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39 Alcandro, lo confesso . .. Non so d’onde viene (Alcandto, I confess it. .. I know not from whither) K. 294 Pietro Metastasio Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart English version by Lorraine Noel Finley Piano reduction by John Verrall Originally the text, which is from Act III, Scene 6 of Olimpiade, implied King Clisthenes’ astonish- ment at the discovery of the identity of his'son, whom he believed dead; Mozart, however, seems to have changed the meaning to suit the conflicting emotions of a woman's awakened love. Recitativo Andantino Clisthenes aro, lo con-fes-s0, stu- pi-sco di me stes-s0. T con-fess it, |My won-der, how re - press it? Al-ean- Al- can-dro, Tl wl- to, il ci-glio, la vo-ce di co- The like-ness, ex - pres-sion, and accent, all are Copyright © 1952 by G. Schirmer, Inc. (ASCAP) New York, NY ‘International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. 40 Andante stui nel cor mi de - sta un pal-pitoim-prov-vi- so, che lo his. With-in myheart there a-wakes a sud-den throb-bing; In ev -sen-te ino-gni fi- bra il ry fi-bre of my be- ing I fe Se Fra tutti i miei pen - sie - ri la ca- gion ne ri- Task my-self the rea- son for thisstrange new e - Andantino fra tuttii miei pen-sie - ri la ca- I seek in vain the rea-son for this gion ne ri-cer-co, © nonla tro-vo. strange new e-motion But do not find 41 De-i, che sa-ra, giu-sti De-i, que - sto clio pro - vo? an-swer? Havethegods found an an-swer? Have they di- vined it? Aria Andante sostenuto 42 Non so don- de vie-ne quel te - ne- roaf- IT know not from whither has come my af- fet - to, quel te - ne - roaf- fet - to, quel mo - to, i fec - tion, has come my af - fec - tion, The feel- ing —that = F gno - to quel gel, cho le steal - ing i Like hoar - frost has ve - ne scor-ren~ miva. Non so don - de chilled me and fro-zen my vein: I know not from —, 43 non so don - de vie - ne quel I know — not, from whith - er has — ro af - fet- to, nel pet di - rec - 44 so don - de vie - ne quel te - me- roaf- fet - to, know not from whith - er has come my af - fec - tion, chei - gno - to that steal - i quel gel, Like hoar ye - ne scor- ren do, scor-ren - chilled me and fro zen,and fro - 45 mi va, quel my veins, —————— ~—_* 46 Allegro agitato sempre fie ri fierce con - 2 con - tra - tra- sti, dic- tion, si fie to fierce ri con - tra - sti con- tra - dic - tion. 47 par - mi che ba- sti la s0- la pie - ta, aid for af - flic- tion is pit- y ‘a - lone? — de - star - mi si fie - ri con- a - wak - ened to fierce con- tra - star - mi si fie - ri con- tra- sti wak - ened to fierce con-tra - dic - tion. 48 non par - mi che ba- sti what aid af - flic- tion non par- mi, af - flic- tion! che ba- sti, suf - fi - cient? 49 Tempo Primo so d’on- de know not from whith - er’ it comes hith - er, te = ne- ro, know not whence vie - ne, don-de vie - ne quel I tf pe ne-ro af - fet - to, my af - fec-tion, 50 TT b= so_ dm - de vie - know not from whith- er has come — my. ne quel te - ne - roaf-fet - to, af - fec - tion, ie chei - gno - to that steal - ing 51 fet - to, quel fec - tion, A

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