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1. Look at these pictures. Can you name these champion athletes? What were their

Name: ____________ Name: _________ Name: __________

Achievement: ______ Achievement: ____ Achievement: ____

Name: ___________ Name: ___________ Name: ___________

Achievement: _____ Achievement: _____ Achievement: ______

2. Read the items of sport news. Make sentences about the news. One has been done for

The Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson’s victory in The Summer Olympics

in Seoul on 24 September 1988 was void three days later. The
Olympic Doping Control Centre found stanozolol in his urine sample.
His confession of using steroids in the 1987 would record also
annulled his victory in the race. His other victories such as two
Olympic bronze medals and an Olympic gold 1988 Summer Olympics
were also rescinded for he was found out doping

 If Ben Johnson had not used doping, he would have been a world legend in 100 meter sprint
 If Ben Johnson had not used doping, the committee would not have disqualified his world record

Emilia Earhart was the first female to fly nonstop across the Atlantic,
which led her to receive the US Distinguished Flying Cross. In 1937, she
together with her navigator Fred Noonan had a circumnavigation flight
project in a Purdue-funded Lockheed Model 10 Electra. During their
project, they vanished over the central Pacific Ocean near Howland
Island after being seen last in Lae, New Guinea. Many speculations have
arisen and one of them is that both Earhart and Noonan survived for a
while after an emergency landing on an uninhabited island


After injuring his ankle in a Champions League game against

Marseille on 30 September, Christiano Ronaldo was reported to have
gone to Amsterdam to see the ankle specialist Niek van Dijk. If he
requires undergoing another operation, he may miss games for three
months. Real Madrid confirmed that Ronado hasn’t shown much
improvement, resulting in a big blow for Real Madrid and Portugal
heading towards the World Cup.


The WBA Heavyweight Championship between Mike Tyson and

Evander Holyfield, billed as “The Sound and the Fury,” at the MGM
Grand Garden Arena. LA on 18 June 1997 was one of the most
bizarre fights in boxing history. In the march, Mike Tyson was
disqualified for biting Holyfield’s ear twice and left a scar on his ear
during a clinch. Tyson’s boxing license was also revoked due to the
Incident. In October the following year, his license was reinstated.


The San Marino Grand prix on 1 May 1994 became the last Formula
One race that the great FI racer Aryton Senna participated in for the
34 years old racer lost control at the speed of 190mph. he passed
away after crashing into an unprotected wall at an acute angle. The
Grand Prix was a nightmare for the Formula One due to the deaths of
Senna and Roland Ratzenberger on two consecutife days and heavily
injured Rubens Barichelo


2. In groups, discuss the following questions
a. How many “conditional if” are there in English?
b. Can you name them and explain their functions?
c. How do you compare the conditional sentences in English and in Indonesian?
Are they the same of different?
d. Analyze these sentences:
 If only the athlete had not cheated, he would have been a legend.
 Had the athlete not cheated, he would have been a legend
 Suppose that the athlete had not cheated, he would have been a legend.
Do they have the same meanings and functions?



Conditional sentences with “if” can be used to describe wishes and dreams about past situations
or events that did not take place. The verb in the “if” clause is “had + past participle” and the
verb in the result clause is usually “would/might/could + have + past participle”.
E.g.: If I had chosen to study in Hawaii, I could have gone swimming every day.
If I had visited New York on my last trip, I would have seen the Statue of Liberty


1. Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper.

a. If the following situations had happened, what would have been the situations today?
1. If penicillin hadn’t been discovered.
2. If computers hadn’t been invented
3. If Thomas Alva Edison hadn’t invented electricity bulbs.
4. If Japan hadn’t attacked the American naval base in Hawaii.
5. If the Youth Pledge had not been declared in the Youth Congress on 28 October 1928.

b. What situations that might have led to these situations?

6. Soekarno and Hatta would not have proclaimed Indonesia Independence.
7. The Second World War would not have ended.
8. The Second World War wou8d not have ended.
9. We would have gone for months by ship to travel overseas.
10. Housewives would have washed clothes manually.

2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

At the beginning of last century, Fantasia was a sleepy town, and even
as recently as the 1950s and early’60s, there were farms, orchards and
vineyards close to our house. Gardens thrived here and you could find
an incredible variety of exotic plants and shrubs. Of course, there
weren’t freeways and there used to be a good transportation system
of electric trains. The air was crystal dear and as a young child, I could
see the mountains to the north and east almost every day.
Now, we’ve got freeways, traffic and pollution. What a shame! If
you had seen Fantasia 60 years ago, you would have been amazed.
Imagine if the city had known what was going to happen? If
Fantasia had kept its train system, we might have avoided some of the
traffic problems. If the city planners had only thought more about the
future, they could have put more money into public transportation. If fewer people had
moved to Fantasia Island, the population wouldn’t have grown so fast. If Fantasia hadn’t

grown so fast, we might not have so many problems today. No one anticipated these things:
otherwise we might have been a lot more careful.

What do the conditional sentences below mean?

Conditionals Real Facts

1. If you had seen Fantasia 60 years ago, you

would have been amazed
2. If Fantasia had kept its train system, we might
have avoided some of the traffic problems.
3. If the city planners had only thought more
about the future, they could have put more
money into public transportation.
4. If fewer people had moved to Fantasia Island,
the population wouldn’t have grown so fast.
5. If Fantasia hadn’t grown so fast, we might not
have so many problems today.

3. Read the following story. Then rewrite the underline parts using conditional type III.

Rudi, Bintoro and Nala went hiking over a small hill near their city on one Sunday. Bintoro
came up with this idea because he loved hiking. They were very excited to execute their plan.
They started early in the morning. Suddenly, it rained and their journey became harder
under the rain. They did not check the weather forecast because the weather was usually
fine. Bintaro and Nala took their anorak, but Rudi did not have one because he believed that
it would not rain and anorak made his bag heavy. Since it was raining, the trail became
slippery and Nala fell few times and hurt her knee. They did not expect any accidents so they
did not prepare first aid. Nala could not treat her minor injury because they did not have a
sticking plaster. Despite the rain, they continued walking since Bintoro knew that there was a
rest area within a mile. By the time they arrived at the rest area, it was full of people. The
cloudburst forced people to run to the rest area for shelter.
Bintoro, Rudi and Nala struggled to get into one of the food stalls and ordered hot
instant noodles. However, it was their unlucky day since the food stall ran out of instant
noodles. At least, the owner had hot chocolate to serve.

4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information about conditional sentences.

There are . . . types of conditional sentences.

1. The first type of conditional sentence or __________________________________
This type refers to the __________________________________________ time.

Subject + _____________ Subject + ___________________

Main Clause If Clause

E.g. : _________________________________________________________________

( Meaning: ________________________________________________________)

2. The second type of conditional sentence or ___________________________________

This type refers to the _______________________________time.

Subject + ___________________________ Subject + _________________________

Main Clause If Clause

E.g. : ______________________________________________________________________
(meaning: ___________________________________________________________ )

3. The third type of conditional sentence or ________________________________________
The type refers to the _______________________________________ time.

Subject + _______________________ Subject + __________________________

Main Clause If Clause

E.g. : _____________________________________________________________________
( meaning : _________________________________________________ )

4. Do the conditional sentences refer to the past, present or future?

a. If it is foggy this evening, I will stay at home.
b. Flowers will wilt if they are left without water.
c. If tigers had wings, they would fly.
d. The world would have been different if Columbus had not discovered America.
e. What would we have done if the train had been late?
f. Supposing you were rich, what would you do?
g. Even a dying man would laugh if he heard that joke!
h. If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. It’s very risky.
i. I’ll punish you if you do that again.
j. “What would happen if I drank this liquid?” he asked himself.

5. Answer these questions and find the real facts of the conditional sentences.
One has been done for you as an example.
(1) Question : What could have happened if you had been born in the Arctic?
Answer : I could have lived in an igloo if I had been born in the Arctic
This means that I was not born in the Arctic so I didn’t live in an Igloo.

(2) Question : What might have happened if you had lived in Paris in the year of 1789?
Answer : _________________________________________________________
This means that _________________________________________________________

(3) Question : What could have happened if the capital city of Indonesia had been in Papua?
Answer : _________________________________________________________
This means that _________________________________________________________

(4) Question : What might have happened if you had gone to San Francisco?
Answer : _________________________________________________________
This means that _________________________________________________________

(5) Question : What could have happened if you had been promoted to Secretary General of
Answer : _________________________________________________________
This means that _________________________________________________________




Perfect modal auxiliaries express past activities or situations that were not real or that did not
occur. They often express our wishes in hindsight.

Formation : Subject + Modal + Have + Past Participle


Would I would have gone, but it was Would have refers to past
impossible intentions that were not

Could I could have gone later Could have, may have and
might have refer to pass
Might He might have called possibilities. In many cases,
the speaker or writer is
may He may have left already uncertain whether the action
took place.

15. Create a dialogue with these situations
1. Last month Ann was sick. Tom, her friend, didn’t know this so he didn’t go to see her in hospital.
2. Jim had a job interview yesterday. He did not make it. He felt nervous so he forgot all of the
answers and this made him upset.
3. Butet was looking for a job. So far she got no success. She regretted that she lacked education.
4. Irma failed the airline stewardess test because her height did not meet the requirement.
5. John went abroad, but he did not send Peter even a single postcard because he forgot Peter’s

16. Here is part of a news item about a freeway accident. Read it carefully and then write 3
sentences about the accident using if clause type III.

There was a terrible accident on the freeway near Gonzales last night
when a tourist bus overturned and caught fire. Thirty people died, all of
them are Fantasians. There were only four survivors, who managed to get
out through a broken window. Luckily, the freeway was quit and no other
vehicle was involved in the crash. The tourist bus, owned by Gladluck
Tours of Fantasdia City, was on its way to Athens. According to the
survivors, the driver had been at the wheel of the bus for fourteen hours
and had probably fallen asleep. The bus left Fantasia City two hours late.

Conditional type three is used to express:
1. Unreal conditional in the pas;
2. Wishes and dreams about past situations.
Form: If + past perfect, would + have + V3
Example: If I had won the championship, I would have been very famous
(It means: I never won the championship so I was not famous)

If I had passed the exam, I would have been awarded the scholarship.
(It means: I didn’t pass the exam, so I was not awarded the scholarship)

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