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MISS PIGGY COLOR CENTERFOLD Cae a rer no) aon Tero cerry oro MILLION DOLLAR, MUPPETS Ceara) TOME nN oan Tene Melts ‘Reveal The Secrets Cena mn acs ieee TV’s SEX QUEENS Peer eee eo ca Seno PMU ol OAC) ith Grace Slick Out, Can They Get Off The Ground Again? HI-FI °79 Special Report—A Guide To The Latestin super Sound CHERYL LADD AND / MISS PIGGY IN rs Cheap Trick Live in Japan The Biggest Thing Since Transistors! int That « Shame! “IWant You toWant Me" fable people wer “CHEAP TRICK AT BUDO} IN JAPAN BUT NOW AVAILABLE SLOWER DOMESTIC PRICES ON EPIC RECORDS AND TAPES. GP races tt erent a so i nn WHAT COMES OUT OFA SPEAKER IS ONLY AS IMPRESSIVE AS WHAT GOES INTO IT. Most speaker companies try to impress you by describing the “incredible” sound that comes out of their speakers. At Pioneer, we think the best way to describe how good HPM speakers are is to tell you what went into them. Instead of a HMO conventional tweeter, you'll find HPM speakers have a unique supertweeter. In brief, itworks ona thin piece of High Polymer are still made with the same = Molecular antiquated materials used in Mokerecrnsitgrrics (HPM) film 1945, ours are made ‘new hich” thatconverts with a special carbon electrical impulses into sound __ fiber blend that’s waves without a magnet, allowed us to decrease the voice coil, cone or dome. weight of the cone, yet Asa result, itcan Increase the strength needed reproduce highs with an for clarity. This, plus an accuracy and definition that oversized magnet and a no conventional tweeter long-throw could possibly match voice coil let We've also created you hear even special mid-range driver the deepest cones that are light enough notes exactly to give you sharp response, the way the yet rigid enough not to musicians distort. So you're assured P sour of hearing a lot more 2 sound our ofthese die cas a music, and a lot less distortion! ‘And while most woofers recorded them Ofcourse, we could goon and on about the fact that every HPM speaker element has a cast aluminum frame, instead of the flimsy stamped out metal kind. Or about our special compressed wood cabinets that have better acoustic properties than ordinary wood cabinets. It's features like this that begin to explain why unlike speakers that sound great on only part of the music, HPM speakers sound great on Rind all of it And this virtue isn't something you'll find in only our most expens HPM speaker. It's found in every HPM speaker. At this point, we suggest you take your favorite record into any Pioneer dealer and audition a pair of HPM speakers in person Ityou think what went into them sounds impressive, wait till you hear what comes out of them. QMPIONEER' We bring it back alive. ISSUE NUMBER 215 MARCH 20, 1979 24) Muppets International | wmathas made a houseful of cloth | puppets into a world-wide sensa- aera eae her 84 TV's Sex Symbols New Queen of prime time? Choose betvaen Donna ‘Ange Pescom, Susan ‘hangers’ Ar ton and Pam Mock and Mindy Dawber (She! Kagan} On TV alebiy interviews—Uett Wein grad) 19) Sex in America | Pan six looks atthe ite of two | homosexials—a frank and free | wheeling interview—(Michael J. | weiss) Paul McCartney fa exhaive tari wh Mrs Cater and Tae oxBeat a soon a sore anew TV Socal pau Sancacon 34 Jefferson Starship Is tore ite ster Graco? Paul Kantor look atthe newly Sick less group and lscusse the tireIoav icky 37) Car Repairs Don't get ayboed: get good we on your car~heros hw Bros) Mitch Kupchak The NMS soctt saris the siath fan on 8 baskebol ch tur Mcnat Wes) HO Tis Wook, gz Miss Piggy goes Hollywood, 24 McCartney goes TV, 20 Grace goes off Starship, 34 |@#2) Las Vegas audio The CES witler show featured the newest in audio developments — (Con Feldman; Stan Soocher) ‘Movie, Movie’ Barry Bostwick is the knock-out ‘musical star ofthis 1990s spoo!— 46 | (ra Wolfman) 6 7 Letters Listings Most complete anywhere: Rock fon tour, on racio, on TV, plus ex Banded movie and album picks Front Pages Tho latest breaking. rock_nows page anywhere—(kurt Loder) Into Your Head Psychological opinion—(Or. Vin- cont Bryan) Longplayers fav ct Nee pena Harison—(John Swenson) Comics Doonesbury, the Weardot i — Back Pages Fock gossip—{tou O'Neill J) CIRCUS WEEKLY (ISSN O16 9248) published weekly by Grevs Enterpnaes Corporation, 115 Cast 57 Su, Now York, NY. 10022, 212 1842-1026, Retvn postage musta company all ungoleted manu ferpte, drawings and photographs Entre contents Copyright © 1979 by Circus Entorrises Corporation ‘rpiconalmattrin any frm agro noteg, Pratedin USA Sub NY" and at adational maling of: POSTMASTER: PLEASE SEND FORM 3679 TO CIRCUS MAGA: Mons, 61086 floes. Momber of Aust Buresu of | ; GIANT FULL COLOR POSTERS ——__ ONLY THINKMETRIC'S30. NUGENT LIVE 3662, ES KISS NEW YORK 3625 KISS ALIVE 1 3651 to ORDER ANY THREE FOR ONLY $6.95 ORDER FORM MAIL TO: CIRCUS WEEKLY, DEPARTMENT P, 115 EAST 57 STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 MARIJUANA PERMIT 9501 pate as NAME, ae ADDRESS _ aa eerie Cy samunneliaiet a STATE eTeRed 7% | Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity | | 3216 3651 9501 9525 9530 | | 3613 3662 9508 9526 9532 Yes, rush me the posters | have checked. Number of Posters x$295 = $ Add $1.00 for Postage and Handling $1.00 Total Enclosed =$8 Do NOT Send Cash. Enclose Check or Money Order ONLY. (Canadian Residents: payment only in U.S. currency). ie Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. LORD OF THE RINGS (FELLOWSHIP) 9526 a) 3626 s722 9522 3529 ‘The editors of Creus Magazine want L NY eo22, lors 10 Be an open forum for your thoughts, opinions Ancaquestions. Please seng nemo Letters Circus Magazine, 115 East 87th Ste ‘wow York, | Taking issue |have to conclude that Issue 209 was one ol Your weval fat ean romero. when" ooked over the reouts of your Modem Muse Nakers fRvard Pol 1970°1 was appa, How into hol id Led Zappa gt al those votes? They nt do 8 {goddamn thing last year. mt get me Fiona! Zap tone oly fevers (rours and Ii aways be loyal to fem, but not when they dont 0 eying ior owes yest, Cron Page get tat LP finshed and ive Jour lid sore satsacton, Vooked over your lets section and after reading the letter by Soanne, was 100 por cent behind ier When Keith Moon die, ow many pages did you gio him? Two! But when Prsiey od, you nad 16 papes on hit ih eure fat many peopl thal rad your magazino would father see more pages on one ofthe bent urvnors aor Wed instead Of aft, burrout ike Eig whose muse went sraight down ater he | tothe army Ihe main hing that paged me of mv tan anyiing waste "eVon | gn htcm Coop's hw aur Erm | te nsice by Lester asshole) Gangs. | Baas, YOU RUGKIN ASSHOLE! | Who the hel! do you tink you are? | From nse ne best Cooper | S00 album since Weicome to My | Righimare: Troe, eres ofthe Solo | Be lattes one of a bos | Ar'’can say tat Ihave goon | mote plossUre trom every Ace | Cooper atour tren | havo over goten | from one of your reviews (you also did | a bad review of Ace Frehley's solo, tich the best of he Kise soo | tbums), revs, drops jerk om Your payroll The magazine woud Word a thousand Steve Schimming Ft. Sheridan, IL For the record, Lester's review of the Ace Frehley solo album—while writen in his own inimitable style— was in fact favorable, even enthusiastic. Ed. In regard to John Swenson’s review of Briofcase Full of Blues, by the Blues Brothers (Issue 211): Why doesn't Swenson get off his high horse and admit he just doesn't like artists who are proficient in their work ‘experimenting in other areas and showing real potential? Either ‘Swenson is tone deat or just plain stupid, because the people who buy the records (rather than getting them for free, so they can write Unbelievably assinine reviews about them) do not agree with him. Last week, the Blues Brothers album hit number five in Rolling Stone. If competent reviewers would quit associating Belushi and Aykroyd with the Blues Brothers, the group would have a better chance of making it. That may sound strange, but if ‘Swenson will think it through (if that’s Possible for him) it will make sense. He probably can’t even figure out why the group's name is the Blues Brothers. No, Johnny, it isn't because everyone's eyes are blue. {As for the rest of the articles in Circus Weekly, I have only a slight bit more compassion. | let my Crem ‘subscription run out in anticipation of receiving Circus twice as often, being written just as well. Needless to say, | was really let down. I don't want my ‘subscription canceled, but you can bet your Walden Puddle that I'm going back to Creem. Comparing the two magazines, the line, “I's not the ‘quantity, but the quality that counts, rings true. ‘Thank you for putting me back on the right track. Perhaps if you people would get your shit together, your ‘magazine would be worth halt as much as you charge people for it. thought they only had monkeys at the 200, but now | know they're in Circus, too. Mary Bochnig Pontiac, MI ° Brief case of boos CIRCUS

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