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SHEET MUSIC—KISS’S i Fah agucn).! yf ATUL Pld walla BEHIND ‘DOG EAT DOG’ FAITH NO MORE AUT ye COR d at MEGADE THRASH WARRIORS CLs | DEF li lie ait Bama) Part aed gy = THE rock ce) > ae Ceo P 7 PY ° Ls | OE a) ers Ace ty | Ce ee rials FIREHOUSE, . Lee Ld adil g bil aiese a ty ‘QUEEN'S FREDDIE MERCURY \ Tray PR Re Le Lak Pr aati kes Aaaeboed tueck tas oa e nd earned their place at iy oP of the ticket, Caer ero gL chosen Crate because of its sound, durability and overall : coon Definitely Crate Dae CRATE Used sco SA Band Needs To Evolve...” Oe aCe Pe LEN ess EUR ete Pee oR rac lid AFR basses, fixed bridge Peon ae omc) Pema oi Pyne Ronee avon s Beeb ose Bru CLR i ib asil:s pintingy ornare eng Over the past few years, Come eeiec ean) EN IRS Cec COU Oe ULL y Cad eae nce Cee ae epi eescuc ped rescore Rice Aces me Ute Pole Ree CORE EM Rye Bead (etait ou mane thanez Cr EN Cee. ae EBB Ge pi publ Sec Dhue) peepee MC Bere) eanratt Coke eae Omi CRS tl eR MCU Pee On ee Pear era og Poe nbc een crn pact Sac pecs ee ROB PAN s oan tees ea Cie ru) pig weer og Mme Sy w/RG565 prototype OUST eae w/AFR Affirma bass a Get ready for the hottest sports’ games this side of the major leagues. Feel the heat of Roger “The Rocket’ Clemens with realistic over-the-shoulder fielding and interactive close-up plays. Get ready to rumble as George Foreman and show the world the power of a Big George jake it tothe hoop with 27 NBA‘ All-Stars in the most intense one-on-one b-ball action! Impact” forall the bone-crunching football excitement of the arcade smash! tired of watching from the sidelines... it's time to Play with the Pros! —GEQUS THE HARDEST ROCK MAGAZINE COVER aL” Queen Why rocks royal rousers, are hotter dead than sive. Pius, the. complete. history of Freddie, Mercury and” crow witvrare pictures | corey Levitan) 78 ‘Queen's Freddie Mercury Skid Row | Gne-on-one- with Sebastian Bach (Oan Hedges) Hard Rock The | | Vote j | Musicians are polled on who should be prez Megadeth | Stil angry afte all these years | ~hordechai Wedermacte)| ro | Kiss Special | God gave hock & Roll Te You | Ie 'shoot music. plus” tact | packed band Kissiory "Paul Gaeta) | 32 46 = Kiss Poster 24 26 Faith No More How Mike Patton’ crew Cooked up Ange! “(Gary Coo) Freddie Mercury Birthday Calendar | Plus other rocker birthdays tor the month of September The Young & The Reckless Moct Body Count Obituary (Mordechai Kleidermacher) ang Warrant ‘Meet the band: individual fa tures on Jan, Jerry, Joey, Erie and Steven —(Ban Hedges) Letters Feedback rom our readers Metal Guide Metal news, notes and touring into Hard Rock Hotline The stars answer your mal Stage Pass Def Lépparats new tou lve from Sheets (Gary Coo) Front Pages asa icers eal eet intorrons {Corey Levitan) Video Games Review the latest software (Bob Strauss) Music Videos New releases from Mr. Big, the Rollins Band, more tim Bossman) ‘SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 Song Lyrics ioe allow iehouse, Electric Boys Longplayers Now pear fon Mapes, F; Suicidal Tendencies, Faster Pussycat, moro {Mordechai Keidermacher) 105 106 Wordfind Answers Back Pages Fock & oll news, views and sheer Lou-nacy, (ou Onell Je) CCony) 90 A Guide To Pickups and Strings (Nick Boweot) 92 = Guitar Clinic Kiss Bruce Kulick —(Niek Bowecot) oa Drum Beat Led, Zeppelin’ ate John (Paul Geary) Tech Trek New products (Corey Levitan) Creu (ISSN 0000-736) is pubshod ‘monthly by Cres Enterprises Corpo ‘ation. 3 Wost 18h Stew. New Yor Boxiage ms acconany a unc w contents Copyngnt $992 by Crus Enterprises Corpora Ailrght reserved. Re tea. Printed in U.S.A, Subscription rates 22 00 2issves, 42 0010124 | Yor. Nv. an at eeitona maiing ot tices. POSTMAST 3E SEND Be) [ADDRESS CHANGES TO: CIRCUS, |, PO 80x 265, 47 MORRIS, 61056 | ‘Circus magazine welcomes mail from ts readers. Please address your thoughts, opinions ‘and questions to Lators, Circus magazine, ] West 18th Stet, Now York, NY 10011. Letiers | may be ected for clay or length. Pm not Ugly anymore! Hello Circus mag] Even with my short stay with Ugly Kid Joe, I would like to ‘express my personal thanks to all the ‘supportive fans that helped make the tour and EP a huge success. | invite fans to write me and my new band P.O, Box 910583, San Diego, CA ‘92191-0583. Thank you. Roger Lahr ex-Ualy Kid Joe Michigan youth gone wild Hust read about what happened at the Skid Row show in Michigan [Off The Wire, Circus, August]. | hope they find the son ofa bitch that threw the explosives. | can't believe people ike that, who ruin a show for the band and acncus the fans. They can even ruin someone's lite. Lcommend Skid Row for not jumping in the audience this time, but | couldn't blame them if they did. Please, if you don'tlike a band, stay home and write them a nasty letter. Don't try to kill them, Dawnne Buffalo, MN Dream date’s gone bye? ove Slaughter and | also love Circus magazine. Would itbe possible for Circus to give me a dream date with Mark Slaughter? Ya think? Maybe, just maybe? For once in my life’ ike to get something l want. Circus could interview me after the date andl tell you what Mark's lke. Please? A day with Mark that leads to a night? Just think ofall the publicity Circus would get? | bet Mark wouldn't mind. Please? Tie your best friend April Jones, ‘Auburn, MA How about a Diet Coke with the letters editor? ust kidding. Mark, we know you're reading this. What do you think? Ed. Queen II | must congratulate you in keeping the past alive with your second reprint cof an interview with Freddie Mercury {Circus, August]. Iwas very fortunate to bbe part of Freddie's life back in the early 70's, when we were both struggling students. His artistic inclination was. already very strong. Freddie was the most gentle, talented man with a great sense of humor. He had a vision and believed strongly in his music, his band and his friends, He is still an inspiration for many young artists of today. | miss you, Freddie. We all miss you. Anita Mary Brown Shor Hills, NJ Kissed off! I'ma very pissed ex-Kiss fan. think Kiss will never be the same again, The band has a hell of a nerve to stil call themselves Kiss. As far as I'm concerned it was Peter Criss and Ace Frehley who made Kiss popular. f you ask me, the Kiss of 15 years ago could kick Aerosmith’s ass any day. Now there's no way in hel, Shannon Howieson | St. Catharines, CAN Hunting for Wild Life | tracks I'mconfused. While reading your Slaughter aril |" How Siaugher Trapped The Wild Life,” Crews, une} noted your tracklisting. !have The wild Lite but don'thave “Olé Man’ and ‘Days Gone By (Acoustic).” Why not? Eric Birdsall Brockton, MA Because you purchased a cassette | copy. The CD contains the two bonus tracks you mentioned. —Ed. ° GO ON TOUR! with your Favorite Band! + Meet Your Favorite Bands! + GO ON TOUR with them! ; Get Front Row Tickets and iarsciiermeccen’ [> cote, ever 100 F standing in line or payin mao ; er i, oe r rol Ron rertt 1010 of this ridiculous prices. coer rare are CALL NOW! 7 CONCERT CONNECTIO! 1-900-28-TICKETS 1-900-288-4253) 24 Hours Dail ally Oniy S298/Min. 18 lin. 1st 15 SECONDS FRI IEE! Under 18 Gi 18 Get Parents Poriss NT & FAN rahe) rr Pan Skid Row, CONCERT iad mead Herel Aa eae +Getthe Tae Rohn Pls yc Cee aT ay Pe Cua Brest} neato ad U2, Nirvana, (oo740 eer Paes ee Co kdl Pr Peanut dal (olay Pa eg 0-370 Re Hear 7-900-370-2269) Pe et eos Prt Muiake Ly tr aad a sere HOW TO PLACE YOUR AD 11 Type or pint your ad ona pan piece of papor and count ne number of wore | 2. tive nomber of wor the | * nce per nord Commercial Aes | Sword tammy timo $8.00 por word, 3 times $550 or wore, 6 tmes 35.25 por word 1 tes $500 por word Birthdays, Musicians Wanted, en Pals & Personal Ads: $3.00 por a. Sond your a, permanent aderess and phone nusben ancdctteck or money order ofall payment to, CIRCUS | Magazin, Cisss ioc Dot | Sioa h Steet, New York, NY soo%t EDUCATION/INSTRUCTION TERMPAPER assstince_ 19.278 papers Fhusn'$2 for 908 page eatlog, Research, 11322 ‘on Angeles, CA 80005 | | |g | CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES si || GugTOMRED ARERURHNE — Tick ae HOME VIDEO KISS—ANANEIM| STADIUM 1876-VIDEO! QUA ITY. Uneleaseg susoswdans JOV!-GN'R. MOT KISS REVENGE VIDEO. Pius vdeomorchanss, Dust and. present FREE CATALOG! Poor ‘eauote, PO, Bor 10863, Blacksburg, VA 24062 METALLICA—Live Concert Videos! Puppets 8, Shstee 89,5 ENTER SANDMAN 82 Top aay, ances. $20 each (money odes 369 Naenta Ove Dallas TX ‘Now, ator ve years, 'm back wih he bas ve Concert wacom Aerosmn to Zeppelin FALE CATALOGIP. Duncan, Bor 313, Rovere, MA Dat 31000 QUALITY Awsonviseo Concerts! Latest toure: GUNS N ROSES, METALLICA, EXTREME FREE UP-DATED CATALOG! THE ORIGINAL. CP ‘79,8 Lanter, OC, CANADA HP ON POWER SECRETS REVEALED. Gwin and ‘Yome Fost, words loremost wiches. tow coeptng taderts Box 1$02-60. New Bar, Ne | ee a3 Ce eu e ‘SUPERB! GUNS N’ ROSES!! ILLUSION TOU Japan 1082 pro shat 180 ms, Unbeatsdspis Bond s2010 JW, 8012676, Clarksburg, WY 26301 IDs CON ey poms iS” Dee ‘MUSIC INSTRUCTION [BE A RECORDING ENGINEER. Tran at home for ‘Rarpayng, exctng carers, FREE nermaton Seem) See! |) Srecemctina wemsnosrsenee., 6.012 || music PRODUCTS/SERVICES PIGS Test "PHONY PHOTO LICENGEST AAKABLE sa Eerste Cetra * BOTS es * te DJ Crary Jacket all~ S18, Bet ft 825 Send Box 22023, Bandon, MB CANADA R7AGY9. PEN PALS/PERSONALS. OG ALLIN-REAtoronst 212.274.0808 MAKE FRIENDS IN BRITAIN! Computerized ‘ranatlnte, Hor 2176-8, San Ped, CASOTS PENFRIENDS-ENGLAND-USA, Make _ sting fWendsnps. Sen age, itt, Free Topy Ma. ‘mony Box A229500, Pron, AZ 85071 PHOTOS & POSTERS. CLASSIC COLOR CONCERT PHOTOS! HEART RHOADS, SCORPIONS. HALEN. KISS, FUSH PRIEST, QUEEN, AEROSMITH more. Catiog Sampo Speci lvories DAVEJOHNSON, PO. 1851903, Conalie, OR S7399 85¢ CONCERT PHOTOS! Free catalog wsample Ustfaves SEM Protos, Gor £250, Masse Vilage, COLOR CONCERT PHOTOS! Guns W'Rose fen, Megadetn. Wstey Rowson, hoa ROL fuarotant balanchs ose eee gars sag SESE ‘and samples—S2. 5 samples—$5. FRONT ROW PHOTOS, Box 29218, Rctmona,VABa242 0218 MISCELLANEOUS SECOMEFNANCIALY NDEPENDENT 6 o Fete sen on ran Soke Future, 30s © sneiby's saevana mosses age rock patos. Send SASE. fr its Pat C. Smith, PO Box 6 oeton. 137723 RECORDS, TAPES & DISCS. sng, $2- REVENGE RECORDS, PO. Boe 7), Now York NY 10276 §3"10. Keun Bortnen, Box 386, Gravion Onto, NIT SWS CANADA’ Canadas ony Fst ue KISS album WICKED LESTER. Come asset $50 Mamie, PO Box 19208, Lenexa, LP. CO noavy-metal catniog, $2_wete: Dejan Enterprises, 12725 SW Canyon, Ra. Beaverton, AMMA dk | oF 21002 Cokorias s03jers 009 SRE cartoos INTERNATIONAL TATTOO ASSOCIATION ino GOLDEN STATE TATTOO ASSOCIATION, 0, box S008, Samia ana, CA@2705 [ORIGINAL "8x10 PROMO GLOSSIES & NOVELTIES = PRESS KITS FROM THE RECORD COMPANIES ‘ACTUAL ROADIE LAMINATED PASSES ‘CLOTH BACKSTAGE PASSES LEFTOVER FROM THE TOURS ! Pa HUNDREDS OF DIFFERENT BANDS! (612) 942-5297 * BACKSTAGE COLLECTIBLES « sr APOE ES FM HP OSPR SR Word Find Answers Answers From Last Issue sleif/yetabena (Ejo/ xo Ro + hk WSR TRTSEE Circus magazine apologizes for the | incorrect Word Find answer key in our | July issue. Hore are the correct answers for the June puzzle. Answers From June Issue # BACK ISSUES! OF CIRCUS MAGAZINE AVAILABLE AT $7.00 EACH (PRICE INCLUDES POSTAGE & HANDLING) eee ee eager env anes, «seo Ee. ge. SS SA ccomeee Eee ear. oe S| Ue Sere Foard Sone a So" Re fee | Bee ee te. Se cau Scie ESEt , = See me eh wma, sea mn, a So fee, ER gear. Poron. nos. Foes. ea Drona’ Wino Cone h = = see | Beer eae eee Bae S- Bot ES Erpetnede, Gare Motes Eston Senate ‘Serer 1” = ame RE” we TP xcmmene Siaemn Ss omnes ae | Etim CS Se 1c gecattonn Ee = ae came | Soe. = cute | See cetera 1 Efe = ae | °seesr come = SLEDS | ge Se seer | meee ze ee 1 canenenn or, Ree | Se Ss ES 1 ce, eat ne see SS me ” =, Fame ' ——— ee I gree REEF | a enn I, Se Ee 991 Searmee Bue aS fe YES, 1 want me Gack ssves ve chockes above & $7 00each Ths includes postage and Iancling (US. cota ony Canadian resents, 116075 goods serves tax, New York state (eau Ton, ‘esidents, ad B 2546 sales tax) Ponty Please pint uo mn NAME, ace ponesien ‘ADDRESS, aac, Erie cmy__smwe__ze. Mathis one page CIRCUS MAGAZINE Dept. 6 ies 10h Siret how York AY 10011 i! by Lou O'Neill Jr A farewel to Ozzy? Body Count: ’ The cops don't like it! SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Like a modern day Caesar, he came, he saw and he conquered! The Cow Palace concert hall that, and we'e referring to our pal through the ages, John “Ozzy” Osbourne, His Ozzness is now in the ‘midst of his “farewell” campaign of the States L's face it, Oz ain't gettin’ any younger. Butat the Cow Palace, we saw him outdue! his far younger tour mates, Slaughter, and a band that most impressed us, Northern California's Ugly Kid Joe. ‘Ozzy has been at metal’s forefront since 1967, All hose years he sang from the heart and was always forthcoming tothe press about even his most ‘outrageous antic: the pissing on the ‘Alamo. the pigeon munching, his alcoholism, the infamous bat beheading incident and soon. They were all there on display and what-you: saw-was-whal-you-gol ‘On apersonal note, Ozzy has certainly earned the right to sit in his rocking chair, bounce his children on his lap and live a normal if with his lovely wife and manager, Sharon. So many of this legend's contemporaries died far too young from the indescribable pressures of stardom Jimi, Bonham, Janis, Brian Jones, Morrison, Bon Scott and countless others, One must be forgiving if Double O sez it's time to slow down a bitand enjoy if. If this is a farewell indeed, thank you Ozzy, we're grateful for the memories. PS, Itwas crazy in Frisco when ‘axeman (and super patriot) Zakk Wylde {grabbed an American flag with the giant letters 0-2-2 grafted across it. Zakk bellowed, “This isthe best Country in the world! Go out and vote for that Perot quy and get this country back in shape!” Guess Zakk's political frothings seem to be as laid back as his guitar playing! Don't forget, is our Country and your freedom when you Ozzy Osbourne: Stl possessed by the rock rol sprit. Jee-Tof Bodycount: At the center of the storm. W.AxI Rose: Certainly not crying Inthe cold "November Rain.” ‘exercise your constitutional right 1 ‘vote!!! Sermon over SECRET STUFF: The lead singer of cone of rock's absolutely legendary bands is nearly ready toll after his lifelong “friend” disgraced this group's, ‘name by licensing many of the band's, blockbusters to the Sultans of Shillon Madison Avenue. Putit this way, brother, the dude's not a very happy Jack regarding this shameless sellout Oivey! . ROCK WIRE REPORT: In the wake of the El Lay devastation andthe Rodney King incident, the controversy over lee-T and Bodycount's song "C Killer” has hita raw nerve with politicians, cops, Joe Blows on the street and now, even rockers. Weill say this about the New Jack City-sensation turned thrasher, this album will do more for his career than allhis old rap hits combined. As the ‘Banned in Boston’ era proved. sometimes the best way to sellitis to consort ‘Axl Rose and his Guns seem to have ‘a monster hit with their ever-so-haunting ballad "November Rain” Meantime, ‘Axl, Guns, Metallica and the highly original Faith No More have established anew triple bill standard of heavy-wveight metal excellence to beat, ‘Those bearded wonders from the Lone Star State, 22 Top, have lassoed tone ofthe sweetest money deals in rock history. Unlike untouchables Madonna Ciccone and Michael Jackson, the Topsters inked a contract that forked ‘over $60 milion pocket money without any movie deals attached whatsoever. Lots of cheap sunglasses for that king of moolah . OVER N' OUT: We're compelled to ‘mention once again what Bono, the Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen ‘Jr. have put together via their ZO0-TV spectacular As incredible asit may seem, Achtung Baby has been with us for nearly nine months now and still sounds fresh, The disc is moving past four-milion copies sold! Without question, it's the band’s finest work to date. Let your ace snoop be the frst 0 ‘ask: Will our longtime pal Dave “The Edge” Evans marry the Pretty Woman of Hollywood, Julia Roberts? ° SEE YOU NEXT MONTH: Unt then remember Boros words: A woman reeds armani ish noods a byob wehon you trying to tvow your ers round te word 3 ° Peer rer a) CaCO comers TO SURVIVE YOU NEED FOUR THINGS: FOOD. SEX. SHELTER. GUITARS. MAKE THAT TWO THINGS. Thisis the kind of thinking that ary, huh? Well, we on right now at Yam: this way from listening to alot of guitar players. Iewas for them we designed the Pacifica. A guitar so rich with the features guitar players love, that lo and behold, gutar players love i. Look at the picture there Look atthe pickups. Those are genuine DiMarzios. ‘They're custom-designed and made in the USA. Look at the vibrato. Itsa Floyd Rose licensed locking vibrato system. Ithas a low profile bridge milled from a single block of steel. It set up. so,you can adjust intonation without detuning. And the gs can be loaded from the bottom, so you dont have to snip the balls off. Why didnt someone think ofthis sooner? We donit know, ‘To go with the locking vibrato there’ a ht adjustable locking nut. So you can fine-tune the action without a trip to the repair shop. Check the neck. Its slim. Real slim, Ultra slim, you might say. And it reinforced with carbon-graphite rods to keep it straight and true. Forever. The fingerboard has 24jumbo Dunlop frets And ithas a compound radius, So ts slightly more curved in the lower frets for easier chording And its slightly flatterin the higher frets for effortless string bending Thisis a sub. tle thing Most people never notice it. Wont your friends enjoy you pointing it out them? Oh, yes Now takea look at the back of the neck, where it meets the body. Notice the absence of that annoying chunk of wood? It was called the heel. Nice name fort Its gone. Goodbye. Inits place isthe Total Access Neck Joint. It joins the neck to the body with reraft-grade aluminum plate. And its solid as a rock. It makes it easier to play the er frets, while improving sustain and resonance. Ifyou find that you rank guitars somewhere con- siderably higher than all-beef franks, you should go right now to your local Yamaha Dealer and play a Pacifica. Or just call 1-800-879-1131, ext. 100 and we'll send you infor- mation about Pacificasin a variety of pickup configurations, body styles and colors. Look at the picture again. Think about the important things in life. Go play one, . YAMAHA’ BROUGHT TO YOU BY V innit RATTOLLE \ Bones _ Export Pro. Translation: This is a great set of drums. Get he scoop with our late-breaking metal news, comprehensive concert guide and vital new releases schedule. Plus, metal rockers personally answer your letters Vince’s new band revealed Tracii Guns fired Vince Neil Tracli Guns Vince Neil's solo band willinclude Phil Soussan, former bass player for Ozzy Osbourne and Billy Idol, and new: ‘comer Robby Crane on rhythm guitar. Steve Stevens looks a good bet for lead guitarist, coming to Neil from an unsuccessful collaboration with Michael Monroe. Al three appeared in the video for "You're Invited But Your Friend Can't Come’ and with Neil on the MTV Movie Awards, Orummer Vikki Foxx, who also appeared, may be ‘eplaced by Ricky Parent due to Fox's Contractual obligation to Enuft Z'Nutt, ‘According to that band's singer, Donnie Vie, Foxx not only never informed Enuft Z'Nulf of his intentions, he also lied to Neil, claiming that jumping ship woula not pose any legal problems. Vince is currently recording his first solo album, for Wamer Bros. records, ‘racii Guns has been fied from the ‘band he founded, L.A. Guns. Our ‘Source indicates the band is fuming with its guitarist; over what is unclear. No announcement was forthcoming at press time, 50 reconciliation is stil pos: sible. Guns was fred from another band he founded, Guns N' Roses, in 1985, Stay tuned, ° . he Kiss arena tur will ow begin in October y . ‘The Cults being sued for using a phot offouryear-ld Eternity Crazy Bear DuBray Nalve Ameréan Sux bboy, on the cover of Ceremony and in the video for its ttle track. The suit, brought by the parents of Eternity, who is now 11, charges that using his lke- ress to help sell a rock album intrudes on the culture, religion and way of lite of Native Americans. Seeking $70 milion, the suit charges that parental consent was necessary and never obtained The family also claims that Eternity was humiliated and had his peace of mind disturbed” by The Cult’s campaign. Cult singer lan Astbury, who is part Native American, refutes the charges and notes that DuBray's image has ‘been commercially available for years (on a poster. ° ‘Black Crowes concert in Brisbane, Australia was boycotted after a local ‘women's rights group took offense to a ;photo included in the band's latest ‘album, The Southern Harmony And ‘Musical Companion. The image of a ‘naked woman laying spread-eagle in a field, which appears in the disc's gate- {old stired between 75 and 100 protes ters to form a picket line outside the Concert hall. Flyers distributed by the ‘group claim the Crowes are “another all-male band promoting rape.” Singer Chris Robinson commented: “Ithink i's disgusting and frightening that such ‘a peaceful image has been perverted into another pressure group's grand: standing.” Crowes fans crossed the picket lin, either ignoring or yelling obscenities at the protesters. ° Bobby Blotzer and Juan Croucier expect to announce a new guitarist and singer for Ratt momentarily. "Stephen [Pearcy] lett, which was like a God- end,” Blotzer told Off The Wire. "I's like a millon pounds ited off our shou! ders, and then all of a sudden Warren [Dettartini] decided he wanted to be a blues player... But we're keeping Ratt going forward.” The revamped group will begin recording in October. —Corey Levitan Pero Un feeling, and I always try to do = the best | can-no matter Pee Troy Luccketta's dynamic attitude combined with his Pees ere Sah Pe ea eC Tfecae ee eC bass drum playing has taken him to the heights of Rock ER eek Oba) to superstardom. When it's time for you to choose your drums, do what Ce CoM CMON g feeling and get the best you feu Pu Ea eee ROCK/POP ON TOUR siz2Sanamono, | RASH EAtnmtC) % cveMshingon, | ae saniepa,ca_ | eietouson. 7x THEBLACK Beene 8128-L08 Angeles, | Woodlands CROWES (Det Ba cA Ti Sunken Garden American) ‘9/4-Atlanta, GA: Fox | 8/29-Irvine,CA Amphitheater Siar" | sowmawwra, | eccupraN, | RP ete Betboooam, |o— | Semtemeon | Ae Succ '8/30-Boston, Mi ‘8/18-Atlanta, GA NY: Shea Stadium | g25-Dayiona Beach, Orpheum Theatre 8/20-Dallas, TX 8/29-Los Angeles, CA at CHeCK YouR BRaiN aT THe DooR. ee RRO ce SOO e ar) Petree a eee ed ee Da a Ee FL Ocean ‘Center Pusher Gerald Managing Editor ‘ArtDirector Senior Editor ‘Associate Editor Art Assistant Correspondents Special Effects Stat Photographer Contributing Photographers ‘alas Europe Los Angoles New York Special Projects Contributing Editors fice Manager Bookkeoper Associate Publisher Classified Ad Mgr. Stat! Associate Pubisher ‘Ad Production Manager Senior Account Executive Account Executive Consultant Publicity trial and Advertising Offices Subsorition inquites aitorin-Chiot Rothberg Gary Coe cael Renchiwicn Corey Levitan Mordechai Kleidermacher Michelle Fusgo slim Bessman PauiGallota Toby Goldstein Dan Hedges: Don Kaye Moira MeCormick ouO'Neil J. Tabitha Soren Bob Strauss Fred Chance George DeSota Layne Murdoch Peter Mazel Annamaria Di Santo Riek Gould ober John Jolt Mayer Nal Ziozower John Atashian ‘Michael Jachlos ob Leale et Roberts Jennifer Ross Frank White Ronee Fors Nick Bowcott Paul Geary Roslyn McKorko ‘Veronica Gutnik Lyon Maro Stephen Adika Gary Vitor LaniZarot Kevin Adams Jett Epstoin CCharies Mande! Michael D. Beinner tewin E. Bilan (Circus Magazine 2 West tath Stee New York, NY 1001 (212) 685-5050 (615)794-6908 IF METAL, UN ay ; aN asl = a ce =a on fs Win 8CDs ae $ 12 CASSETTES Risk $ rect FOR ic EE! HERE'S HOWTOGET YOUR 8 CDs FOR te... it check oF money onder for $1 86 (that's ie 2003 Poems eae noe | emai rete aT Si aoe “are Se $1596, gs espa arc — sore —— Serwes Ae Sea Sees ain wo tn 8 Devore a VERT OO ves One vr cnr) ! 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