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BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no.

Date: 13/03/2021 BCOM 4A

1. Format “Victory Sales Pvt. Ltd.” Using font ‘Comic Sans MS” size 26, font color is
2. Merge and Centre cells D5:J5.
3. Merge Cells K5:L5.
4. Align the serial number at the bottom right of the cell.
5. Employee Names are centre aligned in the middle of the cell.
6. Set Row Height 30 within the table.
7. Set Column Width for Employee Name to 20.
8. Employee ID text is aligned to the left top corner.
9. Date of Birth should be displayed in the format 1 Jan 2020.
10. Date of Joining should be displayed in the format DD MONTH YYYY.
11. Sales Target to be in currency format.
12. Sales achieved to be in accounting format.\
13. Give appropriate borders.
14. Colour the sheet tab in Red.
15. Rename the sheet as Employee details and save the workbook as Victory Sales.
16. Perform conditional formatting on the product assigned to highlight the products which
are soaps.
17. Undertake conditional formatting on sales target using data bars.
18. On sales achieved column, use color scales for formatting.
19. Sort the entire table as per the colour scales.
20. At least 20 entries need to be there in the sheet.

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Type “Victory Sales Pvt. Ltd.” in the cell D4. To change the
font properties, right click on the cell, and click ‘Format Cells’. Go to the tab ‘Font’,
and change the font style to ‘Comic Sans MS’, size to 26 and color to Red.
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 13/03/2021 BCOM 4A

2. Select cells B5:J5 and click on ‘Merge and Center’ to merge and center them. Now,
merge cells H4 and I4, and write ‘Best Price, Best Product’. Select the cell, and click
on orientation icon, (ab with an arrow icon) to change the direction of the text.

3. Merge Cells B9:J9 and write Employee Details on it. Fill the cell color ‘Green’. Now,
start writing the table headers: S.No., Employee Name, Employee ID, Date of Birth,
Date of Joining, Product assigned, Sales Target, Sales achieved.

4. Randomly fill 20 entries in the table. Now, in the case of Employee Name, select the
cell, and for alignment, navigate to the alignment settings under Home, and select
middle and center for alignment. Use the same process for the alignment of employee

5. Select the whole data, and navigate to font under Home. There, select the drop down
icon at border icon, and select ‘All borders’.

6. Now, go to Font under Home, and select Row Height, and set it to 30. Also, select the
Employee Name column, and set the column width to 20.

7. Now, select the Date of Joining column, and right click, and select ‘Format Cells’. Go
to Number, select Date, and select the desired Date Format. Use the same procedure to
set the date for Date of Birth as well.
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 13/03/2021 BCOM 4A

8. Now, select the Column of Sales Target, right click to Format Cells, and select
Currency. For sales achieved, repeat the process and select accounting, in place of

9. Go to tab in the bottom of excel, written ‘sheet xxx’. Select it, right click on it, and
select Tab color, and select Red. In the same place, rename the tab to Employee details.
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 13/03/2021 BCOM 4A

10. For conditional formatting, select the Product Assigned column, and go to Conditional
Formatting under Styles in Home tab. Select Equal to and write Soaps. Select the color,
and conditional formatting will be done. Follow the same process to make colour scales
and data bars.

11. Now, to sort the table, select the table, and go to Sort and Filter, under Editing, in Home
tab. Select Colour, and the table would be sorted.
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 13/03/2021 BCOM 4A

The whole table after everything would look like this –

The excel workbook is here -


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