Advertising Management Bb2151 Course Plan

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School of Business and Commerce

Department of Business Administration
Course Hand-out
Advertising Management | BB2151| 3 Credits | 3 0 0 3
Session: Aug-Dec 2021| Faculty: Dr. Sunishtha Dhaka and Ms. Savita Panwar | BBA III Semester |

A. Course Introduction:
The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with knowledge of different concepts, techniques of
advertising to develop an effective advertising programme. This course covers the various elements of
advertising in the business environment. Topics include advertising, selection of media, use of advertising and
advertising strategy as a marketing tool, and means of testing effectiveness. The young entrepreneurs are
supposed to have the knowledge of advertising without which they may not be able to run their business

B. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
[BB2151.1]. Understand and learn advertising terminologies and concepts.
[BB2151.2]. Develop knowledge about creative strategy for skills development.
[BB2151.3]. Understand different determinants of media mix to develop the employability skills.
[BB21514]. Analyse the monitoring, evaluation and control of promotional program.

C. Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes

[PO1].Critical Thinking: Take informed actions after identifying the assumptions that frame our thinking and
actions, checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid, and looking at our ideas and
decisions (intellectual, organizational, and personal) from different perspectives.
[PO2].Effective Communication: Speak, read, write and listen clearly in person and through electronic media
in English and in one Indian language, and make meaning of the world by connecting people, ideas, books,
media and technology.
[PO3]. Social Interaction: Elicit views of others, mediate disagreements and help reach conclusions in group
[PO4]. Effective Citizenship: Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centred national
development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through
[PO5]. Ethics: Recognize different value systems including your own, understand the moral dimensions of
your decisions, and accept responsibility for them.
[PO6]. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable
[PO7]. Self-directed and Life-long Learning: Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long
learning in the broadest context socio-technological changes
[PSO.1]. Understanding Traditional and Contemporary Managerial Concepts and Models: Understanding
in detail, the contents of various functional areas of Business & Management and the implications of
psychological and behavioral aspects on the organizations.
[PSO 2]. Analyzing Business Environment: Identifying opportunities existing in the domestic and global
business and economic environment and initiating systematic approach towards rational decision making.
[PSO 3]. Application of Business Concepts and Managerial Skills: Implementing conceptual knowledge in
real business situations for ensuring business sustainability and growth.
D. Assessment Plan:
Criteria Description Maximum Marks
Sessional Exam I 20
Internal Assessment Sessional Exam II 20
(Summative) In class Quizzes and Assignments , 20
Activity feedbacks (Accumulated
and Averaged)
End Term Exam End Term Exam 40
Total 100
Attendance A minimum of 75% Attendance is required to be maintained by a student to
(Formative) be qualified for taking up the End Semester examination. The allowance of
25% includes all types of leaves including medical leaves.
Make up Assignments Students who misses a class will have to report to the teacher about the
(Formative) absence. A makeup assignment on the topic taught on the day of absence
will be given which has to be submitted within a week from the date of
absence. No extensions will be given on this. The attendance for that
particular day of absence will be marked blank, so that the student is not
accounted for absence. These assignments are limited to a maximum of 5
throughout the entire semester.
Homework/ Home Assignment/ There are situations where a student may have to work in home, especially
Activity Assignment before a flipped classroom. Although these works are not graded with
(Formative) marks. However, a student is expected to participate and perform these
assignments with full zeal since the activity/ flipped classroom participation
by a student will be assessed and marks will be awarded.

E. Syllabus
Introduction to Advertising Management: Introduction, Importance, Functions, Legal, Ethical and social
Aspects of Advertising. Advertising Classification, Theories of Advertising (AIDA model & DAGMAR model),
Media Planning: Types of Medias, Medias Characteristics, Preparing a Media Plan, Media Planning & Buying
Functions, Building of Advertising Programme-Message, Headlines, Copy, Logo, Illustration, Appeal, layout
Campaign Planning, Advertising Agency: Introduction, Types of Advertising Agencies, Structure and Functions
of Advertising Agency, Measuring Advertising Effectiveness: Introduction, Methods of Measurements (pre-
testing & post testing methods).

F. Text Books
TI. Jethwaney & Jain: Advertising Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
T2. Chunawala S.A., Sethia K.C., Foundations of Advertising Theory & Practice, Fourth Edition., Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai.
T3. Havaldar, K. Krishna and Cavale, M. Vasant, Sales and Distribution Management: Text and Cases, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2006.

G. Reference Books
RI. Belch George E, Belch Michael A, Advertising Promotion, Sixth Edition Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd,
New Delhi.
H. Lecture Plan:
Lec. No. Topics Session Outcome Mode of Corresponding Mode of
Delivery CO Assessing the
1 Introduction and To acquaint and clear Lecture 2151.1 NA
Course Hand-out teachers’ expectations and
briefing and understand student Discussion
2-3 Advertising: Understand meaning, Lecture 2151.1 Class Quiz
Objectives of concept, objectives and and End Term
Advertising, Role of role of advertising Discussion Mid Term I
Advertising in the
Marketing Process
4-5 Theories of Understand different Lecture 2151.1 Class Quiz
Advertising(AIDA theories related to and End Term
and DAGMAR) advertising Discussion Mid Term I
6-7 Types of Analyse different types Lecture 2151.1 Class Quiz
Advertising, of advertising and End Term
Discussion Mid Term I
8-11 Strategy and Examine strategy and Lecture 2151.1 Class Quiz
planning process in planning in advertising and End Term
advertising Discussion Mid Term I
12-16 Advertising agency- Discuss advertising Lecture 21511.1 Class Quiz
structure and agency and processes and End Term
processes Discussion Mid Term I
17-20 Advertising Understand advertising Lecture 2151.1 Class Quiz
Budgeting budget, budgeting and and End Term
budgeting methods Discussion Mid Term II
21-23 Creative Strategy Discuss creative strategy Lecture 2151.2 Class Quiz
and creative and creative development and End Term
development: in advertising Discussion Mid Term II
Creativity in
24-26 Advertising Examine advertising Lecture 2151.2 Class Quiz
Copywriting, copy copy writing and its and End Term
principles for print different determinants Discussion Mid Term II
advertising and
broadcast copy,
27-28 Advertising art- Discuss different Lecture 2151.2 Class Quiz
Layout-Functions advertising art layouts and End Term
and Types. and their types and Discussion Mid Term II
29-31 Media strategy and Analyse media strategy Lecture 2151.3 Class Quiz
planning and and planning for and End Term
scheduling advertising Discussion Mid Term II
32 Interactive Understand interactive Lecture 2151.3 Class Quiz
Marketing and and social media and End Term
Social media marketing Discussion
33 Components of Understand different Lecture 2151.3 Class Quiz
Social media components of social and End Term
Marketing media marketing Discussion
34-36 Monitoring, Discuss different Lecture 2151.4 Class Quiz
Evaluation and methods of controlling and End Term
control: and measuring the results Discussion
Measuring the
effectiveness of the
37 Evaluating the Examine different Lecture 2151.4 Class Quiz
social, ethical and aspects related to and End Term
economic promotion through Discussion
aspects of advertising
advertising and
38 Measuring Introduction, Pre-testing Lecture 2151.4 Class Quiz
Advertising Methods and End Term
Effectiveness Discussion
39 Measuring Post Testing methods Lecture 2151.4 Class Quiz
Advertising and End Term
Effectiveness Discussion
I. Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PSO 1 PSO 2 PSO 3

BB Understand and learn advertising terminologies and 2 1 2

2151.1 different concepts related to advertising.

BB Develop knowledge about creative strategy for skills 2 1 1 1 1

2151.2 development.

BB Understand different determinants of media mix to 3 2 2 2 2 1

2151.3 develop the employability skills.

BB Analyse the monitoring, evaluation and control of 1 1 1

2151.4 promotional program.

1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

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