments were; they really did
way these were applied. Thus, the system’s view of rele- not succeed in widely spreading a different view of rele-
vance was a result of the thinking that relevance is vance. It remained for the great debate that followed the
mostly affected by the internal aspects and manipula- first attempts to test and evaluate IR systems to swing
tions of the system. Relevance was conceived in terms of the pendulum to an opposite view.
indexing, coding, classification, linguistic manipulations,
file organization, and eventually question analysis and TEST AND EVALUATION
searching strategies. This thinking led t o development
of a myriad of schemes, and to attention t o input pro- Pioneers of IR development were, by and large, engi-
cessing and manipulation almost t o the exclusion of neers and scientists. It was logical for them to think of
other aspects. In theoretical works, linguistics has been testing a system or a method as soon as it was conceived.
the subject of a great deal of attention because it is The first quantitative measuring units proposed were the
believed that it will lead t o better representation schemes. familiar recall and precision* by Kent, Perry and asso-
ciates (25). Although often challenged as to their
adequacy, these or similar measuring units have re-
mained in use to this day, and their use has spread
Clearly, internal aspects of any system affect its per-
worldwide. (There is a whole literature and many
formance. How a source manipulates information cer-
theoretical works on measuring units for IR systems, but
tainly influences the effectiveness of the contact with
they are not of direct interest to considerations of the
a destination, but it is not the exclusive aspect that
notion of relevance.) Underlying these measuring units
enters into considerations of relevance. Therefore, the
is relevance as a measure, as a criterion that reflects the
system’s view of relevance, although correct, is incom-
performance of IR systems. Relevance was selected as a
plete. However, the most glaring incompleteness of that
result of the recognition that the prime objective of IR
view does not lie in the fact that it does not recognize
systems is t o provide relevant information t o user queries.
other aspects, but in the fact that it does not recognize
selection into the system per se as one of the system’s The testing of IR systems began in the 1950’s as un-
aspects that enters into relevance. As a result, to this verified claims and counterclaims mounted and as invest-
date, selection into IR systems remains an aspect t o ments rose. During the late 50’s and early ~ O ’ S , large
which little attention is paid-articles on the topic of scale tests conducted by C. Cleverdon at Cranfield and
selection are scarce, investigations are few. later tests by others caught universal attention. The
number of papers reporting results was small, but the
However, there has been another school of thinking,
number of papers discussing the tests was very large. The
though it has not gained wide acceptance, in which selec-
tion into the system is the most important aspect that
enters into relevance (exposed mostly by information
scientists from Battelle Memorial Institute). Information *Recall is the ratio of relevant answers retrieved over the
analysis centers have developed as a result of this view. total number of relevant answers in the file. Precision
Since this view has not received a broader support of the is the ratio of relevant answers retrieved over the total
number of answers retrieved. Precision was originally
people in the field, relatively few information analysis called relevance, but the name was changed because of
centers are in existence. complaints o f semantic confusion.

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 327

great testing debate of information science ensued with Relevance is the A of a B existing between a C
periodic ripples t o this date. The debate did not con- and a D as determined by an E.
centrate at all on the results but on the methods, and the In various definitions the slots were filled with fillers
central issue was a measuring methodology. How was such as these:
the relevance of the answers determined? How should it
be determined? Who are t o be the relevance judges? How
is the relevance judgment to be passed? C
The debate imperceptibly, but completely, shifted
the problem of relevance from the source to the destina- measure corresondence document
degree utility article
tion. At issue was relevance judgment. The thinking that dimension connection textual form
the notion of relevance is most connected t o user judg- estimate satisfaction reference
ment, or the destination’s view of relevance, was born. appraisal fit information provided
relation bearing fact
How the Destination’s View Emerged Equating Rele-
vance with Relevance Judgment and How Experimen-
tation Was Spurred.
The great testing debate in the early and mid-60’s in
query person
large part turned into a relevance debate. As a result, request judge
relevance definitions proliferated by the dozen and a few information used user
hypotheses emerged. Eventually, two schools of thought point of view requester
developed. information requirement information specialist
One school has suggested that relevance is such an statement
elusive and subjective property that it cannot serve as a
criterion for performance testing [e.g., Doyle (26)l. The
other school took the view that experimentation with
revelance judgments should precede adoption or non- As an aid t o their experiments, Cuadra and Katter
adoption of relevance as performance criterion [e.g., ( 2 9 ) established this definition:
Cuadra (2 7 ) ]. Thus, psychology entered information
science largely as a result of concern with relevance, or Relevance is the correspondence in context be-
rather with relevance judgments. tween an information requirement statement
In 1964, the National Science Foundation called an and an article; i.e., the extent to which the
article covers material that is appropriate to the
invitational conference of leaders in the field to assess requirement statement.
the results of IR testing and to chart new paths. One of
the conclusions stated that the “major obstacle to The most obvious criticism of these, as all other para-
phrasing type definitions, is that they do not first estab-
progress in evaluation of IR systems is the lack of suffi-
lish primitive terms and then proceed to more complex
cient knowledge regarding. . .human assessments of the
definitions, using proofs or evidence where necessary;
relevance of retrieved documents” (28). This spurred
but they simply substitute terms that are as undefined as
experimentation with relevance judgments, which in
the term which they tried to define was at the outset.
turn solidified the destination’s view of relevance.
The most obvious advantage of paraphrasing definitions
Experiments were clearly affected by the definitions and
is that such definitions provide a preliminary context for
hypotheses that emerged.
further work.


Numerous definitions of relevance were offered in the The hypotheses offered in relation t o experimenta-
~O’S, mainly as a result of the criticism that it is not clear tion with relevance judgments by and large concentrated
what the term means. There was a rather naive belief on enumerating and classifying the factors that affect
that a good definition by itself would make it clear and relevance judgments. For instance, Rees and Saracevic
that the controversy would then go away. A good defini- (30) hypothesized on the variables and conditions under
tion, in this context, referred t o a paraphrase. By them- which the judgment would achieve a high degree of
selves, paraphrases, of course, do no such thing. How- agreement. O’Connor (31) concentrated on the reasons
ever, relevance definitions were a form of hypotheses for relevance judgments disagreements, on conditions
enumerating factors that entered into the relations. under which agreement may or may not coincide, and re-
Thus, the definitions played an important role in setting lated these conditions to unclearness. Cuadra and Katter
the boundaries of experiments. Definitions fell into a ( 2 9 ) provided the handiest classification scheme and the
general pattern: largest enumeration of factors affecting relevance judg-

328 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

ment. They suggested the following general classes of tiveness of the contact between a source and a destina-
variables that affect relevance judgment: tion in a communication process. The destination’s view
1. Documents and document representation, is not incorrect at all. As is the system’s view, it is
2 . Queries (or as they said: “Information Require- merely incomplete.
ment Statements”), As mentioned, there were a few hypotheses suggested
3. Judgmental situations and conditions, and a few experiments carried out. But we cannot
4. Modes of expression, and assume that the hypotheses and experiments dealt with
5. People (judges). all, or even most, of the factors related t o human rele-
vance judgments. T o the contrary, they just scratched
All the hypotheses have given no direct consideration the surface; the area is in d u e need of further hypotheses
t o the system’s view of relevance. However, by acknow- and experiments.
ledging that documents and document representations One of the most obvious aspects not investigated is
are some of the factors affecting relevance judgment, a the effect of the limitations of human memory o n rele-
relation between the system’s view and the destination‘s vance judgments. Miller (33) and others discussed “the
view of relevance is established. magical number seven” as describing limits of human in-
The most obvious criticism of all the offered hypo- formation processing. As the effect of selection from the
theses is that they are not like rigid scientific hypotheses subject has not been investigated from the system’s
that can be directly tested under controlled conditions. view, the effect of another type of selection has also not
They are axiomatic in nature, somewhat extending pre- been investigated from the destination’s view, namely
vious definitions and classifications. Still they have been the selection due t o the limitation of human memory in
a step in the right direction for they have led toward information processing. Such limitation is fully recog-
experimentally observed evidence and away from nized in the practice of providing information. The
anecdotal types of evidence. effectiveness of communication and this process of selec-
tion are closely related. This has not been investigated,
EXPERIMENTS and it would be a most promising and important area of
The first experimental observation related t o rele-
vance was reported in 1961. Until 1970, about two
dozen experiments were reported. No experiments 0 How Bibliometrics Evolved and How It Is Related to
directly dealing with relevance were reported after 1970, t h e Subject Literature View of Relevance.
as far as I can determine. Synthesis of the experiments
is presented in the Appendix. The relatively small number Up to the 1970’s, most of the works directly con-
of experiments, and the evident moratorium o n relevance cerned with relevance in information science have con-
experimentation after 1970, may look strange, but it centrated either o n system’s o r on destination’s view of
should be put in the context of the activities in the field relevance. However, chronologically speaking, both of
of information science. The field is highly pragmatic; these views were preceded by the subject literature view
funds are expended mostly for practical and technolo- of relevance. As mentioned, S.C. Bradford was con-
gical achievements; research funding is not as forthcom- cerned in the 1930’s and 40’s with articles “relevant t o a
ing in the 70’s as it was in the 60’s; and research interests subject.” His work pioneered the area that later became
have shifted. known as bibliometrics, the “quantitative treatment of
All of the experiments could be criticized easily for the properties of recorded discourse and behavior apper-
methodological deficiencies, with some praised for their taining t o it” [ Fairthorne ( 3 J ) I . Although some biblio-
achievements. [For a lengthy review see Saracevic ( 3 2 ) . ] metric work was continued in the 40’s and ~ O ’ S , it
However, the experiments d o offer important clues as t o wasn’t until the 60’s that work in bibliometrics started
the nature of some of the factors that affect human attracting more people and more attention; and it wasn’t
revelance judgments. For some factors the experimental until the 70’s that it started t o blossom.
results provide ballpark estimates of the comparative ex- In bibliometrics a number of empirical laws have been
tent t o which they affect relevance judgments. For prac- uncovered, theories have been suggested and quantitative
titioners and researchers, these experimental findings observations have been made. But the strength of the
could be of interest by themselves. work in bibliometrics lies in the direct connection be-
tween empirical laws and theories o n one hand, and
COMPLETENESS OF VIEW observation on the other. (Unfortunately, by the way,
this is not usual in most areas of work in information
The destination’s view of relevance has concentrated science or librarianship, including relevance.) Excellent
on factors that affect human relevance judgment. It has reviews of bibliometric works have appeared, such as that
equated relevance with relevance judgment. Certainly by Fairthorne ( 3 4 , who concentrated on showing rela-
these factors affect relevance, but they are still only one tionship between various bibliometric and other hyper-
of the aspects that influences the measure of the effec- bolic distributions; by Brookes (3.51, who summarized

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 329

bibliometric applications of significance to information “research front.” Urquhart ( 4 1 )investigated the patterns
science and librarianship; by Line and Sandison ( 3 6 ) , of use of periodicals from a large scientific library; the
who synthesized approximately 180 studies that deal use was heavily oriented toward a small portion of the
with obsolescence and changes in use of literature over collection. Saracevic ( 4 2 ) studied the distribution of
time. Admittedly, bibliometric works have not been con- documents retrieved as answers from an experimental IR
cerned with relevance, not directly; but even if not men- system; he found that the distribution follows Bradford’s
tioned or realized, a concern with relevance is funda- law-taking all queries together, a small number of docu-
mental to most bibliometric works and also to biblio- ments were repeatedly retrieved as answers forming a
graphic controls. Let me elaborate further on this point nucleus, with the rest falling off in the expected Bradford
and suggest the nature of the subject literature view of pattern, Then the relevance judgments of users on the
relevance. same retrieved answers was studied; many were judged
not relevant, but the distribution of those documents
DISTRIBUTIONS: BRADFORD, LOTKA, ZIPF AND/OR that were judged relevant again conformed to Bradford’s
MANDELBROT law. Numerous other studies could be cited on the same
or similar aspects-studies related t o the use of libraries
Originally Bradford was interested in t h e rate that and of literature, distribution of index terms in subject
given sources, such as journals, contained items (articles) indexes, citation patterns, etc. The observed statistical
relevant t o a given subject; he was interested in the pat- distributions are similar.
tern of a statistical distribution which will describe t h e
relation between a quantity (journals) and a yield
(articles). He observed that t h e scatter of articles on a
subject across journals in which they appeared forms a Attempts were made t o associate some of the facts
regular pattern of diminishing returns, and he stated his studied in bibliometrics and the notion of relevance. In
law of literature scatter.* the Soviet Union, Kozachkov ( 4 3 ) related the notion of
For a century o r so, a simiIar statistical relation be- relevance t o the “process of scientific cognition” and
tween a quantity and a yield was observed in relation to described various aspects of scientific literature as
many phenomena (e.g., Pareto distribution of income). growth, scatter and obsolescence in terms of their rela-
Explanations and interpretations were given according to tion to relevance. Saracevic (32, 42) synthesized a
the interests of the subject and t h e nature of the pheno- number of the distributions and findings in bibliometrics
mena. In other words, a similar statistical distribution and interpreted them in terms of relevance calling them
described patterns of many phenomena without assum- “relevance related distributions.” The appearance of
ing proximity of causes. The distributions afford a articles in journals, the contribution of authors t o litera-
method of description (conformity o r non-conformity) ture, t h e networks of citations, the changes in t h e use
and prediction. They do not describe the underlying and t h e obsolescence of literature, the use of literature
causes and mechanisms. In information science, t h e from libraries o r IR systems, etc., are all manifestations
family of these distributions was given the names of of communications of knowledge. Sometimes it is not
Bradford, Lotka, Zipf and/or Mandelbrot (see Fair- realized that these and similar manifestations are not in-
thorne’s review). dependent of each other, even though they may be
Lotka ( 3 8 ) investigated the productivity of authors in viewed one at a time. They are manifestations of a larger
scientific subjects: he found that a large proportion of whole; namely, they relate to the structure of subject
literature is produced by a small number o f authors dis- literatures. I wish t o suggest that underlying all the
tributed so that t h e number of people producing n above manifestations of communication of knowledge is
papers is approximately proportional to 1 / n 2 . Zipf ( 3 9 ) the notion of relevance. These manifestations form the
investigated distribution of words in a text. The finding subject literature view of relevance.
is similar: a small number of words appear very often So far, t h e investigations in information science have
and the frequency of use of words falls off in a regular concentrated mostly o n the statistical distribution pat-
pattern-if the words are ranked b y frequency of appear- terns of these various manifestations. Obviously distri-
ance in a text, then rank times frequency is approxi- bution patterns are but one aspect t o be investigated; so
mately constant. Price ( 4 0 ) investigated the pattern of much more remains t o be learned even with regard t o
citation networks and found that the number of papers distributions. Still, what is emerging is a picture of the
cited at frequencies above average is small, forming a structure of subject literatures, of the patterns of what
went o n and what is going on. Needless to say, a rational
forecast of what may be expected to be going on in the
subject literatures, and with what probability, is depen-
*Bradford ( 3 7 ) formulated the law as follows: dent o n t h e degree and the depth of familiarity with
“. . .if scientific journals are arranged in order of decreasing
productivity o f articles on a given subject, they may be divided their structure. Here lies the great practical importance
into a nucleus o f periodicals more particularly devoted to the of works o n the structure of subject literatures.
subject and several groups or zones containing the same number
o f articles as the nucleus, where the number o f periodpals in Of critical importance would be t o investigate t h e
the nucleus and succeeding zones will be as 1:ntn :n . . . .” mechanism that operates t o form the given structure of

330 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

subject literatures over time. As suggested by many, the THE CONCEPT OF INFORMATION NEED
mechanism underlying the investigated distribution is
one of selection, a ‘ ‘ S U C C ~ S S - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S - S U Cmechanism,
C~SS” Experience has taught us that at times, often uninten-
a Darwinian mechanism. Previously I suggested that the tionally, a question does not exactly coincide with what
notion of relevance underlies the described manifesta- a questioner had on his/her mind, that it may be diffi-
tions. In generalizing, I wish t o suggest that notion of cult to verbalize a question even if it is in one’s mind,
relevance underlies all of the mechanisms that form the and that people may tend t o answer what they think the
structure of subject literatures. Therefore, the notion of questioner should have asked, rather than answer the
relevance also underlies the structure of the subject question as formulated.
literature itself. I suggest that the given mechanisms exist Operationally in IR systems and libraries, question
and the given structures are found because of the require- analyses, reference interviews, and the like are aimed at
ments of effective communications necessary for survival, clarifying the questions and reducing any differences be-
procreation and use of the subject knowledge. Thus, an tween the question as asked and the question in one’s
association between relevance and the structure of sub- mind. The questioner’s stock of knowledge at hand and
ject literature exists as well. We may better understand the intended use of answers are also often probed t o
both the structure of subject literature and the notion of help in the provision of the most related answer.
relevance if we explore their association. Out of these experiences and out of the sociological
concepts of need and need-event came the concept of
information need in information science. Information
need is a psychological state associated with uncertainty,
and with the desire to know an unknown. “It is not
Effectiveness of communication depends on many
directly observable. . . but it has a definite existence in
factors. Various views on relevance result from consider-
the mind of the user at least and so it is useful to have a
ing the effectiveness at different points of the process.
term by which one may refer to it.” [Cooper (7)]. But
Thus emerged different classification of the factors with
the concept of information need has had its fierce critics
different priorities. None of the views is by itself incor-
in information science, as the general concept of need has
rect, but taking only one view is incomplete. Along with
had in sociology: “Numerous explanations, all unclear. . .
the system’s and the destinationk view of relevance, we
sacred expression.. .cover up for question negotiation. . .”
may add the subject literature view of relevance. This
[O’Connor ( 4 4 ) ] .However, to this date the concept of
view can be built around considerations of the structure information need remains chiefly to distinguish between
of subject literatures. The view has not been developed
a state of the mind and the subsequent representation in
to any extent yet, but there is a start. It is premature to
a question.
talk about the completeness of the view.
The importance of the subject literature view of rele-
vance to other views and to the total knowledge commu-
nication process, especially where information systems
The concept of information need brought out the
are involved, is great. For information systems, the
notion of pertinence. Numerous authors made this fol-
process starts with subject literatures. The aim of infor-
lowing or similar distinction [e.g., Rees and Saracevic
mation systems is to enable and to enhance contact be-
( 4 5 ) ]. The question-asking, question-answering process
tween subject literature and users-destinations. There-
can be represented by the diagram in Fig. 2 .
fore, subject literature affects all aspects. The system ’x
view of relevance has to take into account that selection

from the literature to the system influences effectiveness
of the source. The destination’s view of relevance has to INFORMATION NEED
take into account that answers can be provided only PERTINENCE
within the subject knowledge and subject literature. This
provides for a relation between the three views. QUESTION

0 How Splitting of the Notion Began and the Subject .).

Knowledge View of Relevance Resulted. ANALYSIS

In the early 1960’s, direct suggestions that relevance

involved numerous relations and that a distinction
should be made between various relations were forth-
coming. Most often a distinction was made between rele-
vance and pertinence, stemming originally from the dis-
tinction made between a question and an information
need. Fig. 2.

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 33 I

Relevance is the property which assigns certain mem- Furthermore, “relevance and pertinence are two dif-
bers of a file (e.g., documents) t o the question; perti- ferent qualities, one capable of public objective assess-
nence is the property which assigns them to the informa- ment and the other being capable only of private subjec-
tion need [Goffman and Newill ( 4 6 ) l . Subsequently, (as tive assessment.” Pointing out similar distinctions from
known from experience) some relevant answers are also other fields, Kemp is providing an invitation t o relate the
pertinent; but there could be relevant answers that are knowledge o n these other notions to the notion o n rele-
not pertinent and pertinent answers that are not relevant. vance, an area certainly worth examining in great detail.
It has often been argued that, from the user’s point of
view, desirable answers are pertinent answers; but, in TWO KNOWLEDGE VZEWS OF RELEVANCE
reality, an IR system can only provide relevant answers.
That is, a system can only answer questions. It can only Two knowledge views of relevance emerged from
guess what the information need is. In practice, there is these delineations. In the suggested framework described
often a real tug of war in trying t o satisfy information previously in the section entitled “How t o Construct a
needs and not just answer questions. Framework for Viewing Relevance from Intuitive Under-
standing and Then on t o More Elaborate Communication
FOSKETT’S PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE-PRIVATE KNOWLEDGE Models,” we recognized that subject knowledge is at the
outset of the knowledge communication process and
Although information need is a satisfactory concept that the destination (e.g.. a user) is at the end. We also
from a practical point of view, from a more theoretical recognized that the destination has a file-a mind in the
point of view the whole concept of need in explaining case of a human being. There are a number of ca.uses
states of mind, stocks of knowledge at hand, and ensuing which can put the knowledge communication process
changes is neither satisfactory nor comfortable. Given into motion. One of them is the posing of a question by
that a distinction between relevance and pertinence is to a destination. In this case there are two pairs of rela-
be made, many have felt that an explanation away from tions, two pairs of contact points that can be considered
information need is required. Cooper ( 7 ) in defining logi- in determining what constitutes a measure of the effec-
cal relevance (discussed in a later section entitled, “How tiveness of the contact. The first pair of relations is be-
Theories of Relevance Have Covered Different Aspects tween the question (or rather the subject content or
and Why They Are Important”) inspired a different topic of the question) and the existing subject-knowl-
explanation although he kept t o the concept of a n infor- edge. This view corresponds, to some degree, to Schutz’s
mation need. “topical relevances” and t o Kemp’s concept of relevance
In a brief note, Foskett (8) suggested a different dis- as involving public knowledge. We may refer t o it as sub-
tinction between pertinence and relevance. Taking ject knowledge view o f relevance.
Ziman’s “public knowledge” and augmenting it with The second pair of relations is between the file of the
Kuhn’s paradigm o n the pattern of thinking in a given destination (or rather, the subject content of the file, the
field of science Foskett suggested that “relevance means user’s stock of knowledge a t hand) and the existing sub-
being a part of a paradigm, or public knowledge, or con- ject knowledge. This view corresponds, t o some degree,
sensus in a field; pertinence means related t o the specific t o Schutz’s “interpretational relevances” and t o Kemp’s
pattern of thought in a specific reader’s mind.” concept of pertinence as involving private knowledge.
We may refer t o it as the destination’s knowledge view
KEMP’S PAIRS of relevance, o r simply as the pertinence view of rele-
Kemp ( 1 0 ) builds further from Foskett and discusses vance.
Both of these views involve subject knowledge o n one
relevance and pertinence as related t o public knowledge
end of the relation, but they distinguish what is o n the
and private knowledge. He suggests that “relevance and
pertinence each belong to a group of terms which have
something in common-public-ness in one case and
privateness in the other,” as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
The subject knowledge view of relevance stresses the
Public Private nature, structure and extent of the subject knowledge on
a topic given by a question. Subject knowledge and sub-
Relevance Pertinence ject literature are obviously related, but they are not the
same. Each has a structure that is related but is also
Philosophy of Science: Public Knowledge Private Knowledge
quite different. Each is dynamic but o n differing para-
Psychology: Denotation Connotation meters. Subject knowledge involves knowledge per se, in-
cluding redundancy, association, organization, and sedi-
Linguistics: Semantics Pragmatics
mentation. Subject literature as a representation involves
Sociology of Formal Informal authors, documents, producers, scatter, etc., as well as
Knowledge: Communication Communication redundancy, associations and organization, which may

332 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

differ from those of knowledge. Basically, because of the The destination’s view of relevance (discussed pre-
redundancy of knowledge, we can have more than one viously in the section entitled “How the Destination’s
set of answers to a question; because of the redundancy View Emerged Equating Relevance with Relevance Judg-
of literature, we can have more than one set of docu- ment and How Experimentation Was Spurred”) attempts
ments containing answers t o a question. All this, and t o incorporate all factors that enter into human relevance
obviously much more including much that is not known judgment. The stress is on judgment. One of these
o n and about subject knowledge and subject literature, factors is the stock of knowledge at thand, which, in
affects relevance. But one thing should be clear: rele- turn, is the base of the pertinence view. Therefore, the
vance involving subject knowledge and relevance invol- destination’s view does incorporate the pertinence view
ving subject literature, although related, are not one and of relevance, but the latter is much more to the point.
the same. The pertinence view has a firmer base than the broad
In the previous sections, it was established that every destination’s view, because of a considerable number of
view of relevance, if considered by itself in isolation philosophical and psychological investigations that have
from other views, is incomplete by definition. Thus, let been devoted to the understanding of how we know
me consider only the completeness of further views what we know. These could be directly related to the
within themselves. pertinence view. In comparison, there has been a much
In information science, there has been no work that smaller number of investigations o n human judgment;
has tried t o directly relate the structure, properties and thus the broad destination’s view has little t o relate to.
dynamics of subject knowledge t o relevance. In philo- No work o n the pertinence view of relevance has gone
sophy this was attempted; e.g., the work by Schutz. beyond providing a general framework for the view,
However, there have been numerous works in informa- either in the concept of information need o r in the con-
tion science (and in other subjects) o n or about subject trast between public and private knowledge. There has
knowledge that indirectly refer t o and directly impinge been no enumeration of the specific elements and rela-
upon relevance; e.g., works by Price, Goffman, and tions that are a part of either framework. Therefore, the
Ziman. Conversely, relevance could be considered in the view has only broad outlines-it is incomplete within
explanation of the mechanism underlying the various these outlines. This incompletness provides an invitation
observations on the structure and dynamics of subject for research.
In discussing the completeness of the destination’s
view of relevance, it was suggested that the limits of 0 How the Disenchantment with Relevance Led to
human memory may play a significant role in explana- Another Splitting and How t h e Pragmatic View of
tions of relevance. Harmon ( 4 7 ) suggested the intriguing Relevance Evolved.
idea that the same limits of human memory affect the
growth and formation of subjects and their break-up RELEVANCE IS “NO GOOD”
into specializations o r related subjects. This may be a
significant factor in explanations of the subject knowl- Not surprisingly, there has been some disenchantment
edge view of relevance. and impatience with the notion of relevance. A lot of
The subject knowledge view has not been formed as declarative criticism has been leveled: “not aporopriate,”
yet in any detail, although considerable material from “inadequate,” “too confusing,” “ambiguous,” “over-
which it czn be formed exists. I wish t o suggest that the used,” “nonmeasurable,” “doesn’t reflect X” (X being a
subject knowledge view of relevance is fundamental to myriad of factors enumerated by critics that, indeed,
all other views of relevance, because subject knowledge relevance does not reflect), “not a good criterion,” etc.
is fundamental t o communication of knowledge. In that Such criticisms have been especially pointed by those
lies the importance and urgency of the work on that concerned with practice and/or with testing. How,
view. indeed, does one run a system if one declares that it is
aimed toward relevance, which is such a n ambiguous
PERTINENCE VIEW OF RELEVANCE AND ITS notion? How, indeed, does one test systems using mea-
COMPLETENESS sures or criteria as slippery and imprecise as relevance?
The criticisms do have a point; but, they lose validity
The destination’s knowledge or pertinence view of when put in a human context.
relevance stresses the content of the file of the destina- Relevance is a human notion. How does one do any-
tion. The interest in people as t h e ultimate destinations thing neatly and precisely and unambiguously with
in knowledge communication is of overriding impor- human notions? Twentieth century science in moving
tance. Thus, in the pertinence view of relevance, deter- toward a study of human notions found that reduction-
mining factors are the nature, structure, and extent of ism t o the “preciseness” of natural science does not
one’s stock of knowledge at hand, the process and work. The meaning of effectiveness in systems dealing
sequence of its sedimentation, and the process of the with human notions is not the same as in engineering or
mind’s selectivity. business, and treating them in the same way leads to

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 333

social dissatisfaction. These aspects have not been taken proper measure for a true evaluation of IR systems. A
into account by declarative critics of the use of the true measure should be utilitarian in nature.
notion of relevance.
As a result of this disenchantment with the notion of
relevance, substitutions have been suggested. Usefulness, COOPER’S UTILITY
appropriateness, utility, and other similar terms have
been suggested and used as substitutions for relevance. In defining logical relevance (see the next section),
Although the connotations of each of the substitutions Cooper (7) made a distinction between relevance and
is different, interestingly enough, the basic notion utility: “. . . relevance has to d o withaboutness (orper-
behind the use of the substitutions and of relevance is tinence o r topic-relatedness) and is ultimately defined in
exactly the same. In these attempts the notion of terms of logical implication, whereas utility is a catch-all
relevance has not been abandoned, the word has been. concept involving not only topic-relatedness but also
As it was naive to think that a good definition (i.e., a quality, novelty, importance, credibility and many other
paraphrase) of relevance will resolve the problem, so it things.” Building on this distinction, Cooper ( 4 8 ) pro-
was equivalently naive to think that abandonment of the vided the first in-depth treatment of utility instead of
word will do it. However, although a mere substitution relevance as a measure of retrieval effectiveness. He has
of words for notions does not resolve a problem, it can built his argument on the assumption that “the purpose
open new avenues of thinking. of retrieval systems is (or at least should be) to retrieve
documents that are useful, not merely relevant.” With
CYBERNETICS; PRAGMATISM further elaboration: “The success of a retrieval system
must ultimately be judged o n the basis of a comparison
In a number of fields, it has been realized that many of some kind involving costs and benefits.” Cooper uses
of the processes can be looked at from the point of view the suggested measure of utility: “. . . in a complete neu-
of what happened to the results: what effect do processes tral sense. It is simply a cover term for whatever the user
have on other wholes and other processes? For instance, finds t o be of value about the system output, whatever
in cybernetics, Wiener looked at the governing effects of its usefulness, its entertainment, or aesthetic value, or
communication and, conversely, how the results of com- anything else.”
munication, through a feedback function, govern com- Since this review has not concentrated on the mea-
munication. He looked at how one process governs the sures and measuring units for testing of information re-
other. trieval systems, it is really of little or no interest here, or
In logic and linguistics, the study of pragmatics t o any explication of relevance, if relevance, utility or
emerged in addition to the traditional study of syntac- whatever specific measure should be applied to test and
tics and semantics. Concern also developed over the inter- evaluate any specific information retrieval system. How-
play among the three. In the 19th century in philosophy, ever, Cooper’s ideas on utility are a beginning of the ex-
the school of thought called pragmatism developed, sug- plication of still another view of relevance that evolved-
gesting that the meaning of an idea consists of the prag- the pragmatic view-thus they are included here. More-
matic consequence of the idea. Radical pragmatism of over, Cooper astutely notes a relation between his utility
the 20th century suggests that the activities of the con- and relevance.
sciousness, as actions in the outer world, have exclusively As in the pertinence view, in the pragmatic view the
practical aims, in particular, aims designed t o satisfy bio- approach was t o split the notion of relevance in order to
logical needs. In the fields of action-in manufacture, in- differentiate and to argue that relevance is one thing, but
dustry, production and governance-pragmatic concepts X (pertinence, utility) is another, even though they are
are quite prevalent. related. Imperceptibly, the thinking on relevance was
It is not surprising then, that a pragmatic view of rele- moving during the last decade toward the concept that
vance has developed. However, it did not develop from there are a number of kinds of relevances involving dif-
cybernetics or the notion of pragmatics in logic, linguis- ferent relations. Different names started to be employed
tics or philosophy, but rather strictly from the prevail- to characterize different kinds of relevance.
ing utilitarian, practical orientation of the fields of
action. In addition, it developed from the demands and WILSON’S SITUATIONAL RELEVANCE
desire for justification in terms of cost-benefits that per-
vaded in the 60’s and ~ O ’ S the, social, behavioral and Another and slightly different explication of the prug-
educational fields in general and information science in matic view of relevance was provided by Wilson ( 9 ) . Wil-
particular. The argument for the pragmatic view of rele- son’s explanation starts from the assumption that “rele-
vance went as follows: it is fine for IR systems to pro- vance is not a single notion but many.” He makes a basic
vide relevant information, but the true role is to pro- distinction between psychological and logical relevance.
vide information that has utility-information that helps The former deals with actual uses and actual effects of
to directly resolve given problems, that directly bears on information. The latter is a double concept “of a rela-
given actions, and/or that directly fits into given concerns tion between an item of information and a particular in-
and interests. Thus, it was argued that relevance is not a dividual’s personal view of the world and his situation in

334 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

it; and it is a concept in which relevance depends on As with other views, the pragmatic view of relevance
logical bearing on some matter o n which he has prefer- is incomplete, but less so. It does recognize some of the
ences.” different aspects of relevance not recognized by other
To derive the notion of situational relevance, Wilson views. Explicitly, it allows for relevance to be measured
uses Cooper’s definition of logical relevance derived at different points in the communication process. Sig-
from deductive logic and constructs a definition using nificantly, there is a direct attempt (admittedly, barely a
probabilities of evidential relevance drawn from induc- beginning attempt) to establish a relationship between
tive logic. To specify the relations established by situa- different views of relevance. However, in the pragmatic
tional relevance, Wilson also uses the notions of an in- view of relevance, immediate pragmatism of information
dividual’s: 1) concerns, 2 ) preferences over ranges of alter- in one form or another is the ultimate, definite, final
natives (similar to the use in economic theories), and 3) criterion. What each individual does with information is
stock of knowledge. Situational relevance is defined as a superordinate to what the information is. A criticism of
relation between these three notions and an item of in- this view can be attempted from a platform of general
formation, a relation which is established by inference criticism of pragmatism and cost-benefits.
either deductively (Cooper’s logical relevance) or induc- Pragmatism has been a subject for serious criticism
tively (evidential relevance). “Situational relevance is in philosophy. The chief criticism is that it applies to
relevance to a particular individual’s situation-but to only one reality, that which is referred t o as “paramount
the situation as he sees it, not as others see it, nor as it reality.” It does not deal with the totality of human
realZy is.” “Wilson suggests that situational relevance cap- existence. And above all, it deals with that reality as if
tures the “essentials of the vague popular notion of it were unquestionable.
practical relevance. . .that must bear on our actions.” In our times one of the operational reflections of
pragmatism is the concept of cost-benefits, which is also
subject to serious criticism. Clearly, the costs of a great
many processes and actions can be, and must be, related
Kochen ( 1 9 ) , in the first book ever that explicates to the accrued benefits. But, as many critics point out,
rather than describes theoretical principles of informa- a great many other processes and actions, especially
tion retrieval, made a distinction between “relevance those related t o human notions, cannot and should not
as a relation between propositions and the recognition be judged on cost-benefit basis, especially not on that
of relevance on its judgment by a user, which resembles basis alone. Cost-benefits should not be an omni-criterion
a utility or significance judgment.” This is the same dis- for all human actions and enterprises, whether or not
tinction as Cooper’s, but Kochen went further and for- they can be estimated. At any rate, in the case of knowl-
mally defined the notion of utility. edge, costs can be estimated; but true cost-benefits,
Kochen adapted four well established axioms about hardly. Besides, decisions related to knowledge and
preferences from utility theory to a strategy for search- knowledge systems are made primarily on ethical, poli-
ing document collections. Subsequently, he showed that, tical and sociological grounds, rather than on economic
if a user is willing t o abide by these axioms, then it is grounds.
possible t o provide for a given user with a given question There are limited situations where cost-benefits and
a utility function that assigns a utility number to each relevance should be related. But, if the cost-benefits
document in the collection searched. [See Kochen ( 1 9 ) were to be universally applied to communication of
p. 138 for details.] Kochen recognizes that changes of knowledge, it would be the surest way t o the destruction
preferences can take place over time, and thus, that the of its effectiveness. For instance: Would the Alexandrian
utility function can change as well. As with all utility library ever have been built if cost-benefit studies were a
functions, this one depends o n the ability of users to criterion for decision?
assign preferences and associate probabilities, which is This should not be construed as a rejection of the
its fundamental weakness. In many ways one can argue pragmatic view of relevance. On the contrary, it is an
that this expectation, although at times realistic, at other important aspect to be explored, especially as to the fac-
times certainly is not. Without preferences, there is no tors involved in pragmatism of information and as t o the
utility theory and subsequently no utility functions. relation to other views. What is rejected is the idea that
But, bringing the notions of preferences and the whole pragmatism is the only, or even the basic, aspect t o
armamentarium of the utility theory to considerations apply to relevance.
of relevance is an important contribution. It opens a new In the conclusion, let me relate three views centering
area of study which should be followed. around the destination. The destination’s view concen-
trates on judgment, the pertinence view concentrates on
COMPLETENESS OF VIEW the stock of knowledge at hand and the pragmatic view
on immediate application or on the problem at hand. If
Precise definition of logical relevance by Cooper in- the pertinence view is related to some degree t o Schutz’s
spired the development of the pragmatic view of “interpretational relevances,” then the pragmatic view
relevance. can be related to some degree to his “motivational rele-

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 335

vances.” The pertinence view is fundamental to both all. Yet, even though Maron and Kuhns and many
other views, for the stock of knowledge at hand is funda- others have tried t o approximate probabilities related to
mental to a judgment and t o a problem. The pertinence relevance, this experimental and practical problem r e
view can be considered without involving the other two mains unsatisfactorily resolved.
views; the destinatioiis view has to involve the pertinence
view, and it can but does not have to, involve the prag- GOFFMAN’S RELEVANCE AS A MEASURE AND THE
matic view; the pragmatic view has t o involve the other EPIDEMIC THEORY
In the mathematical theory of measures, four axioms
describe the properties that a measure has to satisfy t o be
0 How Theories of Relevance Rave Covered Different a measure: 1) it is real-valued and non-negative, 2) it is
Aspects and Why They Are Important. completely additive, 3) it has an order, and 4) it has an
absolute zero. Goffman (24),used these properties to
I left for last the discussion of the most significant prove that, if relevance is determined solely on the basis
work on relevance in information science: the attempts of a query and each document in a file independently of
t o formulate theories of relevance. As few and as other documents (the prevailing practice in IR systems),
sketchy as they are, the theoretical works have resulted then relevance does not satisfy all of the axiomatic prop-
in: 1) drawing methods and results from other and more erties of a measure; i.e., it is not completely additive. He
rigorous subjects t o the study of relevance, 2 ) illumina- also proved in another theorem that, if relevance is
ting the nature of the notion more and better than all determined not only on the basis of query-document re-
the discussions combined, and 3) specifying the various lation but also on the relations among documents, then
relations involved which now enables classification of re- relevance satisfies all the axiomatic properties of a mea-
lations and a deeper study of specific relations. As with sure. To be a measure, relevance also has to take into
other theoretical work in information science, theoretical account association-the effects of the items of knowl-
works on relevance have had only an indirect effect on edge on each other. This, of course, supports efforts in
practice. associative indexing.
Goffman and Newill ( 5 0 ) , elaborated on later by
MARON-KUHNS’ RELEVANCE NUMBER Goffman ( 1 6 ) , developed an epidemic theory of com-
munication equating the process of the spread of ideas
Maron and Kuhns ( 4 9 ) presented one of the first to the spread of diseases. The notion of effective contact
large, formal theoretical treatises in information science. is central t o the theory. A series of theorems proves the
They were concerned with the derivation of a probabi- conditions under which the dynamics of the process
listic measure that would enable the ranking of docu- changes over time in given populations. In the case of
ments as to their relevance. Considering that the “prob- the information retrieval process (a sub-process in a com-
lem of explicating the notion of relevance (which is the munication process), relevance is considered the measure
basic concept in a theory of information retrieval) is of the effectiveness of the contact. The information re-
similar to that of explicating the notion of amount of trieval process is described as an interrogation procedure
information (which is the basic concept of Shannon’s of a file of documents (objects which convey informa-
communication theory), . . . we approach the notion of tion). Assuming that a general measure of relevance is
relevance also in a probabilistic sense.” Their conditional prababilistic, a series of mathematical definitions and
probability, which specifies the “relevance number,” in- theorems provides various conditions under which a set
volves the relation between a user’s request, the subject of documents exhibit various relations. Among others,
area of the request, designation by a given representation, Goffman proved mathematically that relevance is not
and a given document provided by a system. Regardless associated with a unique subset of documents as answers
of any applications, the significance of Maron-Kuhns’ from a file, and that more than one subset of answers is
explication lies in: 1) enumeration of the above factors possible; that answers that were not initially relevant can
in italic affecting relevance, 2) envisioning that there is become relevant in an appropriate sequence; and that
a relation between these various factors, and 3 ) introduc- relevance is an equivalence relation, which provides for
tion of the concept of probabilities in describing the a partitioning of a file in equivalence classes. It has been
relations. shown “that any measure of the effectiveness of infor-
The probabilistic approach has been successful in mation conveyed must depend upon what is already
many subjects in relation to many complex phenomena. known. . . and (therefore, it is necessary to) introduce
There exists a systematic, formal body of knowledge the notion of conditional probability of relevance.”
related t o probabilities and to the treatment of measures The strength of the theory is that it provides for some
as probabilities. However, formulating a measure in of the dynamic aspects of communication and shows
terms of probabilities is one thing; approximating prob- some of the complexity of relations of relevance as a
abilities (deriving numerical values) is another. Often this measure using mathematical rigor. As a matter of fact,
is a major problem in experimentation and practice; but, this is the only theory related t o communication which
without formulation first, there is no approximation at has emerged in information science that attempts to

336 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

show some of the dynamics of the process. It clearly nent statement would no longer be a logical
shows the large role that the interplay among documents consequence of the premise set.
has on relevance. 3. The retrieval is inferential; it deduces direct
One of the more interesting things that should be answers to input questions.
done is to relate the dynamics of this communication
Then Cooper provides his “restricted definition”:
theory, where effectiveness of the contact is a central
notion, to the so-called relevance-related distributions “A stored sentence is logically relevant to (a represen-
(as in Bradford), which are essentially static in nature tation of) an information need, if and only if it is a
but involve relevance as well. member of some minimal premise set of stored sen-
tences for some component statements of that need.”
In generalizing from that definition, Cooper shows
Hillman (6) introduced logic t o the treatment of rele- that the restricted definition could also be applied to
vance in information science. In treating the basic fact retrieval systems and even t o document retrieval
problem of defining relevance, Hillman suggested the use systems (but not precisely), taking the strategy of trans-
of the constructs in formal logic, particularly Carnap’s forming whatever is stored into declarative sentences. The
concept-formation theory. Assuming that the problem of difficulties with this definition occur when dealing with
mutual relevances of queries and documents involves induction (and inductive systems) rather than deduction,
conceptual relatedness, Hillman critically examined as fully acknowledged by Cooper; probabilities and
various aspects in the theory of concept formation show- degrees of relevance cannot be accommodated.
ing their applicability or non-applicability to the defini- The strength of Cooper’s approach is that it defines
tion of relevance. He suggested that to describe relevance- fully, and as precisely as deductive logic permits, one set
relations in terms of similarity classes would be most of relations and one type of inference involved in rele-
appropriate. The theory is not complete, but its strength vance. As restricted as it is, Cooper’s logical relevance
lies in the critical examination of a number of constructs has to be recognized as a first of its kind, inviting defini-
in logic as to their applicability to the study of relevance tions of other possible types of inferences and providing
and, even more so, in drawing the attention of grounds for differentiation. In his work on situational
information scientists to logic. relevance, Wilson ( 9 ) (see the previous main section of
this article), attempted briefly to incorporate inductive
COOPER’S LOGICAL RELEVANCE logic and probabilities into a definition of evidential rele-
It remained for Cooper (7), to fully employ the The logical view of relevance has concentrated on the
armamentarium of deductive logic in a carefully argued nature of rekztions between elements, rather than on
out definition of what he called logical relevance. He enumeration of elements that enter into relevance. The
addressed the nature of inference involved in relevance. nature of these relations was treated as inferences. Two
He assumed that relevance is a relationship “holding be- logical views emerged:
tween pieces of stored information on the one hand and 1. Deductive inference view drawing from deductive
user’s information needs formulated as information logic, and
needs representation on the other. . .both are linguistic 2 . Probabilistic inference view drawing from induc-
entities of some kind.” As in logic, Cooper takes a sen- tive logic and probabilities.
tence to be the basic information-conveying unit of lan- Since deductive logic is much more precise and com-
guage. He also assumes that an information need and the plete than inductive logic, the first view is much more
data in an information retrieval system can be represented precise and complete than the second. The second view
by declarative sentences. And, as a fundamental con- especially needs further elaboration.
struct, he takes the relationship of “logic consequences”
(entailment, or logical implication) from deductive logic,
where a sentence (called conclusion) is a logical conse-
quence of a set of sentences (called premises) when a set
None of the theories of relevance are complete in the
of conditions is fulfilled.
sense that any of them incorporates all aspects of rele-
Given these restrictions:
vance. Each theory illuminates some aspect of relevance
1. A search query is a yes-no type question; thus, and provides a different method for describing the prop-
it can be transformed in a pair of yes-no com- erties and relationships of the notion. No theory has, as
ponent statements (e.g., Is hydrogen a halogen yet, attempted t o describe the mechanisms that account
element?). for the notion. In all probability, the forthcoming
2. The data stored in a system is in well formed
sentences so that a premise set for the compo- theories on relevance will be of a step-by-step nature,
nent statement can be derived by logical conse- further illuminating some particular aspect of the notion.
quence. A minimal premise set is a set as small Why so much stress on theories? The history of
as possible-if a member is deleted the compo- science provides numerous proofs that there is nothing

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 337

more practical then a good theory. It can easily be the process of communication of knowledge; thus dif-
demonstrated how different conceptions, views and ferent elements and relations were considered, and dif-
pseudo-theories of relevance have led t o the development ferent viewpoints emerged. On a more specific level, rele-
of given systems and of given practices and standards in vance can be and has been considered in relation t o
many types of information systems. Complete and valid specific types of knowledge communications.
theoretical thinking on relevance has a potential of hav- Imbedded in the communication of knoweldge are in-
ing great impact on the practice of information retrieval formation systems which aim at enabling and enhancing
and librarianship in particular and on the communica- the process. Different systems aim at enhancing different
tion of knowledge in general. Lack of theory most often aspects of the process or are directed toward different
leads to guessing games with little probability of positive uses or environments. Relevance can also be and has
impact. been considered with or without involving any of the in-
formation systems or their elements.
Back to the Framework
This review is an inventory and a classification. On
one hand, I have attempted t o trace the evolution of Taking into account different elements and/or the
thinking on relevance, a key notion in information nature of different relations in the communication of
science; on the other hand, I have also attempted to pro- knowledge, the following views of relevance, arranged
vide a framework within which the widely dissonant approximately by the sequence of events in the process,
ideas on relevance that have emerged could be inter- have emerged.
preted and related to each other. If the classification, the The subject knowledge view o f relevance has consid-
framework, is valid, it does provide a potential for un- ered the relation between the knowledge on or about the
covering gaps in knowledge and indicating possible direc- subject and a topic (question) on or about the subject.
tions of future work. The subject literature view o f relevance, closely re-
Since the notion of relevance is part and parcel of lated t o the subject knowledge view, has considered:
knowledge, information and communication, it also the relations between the subject and its representation,
involves the complexities, puzzles and controversies of the literature, or the relation between the literature and
the larger phenomena. Intuitively, the notion of rele- a topic (question) on the subject.
vance has to do with the success of the communication The logical view o f relevance has been concerned with
process. Therefore, we have taken the notion of rele- the nature o f the inference between premises on a topic
vance fundamentally t o be a notion of the measure of and conclusions from a subject or subject literature. Two
the effectiveness of the contact between a source and a views have emerged: 1) the deductive inference view,
destination in a communication process. which has considered the relation between premises and
In a slightly different context, Weiler ( 5 1 ) remarked conclusions o n the basis of logical consequence; and 2)
that “the arguments about relevance are arguments the probabilistic inference view, which has considered
about the framework of our discussion.” And this is the relation among premises, informktion as evidence
exactly what arguments about relevance in information and conclusions on the the basis of degree of confirma-
science have been all about. What aspect of communica- tion or probabilities.
tion, what relations, should be considered in specifying The system’s view o f relevance has considered the
relevance? What factors are to be considered in determin- contents of the file and/or the processes of a given infor-
ing relevance? mation system and the relation to a subject or a subject
Some more formal answers to these questions have literature, a topic (question), or a user or users.
been attempted in information science. Differences in The destination’s view o f relevance has considered the
answers have formed different views of relevance. As human judgment on the relation between documents
yet, none of the views has achieved a stage of a broad conveying information and a topic (question).
consensus; rather the thinking o n the notion of relevance The pertinence or destination’s knowledge view o f
in information science seems to have reached a stage of relevance has considered the relation between the stock
perpetuating challenge. of knowledge at hand of a knower and subject knowl-
The process of the communication of knowledge was edge, or subject literature.
suggested as a framework for considerations of relevance The pragmatic view o f relevance has considered the
and as a source of a scheme for classifying various views relation between the immediate problem at hand of a
of relevance that have emerged in information science. user and the provided information, involving utility and
Even while measuring the same thing, a process can be preference as the base for interference.
validly measured at a number of different points in the The following can be ascertained: Different views of
sequence of events which involves different elements and relevance are not independent of each other. It seems
relations-creating different viewpoints. This was exactly that there exists an interlocking, interplaying cycle of
what has happened with relevance. Relevance can be and the various systems of relevances (Le.,various systems of
has been considered at a number of different points in measures). Some systems may be considered as special

338 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

cases or subsystems of other more general systems. Association: the internal structure of elements
There is no, and there cannot be any one specific, view of knowledge and other properties affect the
of relevance, for there does not exist any one system of dynamics and vice versa.
relevance in communication. Different systems of rele-
vances may involve some different factors, but they are Redundancy: more than one set of elements of
coupled in such a way that they can hardly be considered knowledge, pattern of association or structure,
form of inference, dynamics or mapping may
without other systems of relevance. For instance, prag- satisfy the criteria of any and/or all properties.
matic view cannot be considered without involving the
pertinence view or destination’s view of relevance. None If these, o r some similar properties are indeed found
can be considered without subject knowledge view. Many to be universal to all views or systems of relevances, then
practical problems in information systems and many an explication of each view will be incomplete if it does
cases of user dissatisfaction can now be explained as due not in some way incorporate an explication of at least
to the existance of various systems of relevances. every one of the universal properties. Thinking on rele-
Therefore, when considering relevance in a specific vance can proceed in various directions, such as:
sense, one should be quite careful t o indicate the ele-
ments and the nature of the relations between elements 1. Taking a given view or system of relevance and
that are being considered. Different names can be given proceeding to define fully all properties;
t o the considerations of specific different sets of ele- 2. Taking a given property in one or a number of
ments or different relations. This was started with names systems and defining and contrasting the nature
of pertinence and logical relevance. However, it should of the property; for instance, this was started
always be realized that any specific consideration of rele- with the explications of the nature of infer-
vance is tied in with systems of relevances. A most signifi- ences-deductive, inductive, probabilistic, pref-
cant advance in thinking on relevance will be achieved erential, etc. ;
3. Taking a number of properties and explicating
with the illumination of the interplay between these
the interplay;
4. Taking a number of explicated systems of rele-
vance and explicating the interplay between
them. The ultimate thinking on relevance will
SPECULATION ON PROPERTIES AND FUTURE WORK be the one that explicates the interplay among
all explicated systems of relevances.
It has been explained that different views of relevance
have arisen because in the communication of knowledge In summarizing the framework for considering rele-
there are a number of dynamically interacting systems of vance, a number of elements or aspects have been
relevances organized in some stratified or perhaps hier- enumerated. Information science has dealt with most of
archical fashion of complex systems. Each view has con- them, but not all. Most glaringly absent are considera-
centrated o n one system. If this explanation is valid, tions of environments and human values involved in
then we may postulate that there should be some funda- communication of knowledge. Hopefully, future work
mental properties that are universal-common to all on relevance will include these aspects as well.
views or systems of relevance-and some unique proper- Our understanding of relevance in communication is
ties that are specific to each system. At present we can so much better, clearer, deeper, broader than it was
only speculate that among the universal properties are: when information science started after the Second World
War. But, there is still a long, long way to go.
Knowledge, knower: all views assume a prior
existence of a body of knowledge, or ideas or
facts o r their representations; or of a knower.

Selection: implied by all views is a process of

selection concentrating on elements or struc-
t ure of above know ledge . Synthesis of the Experiments on
Relevance in Information Science
Inference: selectivity is based o n some form of
inference. The experiments are organized and synthesized
according to the five general classes of variables that
Mapping: the aim is some form of mapping of affect human relevance judgment, as suggested by
selected elements o r structure of knowledge
Cuadra and Katter (reviewed in the section entitled
onto something-at a minimum onto some
other elements or structure of knowledge. “How the Destination’s View Emerged Equating Rele-
vance with Relevance Judgment and How Experimenta-
Dynamics: the dynamic interactions among tion was Spurred” under the paragraphs on “Hypo-
properties are involved; changes in any property theses”). To derive conclusions, I examined the data and
over time is possible. results of the experiments rather than use the conclu-

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 339

sions and claims of the authors. This synthesis is taken 3 . The relation between the wording and phrase-
from Saracevic (52). ology of queries and documents judged rele-
vant or non-relevant ( 5 8 ) ;
DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENT REPRESENTATIONS 4. The relation between disagreements in relevance
judgments and unclearness of query statements
Documents and their representations were the first, ( 5 9 ) ;and
and most frequently treated, variables in the study of 5. The effect of judges’ subject knowledge in rela-
tion to the subject content of queries (29, 5 4 ) .
relevance judgments. Documents evoked early interest
since they are the items provided by IR systems to users, The following conclusions may be drawn:
and thus observations concerning their effect upon the
1. The more judges know about a query, the
user and his judgment have direct practical implications
higher is the agreement among judges on rele-
for systems design and operations. The investigations vance judgments and the more stringent the
covered: judgments become.
1. The comparative effects on relevance judgments 2. The more judges discuss the inference from
of titles, citations, abstracts and/or full texts query to answer, the higher the agreement on
(53, 54, 55, 56, 5 7 ) ; relevance judgments.
2 . The effects of stylistic characteristics of docu- 3. A close similarity and correlation seems to exist
ments ( 2 9 ) ;and between texts of queries and texts of relevant
3. The effects of degree of specificity and varia- documents, which cannot be found between
tions in document content in relation to queries texts of queries and texts of non-relevant docu-
(29, 5 4 ) . ments.
4. Document texts may be the most important
An analysis and correlation of experimental results factor in triggering relevance judgments in rela-
suggest several conclusions: tion to stated queries; i.e., if one finds a state-
ment in a document resembling a query state-
1. It may be expected with a considerable degree ment, one is assured of a high probability that
of certainty that documents, or objects convey- the document will be considered relevant by
ing information, are the major variables in rele- the user stating the query.
vance judgments. 5. The less one knows about a query, the greater
2 . Although a number of factors are aligned with the tendency t o judge documents relevant. In
documents as variables, the most important of specific terms, the less a system operator or
these factors affecting relevance judgment user delegate knows abort a query-its content,
appears t o be the subject content of documents eventual use or the problem in relation to
as compared to the subject content of the which the query is asked-the greater the temp-
query. This finding relates to Schutz’s “topical tation to judge documents relevant. These find-
relevances.” ings relate to Schutz’s “innovational relevances.”
3. Elements of stvle may also be expected to
affect relevance judgments.
4. Highly specific subject content in a document
appears to stimulate more relevance agreements.
5. Relevance judgments for the same article may This variable refers to the environment-real or con-
be expected to differ from titles t o full texts; structed-within which relevance judgments are made.
titles should be utilized with considerable scep- Two aspects are examined:
6. Relevance judgments for the same article may 1. The effect of aspects and definitions of rele-
be expected to differ somewhat from abstracts vance upon relevance judgments (29, 5 4 ) ;and
to full texts, depending upon the abstract’s 2. The effect of time and stringency pressures on
type, length, detail, etc. relevance judgments (29).

QUERIES The results from these experiments are inconclusive

and should be interpreted cautiously:
The query stimulates the generation of document as
answers and documents are judged for relevance in rela- 1. Not surprisingly, changes in experimental con-
tion to the query. Experimental observations were made ditions may introduce changes in judgments;
on the query-document relationship: 2. Different definitions of relevance do not neces-
sarily stimulate different relevance ratings; i.e.,
1. The effects on relevance judgments of query people tend to treat relevance as a primitive
specificity ( 2 9 ) ; notion; and
2. The effects on relevance judgments of judges’ 3. Greater pressure in the judgmental situations
subject expertise at various stages of the re- stimulates higher relevance ratings (ie., “more”
search-the successive research stages were relevant). This finding relates to Schutz’s “moti-
treated as enlargements of the queries ( 5 4 ) ; vational relevances.”

340 Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975

1. The ability of people to judge consistently the
relevance of documents to their general interest
(61 1;
This variable refers to the instruments (psychometric 2 . The comparison of users’ and non-users’ (dele-
devices) by which judges express relevance judgments. gated) and experts’ and non-experts’ relevance
Since instruments used for recording attitudes do affect judgments (62, 63);
the attitude, they become subjects of study. The experi- 3. The effect on relevance judgments of the docu-
ments covered: ments intended use (29, 6 4 ) ;
4. The effect of academic and professional train-
1. The comparative effects on relevance judgments
ing on relevance judgments ( 2 9 , 5 4 ) ;and
of rating, ranking and ratio scales ( 2 9 , 54, 60);
5. The relation between relevance judgments
2. The effect of differing numbers of categories on
assigned by judges and test results from IR
rating scales ( 2 9 ) ;
systems (65).
3. The reliability of judgments as affected by dif-
ferent types of scales ( 5 4 ) ;and
4. The interaction of scale types with other vari- On this most important variable, the conclusions are
ables tested (29. 54). as follows:

It may be concluded: 1. It may be expected that the greater the judges’

subject knowledge, the higher will he their
1. Different kinds of scales (rating, ranking and agreement on relevance judgments. Subject
ratio scales) may produce siightly different knowledge seems to be the most important fac-
judgments. tor affecting the relevance judgment as far as
2. The more categories a rating scale has, the more human characteristics are concerned. This find-
comfortable the judges feel in their judgment; ing underlines the importance of considering
in any case, they may be more at ease with a the stock of knowledge at hand, when consider-
scale having more than two and up to some ten ing relevance and people.
categories. 2. It has also been demonstrated that the level of
3. It is not clear what type of scales are most reli- judges’ subject knowledge varies inversely with
able for use in recording relevance judgments. the number of documents judged relevant; con-
Some form of the ratio scale appears t o have versely, the less the subject knowledge, the
some advantage over other types of scales. more lenient are their judgments.
4. On the scales tested, judges with a high level of 3. Non-subject-oriented groups ( e . g . , subject in-
subject expertise tended to agree with them- formation retrieval specialists and librarians)
selves over a short period of time (e.g., a tend t o assign relatively high relevance ratings.
month). They will be inclined to provide a user with all
5. It was found that the end points of scales were or most of the relevant material that he himself
used most heavily regardless of the number of would consider relevant and, in addition, some
categories in the scale; i.e.. documents tend to or considerably more material that he would not
be rated very relevant or very non-relevant. consider relevant. However, it may be expected
6. Relevance judgments of a group of judges on that the ranking of documents as to degree of
one document are not normally distributed but relevance will be similar for persons with exten-
skewed in one direction. sive subject background (ie., users) and for sup-
7. It is most significant to note that the relative pliers of information ( i e . , delegates) with lesser
relevance score of documents in a group, expe- subject backgrounds.
cially among the documents with high relevance, 4. Familiarity with, and knowledge of, subject
may be expected to be remarkably consistent terminology has been shown t o effect high rele-
even when judges with differing backgrounds vance agreement.
make the relevance judgments. Thus, it may be 5 . It may be expected that a professional or occu-
more profitable to compare the relative posi- pational involvement with the problem giving
tion of documents in a set than to compare the rise to the query would increase agreement of
relevance ratings assigned to individual docu- relevance judgments among and between groups
ments. of subject specialists and suppliers of informa-
tion. Increased professional involvement affects
PEOPLE agreement among judgments, irrespective of the
degree of subject knowledge.
The fundamental factor studies in all experiments re- 6. The correlation in relevance agreements among
viewed was the consistency of, or agreement in, relevance people with high levels of subject expertise and
the most professional involvement with the
judgmeiits as affected by certain human characteristics.
query has been found to be between .55 and
These characteristics usually dealt with the degree of . 7 5 ; the correlation in relevance agreements
subject or professional education. It should be noted among suppliers of information has been found
that the human element as a variable is present to some to be between .45 and .60.
extent in all previous conclusions presented. The follow- 7 . Differences in the intended use of documents
ing were investigated: may produce differencesin relevance judgments,

Journal of the American Society for Information Science-November-December 1975 341

suggesting that intended use becomes part of 11. Ziman, J.M., Public Knowledge: An Essay Concerning The
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what is relevant; judging relevance is not the Columbia University Press (1963).
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course they are well designed and controlled, 263 (NO. 4): 267-273 (1972).
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lity of relevance judgments (instability within Documentation, 2nd ed. London: Lockwood, 11-45 (1 953).
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sion 6 . ) T. Saracevic, introduction to Information Science, New
York: Bowker, Chapter 13,726-747 (1970).
One of the major conclusions that can be drawn from 17. Shannon, C.E. and W. Weaver, Mathematical Theory of
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18. Wiener, N., Cybernetics: Control and Communication in
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21. Perry, J.W., “Superimposed Punching of Numerical Codes
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at the School of Library Science and at the Complex
Documentation, 6 (No. 1): 1-17 (1955).
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23. National Academy o f Sciences, Proceedings of the lnter-
providing a conducive environment for this work and t o nationai Conference on Science Information, 2 Vols.,
my students for providing the challenge. National Academy o f Sciences, Washington, D.C. (1959).
See: (a) Vickery, B.C., 855-886; (b) Vlckery, B.C., 1275-
1290; (c) Summary of the discussion o f the Area 4: 803-
81 1 ; and Area 6: 1395-1409.
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