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Ivana Žugić

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

New hedonism like life philosophy

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” is a novel written by Oscar Wilde and was first published
in 1890 in “Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine”. In the 19th century it was extremely difficult to
write without fear of condemnation from the Victorian society, as well as to write freely about
one’s beliefs and attitudes. In spite of hard times for the writer, Oscar Wilde has rewritten his
novel, adding six new chapters to represent the ethical theory which he personally had lived –
new hedonism.

Hedonism is the theory in the character itself. It represents the theory in which pleasure is
the highest good and proper aim of human life. It is as well a pursuit of pleasure and sensual self-
indulgence. The character who shows the ultimate hedonism facts is Lord Henry Wotton. He
represents the highest life desires. His belifes are that the life is only worth living if you live it
out loud. But everyone who is obsessed with trivial things is slave to morality of society. Society
norms put tremendous preasure on the individuality. Choises of freedom are in conformity with
judgment of social norms.

Henry uses his experimental method with Dorian in order to improve his theory, by
which one should combine insincere with wit and beauty in order to show multiply of one's
personality. It teaches people to live in the moment, because life itself is just a moment. Henry
encourages Dorian to explore different art forms which cause later on the splash of different
emotions in Dorian. By doing so, Henry seduces Dorian's mind and improves his carpe diem
theory. If anyone does everything which gives satisfaction world will be ideal, believes Lord

“…We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in
the mind, and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of
purification ... Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to
itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monsrous unlawful. It has been said
that the great events of the world take place in the brain, it is in the brain, and the brain only, that
the great sins of the world take place also...”. Henry tries to make scientific analysises of passion
through exploring the psychological effects of Dorian's behavior. However in that situation the
paradox strikes. Henry believes that it is a good feeling when one is bad, but his personality is all
talk no action. So Dorian begins to feel that he needs some new hedonism. He starts to look his
portrait in a sientific way. He devotes himself to acquiring as many experiences as possible. In
order to discover the true nature of the senses, his curiosity awakenes and he decides to dedicate
his life to search for indulgence. He believes that his life should be a series of good and bad
Ivana Žugić

The crucial influence on Dorian we see in the 11th chapter when he is dazzled by the
book Henry gave him. The book is about a 19th century Parisian man who spends his life trying
to satisfy his passions, beliefs and desires. The book becomes Dorian's ultimate guide in his
serch of happiness and life experience. Dorian's focus on the outside and esthetic appearance can
be seen in his dinner preparation. Some details, like gold and exotic decoration show us how
outward the appearance could announce ambiental experience. In this chapter we can also see the
world of senses which is opened by fascination by religious ambient, as well as field of senses
which opens one's mind through parfumes, music and pearls.

In addition to these pursuits, Dorian devotes himself also to more soridid affairs, which
stands in paradox to the theory. From Basil we find out that Dorian is linked with the downfall of
numerous youths, which all of whom have been brought to shame or even suicide. However, the
outcome of these experiences is not the point of Dorian's philosophy, but the life experience
itself. The experience is the only thing that matters. This new hedonism is a form of the
resistance against the morality that Henry criticizes.

Oscar Wild is amonng the writers who asserted the superiority of beauty and
pleasure.The novel is heavily dominated by hedonism. Outwardly we are in internal struggle and
hedonism for sake of hedonism is empty and it leads to the decay of the personality To avoid he
decay we should try to fulfill every moment of our life with art as do the main characters in the
Picture of Dorian Grey.

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