Assignment 4 - Relish Café Data

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BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no.

Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A



1. Count the length of characters used of the describe the food products
2. Fill random numbers between 300 & 500 to fill the column for number of items
ordered in January against each food product
3. Add random numbers to the column for number of items ordered in February against
each food product. The order should be between 50 to 150
4. Use Repeat function to repeat the inventory number twice in a new column
5. Use Data Validation to add the month of order against each order date, note that the
months that should be entered are mentioned in sheet called months
6. Draw a chart/graph to show the price to each product description
7. Calculate the total current inventory if the current status is less than 200
8. Find out the average price of the food items
9. How much does this price deviate from its mean

1. Open the excel sheet that has the data. First, we need to find the number of characters
in the column ‘Description’ for the food items. For that, we have the formula
LEN(TEXT), used as below:

2. Next, to randomly fill the data in no of items ordered (Jan & Feb), we use the
randbetween(lower bound, upper bound) function. This function is used as below:
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A

For Jan -> =RANDBETWEEN(300,500)

For Feb -> =RANDBETWEEN(50,150)

3. Now, to repeat the inventory number in the new column, we use the function
REPT(Text, Number of times). This can be done in the following way:
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A


4. Now, for using data validation, first we would select the cells, and then go to Data ->
Data Validation. The following dialog box would appear:

5. Here, click the drop-down on ‘Allow’ and Select ‘List’. Now, in the source tab, select
the Months table in the months sheet, and click OK. It would look like this.
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A

6. Now, after clicking OK, in the Products sheet, under the column Month of Order, we
would see a drop down option in each cell, clicking on which, we can select the
respective month of the order of the product. This can be shown as:

7. Fill the respective months in each cell, and the data would be complete. It would show
like this:
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A

8. Now, to create a chart, we have to select the Description Column, and price column,
and then go to Insert -> Recommended Charts (to make the process easy). It would look
like this:

9. Now, once we click on Recommended Charts, we would see some chart

recommendations by excel on the basis of data selected. It would look like –
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A

10. Select the chart to use, and click OK. The chart would be inserted, like below:
BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A

11. Now, for the current inventory total, where current inventory < 200, we use the sumif()
function. It would look like:

12. Now, for the statistical computations mean and standard deviation, we use the statistical
formulas average() and stdev.p(). They would look like:
Mean -> =AVERAGE(D2:D16)
Standard Deviation -> =STDEV.P(D2:D16)

The whole sheet, after completion, would look like –

BCOM 212 – Financial Modelling Lab Yash Jain (Roll no. 03914788818)
Date: 22/03/2021 BCOM 4A

The link to the worksheet:

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