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Release Notes


GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
How to Migrate from RW5.x to RW 6.x ..................................................................................................................... 2
How to Migrate from RW5.6x to RW 6.x ................................................................................................................... 2
How to Migrate from RW6.x to RW 6.08.01 .............................................................................................................. 2

RELEASE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Release Name .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Controller Hardware Support .................................................................................................................................... 4
Language Support .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Incompatibility ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
New Functionality ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Improvements ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Corrections .............................................................................................................................................................. 17

How to Migrate from RW5.x to RW 6.x

• Contact local ABB for further information

How to Migrate from RW5.6x to RW 6.x

• Migration Checklist in RobotStudio 6.x
• Migration Tool in RobotStudio 6.x
• Contact local ABB for license migration and further information

How to Migrate from RW6.x to RW 6.08.01

• Migration Checklist in RobotStudio 6.08.01
• Migration Tool in RobotStudio 6.08.01
• Contact local ABB for further information
Release Information

Release Name
The release name is RobotWare 6.08.01
The release contains following:
• RobotWare 6.08.01
• RobotStudio 6.08.01
Controller Hardware Support
 Main computer unit:
 DSQC1000
 DSQC1018
 DSQC1024
 Flexpendant unit:
 SxTPU3
 Drivesystem:
 DriveSystem 09
 Industrial Networks, PCI-express boards
 DSQC1006, DeviceNet Master/Slave – 1 channel Option 709-1

 DSQC1005, ProfiBus Controller – 1 channel Option 969-1

 Fieldbus adapters (HMS-module)

 DSQC669, EtherNet/IP Adapter Option 840-1

 DSQC667, ProfiBus Device Option 840-2

 DSQC688, ProfiNet Device Option 840-3

 DSQC1004, DeviceNet Slave Option 840-4

 Industrial Networks, SoftWare solution

 EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter Option 841-1

 Profinet Controller/Device Option 888-2

 Profinet Device Option 888-3

 ProfiSafe F-Device Option 997-1

 ProfiSafe F-Host&Device Option 997-2

 CIP Safety Adapter Option 997-3

 CIP Safety Scanner&Adapter Option 997-4

 Prepared for ABB CI502 Option 1241-1

 Serial ports (RS232)

 DSQC1003, RS232 – 1 (2) channel Option 970-1

 SafeMove 2nd Generation:

 DSQC1015 Safety Module Option 996-1

 Local IO System
 DSQC1030 Digital base 16Input, 16Output

 DSQC1031 Digital add-on 16Input, 16Output

 DSQC1032 Analog add-on 4Analog Inputs, 4Analog Outputs

 DSQC1033 Relay add-on Relay 8 Input, 8 Output

• CTM, Conveyor Tracking Module

 DSQC2000 Option 1552-1 Tracking Unit Interface
Language Support
The following languages are supported in RobotWare.
• English
• French
• German
• Spanish
• Italian
• Chinese (simplified Chinese, mainland Chinese) 1) 2)
• Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese) 1)
• Dutch 1)

• Swedish 1)

• Danish 1)
• Czech 1)

• Hungarian 1)

• Finnish 1)

• Korean 1) 2)

• Japanese 1) 2)
• Russian 1) 2)
• Turkish 1)
• Slovenian 1)

1) The language is only supported in the controller and Flex Pendant
2) The language support for Asian languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) and Russian has some specific limitations:
- TPWrite, TPRead, and TPPrint do not work – use English text.
- Printing error text from RAPID (instruction ErrWrite) does not work - use English text.
RobotWare 6.08:
Parameter remove_corner_path_warning replaced
The functionality of the configuration parameter remove_corner_path_warning has been replaced with the
rapid-instruction CornerPathWarning. For example, CornerPathWarning FALSE, will suppress the warning
For further information, see "RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data" types on the instruction

CIP Safety Scanner cannot connect to POINT Guard I/O Safety Modules from Allen-Bradley (e.g. 1734-
OB8S, 1734-IB8S)
POINT Guard I/O Safety modules are mounted on an EtherNet/IP Adapter (e.g. A-B 1734-AENTR) and are
not directly accessible from the EtherNet/IP network thus, from our scanner.
To access such modules the scanner should send a special Forward Open request containing CIP Routing
(for details see THE CIP NETWORKS LIBRARY Volume 1: Common Industrial Protocol Specification,
Chapter 10: Bridging and Routing).
On the market exist CIP Safety EtherNet/IP I/O devices of modular construction that don't require CIP
routing information when establishing connection e.g.: ABB Safety Local I/O, PSS u2 P0 F/S EIP.
The ABB CIP Safety Scanner in RW6.08 connects to such.

Backups with the CIP Safety Adapter option (997-3) need migrating to RW6.08
Migration of a backup is necessary before restoring it in RobotWare 6.08.
This applies to backups created in RW systems version 6.05.xx-6.07.xx with the CIP Safety Adapter option
(997-3) present.
In previous versions two separate EtherNet/IP Internal Devices were present in I/O System Configuration
when the option 997-3 was present, one for non-safety EtherNet/IP and the other for CIP Safety
In RW>=6.08 only one EtherNet/IP Internal Device is necessary.
The migration deletes the unnecessary internal device and remaps safety signals if needed.
Note that after migration the safety signals when viewed in "Controller->Configuration->I/O System-
>Signals" will be mapped outside of the Device Map defined by the Internal device.
This will not affect the checksum or validation status of any configured safety configuration.
To carry out migration perform following steps:
1. Create a backup in the old system, RW<=6.07.XX
2. Install RS6.08/RW6.08
3. Migrate the backup using RobotStudio 6.08

4. Restore migrated backup, select "include safety settings".

5. Restart the controller.

Not possible to have group signals over more than one module
It is not possible to have a group signal mapping over several modules, e.g. over a device with several
modules (device/module/submodule). It is only possible to create a group signal over one module.
RobotWare 6.08.01:
IOC: Configuration of Fast Startup and Portspeed
Configuration of Fast Startup and Portspeed has changed in RW6.08.01, and it is now required to have the
proper GSD file to change it.
On device configurations not created with IO configurator, it is possible to view settings for Fast Startup and
Portspeed, to change it the device has to be created with IO configurator.
New Functionality
RobotWare 6.08:
Activate and deactivate warning 50024
CornerPathWarning is used to activate and deactivate corner path failure warnings (50024 event log).

[ Active' :=' ] < expression (IN) of bool > ';'
In earlier robotware versions it was possible to remove the warning with the configuration parameter
"Remove Corner Path Warning".
The instruction replace this configuration parameter, and makes it possible to activate and deactivate
report of warning in runtime.
The recommendation is to have the corner path warning activated. Turn off the corner path warning only in
situations where a warning sometimes occur. Such situations can be when waiting for some input (from
I/O, cameras, sensors or other external equipment).
A corner path warning can result in bad process performance and will lead to worse cycle times.
All those situations needs to be analyzed before removing the corner path warning.

A corner path failure occurs when the robot is executing a corner zone move instruction and the RAPID
program execution does not provide a new move instruction in time.
This forces the system to convert the programmed fly-by point to a fine point.

Fronius TPSi Seamtracking

A new ABB interface to the Fronius TPSi welder with Seamtracking is developed.
The Fronius TPSi Seam tracking Add-In is a powerful software based TAST (Through Arc Seam Tracking)
RobotWare Add-in option. The function is based on a feedback signal provided by the TPSi power source.
This feedback signal is representing a wire stick-out value to support both vertical and lateral seam
tracking and is used as a sensor to indicate variations in the welding current which is caused by changes in
welding current and voltage.
There are dedicated FlexPendant user applications for editing trackdata related parameters and runtime
information from the tracking process.
Supported track types are:
Centerline tracking
Height only tracking
Y Corrections tracking only
Inverted Centerline tracking.

There is also support for MultiPass welding.

The Fronius TPSi Seam tracking Add-in also needs the Fronius TPSi Add-in to work properly.
The RobotWare option 1553-1 Tracking Interface (licensed option) is needed for this functionality.
Aluminum welding is not supported.
Adaptive functionality is not yet supported.
The WeldGuide option [815-2] cannot be used in the same task as this new tracker. Either the WeldGuide
option or this new Seamtracker option, not both.
There is an incompatibility with the Production Monitoring option [659-1]. This means that Production
Monitoring cannot be used in the same system as this new tracker option. This applies to RobotWare 6.07
and lower. The issue is solved in RobotWare 6.08
There is an incompatibility with the Optical tracking Arc option [660-1]. This means that Optical tracking Arc
cannot be used in the same system as this new tracker.
The version is Fronius TPSi Seamtracking 1.00 and can be found at RobotApps in the
RobotStudio Add-ins tab.

motsetdata updated
A new Boolean component corner_path_warn_suppress has been added to motsetdata.
Improved zone behaviour
Functionalities for increasing the utilization of the zones has been added.
See System Parameters manual for "Relative zone size with finepoint" and "Allow asymmetric zones".
- Parameters will not be used at conveyor tracking.
- The function works when the conjunctive move instructions are of the same type (i.e. MoveL to MoveL)
- The function works when the same workobject is used.
- The function does not work in MultiMove.

RCS Module - Parameters to change zone behaviors

Functionalities for increasing the utilization of the zones has been added.
See System Parameters manual for "Relative zone size with finepoint" and "Allow asymmetric zones".
Use the service SAVE_RCS_DATA to be able to make changes to the system parameters in the MOC.CFG file
which will be stored in the obotPathName directory.
After changing and saving the database, a restart (TERMINATE and INITIALIZE) of the RCS-Module is needed
in order to start using the updated configuration.

CBC support for IRBP

IRBP manipulators now supports Cyclic Brake Check (CBC).
The support is limited to IRBP with Type A motors
Requirement for the function is that IRBP is configured with "Activate at Start Up" and "Deactivation Forbidden"
set as true, "Deactivation Cyclic Brake Check for axis" as false and in combination with a TCP robot.

Option 1553-1 Tracking Interface with CAP Instruction IPathPos

The option "1553-1 Tracking Interface" did not support use of the RAPID instruction IPathPos.
Starting with 6.08 this support is available.

New functionality Collision Avoidance

In RobotWare 6.08 we are releasing a new functionality named Collision Avoidance.
It monitors geometric models of the robot and the robot cell and stops the robots if the programmed path will
result in a collision.
All serial link robots (bending backwards robots) have a built-in geometric model that is used by Collision
Collision Avoidance will not function in the following situations and applications:
- Responsive jogging
- Conveyor tracking
- Sensor controlled applications like seam-tracking and force control
To use the functionality Collision Avoidance the software option Collision Detection [613-1] is needed.
Note: Collision Avoidance will not be available for robot models in a standalone controller (SAC) setup

GSD parser for version 2.2 and 2.25 added

Support of GSD file versions 2.2 and 2.25 for the IO Configurator GSD parser.

CIP Safety Scanner

Support of CIP Safety Scanner added

Optical Sensor Simulator

Simulator for optical tracking system used for virtual controllers in robot studio added.

SoftElbow for YuMi

New RAPID instructions have been added for YuMi that will make the arm soft in arm angle direction while
keeping TCP and orientation intact.
See Rapid manual for further details.

New Move instruction MovePnP for scara robots

There is a new Move instruction for pick and place movements on all scara robots.
The instruction is named MovePnP and can be used to get improved cycle time for pick and place cycles.
RobotWare 6.08.01:
Asset Management for PROFINET
Now we support Asset Management for our PROFINET Device according to PROFINET specification V2.3 Ed.2.
RobotWare 6.08:
ReadCfgData update
ReadCfgData can now read internal/read only data.
Internal and read only data can only be shown on FP and in RS, but it cannot be edited.
Such data are handled in special way in cfg and that data have previously not been possible to read via

Power on event routines could fail to execute

Under certain conditions it could happen that event-routines are aborted during startup of the system that was
indicated by an event log.
From 6.08 we will not abort these but rather defer the execution, until next program start.
This is indicated by e new event log 10457.

Max. number of PERS declarations

When upgrading to 6.06 or 6.07 from earlier versions, there is a risk getting issues creating backups with large
PERS arrays.
This issue is removed in 6.08

ProfiSafeOpAck as System Input

The PROFIsafe operator acknowledge has now been added to the System Input List.

Repository: Incorrect path can be assigned to additional files

IM Repository, it's now not possible to select other folders than HOME for additional files.

Production Screen, merge configurations silently

When merging Production Screen setup files there is now a way to disable the message box that informs of
duplicated or moved apps and widgets.
Instead the message will be added to the ProdScr.log file where issues and events are generally stored.
This was added to facilitate remote installation of files.

To disable the message box simply add the attribute SilentMerge="true" to the new project setup file, as:

The attribute will not be added to the resulting setup file.

If several files are merged at the same time the message box is disabled if any of the files have the attribute set
to true.
Merging setup files in Production Screen now will write over old app and widget settings instead of skipping them
if they already exist.
Two apps or widgets are considered to be equal if the elements Assembly, Type and InData are equal.

For apps the following values are affected: ApplicationName, AlertSignalName, ErrorSignalName, ImageName
and Index.
For widgets the following values are affected: WidgetName, OverrideDefer, PageId, Position, PositionLocked,
ZIndex and ControllerBindings.

Note! Project settings are never merged, old settings will remain unless the file is replaced.

Safety migration support for F-Device to F-Device/F-Host

In 6.08 there will be possible to "open" (in VSM) safety configurations developed for F-Device into a system
having F-Device/F-Host option installed.
With the possibility it will be possible to modify the existing configuration to include external safety IO devices.
The protected checksum will not be affected if it encapsulates only the F-Device specific configuration and is not
altered by the user.
See applications manuals for additional information.
Import of existing F-Device configuration with no modules in a system with F-Host
On an F-Host system reset to its factory settings it is possible to open a sc_cfg.xml in VisualSafeMove that has
an internal device without modules without changing the checksum.
It is also possible to add F-Device but then the checksum will change accordingly. The protected checksum will
not change unless the F-Device contains protected elements.

YuMi: Collision with error handling causes loss of complete program

In 6.07 the system can fail after collision with internal error:
MC0(rapidts): Pgmexe_i.c 8835 exec_eltexp status: -1513 (rapidts): SYS STOP from Pgmexe_i.c,8840
In 6.08, the system will go to RAPID BLOCK system state instead.
The program pointer must be moved in all tasks, but the program will not be lost. PP to main will make a reset so
it is possible to continue.

Path accuracy for IRB910SC

Improved path accuracy for IRB910SC.
Decreased settling times and overshoot when moving with axis3 in the lower work range

Shorter reaction time for system input "LimitSpeed"

The reaction time for system input "LimitSpeed" has been improved.
Note that when LimitSpeed is active, a program stop will take longer time to execute.

Non-motion normal task not stopped with system input "stop"

It now possible to set system input "Stop" and "Stop at next Instruction" at the same time and the rapid task will
always stop immediately.

Force calibration warning

In this release a new warning message has been added regarding force calibration.
This event log will be triggered if the difference is too big between the configured max gun force and the last
entry in the force calibration table.

New motion process mode

Press tending mode
– Changes the Kv Factor, Kp Factor and Ti Factor in order to mitigate tool vibrations.
This mode is primarily intended for use in press tending applications where flexible grippers with a large
extension in the y-direction are used.

RobotWare 6.08.01:
IRC5 OPC Server
Members of Rapid record of one dim array can be read / written as a single variable

I/O check during poweron

In this release the required process I/O checks has been moved from the poweron startup event to the
start and restart events instead.
In previous releases the PP could be lost at poweron for example if the required I/O device was not up and
running at that time.
Note that the PP will still be lost, and an elog will be raised (110684) if the I/O device(s) are lost during the
start and/or restart event.

BullsEye needs a fast EIO signal to work properly. The recommendation is to configure the input signal from the
BullsEye beam as Change of State (COS) and not as Polled or Cyclic.
From RW 6.08.01, an error elog 111542 will be displayed if the used signal is not configured as Change of State
(COS) when executing the BullsEye instructions.
RobotWare 6.08:
Virtual FlexPendant not loaded in VC due to faulty Temp-folder path
From 6.08 and forward, the local system temp path will be used; hence it will always be there.
Workaround for older systems is to manually create the temp folder on root level if it is not present.
Note that this behavior is by no means new; it has been there way back (meaning, no temp folder
executing in VC = faulty behavior; for most users this will never surface since most are running on C: where
temp usually exists on root level).

Upgrade of systems with EGM and RW older than 6.08

If you want to upgrade a system with EGM and RW older than 6.08 to RW 6.08 or newer, you have to use
RobotStudio (RS) 6.08 or newer.
In RW 6.08 the driver for UDPUC devices was split from EGM but shall be installed automatically, as before, if
the option EGM is selected. RS older than 6.08 had an error though, which caused that the upgraded system
was installed without the UDPUC driver

New Error message added

A new error message 41906 has been added in CyclicBrakeCheck and BrakeCheck.
This error is related to that there is an existing path for one or several mechanical units.
You can get this error in two cases, both requires Multimove:
1) Executing CyclicBrakeCheck or BrakeCheck from a service routine, and one or several mechanical units has
not been stopped in a fine point.
The mechanical unit connected to the RAPID task executing the service routine is forced to a fine point by the
CyclicBrakeCheck (or BrakeCheck) routine, but mechanical units controlled by other tasks is not forced to a fine
Then the actual brake test cannot be performed.
2) Executing CyclicBrakeCheck or BrakeCheck from your RAPID code.
One or more mechanical units has not been stopped in a fine point.
Deactivating one or more motion tasks in the task selection panel, and then executing the CyclicBrakeCheck (or
BrakeCheck) routine will cause this error also.

Fronius TPSi support in RobotWare

With the introduction of the Fronius TPSi, packaged as an Add-in, there are now two versions of TPSi support.
One Add-in version, and one delivered with RobotWare.
For new installations, the Add-in version of TPSi is recommended.
The RobotWare version is still available to support upgrade of current installations.
The RobotWare version will be phased out with the introduction of RobotWare 7.x.

Robot Reference Interface

All RRI users are encouraged to change their clients to EGMStreamStart since RRI will be obsolete in future

Safety configuration load from FlexPendant

The possibility to load a safety configuration from the FlexPendant using the "Load" command has been

Limitation in BackwardHandling for NOSTEPIN routines

This info handles the functionality for StepOutNoStepin, changing direction from forward to backward step when
the program pointer is inside a nostepin routine.

The last instruction shall preferable be a comment or something else then a NoStepin-routine.
Changing mode from forward to backward while in the last instruction before ENDPROC, the program pointer will
not be moved to the previous instruction.
Work around: Add comment as last statement in all procedures with NoStepin routines.

Calibration forces
In this release the automatic recalculation of the calibration forces has been removed when running the force
calibration sequence.

DSQC1024 support
The new computer board for IRC5, DSQC1024, is fully supported in RW6.08
CIP Safety Adapter/Scanner
RobotWare with options:
• CIP Safety Adapter (977-3) or
• CIP Safety Scanner and Adapter (997-4)
Does not support CIP Safety multicast connections.

CIP Safety Adapter/Scanner configuration

Configuring of the CIP Safety Adapter (option 997-3) or CIP Safety Scanner (option 997-4) shall be done
- Controller->Configuration->I/O System
- Visual Safe Move->Safe I/O Configurator
For details please refer to the Application manual EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter, Chapters 4 and 5.
The I/O Configurator (IOC) shall not be used to configure the CIP Safety Adapter and Scanner.

CIP Safety Scanner

CIP Safety Scanner only supports Type 2 connections not type 1 connections when connecting to an
external safety device.

Sick MicroScan 3 and IOC

When adding the SICK Microscanner to IOC it is important to use the correct module from the GSDML file.
Default module is unfortunately NOT supported.
After added SICK Microscanner you need to manually delete the module and then select a supported module
from the list that appears in the Device Catalog.

The correct (supported) modules are:

mS3 6Byte In/Out PROFIsafe V2.4
mS3 6Byte In/Out PROFIsafe V2.4 iParCRC

Possible gap in EGM position stream at start of the stream

When EGM position stream is started either using EGMStreamStart or EGMActXX\StreamStart it is possible that
the stream gets stuck for a fraction of a second during the first second of the streaming.

Upgrade of systems with EGM and RW older than 6.08

If you want to upgrade a system with EGM and RW older than 6.08 to RW 6.08 or newer, you have to use
RobotStudio (RS) 6.08 or newer.
In RW 6.08 the driver for UDPUC devices was split from EGM but shall be installed automatically, as
before, if the option EGM is selected. RS older than 6.08 had an error though, which caused that the
upgraded system was installed without the UDPUC driver

RWS session is cleared if client connection is taken down

A session will be removed in the Robot Web Services if the TCP-connection is closed.
This means that if a client sends a request, the connection needs to be kept in order to continue the session
afterwards. For example in subscriptions/websockets.
This affected the python client, such that if you want to connect to the controller and set up a subscription, a
session needs to be created first and then send the request from that session. Otherwise the websocket will be

Example in python:

= requests.Session()

= , auth=digest_auth, data=payload)
Motion Supervision events on wrist axis
In 6.08 there was a limitation in torque calculations that could cause false Motion Supervision events from wrist
axis on some robots. Eg. IRB1410 and IRB1600.
This has now been solved.

LLDP functionality when Robot Controller acts as both Controller and Device
When running a system with the device option, the Robot Controller will use LLDP version Legacy.
With LLDP_ChassiID in conjunction with MulipleInterfaceMode.NameOfDevice == 0.
According to PROFINET Standard
Technical Specification for PROFINET IO Version 2.3Ed2MU5 – Date: March 2018 Order No.: 2.722
Section 4.11.3 LLDP transfer syntax
The RC will adjust LLDP version when it receives a PDPInterfaceAdjust setting the multipleInterfaceMode = 1.

Note! That the behavior of the Robot Controllers LLDP version is separated from the LLDP version configured
for the controller network. Eg if the user configures a PROFINET network with several external devices using
LLDP version standard, the Robot Controller will still use LLDP legacy mode until an PDPInterfaceAdjust has
been received.
RobotWare 6.08.01:
Option 606-2 Indexing Conveyor Control
Option 606-2 requires DeviceNet option 709-1

Conveyor tracking option needs option 709-1 or 1552-1

When using a Conveyor tracking option, choose option 709-1 ”Devicenet
Master/Slave” for DSQC377 tracking interface or option 1552-1 ”Tracking Unit Interface” when using the CTM

Collision avoidance in joint bound position

Inaccuracies in the Collision Avoidance model for the IRB1200 7Kg could cause false collisions to be triggered
when axis 2 was near its joint limit.
This has now been fixed.

Phoenix Profinet Configurator

From RobotWare 6.08.01 the Phoenix Configurator tool is not included in the RobotWare distribution. It is
still supported but it is strongly recommended to use the IO Configurator included in RobotStudio.
To be fully compliant to the PROFINET Controller certification, the configuration must be created and
changed from the IO Configurator as this tool is included in the certification process.

Configuration of PROFINET external devices requires the GSD file to be present in the system
The existence of the GSD file is necessary for the configuration of external PROFINET devices to be correctly
configured from the IO Configurator.
If a old configuration must be changed and no GSD file for the current device exist, it may be required to import a
GSD file to be able to change the configuration.

Configuration of FSU in IO Configurator

To be able to configure Fast Startup (FSU) in IO Configurator, the GSD file must be present.
It is the GSD file that has the information regarding if a device has support for FSU.
It is always recommended to have the GSD file when using IO Configurator since it contains configuration

GSD file needed for device with DAP on other slot than slot 0
If there is a DAP on another slot than slot 0, it is necessary to have the GSD file present when configuration is
RobotWare 6.08

Parameters to change zone behaviors PDD2301

Safety migration support for F-Device to F-Device/F-Host PDD9295
Refresh button resets non motion execution PDD9316
Shorter reaction time for system input "LimitSpeed" PDD9584
CBC not executable if you call it as routine, but exec. from the Control Panel - Safety Controller PDD9593
Unexpected TriggIO behavior in Robotstudio Signal Analyzer PDD9603
Read UAS login name from Rapid PDD9605
Problem if one device name is a substring of another device name PDD9684
Plate thickness supervision issue PDD9709
RW options in scrambled order PDD9723
SM Visualizer shows popup even after calibration PDD9742
Signal Analyzer - Measurement glitch on TCP speed PDD9749
Signal Name, system Input_Output PDD9802
Non-profinet services (RRI) not working on LAN3(X5) when profinet option enabled PDD9803
SafeMove2 CBC stops showing alarm PDD9805
Non-motion normal task not stopped with system input "stop" PDD9910
ProfiSafeOpAck as System Input PDD9976
YuMi with PickMaster PDD9979
Virtual FlexPendant not loaded in VC due to faulty Temp-folder path PDD9985
Production Screen did take over the new attribute "OverrideDefer" during merging xml files PDD10019
Repository: Incorrect path can be assigned to additional files PDD10046
Weld Repair - Geometric interpolation failed PDD10126
Error in TPU when coordinate move with MultiMove system PDD10138
Long controller name will overlap other text on TPU PDD10158
Errors in PROC for Arc system 3 for Fronius TPS equipment PDD10251
Error 50124 when updating from 6.04 to 6.05 and higher PDD10254
GTPU slow response when pressing return instruction PDD10257
WZone initialization error at warm start when accessing I/O PDD10259
Fronius TPSi in a multimove setup PDD10293
Sysfail and flexpendant freeze when modpos in manual mode PDD10310
Power on event routines could fail to execute PDD10314
Large PERS arrays problems when making backup PDD10315
80 char strings PDD10334
Wrong thickness displayed PDD10340
Force calibration warning PDD10358
Calibration forces PDD10359
Fronius TPS installation when no Fieldbus is selected PDD10363
MPSavePath fails intermittently PDD10419
WaitDI stuck on instruction PDD10426
Error when Teaching targets with Scara Robot in RobotStudio PDD10442
Error 40634 not thrown if \sync is used with SetDo PDD10468
Sysfail when selecting external mechanical unit PDD10505
Operating mode issue in virtual controller PDD10506
ABB IO configurator does not work with IFM AL1102 IO-Link PDD10512
System Error when cancelling call to routine PDD10518
Welding without motion PDD10522
Display issue of CyclicBool in WaitUntil PDD10547
Call of ReaL-instruction with unknown user_data PDD10572
System failure switching in automatic PDD10573
Backup overwrite failed PDD10577
Simulation fails after running for a period of time PDD10603
RobotStudio stopped working / I/O Configurator PDD10613
String, Popup message PDD10620
Weaving in zones PDD10632
Robot Reference Interface time field correction PDD10639
Option 1553-1 Tracking Interface with CAP Instruction IPathPos PDD10655
Spontaneous SYS fail using CAP PDD10673
Independent movement reset PDD10694
PROFINET Fast Startup issue PDD10721
P-start when setting rapid variable from flexpendant PDD10738
Speed bump at end of FCPressEnd PDD10742
RobotWare 6.08.01

IRC5 OPC Server PDD5378

Production Monitoring in MultiMove with 3 robots or more PDD9213
Bullseye User Interface PDD10161
Cannot modify parameter value "no reset of plc out signal" of production manager from RobotStudio PDD10206
Restart of the controller from RobotStudio PDD10306
Murr 55530 device connected with PROFINET PDD10461
Wrong data rate at ethernet port reported when doing POF measurement at robot controller PDD10488
Spot MMS interrupt queue full PDD10490
Problem when interupt during a SetForce instruction PDD10495
Exception when chosing CBC in Safemove visualizer PDD10502
Virtual stations during startup PDD10514
I/O check during poweron PDD10729
41530 Instruction error PDD10763
41551 PathRecorder Move Error after controller reboot PDD10781
Motor reference error PDD10782
Arc-welding PDD10789
Fail to read file on FTP Server PDD10821
Spontaneous sysfail when executing long jump PDD10826
Recovery disk write error PDD10837
Robot running when TPU shows safety stop PDD10846
Sporadic system failure after motion supervision or cat1/cat0 stop PDD10847
Software equalization Servo Gun 50052 joint speed errors PDD10855
Main Computer Failure Spontanious error PDD10864
Clean Disk option disappers after Refresh in Recovery disk PDD10887
Execution error during arcweld after stop when using optical tracking PDD10898
Possible to add signals to modules that have size determined by submodules PDD10937
Only the latest GSD file shown in the device catalogue PDD10939
Setting FSU for Fibre Optic does not need port speed PDD10997
Deactivate/Active is keeping the AR active in fast startup cases PDD10998
Force control model for IRB8700 PDD11129
RAPID program execution "freezes" PDD11157
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