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Membrane transport

I. Pre-viewing tasks
Below you will find a list of words and collocations mentioned in the video.
In your opinion what are the processes named with the terms? What the video is
going to be about? Write or record your answers.

Cell, cell membrane, to transport, substances, structure of the membrane.

2. Watch the film and make sure that you were right.

II. While-watching- the-film tasks

1. Match the terms and phrases with their definitions.
Diffusion the movement of molecules
across a cell membrane from a
region of lower concentration to a
region of higher concentration—
against the concentration gradient.
The process requires cellular energy
to achieve this movement.
phospholipid bilayer a process by which molecules of
a solvent tend to pass through a
semipermeable membrane from a less
concentrated solution into a more
concentrated one.
interstitial fluid (of a material or membrane)
allowing liquids or gases to pass
through it
Channel mediated diffusion is the movement of a substance
from where it has a high
concentration to where it has a low
concentration, or the tendency of a
substance to spread out evenly over a
given space
active transport the substance that dissolves in a
solvent to produce a homogeneous
Permeable to something the body fluid between blood
vessels and cells, containing nutrients
from capillaries by diffusion and
holding waste products discharged
out by cells due to metabolism.
solute diffusion that occurs via channel
proteins that allow ions and small
water-soluble molecules to pass in
and out of the cell.
osmosis another term for the cell

2. Choose the correct ending a, b or c.

1. Simple diffusion occurs …
a) with solutes that are small and non-polar.
b) with solutes that are not small and polar.
c) with water.
2. If there is a higher concentration of oxygen O2 molecule outside of a
cell, …
a) they can move down the concentration gradient across the membrane
with assistance and from the cell until the concentration gradient is almost non-
b) they can move with no regard to the concentration gradient.
c) they can move down the concentration gradient across the membrane
without assistance and into the cell as long as the concentration gradient exists.
3. Facilitated diffusion.…
a) requires no assistance from the membrane to happen.
b) applies to solutes that are small and either charged or polar.
c) happens only in some particular type of cells.
4. The example of carrier mediated diffusion is …
a) when the vesicle membrane now becomes part of the plasma membrane..
b) when a sodium positive ion can pass through a sodium positive leak
channel continuously and a gated sodium positive channel will only open due to
a stimulus to allow the ion to pass through into the cell.
c) the process in which glucose binds to a carrier protein, which changes
shape and moves the glucose molecule to the other side of the membrane.
5. In … a large particle is engulfed by the newly formed vesicle and this
vesicle fuses with a lysosome, which is a membranous vesicle that contains
digestive enzymes that break down the particle into its component molecules.
a) phagocytosis
b) pinocytosis
c) receptor mediated endocytosis
6. … is the transport of large substances across the plasma membrane by a
vesicle, which is a membrane bound sac filled with materials.
a) Active transport
b) Vesicular transport
c) Osmosis.
7. In primary active transport …
a) a substance is moved against its concentration gradient by using energy
provided by the movement of a second substance down its concentration
b) cellular protein pumps, called ion pumps, move ions across the
membrane against their concentration gradient.
c) materials are secreted from the cell to the interstitial fluid outside of the
8. … is also referred to as cell drinking.
a) phagocytosis
b) pinocytosis
c) receptor mediated endocytosis
9. Receptor mediated … involves using receptors on the outside of the
plasma membrane. These receptors bind with molecules in the interstitial fluid
and membrane folds enclosing the receptors and the bound molecules, to form a
vesicle for transport within the cell…
a) pinocytosis
b) osmosis.
c) endocytosis.
10. In … materials are secreted from the cell to the interstitial fluid outside
of the cell.
a) exocytosis.
b) endocytosis.
c) facilitated diffusion.

III. Post-viewing tasks

1. Below you will find a partially completed mind map that can be used
while making a report on the membrane transport.
2. Extend this mind map. Write down key words and expressions for each
3. Make up sentences using these words and expressions and combine then in
one report. If necessary, add some more information.

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