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Registration No: Section: Date: ______________

DSP Lab#03

Discrete Time Signals and Signal Operations

A discrete signal is denoted by x(n), in which the variable n is integer valued and represents
discrete instances in time. For Matlab representation of signal x(n) we require two vectors, one
for sample values and the other for sample positions.

E.g. x (n) = {2, 1, -1, 0, 1, 4, 3, 7}

>> n=[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4]; x=[2,1,-1,0,1,4,3,7];

3.1 Unit Sample Sequence

To generate over the interval n1≤n0≤n2, we will use the following MATLAB function

Function [x, n] = impseq (n0, n1, n2)

n = n1:n2; x = [(n-n0) == 0];

Task(1): Write code to generate and plot the following sequence over interval -5≤n≤5

3.1.2 Unit step sequence:

To generate over the interval n1≤n0≤n2, we will use the following MATLAB function

function [x,n] = stepseq(n0,n1,n2)

n = n1:n2; x = [(n-n0) >= 0];

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Task(2): Write code to generate and plot the following sequence over interval 0≤n≤20

3.1.3Complex-valued exponential sequence

Task(3): Run the following code and note down the output. Also use real, imag and abs
functions to plot real part, imaginary part and magnitude.

>> n = [0:5]; x = exp ((2+3j)*n);

3.1.4 Sinusoidal Sequence

Task(4): Execute the following code and correctly answer the following questions

Fs = 100; % Sampling frequency

Freq = 10; % Frequency of the signal
time = 0:1/Fs:(3/Freq); % Time vector
A = 4; % Amplitude of the signal
signal = A * sin(2*pi*Freq*time); % Signal it self

Number of samples in the signal: _____________________

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Number of cycles in the plotted signal: ______________

Number of samples in one cycle: ______________________
Time period of signal: _______________________________
Frequency of the signal: _____________________________

Task(5): Explain the following Matlab functions

square, sawtooth, chirp

3.2 Operation on Sequences:

3.2.1 Signal Addition:

If sequences are of unequal lengths, or if the sample positions are different for equal-length
sequences, then we cannot directly use the operator +. We have to first augment x1 (n) and x2
(n) so that they have the same position vector n.

Following function sigadd is used to accomplish this:

function [y,n] = sigadd(x1,n1,x2,n2)

n = min(min(n1) ,min(n2)) :max(max(n1) ,max(n2)) ;

y1 = zeros (1,length(n)); y2=y1;

y1 (find((n>=min(n1))&(n<=max(n1))==1))=x1;

y2 (find((n>=min(n2))&(n<=max(n2))==1))=x2;

y = y1+y2;

Note: Signal Multiplication can be carried out in the similar way.

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3.2.3 Signal Shifting:

This operation has no effect on x but vector n is changed by adding shifted amount to each

function [y,n] = sigshift(x,m,n0)

n = m+n0; y=x;

3.2.4 Signal Folding

This operation can be carried out by the following function

function [y,n] = sigfold(x,n)

y = fliplr(x); n = - fliplr(n);

Task(6): Let x(n) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}. Determine and plot the following sequence:

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